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Zimmand PP8
Pistol, Basic – 25m – S/-/3 – 1d10+2 I – Pen 1 – Clip 12 – 1 Full
Zimmand PP10S SMG
Basic, SP – 30m – S/3/6 – 1d10+3 I – Pen 1 – Clip 30 – Silenced – 1 Full
H&L MBR Assault Rifle
Basic, SP – 45m – S/-/6 – 1d10+5 I – Pen 2 – Clip 30 – Reliable – 1 Full
Heavy, SP – 70m – S/3/6 – 1d10+ 5 I – Pen 2 – Clip 50 – 1 Full

Type 12 “Magnum”
Pistol, Basic – 20m – S/-/- – 1d10+3 I – Pen 2 – Clip 7 – Lethal – 1 Full
Type 86 Battle Rifle
Basic, SP – 50m – S/3/- – 1d10+5 I – Pen 2 – Clip 25 – 1 Full
Type 20 DMR
Basic, SP – 70m – S/-/- – 1d10+8 I – Pen 2 – Clip 10 – Accurate – 1 Full
Type 80 LMG
Heavy, SP – 80m – 3/-/8 – 1d10+5 I – Pen 2 – Clip 60 – Reliable – 2 Full

Combat Knife
Melee, Basic – 1d5+(S+3) R – Pen 1
Riot Baton/Club
Melee, Basic – 1d5+(S+1) I – Pen 0 –Bludgeoning
12 Gauge Shotgun
Basic, SP – 20m – S/-/- – 1d10+3 I – Pen 0 – Clip 8 (*2) – Lethal, Scatter – 2 Full(*1
*Use for double barreled variant
10mm Handgun
Pistol, Basic – 20m – S/-/- – 1d10+2 I – Pen 1 – Clip 15 – 1 Full
10mm SMG
Basic, SP – 20m – S/-/6 – 1d10+2 I – Pen 1 – Clip 32 – Storm – 1 Full
6.8mm Assault Rifle
Basic, SP – 40m – S/3/6 – 1d10+5 I – Pen 1 – Clip 25 – Reliable – 1 Full
13mm Heavy Machine Gun
Heavy, SP – 150m – -/-/10 – 2d10 I- Pen 4 – Clip 60* – Reliable – 2 Full
*This weapon is usually mounted and belt fed.
.30-06 Hunting Rifle
Baisc, SP – 50m – S/-/- – 1d10+6 I – Pen 2 – Clip 5 – Reliable – 2 Full
Disposable AT Launcher
Heavy, Launcher – 60m – S/-/- – 3d10+5 – Pen 3 – Clip 1 – Unreliable, Blast 3,
84mm AT Launcher
Heavy, Launcher – 80m – S/-/- – 3d10+5 – Pen 3 – Clip 1 – Blast 3
40mm Grenade Launcher
Basic, Launcher – 40m – S/-/- – Varies – Varies – Clip 1 – Reliable – 1 Full
Teargas: Targets within a Blast 2 radius must make a Toughness check at -20 or are
blinded and receive -20 to all actions while in the radius.
HE: 2d10+5 X – Pen 3 – Blast 2

Red Dot Sight -

Limpet Mine: A magnetically affixed explosive device used to disable/sabotage Mobile
Suits and armors. This weapon can be remote detonated or time detonated easily. The
user must make a successful demolitions check to affix it to a mobile suit/vehicle
properly. It deals 2d10 X on the vehicle’s scale to the section affixed, however if the user
succeeds by two degrees or more, it deals 1d10 critical damage instead. It has a blast
radius of Blast 3 at P-scale and none at M scale.

Wire Guided Missile Launcher: This weapon was used heavily during Zeon’s first
attack on Earth due to the Federation’s lack of mobile suits. It is a crew-serv weapon
requiring 3 people to operate and carry, and fires a single wire guided missile. The firer
may make an Agility check at -20 to steer around obstacles with the missile after it is
fired. In addition, if the targets dodge check does not beat the BS strength by at least a
degree, it still is considered as having hit.
Heavy, Launcher – 60dm (600m) – 1d10+5 (2d10+10) – Pen 4 (Pen 6) – (Blast 4)
Parenthesis indicate P-Scale differences.


Zeon Pilot
Flight Suit or Vacuum Suit [AP2 to all limbs and body]
Helmet [AP 3 to head]
2 Spare Magazines
Combat Knife
Dog Tags
Survival Kit

Federation Pilot
Flight Suit or Vacuum Suit (AP 2 to all limbs and body)
Helmet (AP 3 to head)
1 Spare Magazine
Combat Knife
Dog Tags
Survival Kit

Flare Pistol (40dm range)
3 Flares
6 Hand Flares
Signaling Smoke Grenade
Stock for sidearm
Survival Handbook
First Aid Kid (1d5 Wounds restored, no restoration for critical range.)
Machete (Melee, Basic – 1d10 – Pen 0)

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