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Program : Treated Water Tank

Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 9,072 m3/d

378 m3/h
Assumptions 4 unit
Detention Time 4 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Treated Water Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 94.50 m3 x 4.00 è 378 m3 è 378 m3
Depth = 3.00 m + Freeboard 0.5 m 252.31
Area = 126.00 m2 713.65
Witdh of Tank = 9.165 m è = 10.00 m
Leght of Tank = 12.600 m è = 12.60 m
Program : Treated Water Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 10,368 m3/d

432 m3/h
Assumptions 6 unit
Detention Time 6 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Treated Water Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 72.00 m3 x 6.00 è 432 m3 è 432 m3
Depth = 3.50 m + Freeboard 0.5 m
Area = 123.43 m2 19.00
Witdh of Tank = 9.071 m è = 10.00 m 10
Leght of Tank = 12.343 m è = 12.40 m 12.4
Program : Treated Water Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 10,368 m3/d

432 m3/h
Assumptions 6 unit
Detention Time 3 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Treated Water Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 72.00 m3 x 3.00 è 216 m3 è 216 m3
Depth = 3.50 m + Freeboard 0.5 m
Area = 61.71 m2
Witdh of Tank = 10.000 m è = 10.00 m 10
Leght of Tank = 6.171 m è = 6.20 m 6.2
Program : Oil Skimmer - Skimpass & WQ
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 865 m3/d

36.0 m3/h
Oil content in raw water 200.0 mg/L
Peak factor 1.5
Density oil traped at belt, SAE 30 W 880 kg/m3
Detention Time 4 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute Capacity Oil Skimmer

Oil content - flow rate = 36.0 m3/h x 200 mg/L = 7 kg/h x 1.5 = 10.8 kg/h
Volume oil traped = 10.8 kg/h : 880.0 kg/m3 = 12 L/h
Capacity oil skimmer = 3.2446 gal/h è 4 gal/h
Program : Oil Skimmer - Strong Alkaline
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 32 m3/d
1.3 m3/h
Oil content in raw water 18,662 mg/L
Peak factor 1.5
Density oil traped at belt, SAE 30 W 880 kg/m3
Detention Time 24 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute Capacity Oil Skimmer

Oil content - flow rate = 1.3 m3/h x 18,662 mg/L = 25 kg/h x 1.5 = 36.9 kg/h
Volume oil traped = 36.9 kg/h : 880.0 kg/m3 = 42 L/h
Capacity oil skimmer 11.064 gal/h è 12 gal/h
Program : Strong Alkali Regulating Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 3-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 32 m3/d
1.3 m3/h
Detention Time 4 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Sludge Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 5.27 m3
Depth = 2.00 m + Freeboard 0.3 m
Area = 2.63 m2
Length = 1.6 m è = 1.60 m
Width = 1.65 m è = 1.60 m
Program : Strong Alkali Regulating Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 3-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 865 m3/d

36.0 m3/h
Detention Time 4 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Sludge Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 144.11 m3
Depth = 2.50 m + Freeboard 0.3 m
Area = 57.64 m2
Length = 6 m è = 6.00 m
Width = 9.61 m è = 9.60 m
Program : Oil Separator - Skimpass & WQ
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Capacity 865 m3/d

36.0 m3/h
Compartment Shape Square
Energy Controler Baffle
Horizontal Velocity <=1.5*Vt 3
Diameter oil globules, D 0.0047 cm
Width Tank, B 2m
Number of Separator Channels 4.0 Separator
Oil globules controler adjustable weir
Globule Size to be removed (>=0.015 cm)
Gradien Velocity, G (60 - 5 /second)
Length to width ratio (<=5) 3 /second
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 0.6 m/s
Specified Gravity for Oil Content (Crude Oil) 0.85
Kinematics viscosity water at 25 C 8.9E-07 m2/s
Oil content in raw water 200 ppm

Clarifier Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Each Compartment

Globule Velocity, Vt = 0.0002 m/s
Horizontal Velocity, VH = 0.0006 m/s <= 0.005 m/s
Total Minimum Vertical Cross - Sectional Area, Ac = 16.5 m2
Depth of Channel, d = 2.1 m
F factor area separator, based on Vh/Vt = 3.0 = 1.3
Leght of Channel = 7.9 m
Total Width of Tank = 7.9 m è 8.00 m
Total Leght of Tank = 8.0 m è 8.00 m
Total Depth + Free board = 2.4 m + è 2.40 m
Total Volume Tank = 151.0 m3 è HRT = 4.2 hours

b. Estimate oil thickness

Oil weight at tank = 26 kg
Oil volume at tank = 0.0310 m3
Oil thickness at tank = 0.0005 m è 1.00 cm

c. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Transmission Pipe area = 0.017 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.15 m = 5.74 in è 6.00 in
Program : Oil Separator - Skimpass & WQ
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Capacity 32 m3/d
1.3 m3/h
Compartment Shape Square
Energy Controler Baffle
Horizontal Velocity <=1.5*Vt 3
Diameter oil globules, D 0.002 cm
Width Tank, B 1m
Number of Separator Channels 3.0 Separator
Oil globules controler adjustable weir
Globule Size to be removed (>=0.015 cm)
Gradien Velocity, G (60 - 5 /second)
Length to width ratio (<=5) 3 /second
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 0.6 m/s
Specified Gravity for Oil Content (Crude Oil) 0.85
Kinematics viscosity water at 25 C 8.9E-07 m2/s
Oil content in raw water 18662 ppm

Clarifier Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Each Compartment

Globule Velocity, Vt = 0.0000 m/s
Horizontal Velocity, VH = 0.0001 m/s <= 0.005 m/s
Total Minimum Vertical Cross - Sectional Area, Ac = 3.3 m2
Depth of Channel, d = 1.1 m
F factor area separator, based on Vh/Vt = 3.0 = 1.3
Leght of Channel = 4.27 m
Total Width of Tank = 4.27 m è 4.30 m
Total Leght of Tank = 3.0 m è 3.00 m
Total Depth + Free board = 1.4 m è 1.50 m
Total Volume Tank = 18.2 m3 è HRT = 14 hours

b. Estimate oil thickness

Oil weight at tank = 267 kg
Oil volume at tank = 0.3140 m3
Oil thickness at tank = 0.0243 m è 3.00 cm

c. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Transmission Pipe area = 0.001 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.03 m = 1.10 in è 2.00 in
Program : Oil Separator - Skimpass & WQ
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Capacity 2,723 m3/d

113.5 m3/h
Compartment Shape Square
Energy Controler Baffle
Horizontal Velocity <=1.5*Vt 3
Diameter oil globules, D 0.002 cm
Width Tank, B 1m
Number of Separator Channels 3.0 Separator
Oil globules controler adjustable weir
Globule Size to be removed (>=0.015 cm)
Gradien Velocity, G (60 - 5 /second)
Length to width ratio (<=5) 3 /second
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 0.6 m/s
Specified Gravity for Oil Content (Crude Oil) 0.85
Kinematics viscosity water at 25 C 8.9E-07 m2/s

Clarifier Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Each Compartment

Globule Velocity, Vt = 0.0000 m/s
Horizontal Velocity, VH = 0.0001 m/s <= 0.005 m/s
Total Minimum Vertical Cross - Sectional Area, Ac = 286.6 m2
Depth of Channel, d = 95.5 m
F factor area separator, based on Vh/Vt = 3.0 = 1.3
Leght of Channel = 367.99 m
Total Width of Tank = 367.99 m è 368.00 m
Total Leght of Tank = 3.0 m è 3.00 m
Total Depth + Free board = 95.8 m è 95.90 m
Total Volume Tank = 105799.1 m3 è HRT = 932 hours

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Transmission Pipe area = 0.053 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.26 m = 10.18 in è 2.00 in
36 36.02688 0.4 1.316667 6.416667
36 36.02688 0.4 1.316667 5.5
36 36.02688 0.4 1.316667 4.583333
36 36.02688 0.4 1.316667 3.666667
36 36.02688 0.4 1.316667 2.75
36 36.02688 0.4 1.316667 1.833333
36 36.02688 0.4 1.316667 0.916667
36 36.02688 0.4 1.316667 1.532E-14
41 36.02688 4.973118 5.9 1.316667 4.583333
41 36.02688 9.946237 5.9 1.316667 9.166667
41 36.02688 14.91935 5.9 1.316667 13.75
41 36.02688 19.89247 0.552156 5.9 1.316667 18.33333 13.92405
36 36.02688 19.86559 0.4 1.316667 17.41667
36 36.02688 19.83871 0.4 1.316667 16.5
36 36.02688 19.81183 0.4 1.316667 15.58333
36 36.02688 19.78495 0.4 1.316667 14.66667
36 36.02688 19.75806 0.4 1.316667 13.75
36 36.02688 19.73118 0.4 1.316667 12.83333
36 36.02688 19.7043 0.4 1.316667 11.91667
36 36.02688 19.67742 0.4 1.316667 11
36 36.02688 19.65054 0.4 1.316667 10.08333
36 36.02688 19.62366 0.4 1.316667 9.166667
36 36.02688 19.59677 0.4 1.316667 8.25
36 36.02688 19.56989 0.4 1.316667 7.333333
26804 26804 31.6 31.6

QW Strong Alkaline
Program : Coagulant Mixing Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,723 m3/d

113.5 m3/h
Detention Time ( 2 - 3 minute) 120 second
Gradient Velocity (> 1500 /s) 3500 /second
Dynamic Vicosity 0.0008 kg/m.s
Density of water 1000 kg/m3
Efficiency of agitaor 75.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s
Coeficient of Impeller, Type : Propeler , 3 blades 0.32

Mixing Coagulant

a. Dimenssion of Tank
Volume of Tank = 3782.3 liter è 3800 Liter
Height = 1750 mm è 2000 mm ( include freeboar 250 mm)
Leght = 1473.6 mm è 1500 mm

b. Compute the Power Required for Mixing

Diameter of Impeller = 500 mm è 500 mm
Roration of Impeller = 430.24 rpm è 400 rpm
Power for Mixing = 3.95 kw è 4.0 kw

c. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0157596 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.1416538 m = 5.58 in è 6 in
( 4.627567 - 10.347555 in )
Program : Flocculant Mixing Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,723 m3/d

113.5 m3/h
Detention Time 1800 second
Gradient Velocity (< 100 /s) 100 /second
Dynamic Vicosity 0.0008 kg/m.s
Density of water 1000 kg/m3
Efficiency of agitaor 75.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s
Coeficient of Impeller, Type : Propeler , 3 blades 41

Mixing Flocculant

a. Dimenssion of Tank
Volume of Tank = 56.735 m3
Width = Length = 4501.4 mm è 4500 mm
Height = 2800 mm è 2800 mm

b. Compute the Power Required for Mixing

Diameter of Impeller = 711.51 mm è 700 mm
Roration of Impeller = 0.9796 rpm è 1 rpm
Power for Mixing = 4E-09 kw è 0.06 kw

c. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0157596 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.1416538 m = 5.58 in è 6 in
( 4.627567 - 10.347555 in )
Program : Baffle Tank - Skimpass & WQ
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 41939

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Capacity 2,723 m3/d

113.5 m3/h
Capacity each compartment ( 20 - 50 Liter/second) 20.0 Liter/s
Retentetion Time Each Compartment (total 10-30 minutes) 1,800.0 second
Number of compartment 2.0 units
Gradien Velocity, G (60 - 5 /second)
Gradien Velocity, G Comp. 1 50
Gradien Velocity, G Comp. 2 40
Gradien Velocity, G Comp. 3 30
Gradien Velocity, G Comp. 4 25
Compartment shape rectangular
Velocity in pipe ( 1,5 - 2,0 m/s) 2 m/s
Width each compartment 2.5 m
Width of rectangular weir 0.5 m

Clarifier Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Each Compartment

Total volume whole compartments = 56.73 m3
Volume each compartment = 28.37 m3
Total surface area = 12.50 m2
Effective water level, he = 2.27 m
Detention time of each compartment, td = 900.00 second

Compartment I
G*td = 45,000
Headloss, hL = 20.50 cm
High Rectangular Weir from top surface, hF = 0.04 m

Compartment II
G*td = 36,000
Headloss, hL = 13.12 cm
High Rectangular Weir from top surface, hF = 0.07 m

Compartment III
G*td = 27,000
Headloss, hL = 7.38 cm
High Rectangular Weir from top surface, hF = 0.17 m

Compartment IV
G*td = 22,500
Headloss, hL = 5.13 cm
High Rectangular Weir from top surface, hF = 0.30 m

Width = 2.50 m
Leght = 5.00 m
Depth + free board ( 0.23 m) = 2.50 m

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Transmission Pipe area = 0.016 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.14 m = 5.58 in è 6.00 in
Program : Primary Sedimentation Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow Product (After Sedimetation Process) 2,642 m3/d

110.1 m3/h
Total Compartment 2.0 unit with capacity 55 m3/h
Surface Loading 2.5 m3/m.hour
Sludge Disposal (2-3% from Settling Flow) 3.0%
Sludge Volume Index (SVI) 20%
Detention Time (1-2 hour) 1.2 jam
Height of Plat Settler 120 cm
Distance Between Plat 3 cm
Slope of Platsettler (45°-60°) 60 °
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s
Velocity in Sludge Disposal Pipe ( 0,3 - 0,6 m/s) 0.3 m/s
Solid Content in Slurry (Based on TDS and TSS) 0.5%

Clarifier Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Clarifier

Flowrate Capacity = Flow Product / (100%-Sludge Disposal Percentage)

= 113.47 m3/hour è = 113.5 m3/hour
Area = Flowrate/Surface loading
= 44.03 m2
Width = 7.00 m = 7000 mm è = 7000 mm each compartment Width = 3,500
Leght = 6.29 m = 6289 mm è = 6000 mm
Volume of Settling Zone = 132 m3
Height Settling Zone = 3.14 m è = 4.0 m
Volume Sludge Hooper = 33.02 m3
Sludge Hooper = 1.57 m è = 1.6 m
Freeboard = 25-50 cm
High of clarifier tank = 5800 mm è = 5800 mm
è = 228 in
Total height + foundation = 5500 mm
Effective Volume = 165 m3

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Transmission Inlet Pipe area = 0.016 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.14 m = 5.58 in è 6.00 in

Transmission Outlet Pipe area = 0.015 m2

Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.14 m = 5.49 in è 6.00 in

Slurry Disposal Capacity = 3.40 m3/hour

Sludge Disposal Pipe area = 0.003 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.06 m = 2.49 in è 3.00 in

c. Compute Design Control

Total Area Clarifier = 38.48 m2
Settling Velocity = 0.00392317041 cm/second
Velocity in Plat Settler = 0.0570790960 m/menit (appropriate with criteria design <0,15 m/minute)
Program : Extended Aeration Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Average Actual Flow 2,642 m3/d

110.07 m3/h
BOD5 - design (peak factor 1.2 times) 144.9 mg/L
Raw Wastewaqter TSS 250.4 mg/L
TSS - design (peak factor 1.2 times) 300.4 mg/L
Raw Wastewaqter NTK 15.2 mg/L
NTK- design (peak factor 1.2 times) 18.3 mg/L
Effluent BOD5 (Government standard 50 mg/L) 35.0 mg/L
Effluent TSS (Government standard 100 mg/L) 50.0 mg/L
Effluent NTK (Government standard Amonia 1 mg/L) 0.5 mg/L
Wastewater Temperature 28.0 °C
Mass density of air in that temperature 1.17 kg/m3

Organic Loading 0.64 kg/d.m3
MLVSS, X (2000 - 3000 mg/L) 2,000 mg/L
RAS Ratio (50% - 150%) 60%
F/M Ratio (0.1-0.2) 0.2
VSS/TSS (0.75-0.8) 0.8
TSS Concntration in RAS 6,500 mg/L
Yield of Autrotrof,Ya (0.4 - 0.8) 0.65 mg/mg cell
Endogenous decay raae coeficient, kd (0.025-0.075) 0.04 /d
BOD5/BOD u 0.67
Specific gravity of primary sludge, ρ sl 1.05 kg/L
Oxygen consumption per cell oxidized 1.42 mg/mg cell
Mean cell residence time, θc (8-14 day) 12.54 day
Removal Percentage BOD, nBOD 76%
Removal Percentage TSS, nTSS 80%
Solid concentration (2-5%) 2.0%

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Filter Feed Tank

Flow, Qin = 110.07 m3/h x 24 hours/day = 2642 m3/day
BOD Loading = 144.94 mg/L x 2641.6 m3/day = 382.9 kg/d
TSS Loading = 300.43 mg/L x 2641.6 m3/day = 793.6 kg/d
Biodegradable effluent solid, SS deg = 50 mg/L x 0.63 = 32 mg/L
BODu of BODefd = 32 mg/L x 1.4 mg/mg cell = 45 mg/L
BOD5 in effluent SS = 0.67 x 45 mg/L = 30 mg/L
BOD5 excaping, S = 5.03 mg/L
Efisiensi BODs removal = 79%
Volume reactor, V = 1,003 m3 check HRT= 9.1114 hour
F/M ratio = 0.19 /d è appropriaate F/M ratio (0.1 - 0.2)
Depth, D = 2.75 m (free board 0.25 m)
Width, w = 23.39 m è 23.40 m
Length, L = 15.59 m è 15.60 m

b. Compute Sludge Wasting & Recycled Flow

Sludge wasting flow,Qwa = 27.17 m3/d 1.1321295
Observed yield, Yobs = 0.433
Increase in the mass MLVSS, px = 160.00 kg/d
Increase in the mass MLSS, pss = 200 kg/d
TSS lost in effluent, pe = 130.72 kg/d
Wastewater sludge, pwa = 69.29 kg/d
Sludge recycling, Qr = 0.63 x 2,642 m3/d = 68.8 m3/h

c. Compute Air Required for Aeration System

Checking organic loading of BODu utilized = 0.3817911 kg BOD5/m3.d è appropriate < loading rate standard
BOD5 = 551.63 kg/d
Oxygent requirement, O2 = 547.61 kg/d
Theoritical air required = 2,017.34 m3/d
Actual air required, Qair = 25217 m3/d (with gas tranfer eficiency 8%)
= 17512 L/min
= 35023 L/min (safety factor 2 times) è Blower capacity 17.95 2 unit duty

d. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Transmission Inlet & Outlet Pipe area = 0.01529 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.14 m = 5.49 in è 6.00 in
Program : Secondary Clarifier
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow Inffluent (Average Design Flow + Return Slugde Flow - MLSS wasted) 4,265 m3/d
177.7 m3/h
Velocity in pipe ( 1,5 - 2,0 m/s) 2 m/s
Velocity in Sludge Disposal Pipe ( 0,3 - 0,6 m/s) 0.6 m/s
Solid Content in Slurry (Based on TDS and TSS) 0.5%
Solid Content in Chemical Sludge (2%-3%) 3%

Clarifier Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Clarifier

MLSS = 2000 mg/L : 0.8 = 2500 mg/L
Limiting solid flux, SF = 1.55 kg/(m2.h) based on MLSS settling 6500 mg/L
Area, A = 286.7 m2
Width of Tank = 13.8 m è 14.0 m
Leght of Tank = 20.5 m è 21.0 m
Overflow rate = 14.5 m3/m2.d è appropriate with criteria design <= 15 m3/m2.d
Weight MLSS in aeration basin = 2500 mg/L x 2.75 x 23.40 x 15.6 m
= 2510 kg
Weight MLSS in clarifier = 2510 kg x 0.3 x 2 = 1506 kg
Depth sluge zone = 1505.8 kg : ( 287 m2 x 7000 mg/L )
= 0.750432748 m
BOD loading in peak flow, pxcl = 0.432927 x 3,170 x ( 217 - 7.5 )= 288 kg/d
Q a = 1.2 x 2,642 m3/d = 3,170 m3/d
So = 1.5 x 144.944 mg/L = 217 mg/L
S = 1.5 x 5.0 mg/L = 7.55 mg/L
Solid to be strored = 288 kg/d x 2 day : 0.8 = 720.02 kg
Total solid in clarifier = 2,226 kg
Depth sluge storage = 1.11 m
Total depth of clarifier = 3.36 m Clear well zone (1,5 -2 m) è 3.4 m
HRT = 2.87 h è appropriate with criteria design 3-6 hour

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Transmission Inlet Pipe area = 0.02468 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.18 m = 6.98 in è 8.00 in

Transmission Outlet Pipe area = 0.01529 m2

Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.14 m = 5.49 in è 6.00 in

Recycling Sluge Disposal Capacity = 68.79 m3/hour

Sludge Disposal Pipe area = 0.03185 m2
Diameter of Transmission Pipe = 0.20 m = 7.93 in è 8.00 in
Program : Dosing Pump for Post - Chlorination
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,614 m3/d

108.9 m3/h
Concentration Chlorine (Cl-) after injected in raw water 5 ppm
Using NaOCl liquid with purity 12.5%
Molar Mass of Na : 23 ; Molar Mass of O: 16 ; Molar Mass of Cl: 35
Density of NaOCl liquid 1000 kg/m3
so there is no dilution in chemical feeder tank
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - Pre Chlorination

a. Compute the capacity of Pre-chlorine dosing pump

Concentration NaOCl after injected in raw water = 10.571 ppm
Total NaOCl Liquid consumption = 9.21 kg/hour
Capacity of NaOCl - dosing pump = 14.17 Liter/hour
Capacity of each pump ( 1 unit) = 14.2 Liter/hour è 25.0 Liter/hour

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000020 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0015832 m = 0.06 in è 1/2 in
( 0.051719 - 0.1156468 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage NaOCl Tank

Detention Time = 24.00 hour

Volume Storage = 340.16 liter è Total Tank Capacity 520.00 Liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 830 mm
Height = 1110 mm
Program : Dosing Pump for FeSO4
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,723 m3/d

113 m3/h

Maximum Crom content in Raw Water (safety factor 1.5) 61 mg Cr /L
Require concentration FeSO4 after mixing in raw water 538 mg FeSO4/L
FeSO4 dried - solid concentration at market 99%
FeSO4 content in liquid that generated 48.6%
Density of FeSO4 liquid 1000 kg/m3
so we need dilution in chemical feeder tank
Efficiency of dosing pump 95.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 1,5 - 2,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - FeSO4

a. Compute the capacity of Coagulant dosing pump

FeSO4 dried solid = 61.66 kg/h
FeSO4 liquid = 125.61 L/h
Capacity of FeSO4 - dosing pump = 66.1 Liter/hour è 82 Liter/hour ( 2 pump duty)

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000184 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0048354 m = 0.19 in è 1/2 in
( 0.107876 - 0.2412172 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage Alkali Tank (Caustic Tank)

Detention Time = 24.00 hour

Volume Storage = 3173.27 liter è Total Tank Capacity 4100.0 Liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 1650 mm
Height = 2144 mm
Program : Dosing Pump for H2SO4
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,614 m3/d

113.5 m3/h
Concentration H2SO4 after injected in water filtered 793 ppm
Using H2SO4 Liquid with purity 35.0%
so no need the dilution of Alkali in chemical feeder tank 100%
Density of Alkali liquid 1000 kg/m3
Efficiency of dosing pump 95.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 1,5 - 2,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - H2SO4

a. Compute the capacity of H2SO4 dosing pump

Concentration H2SO4 after injected in raw water = 793 ppm
H2SO4 Liquid consumption = 257.1 kg Alkali Liquid /hour
Capacity of Alkali - dosing pump = 135.3 Liter/hour è 167 Liter/hour ( 2 pump duty)

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000188 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0048913 m = 0.19 in è 1/2 in
( 0.15979 - 0.3573002 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage Alkali Tank (Caustic Tank)

Detention Time = 24.00 hour

Volume Storage = 6493.98 liter è Total Tank Capacity 520.00 Liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 830 mm
Height = 1110 mm
Program : Dosing Pump for Alkali
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,614 m3/d

113.5 m3/h
Concentration Alkali (NaOH) after injected in water filtered 182 ppm
Using Alkali Liquid with purity 48.0%
so no need the dilution of Alkali in chemical feeder tank 100%
Density of Alkali liquid 1000 kg/m3
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 1,5 - 2,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - Alkali

a. Compute the capacity of Alkali dosing pump

Concentration Alkali after injected in water filter = 182 ppm
Total Alkali Liquid consumption = 42.92 kg Alkali Liquid /hour
Capacity of Alkali - dosing pump = 33.02 Liter/hour è 50.0 Liter/hour ( 2 pump duty)

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000046 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0024164 m = 0.10 in è 1/2 in
( 0.078939 - 0.1765126 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage Alkali Tank (Caustic Tank)

Detention Time = 24.00 hour

Volume Storage = 1584.88 liter è Total Tank Capacity 2000.00 Liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 1440 mm
Height = 1485 mm
Program : Dosing Pump for Polymer
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,723 m3/d

113.5 m3/h
Concentration Polymer after injected in raw water 2 ppm
Using Polymer powder with purity 100.0%
so there the dilution of Polymer in chemical feeder tank 0.10%
Density of Alum liquid 1000 kg/m3
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 1,5 - 2,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - Coagulation Polymer

a. Compute the capacity of Flocculant dosing pump

Concentration Polymer after injected in raw wate= 2 ppm
Total Polymer Liquid consumption = 0.227 kg Polymerr /hour
Capacity of Polymer - dosing pump = 116.4 Liter/hour è 167 Liter/hour ( 3 pump duty)

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000162 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0045366 m = 0.18 in è 1/2 in
( 0.148201 - 0.331387 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage PAC Tank

Detention Time = 24.00 hour

Volume Storage = 8,379 liter è Total Tank Capacity 11000 Liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 2140 mm
Height = 3300 mm
Program : Cyanide Oxidation
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 3-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,723 m3/d

113.5 m3/h
Detention Time 2 hour
Gradient Velocity (> 1500 /s) 4000 /second
Dynamic Vicosity 0.0008 kg/m.s
Density of water 1000 kg/m3
Efficiency of agitaor 75.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s
Coeficient of Impeller, Type : Propeler , 3 blades 0.32

Mixing Coagulant

a. Dimenssion of Tank
Volume of Tank = 226939 liter è 4100 Liter
Diameter = 1650 mm
Height = 2144 mm

b. Compute the Power Required for Mixing

Diameter of Impeller = 550 mm è 600 mm
Roration of Impeller = 13550 rpm è 13600 rpm
Power for Mixing = ### kw è 1.50 kw

c. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0157596 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.1416538 m = 5.58 in è 2 in
( 4.627567 - 10.347555 in )
Program : Chlorination Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,614 m3/d

109 m3/h
Detention Time (4-8 hour) 2 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Cholrination Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 217.87 m3
Depth = 4.30 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 50.67 m2
Leght Tank = 7.3 m è = 7.30 m
Width Tank = 6.941 m è = 7.00 m
Program : Scum Tank & Cake Storage
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow sludge from Primary Sedimentation 3.40 m3/h

Flow sludge from Secondary Clarifier 1.13 m3/h
Total flow sludge 4.54 m3/h

Detention Time 6 hour
Solid Content in Chemical Sludge (2%-3%) 2%
Solid Content in Chemical Cake (28%-44%) 44%

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Scum Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 4.54 m3/hour x 6.00 è 27.21728 m3 è 28 m3
Depth = 3.30 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 8.48 m2
Witdh of Tank = 2.378 m è = 2.40 m
Leght of Tank = 3.535 m è = 3.60 m

b. Compute the Capacity of Sludge Filter Press

Time for Filterring Sludge = 4 hour
Time for Pumping Slurry to Filter Press = 2 hour
Total Cycle/day = 4 cycle/day
Sludge Feed Pump = 13.6 m3/hour è 14 m3/hour
Capacity of Filter Press (Dry Sludge) = 1237.1 Liters/cycle

c. Compute the Capacity of Cake Storage

Amount cycle of filter press each day = 4 cycle/day
Storage capacity = 4.9 m3
Depth = 1.80 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 2.75 m2
Witdh of Tank = 1.354 m è = 1.40 m
Leght of Tank = 1.964 m è = 2.00 m
Program : Treated Water Tank
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,526 m3/d

105 m3/h
Detention Time 2 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Treated Water Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 105.24 m3 x 2.00 è 210.4865 m3 è 210.5 m3
Depth = 4.30 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 48.95 m2
Witdh of Tank = 5.713 m è = 6.00 m
Leght of Tank = 8.159 m è = 8.20 m
Program : Inspection Pit
Version :
Project : Alkaline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. KNSS
Project Code : R-1
Date : 27-Oct-14

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 2,677 m3/d

111.54 m3/h
Detention Time 2 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Inspection Pit

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 111.54 m3 x 2.00 è 223.0865 m3 è 223.1 m3
Depth = 4.30 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 51.88 m2
Witdh of Tank = 5.881 m è = 6.00 m
Leght of Tank = 8.647 m è = 8.70 m
Program : Pressurized Multi Media Filter Tank
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 4,896 m3/d

204 m3/h
Number of Unit Filtration ( 2 duty & 1 stand by) 2.0 unit
Flow Capacity of each filter 102.0 m3/h

Surface Loading (7,5 - 10 gpm/sqft) 8 gpm/sqft
Backwash Loading (9 - 12 gpm/sqft) 10 gpm/sqft
Media Depth : Gravel 1.8 - 2.5 mm, Height Media = 15.24 cm. SG = 4.1 15.24 cm
Coarse sand 0.5 - 1.2 mm, Height Media = 25.4 cm. SG = 2.65 25.4 cm
Anthracite 0.45 - 0.5 mm, Height Media = 35.56 - 50.8 cm. SG =1.7 50 cm
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s
Flowrate in Nozzle Filter ( 0,5 - 1,0 m3/h) 0.5 m3/h
Detention Time for RO Feed Tank ( Filtered Water) (2 - 3 hour) 2.5 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of pressure filter tank

Area = Flowrate (gpm) / Surface loading (gpm/sqft)

= 56.14 ft2 = 5.22 m2
Diameter = 2.58 m = 2578 mm è = 2500 mm
Diameter of tank = 98.43 in è = 98 in
High of media filter = 906.4 mm
Freeboard = 40 - 80 %
High of filter tank = 1632 mm è = 1700 mm
è = 67 in

b. Compute the number of nozzle filter

Flowrate of each nozzle = 0.50 m3/h
Number of nozzle filter = 204.00 pc è = 204.00 pc

c. Compute the volume of media

Gravel = 0.75 m3 = 748.09 liters

Coarse Sand = 1.25 m3 = 1246.82 liters
Anthrachite = 2.45 m3 = 2454.37 liters

d. Compute the Capacity of Backwash Pump

Diameter of Filter Tank = 2500 mm è = 2.50 m

Filter Tank Area = 4.909 m2 = 52.84 ft2
Backwash Flowrate = Backwash loading (gpm/sqft) x Area (sqft)
= 528.390 gpm = 120.01 m3/h è 120.00 m3/h
Backwashing Time = 15 min
Requirement water backwash = 30 m3 taken from CWS Tank Extrude 980 m3

e. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.014 m2
Diameter of pipe = 0.13 m = 5.37 in è 6.00 in
( 6.203235 - 5.3721594 in )
Program : Pressurized Multi Media Filter Tank Design Calculation
Version : General Curring
Project : Water Treatment System Phase - 1
Client : PT. Gajah Tunggal
Project Code : R-1
Date : 25 June 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 6,000 m3/d

250 m3/h
Number of Unit Filtration 2.0 unit
Flow Capacity of each filter 125.0 m3/h

Surface Loading (7,5 - 10 gpm/sqft) 8 gpm/sqft
Backwash Loading (9 - 12 gpm/sqft) 10 gpm/sqft
Media Depth : Gravel 1.8 - 2.5 mm, Height Media = 15.24 cm. SG = 4.1 15.24 cm
Coarse sand 0.5 - 1.2 mm, Height Media = 25.4 cm. SG = 2.65 25.4 cm
Anthracite 0.45 - 0.5 mm, Height Media = 35.56 - 50.8 cm. SG =1.7 50 cm
Velocity in pipe ( 1.5 - 2,0 m/s) 2 m/s
Flowrate in Nozzle Filter ( 0,5 - 1,0 m3/h) 0.5 m3/h
Detention Time for RO Feed Tank ( Filtered Water) (2 - 3 hour) 2.5 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of pressure filter tank

Area = Flowrate (gpm) / Surface loading (gpm/sqft)

= 68.79 ft2 = 6.39 m2
Diameter = 2.85 m = 2853 mm è = 2800 mm
Diameter of tank = 110.24 in è = 110 in
High of media filter = 906.4 mm
Freeboard = 40 - 80 %
High of filter tank = 1632 mm è = 1700 mm
è = 67 in

b. Compute the number of nozzle filter 3.71128521854

Flowrate of each nozzle = 0.50 m3/h
Number of nozzle filter = 250.00 pc è = 250.00 pc

c. Compute the volume of media

Gravel = 0.94 m3 = 938.41 liters

Coarse Sand = 1.56 m3 = 1564.01 liters
Anthrachite = 3.08 m3 = 3078.76 liters

d. Compute the Capacity of Backwash Pump

Diameter of Filter Tank = 2800 mm è = 2.80 m

Filter Tank Area = 6.158 m2 = 66.28 ft2
Backwash Flowrate = Backwash loading (gpm/sqft) x Area (sqft)
= 662.812 gpm = 150.54 m3/h è 173.00 m3/h
Backwashing Time = 15 min
Requirement water backwash = 43.25 m3 taken from CWS Tank Extrude 980 m3

e. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.024 m2
Diameter of pipe = 0.17 m = 7.00 in è 8.00 in
( 8.078695 - 6.9963553 in )
Program : Dosing Pump for Alkali
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 4,896 m3/d

204.0 m3/h
Concentration Alkali (NaOH) after injected in water filtered 20 ppm
Using Alkali Liquid with purity 48.0%
so no need the dilution of Alkali in chemical feeder tank 100%
Density of Alkali liquid 1506.5 kg/m3
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - Alkali

a. Compute the capacity of Alkali dosing pump

Total Alkali Liquid consumption = 8.50 kg Alkali Liquid /hour
Capacity of Alkali - dosing pump = 8.68 Liter/hour
Capacity of each pump ( 1 unit) = 8.7 Liter/hour è 25.0 Liter/hour

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000012 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0012390 m = 0.05 in è 1/2 in
( 0.040475 - 0.0905037 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage Alkali Tank (Caustic Tank)

Detention Time = 24.00 hour

Volume Storage = 208.33 liter è Total Tank Capacity 225.00 Liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 600 mm
Height = 855 mm
Program : Dosing Pump for Adjustment
Version : General Utility
Project : Water Treatment System Phase - 1
Client : PT. Gajah Tunggal
Project Code : R-1
Date : 25 June 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Stage 1
Flow 18,216 m3/d
759.0 m3/h
Concentration pH Adjusment after injected in raw water 15 ppm
Using pH Adjustment liquid with purity 33.0%
Density of pH Adjustment Liquid 1000 kg/m3
No need dilution in chemical feeder tank 100.0%
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - pH Adjustment

a. Compute the capacity of pH Adjustment dosing pump

Total pH Adjustment Liquid consumption = 35 kg/hour
Capacity of pH Adjustment - dosing pump = 53 Liter/hour
Total amount of pump = 1 unit
Capacity Each Pump = 53 Liter/hour è 50.00 Liter/hour

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000074 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0030637 m = 0.12 in è 1/2 in
( 0.141505 - 0.1225467 in )
Program : Dosing Pump for HCl
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 4,896 m3/d

204.0 m3/h
Concentration Acid Chloride after injected in raw water 25 ppm
Using HCl liquid with purity 33.0%
Density of HCl Liquid 1,169 kg/m3
No need dilution in chemical feeder tank 100.0%
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - HCl

a. Compute the capacity of HCl dosing pump

Total HCl Liquid consumption = 15 kg/hour
Total Capacity of HCl - dosing pum = 20 Liter/hour
Capacity of each pump ( 1 unit) = 20.3 Liter/hour è 25.0 Liter/hour è 0.25 kW

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000028 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0018965 m = 0.07 in è 1/2 in
( 0.061955 - 0.1385359 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage HCl Tank

Detention Time = 24.00 hour

Volume Storage = 488.13 liter è Total Tank Capacity 650 liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 830 mm
Height = 1285 mm
Program : Dosing Pump for Cooling Tower - Scale Inhibitor
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 1,142 m3/d

47.6 m3/h
Concentration Chemical after injected in raw water 30 ppm
Using Chemical liquid with purity 100.0%
Density of Chemical Liquid 1000 kg/m3
No need dilution in chemical feeder tank 100.0%
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 1,2 - 2 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - Scalant Inhibitor

a. Compute the capacity of Chemical for cooling tower dosing pump

Total Scale Inhibitor Liquid consumption = 1.43 kg/hour
Capacity of Inhibitor- dosing pump ( 1 duty) = 2.20 Liter/hour è 2.25 Liter/hour è 0.25 kW

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000003 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0006233 m = 0.02 in è 1/2 in
( 0.024938 - 0.032195169 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage Chemical Tank

Detention Time = 24.00 hour for 1 dosing pumps

Volume Storage = 52.73 liter è Total Tank Capacity 225 liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 600 mm
Height = 855 mm
Program : Dosing Pump for Cooling Tower 1 - Biocide
Version :
Project : WTP Gajah Tunggal Phase 1-General Utility
Client : PT. Gajah Tunggal
Project Code : R-1
Date : 12 Jun 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 1,142 m3/d

48 m3/h
Concentration Chemical after injected in raw water 30 ppm
Using Chemical liquid with purity 100.0%
Density of Chemical Liquid 1000 kg/m3
No need dilution in chemical feeder tank 100.0%
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 1,2 - 2 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - for Cooling Tower -1

a. Compute the capacity of Chemical for cooling tower dosing pump

Total Biocide Inhibitor Liquid consumption = 1.43 kg/hour
Capacity of Inhibitor- dosing pump = 2.2 Liter/hour è 25 Liter/hour è 0.25 kW

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000003 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0006233 m = 0.02 in è 1/2 in
( 0.024938 - 0.0321952 in )
Program : Filtered Water Tank
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow (include: Filtered Water Supply) 4,742 m3/d

197.6 m3/h
Detention Time 4 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Filter Feed Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 197.60 m3 x 4.00 è 790.4 m3 è 790 m3
Depth = 4.30 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 183.72 m2
Witdh of Tank = 11.067 m è = 11.10 m
Leght of Tank = 16.551 m è = 16.60 m
Program : Portable Water Tank
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow (include: Portable Water Supply) 108 m3/d

4.5 m3/h
Detention Time 24 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Filter Feed Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 4.50 m3 x 24.00 è 108 m3 è 110 m3
Depth = 4.30 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 25.58 m2
Witdh of Tank = 4.130 m è = 4.20 m
Leght of Tank = 6.091 m è = 6.10 m
Program : Cold Water Tank
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow (include: Portable Water Supply) 50,400 m3/d

2,100 m3/h
Detention Time 2 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Filter Feed Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 2100.00 m3 x 2.00 è 4200 m3 è 4200 m3
Depth = 4.30 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 976.74 m2
Witdh of Tank = 25.518 m è = 25.60 m
Leght of Tank = 38.154 m è = 38.20 m
Program : Intermediate Water Tank
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow (include: Product Water from WTP) 6 m3/d

6.4 m3/h
Detention Time 2 hour

Tank Design Calculations

a. Compute the Dimension of Filter Feed Tank

Volume = Flowrate (m3/hour) * Detention Time (Hour)

= 6.40 m3 x 2.00 è 12.8 m3 è 13 m3
Depth = 2.30 m + Freeboard 0.2 m
Area = 5.65 m2
Witdh of Tank = 1.941 m è = 2.00 m
Leght of Tank = 2.826 m è = 2.90 m
Program : Dosing Pump for Cooling Tower - Corrosion Inhibitor
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 1,142 m3/d

48 m3/h
Concentration Chemical after injected in raw water 30 ppm
Using Chemical liquid with purity 100.0%
Density of Chemical Liquid 1000 kg/m3
No need dilution in chemical feeder tank 100.0%
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 1,2 - 2 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder - Corrosion Inhibitor

a. Compute the capacity of Chemical for cooling tower dosing pump

Total Corrosion Inhibitor Liquid consumption = 1.43 kg/hour
Capacity of Inhibitor- dosing pump ( 1 duty) = 2.2 Liter/hour è 2.25 Liter/hour è 0.25 kW

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000003 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0006233 m = 0.02 in è 1/2 in
( 0.024938 - 0.0321952 in )

c. Compute the volume of Storage Chemical Tank

Detention Time = 24.00 hour for 1 dosing pumps

Volume Storage = 52.73 liter è Total Tank Capacity 225 liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 600 mm
Height = 855 mm
Program : Dosing Pump for Chlorination Portable Water
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 108 m3/d

4.5 m3/h
Concentration Chlorine (Cl-) after injected in raw water 5 ppm
Using NaOCl liquid with purity 12.5%
Molar Mass of Na : 23 ; Molar Mass of O: 16 ; Molar Mass of Cl: 35
Density of NaOCl liquid 1210 kg/m3
so there is no dilution in chemical feeder tank
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder Disinfectant NaOCl for Portable Water

a. Compute the capacity of Pre-chlorine dosing pump

Concentration NaOCl after injected in raw water = 10.571 ppm
Total NaOCl Liquid consumption = 0.38 kg/hour
Capacity of NaOCl - dosing pump = 0.48 Liter/hour
Capacity of each pump ( 1 unit) = 0.5 Liter/hour è 2.25 Liter/hour è 0.25 kW

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000001 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0002925 m = 0.01 in è 1/2 in
( 0.009556 - 0.0213682 in )
Program : Dosing Pump for NaOCl - Cooling Tower
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow (make up water and circulated water that not contained OCl-) 3,605 m3/d
150 m3/h
Concentration Chlorine (Cl-) after injected in raw water 10 ppm
Using NaOCl liquid with purity 12.5%
Molar Mass of Na : 23 ; Molar Mass of O: 16 ; Molar Mass of Cl: 35
Density of NaOCl liquid 1210 kg/m3
so there is no dilution in chemical feeder tank
Efficiency of dosing pump 65.0%
Velocity in pipe ( 0,6 - 3,0 m/s) 2 m/s

Chemical Feeder Biocide for Cooling Tower - Water Recirculation

a. Compute the capacity of Pre-chlorine dosing pump

Concentration NaOCl after injected in raw water = 21.143 ppm
Total NaOCl Liquid consumption = 25.4 kg/hour
Capacity of NaOCl - dosing pump = 32.3 Liter/hour
Capacity of each pump ( 1 unit) = 32.3 Liter/hour è 50 Liter/hour è 0.25 kW

b. Compute the Diameter of Interconnection Pipe

Pipe area = 0.0000045 m2 (Based on real dosing)
Diameter of pipe = 0.0023902 m = 0.09 in è 1/2 in
( 0.078083 - 0.1745981 in )
Program : NaOCl 12.5% Tank
Version :
Project : Water Treatment Plant
Client : PT. Krakatau Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Project Code : R-1
Date : 7 October 2014

Design Assumptions

Influent/Effluent Composition - Given

Parameter Effluent

Flow 3,713 m3/d

155 m3/h

a. Compute the volume of Storage NaOCl Tank

NaOCl for Cooling Tower = 32.31 Liter/hour

NaOCl for Portable Water = 0.48 Liter/hour
Detention Time = 24.00 hour
Volume Storage = 787 liter è Total Tank Capacity 1,000 Liter
Dimension of Tank :
Diameter = 1060 mm
Height = 1265 mm

Consumption / Operate Load Stand By
No. Electrical Equipment Qty Unit
(kW) (A) Qty (kW) (A) Qty (kW) (A)
1 P-001 Filter Pump
Type : Centrifugal Pump 3 15.0 28.1 2 30.00 56.20 1.00 15.00 28.10
: ETN 100-080-315 GG A 11GD301504B
Capacity : 107 MPH ; Minimal Head 30 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 100 x 80 mm
Power : 15.0 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 1400 x 550 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 67.80%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Volute Casing : Gray cast iron

2 P-002 Backwash Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 2 15.0 28.10 1 15.00 28.10 1.00 15.00 28.10
: ETN 125-100-315 GG A 11GD301504B
Capacity : 126 MPH ; Minimal Head 30 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 125 x 100 mm
Power : 15 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 1440 x 550 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 77.20%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Volute Casing : Gray cast iron

3 P-003 Chemical Dilution

Type : Centrifugal Pump 2 1.1 2.5 2 2.20 5.00 - - -
: ETN 050-032-250 GG A 11GD200114B
Capacity : 2.0 MPH : Minimal Head 15 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 50 x 32 mm
Power : 1.1 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 1050 x 500 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 17.90%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Casing : Gray cast iron

4 P-004 Make Up Water Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 2 4 8.2 2 8.00 16.4 - - -
: ETN 080-065-250 GG A 11GD300404B
Capacity : 50.0 MPH : Minimal Head 20 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 80 x 65 mm
Power : 4.0 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 1150 x 550 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 72.40%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Casing : Gray cast iron

5 P-005 Filtered Water Supply Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 3 18.5 35.3 2 37.00 70.60 1.00 18.50 35.30
: ETN 100-080-400 GG A 11GD501854B
Capacity : 79.0 MPH 50 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 100 x 80 mm
Power : 18.5 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 1550 x 750 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 65.50%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Casing : Gray cast iron

Consumption / Operate Load Stand By
No. Electrical Equipment Qty Unit
(kW) (A) Qty (kW) (A) Qty (kW) (A)
6 P-006 Low Pressured Pump
Type : Centrifugal Pump 3 250 436.10 2 500.00 872.20 1.00 250.00 436.10
: Etanorm RG 300-400
Capacity : 1082 MPH : Minimal Head 55 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 350 x 300 mm
Power : 250.00 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 2260 x 1110 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 82.10%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Casing : Gray cast iron

7 P-007 High Pressure Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 1 15.0 28.1 1 15.00 28.10 - - -
: Multitec A 65/ 6B-6.1 10.67
Capacity : 42.00 MPH : Minimal Head 80 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 125 x 65 mm
Power : 15.0 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 1780 x 700 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 76.60%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Casing : Gray cast iron

8 P-008 Emergency Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 1 30.0 55.2 1 30.00 55.20 - - -
: Multitec A 125/ 3-9.2 10.67
Capacity : 105.00 MPH : Minimal Head 70 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 200 x 125 mm
Power : 30.0 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 2150 x 930 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 77.80%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Casing : Gray cast iron

9 P-009 Portable Water Supply Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 2 3.0 6.1 1 3.00 6.10 1.00 3.00 6.10
: ETN 050-032-2001GG A 11GD200302B
Capacity : 5.00 MPH : Minimal Head 40 m
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 50 x 32 mm
Power : 3.0 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 3000 rpm
Dimension pump and motor : 1050 x 450 mm
Efficiency Motor and Pump : 29.70%
Shaft : Tempered steel
Impeller : Gray cast iron
Casing : Gray cast iron

10 P-010 Cooling Tower

Type : Cross Flow 2 37 55.0 2 74.00 110.00 - - -
: Contain 2 cells x 50% Capacity
LRC-SAS 700 C2
Capacity : 18200 LPM
WxLxH : 5580 x 11390 x 5535 mm
Power : 37.0 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm
Dimension Inlet & Outlet : 150 x 200 mm
Dimension Drain & Overflow : 50 mm & 50 mm
Dry Weight : 6200 kg
Operation Weight : 17400 kg
Power : 15.0 kW x 2

11 DP-001 Scale Inhibitor Dosing Pump

Type : Selenoid Diaphragm 2 0.25 0.85 1 0.25 0.85 1.00 0.25 0.85
: Miltron Roy GM 0002
Capacity : 2.25 LPH ; Minimal Head 10 bar
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 1/2" x 1/2"
Dimension pump and motor : 250 mm x 135 mm
Diaphragm : PTFE

Consumption / Operate Load Stand By
No. Electrical Equipment Qty Unit
(kW) (A) Qty (kW) (A) Qty (kW) (A)
12 DP-002 Corrosion Inhibitor Pump
Type : Centrifugal Pump 2 0.25 0.85 1 0.25 0.85 1.00 0.25 0.85
: Miltron Roy GM 0002
Capacity : 2.25 LPH ; Minimal Head 10 bar
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 1/2" x 1/2"
Dimension pump and motor : 250 mm x 135 mm
Diaphragm : PTFE

13 DP-003 NaOCl - CT Dosing Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 2 0.25 0.85 1 0.25 0.85 1.00 0.25 0.85
: Miltron Roy GM 0050
Capacity : 50.00 LPH ; Minimal Head 10 bar
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 1/2" x 1/2"
Dimension pump and motor : 250 mm x 135 mm
Diaphragm : PTFE

14 DP-004 NaOCl - Portable Dosing Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 2 0.25 0.85 1 0.25 0.85 1.00 0.25 0.85
: Miltron Roy GM 0002
Capacity : 2.25 LPH ; Minimal Head 12 bar
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 1/2" x 1/2"
Dimension pump and motor : 250 mm x 135 mm
Diaphragm : PTFE

15 DP-005 Anti Scalant Dosing Pump

Type : Centrifugal Pump 2 0.25 0.85 1 0.25 0.85 1.00 0.25 0.85
: Miltron Roy GM 0002
Capacity : 2.25 LPH ; Minimal Head 12 bar
D. Suction x D. Discharge : 1/2" x 1/2"
Dimension pump and motor : 250 mm x 135 mm
Diaphragm : PTFE

Sub - TOTAL LOAD 715.45 1,252.2 302.75 538.0

Safety Factor for Voltage Drop and Loses of Line (10%) 71.55 125.22 30.28 53.80

TOTAL LOAD 787.0 1,377.4 333.0 591.7

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