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" The whole story of the Bible is

designed to address those very questions. The whole
story? Really? Yeah, go back to the first pages of the

I. Political, Social, & Economic Settings

 Where does humanity live? Okay, they live in this really
II. Political Setting at the time before Jesus
III. Political Powers that Ruled Palestine sweet garden, their home. They are there on one
IV. Post-Exilic Palestine condition: that they trust and follow God's one command.
V. Greek Domination They don't. So the consequence is banishment from the
VI. Roman Empire and Palestine garden. Ah, they are sent into exile. Exactly. So, this story
VII.Herod the Great has been designed to set you up for Israel's story, how
VIII. Roman Rule
they were given the gift of the promised land and were
IX. Fall of Jerusalem
X. Social Strata of the 1St Century able to stay there on one condition: that they be faithful to
XI. Economic Life of the 1St Century Palestine the terms of their covenant relationship with God. They
didn't and they were sent into exile. If you still don't see
the parallel between exile from the garden and exile from

 In Genesis, humanity's exile led up to the story about the

building of what city? Oh yeah, Babel. The same place
the Israelites are sent. But that is not the end of either
story. In the first Babylon, God called Abraham to leave
and travel to the promised land. That story was designed
to give hope to the Israelites currently living in the later
Babylon. Eventually, they do get to leave and travel back
to their promised homeland. When they did, it wasn't
"home, sweet home". Oppressive empires were still ruling
over them and the people kept acting in the same corrupt
ways as their ancestors. So the biblical prophets said that
 Jesus of Nazareth was a product of his Jewish roots and exile wasn't actually over. How could they think they were
history. still in exile when they are at home? Yeah, this is really
 To study Jesus requires a brief background of the political, important.
social and economic settings of Palestine.
- Highlighting the historical events, significant persons  In the Hebrew Scriptures, Israel's Babylonian exile
and groups, and the way of life that may have became an image of something more universal. It is that
influenced, directly or indirectly, the person and life feeling of alienation and longing for something more, no
of Jesus matter where you live. Yeah, I can relate to this. I have a
great home, but it's situated in a world scarred with pain
The Exile: and broken relationships, death, tragedy done by others,
Show transcript from video: but also done by me. In the Bible, exile is the human
condition. We all keep repeating this pattern of human
 There is something about being home, where everything corruption leading to a Babylon that we can't escape. It
is just right. We are surrounded by people we love and doesn't matter where you live. We are all longing for a
trust. There's a feeling of stability and safety. While some better home. Israel's scriptures held out hope that one
people get to experience this kind of home, many do not. day God would send a king who would rescue the world
Others might even be forced to leave their home and go from all of the Babylons we have created.
live in a foreign land. We call this "going into exile". Yeah,
in exile, everything is disoriented. You are in the unknown.  After many generations pass, we meet this Israelite
named Jesus of Nazareth. He wandered about with no
 In the story of the Bible, this is where the ancient home, announcing the great restoration, that reality of
Israelites found themselves, conquered by Babylon; living home that Israel and all humanity has been looking for.
in exile far from their homeland. So they had to ask Yeah, Jesus really cared about people who didn't have
themselves, "How did we end up here?" and "Is there any homes. He welcomed in the stranger. He said God's love


is shown when you invite in the outcast and throw parties babylonian names and even clothing styles. So, they
for people who don't have a place to belong. Jesus also seek Babylon's well-being... But, by doing so, aren't
claimed that Israel and all humanity had lost its way, that they just giving up their heritage? It could seem that
our self-centeredness drives us to create false homes way, but actually they are not.
based on status and power.
● As you read on, the story focuses on moments where
 These inevitably exclude others. We live in an exile of our they draw the line. They choose faithfulness to their
own making. But Jesus said the true way home is one of God and resist the influence of Babylon. So, for
weakness, of service, and of forgiveness. Then Jesus example? Like when they are commanded to bow
went into exile alongside us to show us the true way down to the idol of Babylon, and give allegiance to the
home. Which is...? Well, Jesus said he is the way. king as if he is a god. Wow, they won't go that far.

 His life and self giving love proved more powerful than ● This is where you see their true loyalty. It requires
humanity's failure. He opened up a pathway to our real them to critique Babylon's idolatry of power, its
home. As Jesus' followers committed themselves to him, arrogance, its injustice. But, they do it non-violently by
they discovered this new way of being human. They laying down their lives. So God vindicates Daniel and
believed that the real return from exile had begun. So his friends for their faithfulness. So, they would serve
they would call themselves sojourners or wanderers. Oh, Babylon, seek its well-being, but their loyalty was
right, they would say things like, "The world isn't our always to God. Yeah! This is what Jeremiah was
home," and, "We are citizens of heaven." So Jesus' envisioning. The way of exile is a combination of
followers remain exiles as they wait for that day when loyalty and also subversion. So, they are still exiles.
Jesus returns to transform this world into a true home.
● But, don't Daniel and his friends long to go home?
The Way of Exile: Yes. In fact, Daniel believed that God was going to send a ruler to bring down Babylon and create a true
Show transcript from video: kingdom of peace. Wow! When did he think this ruler
would come? Well, at first he thought within his
● In the year 587 BC, the city of Jerusalem was lifetime. But, then he had a dream where he found out
attacked by the Babylonian empire. A year later the that after Babylon would come another oppressive
city and the temple were plundered and burned. empire. Then another... then another. So, Babylon did
Thousands of Israelites were taken from their homes fall. And Israel did get to go back home.
and relocated all over ancient Babylon. They became
exiles. So now, they are a minority, surrounded by a ● But, now they are ruled by Babylon's successors. So
new culture with new gods. Some Israelites chose to they maintained the mindset of an exile, waiting for
resist Babylon by revolting or withdrawing. Others their true home to come to them. They continued the
gave in, adopting the Babylonian way of life and same practice of loyalty and subversion to any new
accepting these new gods as their own. You might versions of Babylon that came along. This leads us to
think those are your only two options. But the prophet the time of Jesus.
Jeremiah told them to do something totally different
and surprising: to settle in, build houses, plant ● The empire of his day was Rome, ruled by Caesar.
gardens, grow families and most surprisingly, to seek Some Israelites wanted to resist, while others gave in
the well-being of Babylon and pray to the Lord on its and adopted Roman culture and its gods. But, watch
behalf. Jesus carry on the subversive loyalty of Daniel. Like,
when he said: "It is fine to pay taxes to Caesar. Give
● So, this is like a third way. Yeah, it is not compromise him back his coins." But, then he said, "Do not
or revolt. What does it look like? There is a whole mistake Caesar for God! God is the one who
book of the Bible that explores that question. It is the deserves your total life and allegiance". So, the way of
story of Daniel. Jesus is the same mix of loyalty and subversion.
● Daniel was one of the Israelites taken into the
Babylonian exile. Because Daniel had a royal heritage ● He taught his followers to love and even bless their
and education, he was recruited along with some enemies. But he also got arrested for speaking out
friends to work in the high court of Babylon. Work for against the corrupt leaders of Jerusalem and Rome.
the enemy? That would be a compromise. Or, they He critiqued their idolatry of power and it cost him his
could gain the king's trust and take him down from the life. But, God vindicated him by raising him from the
inside. That is what you might expect. dead as the true King of the nations. The King that
Daniel had hoped for.
● Instead they take Jeremiah's advice and choose the
third way. They serve the king of Babylon, taking on


● And, Jesus promised that one day, his kingdom would by observing the commandments, and avoiding
prevail. So, until then his followers are living in a type contamination from any foreign and pagan worship.
of exile. This is why the apostle Peter calls followers
of Jesus "foreigners" and "exiles". He told them to GREEK DOMINATION
respect the authorities of whatever place you happen (Conquest of Alexander the Great)
to live, to honor and love all people.
What was Palestine look like prior to the birth of Jesus?
● But then he reminds them that this is not their true - But their collective resolution to solidify their religious
home. They are still living in Babylon. But, well, they identity was bound to be challenged. The Greeks at
are not living in Babylon. Babylon does not exist the reign of the young conqueror Alexander the Great
anymore! Or, does it? advanced to the Near East invaded lands, subjected
its territories to Greek rule, and spread Greek culture
● In the Bible, Babylon has become a symbol that on the entire Mediterranean world.
describes any human institution that demands - Greek domination happened because of the
allegiance to its idolatrous redefinitions of good and leadership of Alexander the great
evil. Okay, so we all live and work in Babylon. How do - Alexander the Great − he is one of the great
I seek the well-being of Babylon while my allegiance conquerors.
is to someone greater? Yes, Jesus' followers are - Palestinians were the one being ruled by Greeks.
called to live in that tension between loyalty and - If there are invasions tho who invade the land has
subversion. That is the "Way of the Exile". also brought their cultures, and practices and one of
these are their philosophy
AT THE TIME BEFORE JESUS Hellenistic Influence

What was Palestine look like prior to the birth of Jesus? 1. ANCIENT GREEK THINKERS
1. Post-exilic Palestine - In the history of thought, the Greeks were known for
- The return of the Diaspora Jews their intellectual giants like Socrates, Plato and
- What do we mean by home, especially in the Aristotle. They are dedicated in finding universal truth.
context of the Old Testament, and the - Socrates
different stories of the Israelites regarding - Plato contributed the allegory of the cave
the invasion and the foreigners wanting to - Aristotle - became one of the tutors of Alexander the
conquer their lands. great (Philosophers)

2. Greek Domination 2. UNIVERSAL INFLUENCE

- Conquest of Alexander the Great - The Greeks left the Romans and Jews a system of
- The legacy coming from Alexander the Great. “Polis” or an alternative political system and Latin
POLITICAL POWERS THAT RULED PALESTINE - There is an established structure (ex. The people are
(prior to the fall of Jerusalem) called citizens, procurator - those who are influential
to the society, some have the position to become the
● GREEK DOMINATION local tax collector)
● HASMONEANS - Latin was spread by Alexander the Great (considered
● HEROD AND SONS as a dead language)
● ROMAN RULE - Most words in English are coming from “latin”
- People as citizens
POST-EXILIC PALESTINE - Some are local tax collectors
(The return of the Dispora Jews) - Plato: The allegory of the cave
- Aristotle was one of the teachers of Alexander the
Political Powers that Ruled Palestine prior to the fall of great
Jerusalem: - Greeks have brought Latin language and spread by
1. Greek Domination Alexander the Great, Pope and people use Latin.
2. Hasmoneans
3. Herod and Sons 3. GREEK RELIGION
4. Roman Rule - The Greeks worship a variety of Gods (polytheism) −
such as Zeus, Hera, Hermes and Poseidon. Such
 When diaspora Jews returned to Judah, the people of religious tradition ran into conflict with the Jewish
Israel, after learning the hard lessons from their infidelity people’s core monotheistic belief of their God, YHWH.
and disobedience to God, resolved to keep their identity - Monotheistic means they only believe in one God.


4. GREEK CONQUEST dispute between two brothers contending for the
- After Alexander the great’s death, his empire was Hasmonean throne.
divided into various territories among his leading - John Hycarnus II appealed to Rome for help in
generals. The Seleucids rule Syria known as Syrian ousting his younger sibling Aristobulus II, who have
Greeks. made himself both priest and king.
- They are disrespectful of the Jewish identity and - After overthrowing Aristobulus, Pompey installed John
worship the Syrian Greeks sacked Jerusalem and Hycarnus II as high priest and ethnarch (provincial
desecrated their beloved Temple. governor) over a Jewish state.
- During that time, the Israelites were invaded and - Due to this compromise made by Hycarnus II,
offended. They have faith as the Syrian Greeks do not Palestine from that time on, made itself a mere
respect their belief and the way they worship their subject, and territory of the mighty Roman Empire.
God. - That is the beginning why the Romans are part of the
- This is because the Greeks have already established lives of the chosen people of God.
and built their monuments of their gods and
goddesses. HEROD THE GREAT

5. TEMPLE DESECRATION Herod Rose to Power in Palestine

- They even went so far as to build the Greek god Zeus
in the holy of holies, the most sacred part of the - Appointed by Rome and took the throne after John
Temple Hycarnus’ death. Herod is an Idumean and this had
- Others have altars as their blessed sacrament that is displeased the Jews. for them, Herod the Great is a
being stored. foreigner. Since he came from the land of Idumean.
- Greeks established monuments of their gods and - For them, an Idumean is unworthy to rule due to
goddesses. negative past historical perception (Idumeans whos
resorted to pagan, worship in the past, thus, they
6. MACCABEAN REVOLT were labeled as ritually unclean and unfaithful people.
- Offended and insulted beyond words because of the - The Jews have also biases with King Herod and they
Greek’s desecration, the Jewsih people collectively look at him as unclean and unfaithful.
responded in the revolt against the Greeks, a war - Herod the Great is part of the gospels especially
remembered in history as the Maccabean Revolt during the Christmas Season where Herod the Great
- Named after its courageous Jewish leader, Judas commanded his soldiers to kill all newly born sons,
Maccabeus and recalled in the Book of Maccabees). foreigners from Idumea where people practice pagan
- History favored the Jews, and enabled them to worship.
redeem the temple, their pride and independence.
Temple Restoration by Herod
- Because of their experiences, they revolted against
the Greeks
- Herod has no choice but to win the favor and
- This revolt was successful which was lead by Judas
acceptance of his people (the Jews). He attempted to
appease the Jewish rejection by forging an apparent
- (Name after its courageous Jewish leader, Judas,
stability of peace.
Maccabees, and recalled in the Book of Maccabees.
- And by offering the Jews a magnificent structure. The
- The experience of the Jews about their successful restoration of the great temple of Solomon.
story about the revolt was short lived because the
Romans entered in the scene. Massacre of the Innocents


 But the long awaited independence from the Greek rule

which the Jews regained after the Maccabean revolt
became a short-lived freedom.
 The Romans entered into the scene to settle a rivalry with
the Hasmonean.

Palestine under Roman Rule - But his greed for power and cruelty became more
evident. Whenever a group of people becomes a
- Led by Pompey, the great military rival of Julius threat to his throne Herod had them under suspicion
Caesar, Roman legions arrived in Palestine as or worse executed (Matthew 2:16-18).
ostensible peacemakers, invited to settle a dynastic - Herod’s leadership is stained with regards to the
massacre of the innocents.


- Holy family (Joseph, Mary and Jesus) escaped this as “Daggers” (because they used daggers in
massacre of innocents. attacking the Roman soldiers) and made their last
stand in the fortress of Masada (their strategic
Herod the Great and his Sons location which is a part of the mountain where they
can easily watch and monitor if ever they were
Herod the Great attacked by the Roman soldiers).
 Ruled over Palestine, taking the throne after John
Hyacarnus II’s death. FALL OF JERUSALEM (70 AD)
 After his death, he had his three sons taking over his
throne. - The revolt only lasted 4 years.
 All his territories were divided by his sons. - Rome was Rome. Its military power proved to be
superior against the band of Zealot nationalists.
1. Herod Archelaus Hundreds of Zealots were captured and crucified
 He ruled the territories of Judea, Idumea, and Samaria. reinforcing the brutal end of the Jewish rebellion.
- Zealots do not want to be captured alive.
2. Herod Philip - Knowing that Romans would certainly defeat them,
 The one who ruled Caesarea Philippi (North of Galilee) Zealots eventually committed mass suicide as their
and Bethsaida Julias (End of Galilee). blatant way of condemning, and refusing Roman rule
in Palestine—even to their last breath.
3. Herod Antipas
 He governed the central Galilee and Perea. SOCIAL STRATA OF THE 1ST CENTURY PALESTINE

The sons of Herold the Great failed the Expectation of the Rich Upper Class (The Privilege Few)
- Archelaus was known to be cruel like his father, had 1. The Roman Procurator
his enemies executed. This caused widespread  Had all the civil and criminal power at his discretion.
resistance among the people. He was later deposed  Elite people.
by the Roman Emperor Augustus.
- At this point, Rome took the lead in ruling and 2. Herod and His Family
governing Palestine. A Prefect or Procurator was  Amassed power and wealth from their subjects.
appointed by Rome. At the time of Jesus, Pontius  They have all the treasures, not only coins/money but
Pilate was the Roman Procurator also the influence and power.
- Pontius Pilate as a procurator  Herod and his family had all the treasures and powers.
- Incharge of taxes
3. Ruling Sanhedrin
ROMAN RULE  Took part in the sharing of power and influence.
 Religious aspect of the Jews.
- According to Historians, the Roman rule in Palestine  The story of Zaccheus - one of the famous tax
represented by Pontius Pilate has command of collector
auxiliary military units, full powers of criminal and civil
jurisdiction, and charge of the collection of imperial Marginalized Lower Class (The Suffering Majority)
- Another is the Sachedrin which is the Highest Jewish 1. Women and Children
Council. The publicans as local tax collectors and  Women are discriminated and deprived of
Levites as Temple tax collectors. fundamental rights.
 Unlike today, women had power equally with men.
The Zeal of the Zealots  Before, women were only in their houses taking care
of their husbands and children, and they did not
- Rome was naturally suspicious of a leader or group have any position in society unlike now.
who might start an uprising. In fact, Romans captured,  Ketubah – is a written document that indicates that a
hanged, crucified and executed hundreds of Zealots. man can have the only right to divorce a woman.
- Rome was naturally suspicious during that time that Children are deemed as properties of their fathers.
who might start appraising or there will be another  Mary experienced this when she was married to
revolt. Joseph at the age of 14 years.
- Zealots are also called the Jewish Freedom Fighters  Scholars say that arranged marriage is happening at
- Fed up with foreign domination, insulted by pagan that time.
Roman worship, and driven by the thirst for
independence, the Jewish people spearheaded by the 2. Sick and People with Diseases
Zealots, revolted against Rome. They are also called


 A sick person is viewed as someone who was ○ Palestine is geographically placed at the center
punished by the God for their sinfulness. among powerful cities and nations. Trade played an
 Nowadays, it is a very different perspective. important roles in the economic lives of Palestine.
 For example, leprosy. When a person has leprosy, ○ They hired hundreds and thousands of artisans and
everyone will avoid that person and even let other carpenters to build buildings and statues.
people know about that person with leprosy.
○ Romans and Greeks get their money and other
because they believed that a person with leprosy
finances to build their buildings from the taxes that
was being punished by God.
they impose on the Jews.

3. Public Sinners: Prostitutes and Publicans ○ Heavy taxes imposed by the Roman government
 Society looked down on them as sinful, undeserving
make the life of the Jews harder and more difficult.
of God’s mercy
 The ministry of Jesus simplifies the concern and love
for the poor. On many occasions, Jesus CONCLUSION
mingled with them, dined with them, and healed
them. ❖ With the political, social, and economic setting
 For example, the story of Zaccheus, one of the
favoring the few rich and powerful, Jesus openly
famous tax collectors in the bible. Jesus granted his criticized them for their hypocrisy. Jesus manifested
invitation to dine with him. his love for those who are poor and marginalized.
❖ Jesus seek for their conversion and faith even with
The gap between the rich and the poor even widened because the watchful suspicion and criticism of the authorities.
there was no middle class as we know them today. There were He preferred to be misunderstood for the sake of
very few rich people who acquired land and power through doing what is most just and loving.
trade and political influence. ❖ Such example, then leaves a striking legacy that
invites readers of his story to do the same, to be like
ECONOMIC LIFE OF THE 1ST CENTURY PALESTINE him-an alter Christus in word and deed!
(What was their sources of income or livelihood) ❖ Today we are still confronted with the same horror of
poverty and social injustice. There are few elicited
1. Agriculture and Farming and the great majority of the poor. The spirit of
○ Palestine during this time produced 3 main crops: volunteerism and heroic citizenship are proven
wheat grain (staple food), olives (for lamp and effective alternatives.
cooking), vines (for wine making). ❖ Our challenge is to really have the spirit of
○ Some work as tenants to their landlord. Farming also volunteerism and heroic citizenship, which are proven
involves tending the sheep. effective and alternatives to do the same as what
Jesus did to them during that time.
2. Artisana and Carpenters
○ Greek and Roman culture gave Palestine leaders like
Herod the love for making monumental buildings. He
● Post-Exilic Palestine and Greek Domination
hired hundreds of carpenters and artisans to build
○ Remember the contributions and legacies.
the Temple of Jerusalem and other buildings
For example: Philosophy and language. Also
dedicated to the Romans and their Gods.
the Polis or the system that is being run
○ They hired hundreds and thousands of artisans and towards the people
carpenters to build buildings and statues. ● Hellenistic Influence
○ Romans and Greeks get their money and other ○ Ancient Greek Thinkers, Universal influence,
finances to build their buildings from the taxes that Greek conquest, temple desecration,
they impose on the Jews. Maccabean revolt
○ Heavy taxes imposed by the Roman government ● Roman Empire and Palestine
make the life of the Jews harder and more difficult. ● Herod the Great
● Palestine under Roman Rule
○ Zeal of the Zealots
3. Fishing ● Roman Rule and Fall of Jerusalem
○ Fishing was the main source of livelihood for the ● Social Strata and Economic life of the First Century
settlers near the sea of Galilee. Palestine
○ In Mark 1:16-20 Jesus passed by Simon, Andrew, ● Reach upper class and marginalized lower class.
James and John while they were fishing at the sea of ● Economic life e.g. trade, agriculture, farming, fishing,
Galilee and called them to be his disciples. carpenters, and artisans.

4. Trade and Commerce


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