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AUGUST 30, 2022


ADORABLE: 6:00-6:50 NICE: 12:00-12:50
INTEGRITY: 6:50-7:40 NEAT: 12:50-1:40

I. Objectives:
A. Content standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of the various forms and
conventions of print, non-print, and digital materials

B. Performance Standards
The Learners evaluate effectively the message constructed and
conveyed in various viewing texts

C. MELC/Objective
Analyze the characters used in print, non-print and digital materials
(age and gender, race and nationality, attitude and behavior) EN6VC-Ii-
3.3.1, EN6VC-Ii-3.3.2, EN6VC-Ii-3.3.3

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Analyzing the characters used in print, non-print and
materials (age and gender, race and nationality, attitude
and behavior)
Identify the meaning of print, non-print and digital
materials (age and gender, race and nationality, attitude
and behavior)
B. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, pictures
C. Reference: MELC , EN6VC-Ii-3.3.1,3.3.2, 3.3.3
D. Value: With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything.
E. Curriculum Link: EsP

III. Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Lupang Hinirang
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Reminder of the Classroom Health and Safety Protocols
5. Pronunciation Drill
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

IV. Lesson Proper

A. Motivation:
Look and identify the following pictures.

 What can we get from using these materials?
 Which of the following pictures show that information is
being printed or published in writing? not printed/ published
in paper? stored in electronic materials?

B. Discussion
Before you can analyze characters used in print, non-print and digital
materials, it is essential to learn first the meaning of it and their examples.
Print materials are letters, numbers or symbols that have been

produced on paper by a machine using ink.

Sources of Printed material:

magazines, newspapers, books, photographs, drawings, maps,
almanac, dictionary, atlas, encyclopedia, yearbook, etc.
Non-print materials are letters, numbers or symbols which do not
produce paper publications and/ or not even in written form
Sources of Non - Printed materials:
Microsoft excel, Microsoft word, Microsoft power point, e- book, e-
journals, electronic images, audio-visual materials, tape recording, etc.
Digital Materials refer to electronic technology that generates, stores
and processes data. Primarily used with new physical and communications
media like satellite transmission.
Sources of Digital materials:
Google, youtube, facebook, film, records and other content (MS Office
files, PDFs, image, audio, or video files, etc.) that were originally created
and/or stored in a digital environment (such as web servers, desktop
computers, digital cameras, digital video recorders, etc.)
C. Controlled Activity
a. Guided Activity
Read the following sentences and analyze if the material used in
each number is print, non-print, or digital.
1. I love reading books written by Edgar Alan Poe.
2. We learned our lessons from the powerpoint presentation presented
to us by oiur teacher.
3. Jodi and Ben are watching tutorial video from youtube channel.
4. I searched in google about the proper ways in keeping ourselves
5. I heard from Manila Bulletin that Meralco extends to October 31
the grace period of payment for electricity bills.

b. Independent Activity/Individual Activity

Write examples of sources of material as to:

Printed Non-Printed Digital

Materials Materials Materials

c. Generalization
What are the sources of information used in analyzing character?

d. Application
Read the following sentences and analyze if the material used in
each number is print, non-print, or digital.
1. We analyze the data that we collected from the documents
saved in my laptop.
2. My favorite KPOP singer was features in Candy Magazine.
3. My mother does not allow me to watch horror films alone.
4. I started typing my essay as part of my homework in English.
5. My sister compiled all the reviewers that she photocopied for
her Board Exam.

IV. Evaluation:
The items below will help you analyze the story “The Tale of the White
Squash” better. Read with understanding and answer the questions that follow.
Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Refers to formats with special characteristics whose information content
can only be accessed through the use of machines/ digital equipment such
as e -book, e-journals, electronic images, audiovisual
materials, tape recordings, etc.
A. Print Material
B. Non – Print Material
C. Digital Material
2. Refer to any publication, document, or record including, but not limited to,
the following: newspapers, magazines, books, photographs, drawings,
maps, almanac, dictionary, atlas, encyclopedia, yearbook, magazine, etc
A. Print Material
B. Non – Print Material
C. Digital Material
3. Refer to electronic records and other content (MS Office files, PDFs,
image, audio, or video files, etc.) that were originally created and/or stored
in a digital environment (such as web servers, desktop computers, digital
cameras, digital video recorders, etc.)
A. Print Material
B. Non – Print Material
C. Digital Material

4. Source of digital material that generates, stores and processes data.

A. Google
B. Magazine
C. E-book
5. It is an example of printed material
A. E-journal
B. Newspaper
C. Facebook

V. Assignment:
Write examples of printed, non-printed, digital materials
Write your answer in your notebook.

VI. Remarks:


5X 5X 5X 5X
4X 4X 4X 4X
3X 3X 3X 3X
2X 2X 2X 2X
1X 1X 1X 1X
0X 0X 0X 0X

VII. Reflection:
Luke 15:11-32
A man had two sons. One day,
the younger of the two demanded
the share of his
father’s property that would
belong to him when his father
died. His father gave it to him,
and after a few days, the boy left
home on a long journey.
Here, he wasted the money and
lived a wild life.
When the money was all spent,
there came a famine,
and he began to be in serious
need. He found some
work in looking after the pigs of a
farmer in that district.
But there was nothing he could
eat except what the
pigs ate.
At last, he was so hungry and so
hopeless that
he started to consider who he was
and what sort of
person he had become. He saw
that he was poorer than the
poorest of his father’s
servants. Then he decided to
return home. He planned to admit
that he had done wrong
and to ask his father to employ
him as a servant, since he could
not expect to be treated
as a son any longer.
So he made the long journey
home. But before he could reach
the house, his
father saw him. He saw the boy’s
misery, and ran down the road
and welcomed him with
affection. The boy began to speak
of the wrong that he had done,
but before he could
ask to be employed as a servant,
his father called for a robe of
honor and put it on him.
Then he gave him a ring and
sandals to show that he was fully
accepted and his son,
and a feast was prepared so that
everyone could share in his
father’s joy.
The other son had been working
on the farm. As he returned to the
house, he
heard the singing and the hand
clapping, and asked what had
happened. His father
came out and begged him to join
in the feast. But he said, “I have
worked for you for
years, yet you never made feast
for me. Now you welcome this
son of yours who have
wasted your money!” Then his
father said gently, “My boy, of
course we must welcome
him home. He is not only “my
son” as you call him; he is your
brother. Come inside and
share my joy. The one that was
lost has now been found.
1. What is the country of origin of
“A Father and his Sons” story?
A. Japan B. Philippines C.
Greece D. Jerusalem
2. Which of the following does
NOT indicate the country of
A. clothing of the characters
B. linguistic accent
C. presence of the sage D.
the workaholic monster
3. What kind of person was the
A. full of vices B. lazy C.
industrious D. both A and B
4. In what particular situation did
the son realize his wrongdoing?
A. laziness B. hopelessness
C. success D. stubbornness
5. How does the story regard the
male gender character?
A. can work in the field
B. major decision maker
C. rumor monger D.
lives in the field all day
Directions: Watch your
favorite teleserye, “Ang
Probinsyano.” Who among
characters do you like most?
Why? Write your answer in your

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