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private List<AllScreenMenuModel> GetAllScreenMenuStudentRoleModelCached(string

string authApiUrl = _config["UrlSetting:authApiUrl"];
List<AllScreenMenuModel> result = new List<AllScreenMenuModel>();
var dataFolderPath = _config["UserSetting:ZAMDataFolderPath"];
AllScreenMenuModel menu;
menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()
Title = "Trending",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Championships", ShortName
= EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Super/championship375X250-half.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Half.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Half/marketplace375X250-half.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Half.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },

//AllScreenMenuModel menu;
menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()
Title = "What's New",
IsHorizontal = true,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>()
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Packages",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.zamitPackages.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/packages.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", isHitApi = false, apiUrl =
"" }

menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace", ShortName
= EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Watch Zamit Supers",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.LiveStream.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Small/WatchZamitSupers250X250-Small.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
false, Link = "", isHitApi = false,
apiUrl = "" },

new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Championships",

ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Championship.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Admissions", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AdmissionApplication.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Book your slot",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Cowin-S.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=true, apiUrl=
authApiUrl + "api/v1/ControlPanel/OnCowinClick" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Webinars", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Webinars.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "ZQ", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ZQ.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/ZQ.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "" , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "School Voting",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolVoting.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/SchoolVote.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolVoting.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Conclave",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolsConclave.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/SchoolsConclave.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "Students",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>()
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "My Zamit", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MyZamit.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/myzamit-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MyZamit.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "ZQ Journey", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ZQJourney.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/zq_journeyBig-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "" , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Championships",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Championship.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Meet a Counsellor",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MeetACounsellor.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/meetacounsellor.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "" , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Engagement Activities",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.EngagementActivities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/engage.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.EngagementActivities.ToString() ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Discounts & Deals",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.DiscountsDeals.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "" , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Admission Application",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AdmissionApplication.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString() ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Activities", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Activities.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Activities.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Activities.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Ambassador's Programme",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AmbassadorProgramme.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AmbassadorProgramme.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "" , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Packages",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.zamitPackages.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/packagesBig-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", isHitApi = false, apiUrl = "" }

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "Search",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Schools", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Schools.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/school-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Schools.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Teachers & Tutors",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeachersTutors.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/teacher&tutor.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeachersTutors.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Schools", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Schools.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/school-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Schools.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Teachers", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teachers.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/teacher.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teachers.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Tutors", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Tutors.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/teacher&tutor.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Tutors.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Coaching Centres",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CoachingCentres.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/coaching.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CoachingCentres.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Co-curricular
Activities", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CocurricularActivities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/cocurricular.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CocurricularActivities.ToString() ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "News, Updates & Stories",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "News", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/news-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString() , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Videos", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Videos.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/videos.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Videos.ToString() , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Webinars &
Interactions", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WebinarsInteractions.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/webinarAndInteraction-L.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
false, Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WebinarsInteractions.ToString() ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Podcasts", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Podcasts.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/podcast.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Podcasts.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Events", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/events.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString() , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Audio Stories",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AudioStories.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/audiostories.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AudioStories.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Video Stories",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.VideoStories.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/videostories.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.VideoStories.ToString() , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
return result;
private List<AllScreenMenuModel>
GetAllScreenMenuTeacherRoleModelCached(string OsType)
string authApiUrl = _config["UrlSetting:authApiUrl"];
List<AllScreenMenuModel> result = new List<AllScreenMenuModel>();
var dataFolderPath = _config["UserSetting:ZAMDataFolderPath"];
AllScreenMenuModel menu;
menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()
Title = "Trending",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Championships", ShortName
= EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Super/championship375X250-half.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Half.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Half/marketplace375X250-half.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Half.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
//AllScreenMenuModel menu;
menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()
Title = "What's New",
IsHorizontal = true,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>()
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Teacher Packs",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeacherPacks.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/packages.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace", ShortName
= EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Watch Zamit Supers",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.LiveStream.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Small/WatchZamitSupers250X250-Small.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
false, Link = "", isHitApi = false,
apiUrl = "" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Admissions", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AdmissionApplication.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Book your slot",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Cowin-S.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=true,
apiUrl=authApiUrl + "api/v1/ControlPanel/OnCowinClick" },
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Conclave",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolsConclave.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/SchoolsConclave.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Teacher Resources",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeacherResources.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/cocurricular.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeacherResources.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Workshops & Webinars",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Workshops&Webinars.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Work Opportunities",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WorkOpportunities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/WorkOpportunities.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Professional
Development", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ProfessionalDevelopment.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/ProfessionalDevelopment.png", Size
= EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ProfessionalDevelopment.ToString(),
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },//"
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "ZQ", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ZQ.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/ZQ.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Vote for your school",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolVoting.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/SchoolVote.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolVoting.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "Teachers",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>()
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "My Zamit", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teacher_MyZamit.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/myzamit-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "ZQ Journey", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ZQJourney.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/ZQJourney-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Work Opportunities",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WorkOpportunities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/WorkOpportunities.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Consult a Teaching
Expert", ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ConsultATeachingExpert.ToString(),
ImageUrl = dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/meetacounsellor.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
true, Link = "", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Teacher Resources",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeacherResources.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/cocurricular.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeacherResources.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Workshops & Webinars",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Workshops&Webinars.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Professional Development
& Qualifications", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ProfessionalDevelopment.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/ProfessionalDevelopment-L.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
true, Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ProfessionalDevelopment.ToString(),
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Packages",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teacher_zamitPackages.ToString(), ImageUrl
= dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/packages.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace", ShortName
= EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },

if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "News", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/news.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "News", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/news.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Events", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/events.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },


menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "Search",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Schools", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Schools.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/school-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Schools.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Teachers", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teachers.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/teacher.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teachers.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Tutors", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Tutors.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/teacher&tutor.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Tutors.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Coaching Centres",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CoachingCentres.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/coaching.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CoachingCentres.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Co-curricular
Activities", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CocurricularActivities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/cocurricular.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CocurricularActivities.ToString(),
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "News, Updates & Stories",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "News", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/news-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Videos", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Videos.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/videos.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Videos.ToString() , isHitApi=false, apiUrl=""},
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Webinars &
Interactions", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WebinarsInteractions.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/webinarAndInteraction-L.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
false, Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WebinarsInteractions.ToString(),
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Podcasts", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Podcasts.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/podcast.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Podcasts.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Events", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/events.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Audio Stories",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AudioStories.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/audiostories.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AudioStories.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Video Stories",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.VideoStories.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/videostories.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.VideoStories.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "Students",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>()
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "My Zamit", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MyZamit.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/myzamit-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MyZamit.ToString(), NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "ZQ Journey", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ZQJourney.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/zq_journeyBig-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Championships",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Championship.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Meet a Counsellor",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MeetACounsellor.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/meetacounsellor.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Engagement Activities",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.EngagementActivities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/engage.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.EngagementActivities.ToString(), NotAllowed =
true, PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Discounts & Deals",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.DiscountsDeals.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Admission Application",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AdmissionApplication.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), NotAllowed =
true, PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Internship Programme",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.InternshipProgramme.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Activities.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.InternshipProgramme.ToString(), NotAllowed =
true, PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Ambassador's Programme",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AmbassadorProgramme.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AmbassadorProgramme.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage="You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Packages",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.zamitPackages.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/packagesBig-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage="You
must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" }

return result;
private List<AllScreenMenuModel>
GetAllScreenMenuOtherRoleModelCached(string OsType)
string authApiUrl = _config["UrlSetting:authApiUrl"];
List<AllScreenMenuModel> result = new List<AllScreenMenuModel>();
var dataFolderPath = _config["UserSetting:ZAMDataFolderPath"];
AllScreenMenuModel menu;
menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()
Title = "Trending",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Championships", ShortName
= EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Super/championship375X250-half.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Half.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Half/marketplace375X250-half.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Half.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
// AllScreenMenuModel menu;
menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()
Title = "What's New",
IsHorizontal = true,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>()
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Packages",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.zamitPackages.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/packages.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace", ShortName
= EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "" , isHitApi=false, apiUrl=""},
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Watch Zamit Supers",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.LiveStream.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Small/WatchZamitSupers250X250-Small.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
false, Link = "", isHitApi = false,
apiUrl = "" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Championships",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Championship.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Admissions", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AdmissionApplication.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString() ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl=""},
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Book your slot",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Cowin-S.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", isHitApi=true,
apiUrl=authApiUrl + "api/v1/ControlPanel/OnCowinClick" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Webinars", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Webinars.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "ZQ", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ZQ.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/ZQ.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "School Voting",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolVoting.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/SchoolVote.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolVoting.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Conclave",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.SchoolsConclave.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/SchoolsConclave.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "" , isHitApi=false, apiUrl=""},
//new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "Search",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Schools", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Schools.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/school-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Schools.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Teachers", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teachers.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/teacher.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teachers.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature." ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl=""},
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Tutors", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Tutors.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Search/teacher&tutor.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Tutors.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Coaching Centres",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CoachingCentres.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/coaching.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CoachingCentres.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Co-curricular
Activities", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CocurricularActivities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/cocurricular.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.CocurricularActivities.ToString(), NotAllowed =
false, PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "News, Updates & Stories",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "News", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/news-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature." ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl=""},
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Videos", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Videos.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/videos.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Videos.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Webinars &
Interactions", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WebinarsInteractions.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/webinarAndInteraction-L.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
false, Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WebinarsInteractions.ToString(),
NotAllowed = false, PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this
feature.", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Podcasts", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Podcasts.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/podcast.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Podcasts.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Events", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/events.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Audio Stories",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AudioStories.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/audiostories.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AudioStories.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature." ,
isHitApi=false, apiUrl=""},
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Video Stories",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.VideoStories.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/videostories.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.VideoStories.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student/teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "Students",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>()
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "My Zamit", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MyZamit.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/myzamit-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MyZamit.ToString(), NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "ZQ Journey", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ZQJourney.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/zq_journeyBig-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage
= "You must be a student to access this feature." , isHitApi=false, apiUrl=""},
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Championships",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Championship.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Championships.ToString(), NotAllowed = false,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Meet a Counsellor",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.MeetACounsellor.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/meetacounsellor.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Engagement Activities",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.EngagementActivities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/engage.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.EngagementActivities.ToString(), NotAllowed =
true, PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Discounts & Deals",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.DiscountsDeals.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Admission Application",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AdmissionApplication.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AdmissionApplication.ToString(), NotAllowed =
true, PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Activities", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Activities.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/Activities.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Activities.ToString(), NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage = "You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Ambassador's Programme",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.AmbassadorProgramme.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/AmbassadorProgramme.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage =
"You must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Packages",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.zamitPackages.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/packagesBig-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage = "You
must be a student to access this feature.", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" }

menu = new AllScreenMenuModel()

Title = "Teachers",
IsHorizontal = false,
SubMenu = new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>()
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "My Zamit", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teacher_MyZamit.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/Students/myzamit-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Large.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage = "You must be
a teacher to access this feature.", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "ZQ Journey", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ZQJourney.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/ZQJourney-L.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage
= "You must be a teacher to access this feature.", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Work Opportunities",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.WorkOpportunities.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/WorkOpportunities.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage = "You must
be a teacher to access this feature.", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Consult a Teaching
Expert", ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ConsultATeachingExpert.ToString(),
ImageUrl = dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Students/meetacounsellor.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
true, Link = "", NotAllowed =
true, PopupMessage = "You must be a teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Teacher Resources",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeacherResources.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/Search/cocurricular.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.TeacherResources.ToString(), NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage = "You must be a teacher to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Workshops & Webinars",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Workshops&Webinars.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Webinars.ToString(), NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage = "You must be a teacher to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Professional Development
& Qualifications", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ProfessionalDevelopment.ToString(), ImageUrl =
dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/ProfessionalDevelopment-L.png",
Size = EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink =
true, Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.ProfessionalDevelopment.ToString(),
NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage = "You must be a teacher to access this feature.",
isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Zamit Packages",
ShortName = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Teacher_zamitPackages.ToString(), ImageUrl
= dataFolderPath + "Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/packages.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage
= "You must be a teacher to access this feature.", isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Marketplace", ShortName
= EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Marketplace.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/WhatsNew/Marketplace.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = true, IsExternalLink = true,
Link = "", NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage = "You must be a teacher to access this feature.", isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },
if (OsType != "ios")
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "News", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/news.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage
= "You must be a teacher to access this feature." , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "News", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/news.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Medium.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.News.ToString(), NotAllowed = true, PopupMessage
= "You must be a teacher to access this feature." , isHitApi=false, apiUrl="" },
menu.SubMenu.AddRange(new List<AllScreenSubMenuModel>() {
new AllScreenSubMenuModel() { Title = "Events", ShortName =
EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), ImageUrl = dataFolderPath +
"Content/AllScreenApp/NewsUpdates/events.png", Size =
EnumModelAllScreenSize.Small.ToString(), IsNewTag = false, IsExternalLink = false,
Link = EnumModelAllScreenShortName.Events.ToString(), NotAllowed = true,
PopupMessage = "You must be a teacher to access this feature." , isHitApi=false,
apiUrl="" },

return result;

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