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Global Supply chain Efficiency: A systematic

Literature Review
The last decades of the twentieth century witnessed a considerable expansion of supply chains
into international locations, especially in the automobile, computer, and apparel industries
(Taylor, 1997). Companies spend billions of dollars on their supply chain & logistics, especially
the ones that are involved in global businesses. However, there are many issues and barriers that
hinder the efficient process of the supply chain (Abidalreda, 2019).

This growth in globalization, and the additional management challenges it brings, has motivated
both practitioner and academic interest in global supply chain management. The interest in
global operations management among researchers has been documented by Prasad and Babbar
(2000), who noted both a long history of attention to global operational issues, as well as an
increase in the number of articles published in the leading operations management journals on
this subject. Supply chain management is not just a domestic phenomenon—supply chains
transcend national boundaries, imposing the challenges of globalization on managers who design
supply chains for existing and new product lines.

A supply chain design problem comprises the decisions regarding the number and location of
production facilities, the amount of capacity at each facility, the assignment of each market
region to one or more locations, and supplier selection for sub-assemblies, components and
materials (Chopra and Meindl, 2004). Global supply chain design extends this definition to
include selection of facilities at international locations, and the special globalization factors this
involves. These design decisions may be decentralized, such that a manager at each facility
makes decisions, or may be centralized so that decisions across facilities are coordinated. Ideally,
managers make these choices consistent with the firm’ supply chain strategy

Importance of topic
This paper endeavors to assess how well the existing model-based literature supports the global
supply chain design problem, in light of these ongoing and emerging issues in the global
environment. Our contributions are threefold: the development of a classification scheme that is
focused on these practical considerations, a structured review that provides a guide to earlier
research on the subject of global supply chain design models, and identification of research
issues for future investigation. Supply chain management experts have as their major focus the
planning and execution of supply chain procedures that are both economical and efficient in
terms of use of time and resources. Failures in the supply chain cost both time and money,
which is something that companies are well aware of (Parast, 2019). Therefore, this research
attempts to devise a strategy that is theoretically sound coupled with a practical approach which
is applicable

Research Questions
How can the underlying issues in Global Supply chain be overcome through and efficient and
systematic remodeling?

Research Aims and Objectives:

This research aims to provide a thorough approach to achieve an efficient Global Supply chain
that can provide an answer to the underlying issues resulting in loss of both time and money.
The objectives of the research are to:
1. Understand the ways in which different companies face different issues related to supply
chain management in Global Markets.
2. Highlight all the barriers that don't allow the companies to improve their supply chain.
3. To provide a systematically sound model or a framework that can help in maximizing the
Global Supply Chain efficiency.

Objectives of methodology
The primary objective of the research methodology is to obtain the pertinent data that will be
beneficial in the given subject and also to draw vital discoveries from the data once the
appropriate analytical tools have been applied to it (Salamai, 2019). This is the primary aim of
the research methodology. For the purpose of this particular piece of study, the goals research
fields are as follows: The primary goals of the study are to collect reliable secondary data
regarding supply chain management and the problems associated with supply chains, as well as
to make use of these data in the research and analysis that will be carried out. An additional
objective of the study methodology is to identify the many approaches and procedures that, when
used by businesses, may assist them in enhancing the supply chain management they practice in
both local and international markets. One other goal of the research technique is to ensure that all
ethical issues are satisfied and that there are no ethical problems as a result of the study
(Abidalreda, 2019).

Data and chosen methodology

Two key approaches will be utilized as key methods for this research. The methods can be either
of the two; qualitative and quantitative. These two methodologies will further stem out into
several approaches that will help in conducting the study. Given below is a detailed
comprehension to both of the methodologies for analysis of a relevant approach for the research;

Qualitative research can be defined as a research where any quantifiable method or statistical
operation has not been used to derive to a conclusion (Hughes, 1990). This type of research uses
the following sources to come to a conclusion; focus groups, document reviews, observations
and interviews. On the other hand, a quantitative research can be defined as the type of research
where statistical methods and numerical figures are used to derive a conclusion. The sources
used for this type of research are; surveys and IQ tests where statistical parameters are set for
questionnaires (Huberman and Miles, 2002). It is an added judgement to decide whether a
quantitative or a qualitative approach will be used, at times, a combination of both is used too.
Several scholars have been using various approaches that involved a dark qualitative or
quantitative approach in the field of empirical research or study. The authors Myers and Avison
(2002) made a comparison of the two approaches; according to them, a qualitative approach was
used on carrying out a study in social sciences. The objective was to assist the researchers in
studying social and cultural phenomenon such as action research, ethnography and case study
research etc. the sources of this research method entails questionnaires, documents, observations,
participant’s observation, fieldwork, documentaries, texts, interviews, researcher’s reaction,
researcher’s impression etc. (Myers and Avison, 2002). Based on the views of Hussey and
Hussey (1997), a qualitative approach can be selected as it is a subjective methodology that
comprises of reflection and examination to gain an insight to social, cultural and human

On the contrary, the quantitative method was created to study natural phenomena and natural
sciences. Writers such as Myers and Avison, (2002) have made the choice of quantitative
method based on the type of sources required. This included; survey methods, mathematics,
econometrics, formal methods, laboratory experiments, numerical methods, statistical inference

Specifically, for this research, a systematic literature review will be used as the research
methodology. This study will be a secondary qualitative research. As the sources that will be
used in this research are peer reviewed articles through variety of sources and research bases that
include Scopus, Google Scholar, Essex library, google scholar, semantic scholar, science direct,
emerald, sage publications etc.

Methods used in the data Collection

In the process of data collection, several reliable, authentic and relevant sources of data are
gathered, checked and analyzed to solve a research question to evaluate and come up with
conclusion. The process involves testing and evaluation of hypothesis. There are two methods to
collect data from relevant sources;

Primary Data Collection

The primary data collection refers to a method where the research student gathers the data first
hand, the student can utilize quantitative or qualitative method to collect the data. The sources
can be in form of surveys, observations, personal interviews, experiments and questionnaires etc.

Secondary Data Collection

On the contrary, the secondary data collection is the method where the data previously collected
for another study is used to come up with conclusions. The sources for the secondary data
collection are government publications, internal records, books, websites, journals, articles etc.

For this study, secondary data will be collected for several reasons. The main reason is that the
secondary data is a reliable way to collect data with no room for incongruity. In comparison to
primary data collection, this method is easier to cite. On top of that, this method for data
collection is refined yet cheap, and is derived from authentic sources. The sources to collect data
include; government publications, books, scholarly published articles, internal records, websites
and academic journals etc.

Literature review
The inherent dynamics of the structure of a supply chain are the root cause of a problem that has
persisted for a long time and remains widespread: the inability to match supply and demand. It is
common knowledge in the field of market sales that there are delays and distortions in the data
supplied by supplier chains (Parast, 2019). This leads to factory production profiles that are in
direct opposition with the buying patterns of the end user. Consequently, the factory output
profiles are not optimal. Around forty years ago, Jay Forrester was the first person to provide
proof of this happening. The preliminary simulations carried out by Forrester shown that
upstream order magnification had a considerable influence on real-world supply chains. Sadly,
this is not how things work in the world we really live in. In addition to the order expansion that
takes place as it moves upstream, there are additional notable behaviors that may be detected
throughout the supply chain. These characteristics may be observed. This unstable dynamic
system is distinguished by a large gap, both spatially and temporally, between the factors that
generate its effects and those that it produces. In light of the fact that it is now difficult to
determine what is taking place, there is an urgent want for transparent communication in the
market. For example, the Carpenter Technology Case Study demonstrates how vital it is to the
overall success of BPR projects. In order for businesses to efficiently manage the supply chain,
they need to develop innovative strategies that integrate production and logistics (Salamai,
2019). The concept of delay has been effectively used by supply chains as a means of mitigating
the detrimental impacts of system dynamics on their capability to live up to the requirements set
forth by consumers. Delaying the process of differentiating the versions of a product to the very
last minute that is practically possible might help lessen the risk and uncertainty that are caused
by consumer demands. An excellent illustration of this can be seen in the manufacturing of paint,
where the paint is produced as a neutral base and color is only added when it is ordered by the
customer. This is done to avoid the need to store inventories of a full spectrum of colors, which
would necessitate some form of forecasting in order to ensure that the appropriate colors will be
available. By postponing some steps of manufacturing in this manner, the supply chain may be
able to respond more quickly to changes in the demand placed by customers (Abidalreda, 2019).
As a result of this, it is strongly suggested that the product maintain its generic status in order to
put off the need for change for as long as it is practically possible.

Automatic Purchase:

The frequent checking of inventory levels consumes an unreasonable amount of time. ERP
systems that provide Supply Chain Management (SCM) features have the capability of
automating the purchase process. To put this another way, if the quantities of inventory drop
below a certain threshold, the ERP software may be programmed to automatically place orders
with the relevant suppliers (Madhani, 2021). One of the most important aspects of any supply
chain strategy is the ability to accurately forecast and manage inventory levels. Because of the
rise of automated purchasing, workers are now free to concentrate on other important

The second step is to standardize.

The standardization of procedures is a critical factor in determining the success of any given
supply chain strategy. A standard ERP system not only helps businesses become more
productive, but it also helps them save both time and money (Parast, 2019). In addition to that,
the employees will have access to the same set of tools, which will result in an increase in
precision, will encourage collaboration, and will reduce the probability that there will be

Boost the amount of transparency that is present.

Problems with supply chain strategies including fraud, mistakes, and waste might potentially be
resolved by using the appropriate ERP system (Madhani, 2021). One of the most difficult aspects
of inventory management is bringing together the data from the software with the actual count of
the inventory. It is inevitable that some things or units would be misplaced due to the chaotic
nature of the situation. Inventory and financial losses that cannot be justified should be reduced,
and increasing internal SCM transparency is crucial to this end.

4. Derive Information from the Data

The accuracy and timeliness of the data companies use in your supply chain strategy are essential
to its success (Salamai, 2019). If companies always have access to information that is current at
the moment, companies will have a better understanding of the state of the supply chain at their
manufacturing firm. ERP software gives users and management instant access to critical data,
which facilitates the former's ability to make the latter's most important choices.

Timeline for completion

The complete thesis is expected to be completed in the following timeline;

As per the requirements of the thesis some elements of the tasks might changed and some
timelines might be readjusted but it will be made sure that the assessor is being updated on all the
developments. Moreover, the tasks of final thesis are majorly divided into 4 categories that are
mentioned below.

Task # Task Time for task

1 Selecting the research topic & submitting the 1 week
research proposal
2 Initiation of the thesis and gathering the authentic 3 weeks
and relevant research articles for final thesis
3 Synthesis of the literature review and analysis of 2 weeks
the gathered data
4 Checking the authenticity of the data, finalizing the 4 weeks
into the final findings

Research Gap
The term "supply chain management" (SCM) encompasses a wide range of activities, some of
which include procuring raw materials from suppliers, stockpiling and manufacturing products,
subcontracting manufacturing to third-party manufacturers, storing finished products in
distribution centers, and finally delivering them to the location that has been specified by the
customer. Throughout the whole of this process, there must be a focus on making effective use of
available resources in order to cut down on expenses and, as a result, increase the company's
profit margins. A company has to address and overcome many supply chain management gaps in
order for it to continue to be competitive (Abidalreda, 2019). This may be accomplished via
innovation and collaboration with other businesses. Some major research gaps are region
specific, since different international companies have different locations and their supply sources
are also different, hence it is quite possible that region-specific issues faced by one company are
not faced by the other. Another research gap is the changes that have occurred in international
supply chain after Covid-19 and increased fuel prices.

Abidalreda, N.Y. and Jawad, S.A., 2019. Using some of quality techniques in Supply chain management
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Madhani, P.M., 2021. Supply chain transformation with blockchain deployment: enhancing efficiency and
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Parast, M.M., Sabahi, S. and Kamalahmadi, M., 2019. The relationship between firm resilience to supply
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Rungsrisawat, S. and Jermsittiparsert, K., 2019. Does human capital improve health care agility through
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Salamai, A., Hussain, O.K., Saberi, M., Chang, E. and Hussain, F.K., 2019. Highlighting the importance of
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