Week 3 September 4 Reflection

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CFE 103 – 3608 SEA


Supply the needed information in your religious involvement:

a. Type of religious activity: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

b. Date and time: September 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

c. Means of participation: Virtual

d. Where or which platform: Saint Louis University Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish

Reflection questions:

a. How do I feel and recognize the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist vis-à-vis my

status as a student or a member of my family?

Jesus is open about the fact that becoming a disciple is difficult and that it is not free

to follow him. Either you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, or you vehemently reject Him.

Nothing is in the middle. A part-time discipleship is not possible. At least three requirements

are listed in the gospel passage above for us to follow Jesus as disciple. We must first “loathe”

our families and our own lives. This indicates that if we put Jesus first, everything else will

take care of itself. Although we adore our families and friends, we shouldn’t heed their advice

if they ask us to stop attending church. Rather, we will pray for them, and they will

comprehend due course.

b. What is the impact of the Eucharist (Mass) in my life and in my relationship wit h others and

with God (taking into consideration the readings and the homily)?

Our gospel for today is from Luke 14:25-33. This talks about the cost of discipleship.

This reminds us about following Jesus in everything. The only way to enter heaven is to follow

Jesus. To follow Jesus means to carry his own cross and live a life like Jesus did. This is the

real deal in Luke 14:25-33. So what is the cost of being a disciple of Christ? What cross are
you asked to bear as you follow Jesus? This is a metaphor for being a good Christian. The

only way to follow Jesus is to live a life filled with goodness. Luke 14:25-33 reminds us that

being a disciple is not an easy thing to do. We must do all things in favor of our brothers and

sisters. It means we must also learn to love others. To be a disciple means giving up everything

we own, all the riches. We must learn to be of service to the poor. We must carry our own

cross and witness the good things as Christians. Luke 14:25-33 reminds us that if we follow

Jesus, the life we must lead is not an easy one.

There will be thorns in the way, and all trials will pop up. Many will mock us, and many

will never believe in us. Still, we must try harder to earn the trust of others. The cross

symbolizes the trials, the humiliations, and the hardships of being a disciple. The road may

not lead us to glory that easily as there will be a blockage. Yet, as soon as we fulfill our duties

and start to witness the transformation of others, we can say we did it. Lord, let me carr y

your cross, and let me feel the heaviness of it. As I long to be your disciple, I am willing to

accept the cross for the service of men.

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