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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements 

For the award degree of 










Speech recognition software is capable of collecting any spoken words and converting them
to text. Speech recognition development includes voice recognition as a key tool for
recognising people by their voices. Automatic speech recognition has been under
development for more than a half-century and has now passed the boundary of being used
only in one sector or industry due to the numerous benefits this technology provides to
businesses and consumers. When using a speech recognition technology to create a medical
record, the potential of omitting vital information during a visit is reduced.

This is especially crucial when many medical treatments must be documented during a
single consultation. This promotes collaboration with insurance companies, among other
things. Speech recognition is an important component of voice-powered assistant systems
for patients. Speech recognition technology, used in such systems, can boost patient
participation in their treatment process outside of the care facility. Creating speech
recognition software for medical transcribing is a difficult task. Although consumer apps like
as Amazon Alexa are well-equipped to detect the phrases individuals use in their daily lives,
virtual assistants in the medical field must "understand" extremely particular domain
language that varies by department.
Simply put, voice recognition refers to a device's capacity to hear and understand spoken
instructions. Voice recognition technology can interact with and carry out human directions.
Voice recognition was first used on PCs, but as cellphones integrated it and its use spread, it
became more widely available for use with household appliances. In this way, technology
started to become accessible in our living rooms, kitchens, etc.
Businesses are considering using Voice recognition technology because there is an
increasing amount of interest in it and a large user base nowadays.

We now distinguish between two categories of voice recognition:

Text-Dependent - This type of authentication and identity verification requires a certain set
of words to be spoken, and in order to be enabled, the user must utter the required phrase.
Text Independent - Relies on conversation speech rather than a specific text. The user does
not have to utter a predetermined list of words in order to be authenticated.

When Bell Laboratories created the 'Audrey' system in 1952, which was a system that
identified numbers spoken by a single voice, voice speech recognition was first made public.
Shoebox, created by IBM in the early 1960s, was dubbed the "forerunner of today's speech
recognition systems" because it could understand and reply to 16 English words, including
the digits 0 to 9.
Fast processors and technological advancements in the years that followed prompted the
creation and widespread adoption of dictation software like Dragon Dictate.
Up until 2011, when Apple chose to introduce Siri, spoken speech processing technology has
been continuously advancing.
Since then, voice recognition has continued to advance, and with the introduction of
Amazon's Alexa and Google's Voice Search, it has gained widespread acceptance.


1. Create Personalization:

The greatest method to increase the level of personalization in your services is to make
it simple and quick for customers to express their demands. Voice recognition
technology makes this possible. Voice AI can be used to create these private discussions,
potentially improving communication between people and businesses.

2. Generates more time:

Speaking is quicker than typing!

Given that voice inputs are far more efficient than typing, voice recognition technology is
being incorporated into more tools and gadgets in an effort to make life simpler.
According to The University of Stanford, voice recognition technology is getting better
every day to the point that it can now produce text outputs (such as dictation on a
mobile device) considerably more quickly and accurately than a human could when
typing on a keyboard.

3. Reach Multiple Users At once:

Unlike in the past, when a customer care agent could only speak to one user at a time,
voice AI now makes it feasible to reach multiple users at once. Because voice technology
is constantly evolving and getting more sophisticated, businesses are investing more in
researching new implementation strategies that will broaden their audience and boost
their bottom line.

4. Makes You Reachable to all:

Voice technology makes it considerably simpler for persons with mobility disabilities or
communication challenges to interact with your company because it just requires voice
input. Additionally, those with various types of infirmities, such as arthritis or hand
tremors that might get worse if they type too much throughout the day, can benefit
greatly from adopting speech recognition software.


Limitations and drawbacks of voice recognition in healthcare are:

 Erroneous voice dictation

Voice dictation errors can have a variety of negative effects on both the patient and the
doctor. A doctor may be held accountable for damages brought on by their negligence if
their documents are inaccurate and give rise to medical malpractice claims. Completely
wrong diagnoses will result from patient records with inaccurate information, which may
either make the patient's sickness worse or extend it.
 A room's background noise from numerous discussions

If there is too much background noise, voice recognition may have trouble
understanding your words. This is one reason why physicians should attempt to
speak quietly when dictating to a computer, particularly if they are in a setting where
other people are conversing.

 Dialects and accents' effects on word recognition

Due to the need for the voice recognition software to be taught for a particular
language, accents and dialects may affect word recognition. For instance, if a doctor
uses an American voice-recognition system and speaks with an Irish accent, the
system can have trouble understanding what the doctor is dictating because it was
educated on other accents or dialects.

 Patients' reluctance to be recorded

Due to privacy issues, some patients may not wish to be recorded, which is a
significant disadvantage of voice dictation. They might speak more quietly or remain
silent because they don't want what they say to the doctor to be recorded. The
difficulty for doctors to conduct live-voice interviews with patients in rehabilitation
facilities or mental hospitals due to the lack of privacy could be a severe problem for
those individuals.


 AI technology in healthcare

Many current efforts to incorporate artificial intelligence in healthcare are focused

on clinical decision support and gaining useful insights from large data sets. Without
artificial intelligence, healthcare organisations' data would be impossible to analyse.
AI-enabled tools can sift through large and complex data sets generated by
electronic records, notes, images, sensors, and devices to identify trends that could
improve patient care and assist researchers in developing better treatments for
medical conditions. Although artificial intelligence technology is still in its early
stages, there are numerous applications that could benefit organisations across the
healthcare industry.

 Blockchain in healthcare
Blockchain technology in the healthcare industry provides a user-centered method
for securely gathering, verifying, and sharing health information. Most blockchain
systems provide a public, distributed ledger of records that cannot be changed
without being recorded. The technology can be used to anonymize and secure
patient data while also ensuring complete transparency and interoperability across
diverse, distributed, and highly fragmented healthcare systems.

 Cloud computing in healthcare

When most people think of cloud computing, they envision it as a place to store
data. However, cloud environments provide more than just passive data storage.
Cloud environments enable healthcare organisations to create and customise
applications that automate the flow of data through their information technology
systems. Hybrid cloud environments, in particular, provide security features that can
assist organisations in maintaining HIPAA and other regulatory compliance while also
providing the flexibility needed to move data around to where it needs to go. This
adaptability also gives healthcare providers more options for updating legacy
systems and workflows. Cloud adoption allows organisations to use AI and machine
learning tools, which can help uncover hidden patterns and insights that improve
how care is delivered.

 Telehealth technology

During the COVID19 pandemic, many providers shifted to telemedicine

appointments. Many payers have also adapted to these changes by providing more
equitable reimbursement for telemedicine and improved billing options. Even after
the pandemic has passed, the technology ecosystem that supports telemedicine will
most likely continue to exist due to the convenience and flexibility it offers. Patients,
particularly those who live in remote areas or work outside of normal business
hours, value having more options for communicating with clinicians, whether they
use video software on a computer or a mobile app on their phones.

 Driving interoperability through technology

Interoperability, defined as the seamless exchange of data between systems and

organisations, is critical for accelerating digital transformation in the healthcare
industry. It benefits patients and providers by making relevant data more accessible
without jeopardising security or privacy. Clinicians have more time to focus on
making the best decisions for their patients when they have to do less work to find
the information they need. Furthermore, healthcare interoperability can reduce total
cost of care by reducing the number of unnecessary or repeated tests and assisting
clinicians in making diagnoses more quickly.

 How do we apply healthcare technology?

Technology is an essential component of modern healthcare, from massive

diagnostic imaging scanners to tiny wearable sensors. Technology has improved
many healthcare businesses processes in addition to new treatments and medical
procedures. Many people have come to appreciate the ease of scheduling
appointments online, gaining access to test results and records with a few clicks, and
sending questions to their providers via email or text.

Here are just a few examples of the areas in which healthcare technology innovations are
supporting the next wave of advances in healthcare:

 Disease diagnosis and treatment

Using AI to process data, such as medical images, and develop disease models could
help clinicians make more precise diagnoses. Recent work from IBM Research, for
example, has demonstrated that AI can be used to recognise and interpret brain
activity patterns in MRIs to track the progression of neurodegenerative illnesses such
as Huntington's disease.

 Medical imaging

Computers and AI models are especially useful in medical imaging because they can
help convert images to numbers and detect trends. These advancements can assist
radiologists and other clinicians in managing the enormous volume of images they
must review by identifying high-value findings and drawing anomalies to their

 Healthcare operations

Many hospitals and healthcare systems are beginning to expand on the benefits of
electronic medical records and look for other ways to systematically improve their
operations. Cloud computing, analytics, and mobile computing are just a few of the
technologies being used by businesses to optimise their digital infrastructure.

 Clinical research

Technology is being used by life sciences organisations to transform the way clinical
trials are conducted. Smart devices, telehealth visits, and sensors are used to
support decentralised trials, making data collection more efficient and convenient
for participants.


 A spoken phrase can be transformed into a command or written entry using voice
recognition technology. However, the technique is not merely restricted to speech
recognition. It includes identifying speakers, recognizing emotions in speech, and evaluating
language proficiency. Additionally, it may be utilized to translate spoken words into text for
applications like search engines.

 Computers can identify human voices and comprehend what they are saying thanks
to voice recognition technology. Technology has completely changed how we
interact with computers, enabling us to control them very easily when in use.

 IV requests are input into Butler's computer system, which transmits them to the
proper headset via the Voice collect system. IV nurses utilize the system to prioritize
IV orders while paying attention to the specifics of incoming requests.

 Nurses use voice commands to enter their actions into the patient's electronic
medical record after providing care. According to McGill, the nurses can record as
they move to the next patient's room. According to McGill, nurses ask for directions
for the next patient after finishing with one patient by saying "next duty."

 In this case, it is mentioned that the algorithm has shown to be capable of

comprehending various accents. Butler is examining whether to utilise voice-assisted
technology in further clinical settings, such as surgery. The usage of technology could
make sure that surgical team members complete patient safety checklists.

 In healthcare, voice-activated software technology is being utilised to reduce patient

monitoring mistakes, which often occur when a dozen personnel are present. There
have been a number of cases when hospitals failed to inspect a patient's room after
they passed away and as a result were never informed to do an inventory before
disposing of their food, linens, and clothing.

 Errors do occur in the usual hospital context, when ten to twenty caregivers are
involved in patient care. Because they didn't inspect the room, hospitals have
frequently been unaware of a patient's passing and weren't informed to do an
inventory before disposing of their food, bedding, and clothing.

 By reducing "sheep counting," voice-activated technologies in the healthcare

industry can help prevent these mistakes from occurring. It is more difficult for staff
members to become distracted and make mistakes when they are aware of the
necessity to focus on each patient and give them care. The chance of these costly
errors happening can be decreased by merely speaking notes and then recording
them. A voice assistant can also enhance the healthcare experience for patients.
Early uses included automating straightforward processes, including letting a patient
buy lunch or have their blood pressure taken without always needing a caregiver


      In difficult circumstances when a patient's medical history is intricate, the ability to voice
notes straight into a patient's electronic system is quite useful, according to him. As soon as
words are uttered into the system, text appears on the computer screen so that doctors
may check the correctness, make modifications, or add further information.

Additionally, the medical record has "a better flow" to capture patient encounters since
spoken words are instantly converted to text. According to Walker, earlier notes made by
[putting] structured text into the AHLTA system featured material that appeared to have
been slapped together at random, making them more like ransom notes.

During patient visits, doctors can use a microphone on their lapels to record notes on tablet
PCs or talk into headsets connected to a desktop or wall-mounted computers. When
compared to other information, such as medical photos, voice notes' storage needs are
"minimal," according to Walker. Leidheiser claims that adding voiced comments to emails,
letters, and medical documents makes it "easier to communicate the tale."

In the healthcare industry, documentation is crucial, but it doesn't have to take up

important time. The use of speech recognition technology increases productivity among
medical professionals during the course of the workday. This allows medical professionals to
visit more patients during the day because they won't have to remain late at work to do

A good standard of care for patients depends on having accurate, thorough medical records.
Imagine, however, that medical professionals must rely on handwritten notes and
observations. If they wrote rapidly, they might not be able to read their handwriting or they
might lose the notes altogether. They might also fail to put this information into the
patient's records so in order to overcome this problem, voice recognition technology
provides us an opportunity to record all spoken words and produce notes that can be
quickly added to patients' records hence voice recognition software enhances medical
records. The accuracy of medical records is crucial, especially when several treatments are
provided during a single visit. A missed diagnosis or inadequate treatment options may
result from incomplete or erroneous medical data. The accuracy and completeness of
medical records are helped by speech recognition software.

     The versatility offered by voice recognition technology is one of its finest features. Almost
any device and interface can access it. Doctors and other medical personnel may readily
exchange patient information and notes thanks to the power of the cloud. When a patient
needs to see several healthcare professionals, this is very helpful.

 Create a hardware platform that is standardised for voice recognition users.
 Develop a common hardware platform for voice recognition users. Voice-recognition
software is processor-intensive, and generally, the faster the CPU, the better the

 Another element that may impact performance is the sound card in a computer. A
sound card that can accurately analyse the electrical charges generated by your
voice when you speak into the microphone is necessary for voice-recognition
software. Accurate voice recognition will be difficult or impossible in the presence of
static or electrical interference.

 The quality of the microphone can also have an impact on the functionality of the
software. It takes a high-level, high-quality speech stream for voice recognition. A
high-quality, noise-cancelling headset microphone that is specially calibrated to the
software comes with the majority of voice recognition systems. Others may choose a
cordless headset, while those who dislike wearing a headset may select an array


Speech data is reusable because it is as simple to reuse as any other data. According to
studies, two-thirds of US hospitals would bear a large portion of the fines from reading
missions. Data that has been transcribed and bound in free text is more predictive of

The reusability afforded by voice denotes accurately coded and documented therapy that is
immediately billable. Because a single system is not tied to voice recognition, flexibility is
required. There are cloud-based solutions for today's technology that allow patients to
share a similar profile across the board, allowing doctors to tap in regardless of where it is
Because of improved professional hand-off, the only method to capture the data in
language was to record fewer medical errors. Unfortunately, firms began to develop models
that used drop-down menus, radio buttons, and check boxes to organise a patient's story.
Such diaries no longer serve the purpose of passing information from doctor to doctor, thus
they do not capture the substance of what is going on. The efficiency of the clinical hand-off
is particularly critical, because here is when errors occur. It is safer for the patient, better for
the budget, and helps to avoid medical errors that may be quite costly when utilising
anything like speech.

Productivity is the implicit assumption that when EMRs are implemented, doctors would
become less efficient. Some doctors believe that employing speech transcription allows
them to visit one-third more patients than using a standardised template within the EMR.
And, with baby boomers entering their retirement years and a medical shortage expected
owing to the increase in Medicare patients, it would be critical for doctors to stay as active
as possible.


1. What are some of the benefits afforded to organisations implementing voice recognition
technologies in these settings? How can you quantify these benefits to assess the value of
the investment? Provide several examples from the case.

Ans. Voice recognition software is a programme that uses a voice recognition algorithm
based on natural language processing to recognise spoken words and then either
accomplish a job or convert the uttered words into text as the software analyses the sound
and types it down.

There are five economic advantages of employing speech recognition technology.

1. Reusable information
Voice data, like any other type of data, may be reused. According to studies, two-thirds of
U.S. hospitals will face significant fees due to readmissions. Data that has been bound in
free text and subsequently transcribed is best predictive of readmission. Because of the
reusability that voice provides, accurate-coded and recorded care is immediately available
for billing purposes.

2. Adaptability
Voice recognition is not associated with a specific device. With today's technology, there are
cloud-based apps that allow users to share a single profile across several platforms, allowing
physicians to plug-in regardless of where it is utilised.

3. Improved clinical hand-off results in fewer medical mistakes.

The easiest approach to collect that knowledge was to write it down. Unfortunately,
organisations began to use drop-down menus, radio buttons, and checkboxes to push a
patient's story into an organised style. Because they don't capture the substance of what's
going on, such records no longer serve the hand-off from doctor to doctor. The correctness
of the clinical hand-off is also crucial, as here is when mistakes arise. Eliminating medical
mistakes, which may be quite costly, via the use of technology such as voice is better for the
patient and better for the budget.

4. Productivity
The fundamental premise when EMRs are introduced is that physicians would be less
productive. Some doctors claim that using voice transcription instead of a structured
template within the EMR allows them to visit one-third more patients. And, with baby
boomers entering their retirement years and a physician scarcity projected owing to an
increase in Medicare patients, it will be critical for physicians to remain as productive as

Healthcare businesses may save a lot of money by using voice-recognition software. The
advantages can be enjoyed by providers ranging from a solitary practitioner's office to a
hospital with hundreds of physicians and nurses on staff.

5. Flexibility
It is simple to shift speech data from one location to another with no chance of misplacing,
mistakes, or changes in data, and voice data is not connected to a single data source, which
improves overall health care.

Depending on the individual's workload, a single doctor or nurse that uses an outside
transcribing firm spends between $10,000 and $30,000 each year digitising dictation. For
example, by removing the need for transcription, a private practise doctor in San Diego
saved more than $10,000 per year by replacing outsourced transcription with a voice-
recognition technology. Furthermore, because he completes the paperwork for each patient
during their appointment, he now has more time to see more patients each day.
The potential savings in larger enterprises can be enormous. A big medical organisation in
Seattle saved $90,000 the first year it used speech recognition and $240,000 the following
year after rolling out the solution to all of its doctors and eliminating the requirement for in-
house transcribing workers.

2. There is no margin for error when working in a health care setting. How would you go about
implementing these technologies in this high-risk environment? What precautions or
approaches would you take to minimise risks? Develop some recommendations.

Ans. The successful installation of a voice-recognition software programme in the health

care industry necessitates careful attention to hardware, user training, and customisation.
Some healthcare companies handle their own voice recognition installation, modification,
and training, but the vast majority choose to outsource this work to a software vendor, a
system integrator, or a speech recognition value-added reseller (VAR).
Precautions: It is critical to implement acceptable security measures to protect users'
privacy. Security experts propose a number of security solutions that might assist consumers
avoid unwanted access to their speech recognition equipment. The greatest protection,
according to experts, would be the development of a speech authentication device that is
impervious to voice imitation assaults. This type of technology would make an important
addition to the field of voice recognition. Furthermore, they can:

 Establish a Multi-Stakeholder Governance Team.

 Get Agreement on Goals and Be Open About Differences
 Make use of medical practise skills.
 Create a task force for collaboration.
 Create a suitable system.


 Create a common hardware platform for voice recognition users.

 Voice-recognition software requires a lot of processing power, and the quicker the
CPU, the better the performance.
 Another aspect that might impact performance is the sound card on a computer.
Voice-recognition software requires a sound card that can properly analyse the
electrical charges produced by your voice when you speak into a microphone. Static
or electrical interference will make excellent voice recognition accuracy difficult or
 The quality of the microphone can also have an impact on software performance. A
high-quality, high-level speech signal is required for voice recognition. Most voice-
recognition software comes with a high-quality, noise-cancelling headset
microphone that has been custom-tuned for the software. Users who dislike using
headsets may choose an array microphone, while others may choose a wireless

3. In what other areas of medicine would you expect technology to make inroads next? Where
do you think it would be most beneficial, and how would it change the way doctors and
nurses work today? Provide several examples.

Future: Voice-recognition technology might considerably aid providers who must write
documentation at the hospital bedside in the future. As a result, continuing usage of voice-
recognition technology outside of this field will be required to verify its usefulness.
In its quest to make inroads into medicine, voice recognition has discovered an odd ally:
PACS. Every major imaging and PACS vendor currently offer, or is about to deliver,
integrated digital dictation capabilities with their radiological workstations. Some are even
going so far as to enable these systems to respond to spoken commands. The purpose in
both situations appears to be to help radiologists expedite process and enhance efficiency,
and the question of whether the technology is accurate enough appears to be immaterial.
Patients want a doctor who will listen to them. Unfortunately, many busy doctors must
focus their attention on a computer monitor while physically typing their notes. This irritates
and discourages patients during an already unpleasant encounter. Doctors may also
overlook vital nonverbal cues. That is why Chart Logic designed their electronic medical
record (EMR) with a built-in speech recognition capability. Chart Logic EMR software is a
strong tool that enables physicians to take precise notes while remaining focused on the
patient, thereby enhancing both the electronic charting process and the patient experience.
Traditional point-and-click EMRs have several drawbacks:
Fortunately, there is an alternative. Many of these concerns may be solved using trained
voice recognition technology. Physicians no longer have to navigate a difficult and time-
consuming set of panels, manually enter data, and click a mouse hundreds of times. The
doctor simply responds with a succession of dynamic, command-based replies instead of
tabs, checkboxes, radio buttons, form fields, and pick-lists. Moving to EMR software with
speech recognition often reduces expense by 60% while increasing patient throughput and
billed income by 25%. Chart Logic EMR also saves time over traditional dictation. The typical
physician saves $30,000 to $50,000 per year after the necessity for a transcriptionist is gone.
4. The case talks about electronic medical or health records systems. These are slowly
becoming standard in many hospitals and clinics, both private and public. Go online and
search for reports of these implementations. What are the main benefits derived from their
adoption? What have been the major roadblocks preventing their acceptance?
Ans. Customers in the healthcare business tell that the majority of their doctors spend too
much time typing patient notes, reports, and so on, which decreases their productivity.
 Medical professionals may save time on data input by voice-typing their paperwork
on the fly, allowing them to focus more on patients. Voice recognition also helps
providing medical treatment to more patients by enhancing the productivity of
medical workers, hence increasing the cash flow to healthcare institutions.
 When using a speech recognition technology to create a medical record, the
potential of omitting vital information during a visit is reduced. This is especially
crucial when many medical treatments must be documented during a single
consultation. This promotes collaboration with insurance companies, among other
 Speech recognition is an important component of voice-powered assistant systems
for patients. Speech recognition technology, used in such systems, can boost patient
participation in their treatment process outside of the care facility.

Patients, for example, can ask a voice-powered nursing assistant (which can be linked to
medical equipment) to record their symptoms, offer information on their ailment, or
provide general health information. As a result, voice recognition technology makes such
tasks more pleasant and efficient. As a result, patients are more likely to feel enthusiastic
about their therapy.

Some roadblocks after the implementation of voice recognition are:

1. Implementation is expensive and takes a long time.
To decrease installation time and costs for speech recognition technology, I recommend
leveraging open-source SR engines such as Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, Azure Speech to
Text, Dragon APIs, and IBM Watson. You should also perform extensive product road-
mapping and feature prioritisation to acquire value quickly and with lowest risk.
2. Errors in transcription
Medical language specialisation, misspelt or missing terms, user accents, and a diversity of
language patterns can all lead to mistakes in voice recognition-generated healthcare papers,
reports, and notes. To avoid them, you should increase product functionality by:

Adding medical speciality dictionaries.

To reduce the potential of misinterpretation, use reminders for physicians to talk slower or
clearer when a speech recognition technology identifies a crucial quantity of disfluencies
whilst speaking.
Using semi-autocorrection, users may quickly and simply repair spelling mistakes.
5. The case above was presented from the perspective of practitioners and hospital
administrators. How comfortable would you feel, as a patient, knowing that your health
care providers are using these technologies? Would you have any concerns? Break into
small groups with your classmates to discuss this issue.


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