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老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2


剑 9-1 Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning
a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the
advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?


1. 年纪小,更容易学会
2. 教学安排灵活


1. 年纪小,更容易学会
2. 教学安排灵活

剑 9-1 老徐版本参考范文(中立写法)
考官版本在剑 9 第 163 页:
Traditionally, children began to study foreign languages at secondary
school, but now this course has been introduced to many primary schools.
This can help children master the foreign language earlier, although there
are some problems that should not be ignored.

To begin with, primary school students can pick up languages much more
easily than high school students. Their learning is less likely to be affected
by the mother tongue. When they grow up into adolescents, they may feel
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shy and reluctant to communicate with others in a foreign language.

Another benefit is that primary school students have more time to learn
foreign languages. As the primary timetable is flexible, the class can be
designed to be shorter and more frequent. Meanwhile, the teacher can add
more entertainment elements to the course and maintain learners’
enthusiasm and progress.

There are, however, some disadvantages. Primary school teachers are

generalists, and may not have the necessary language skills themselves.
The learning process in primary school is not continuous and systematic. If
the course is not standardised, students would be at different levels when
they enter the high school. Moreover, learning foreign languages too early
may affect the acquisition of a person’s mother tongue. A good example is
that many young children in China start to learn English at a very young age,
but their ability to speak and write Chinese declines.

Overall, early exposure to foreign languages would benefit children in

terms of learning other languages and understanding foreign cultures.
However, the school and educational authorities should choose the right
time and adopt appropriate methods.

剑 5-2:In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel

for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to
do this.

中学生高中毕业休息一年 gap year 的利弊

1. 开头:
2. 好处:开阔眼界,增长见识;变得独立
3. 坏处:休息之后,无法重新适应大学的学习环境,收不了心,不
4. 结尾:

使用驳论的写法(剑 5-2 考官写法,第 165 页)

1. 开头:
2. 好处:开阔眼界,增长见识,变得独立
3. 坏处:但是,休息之后,无法重新适应大学的学习环境,收不了
4. 结尾:利大于弊

老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2

1. 开头:
2. 好处:开阔眼界,增长见识,变得独立
3. 坏处:但是,假期也可以打工和旅游,没有必要 gap year;休息
4. 结尾:弊大于利

A. Discuss advantages and disadvantages.
Do you think the benefits outweigh drawbacks?
Is it a positive or negative development?
B. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
C. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
D. What are reasons, effects and solutions?
E. What? How?

题 1:Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a

compulsory part of high school programs (for example working for a
charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger
children) . To what extent do you agree or disagree? (剑 9-2)

题 2:Nuclear energy is better than other sources of energy to meet the

increasing need. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2013-9-7)

题 3(作业):Living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent

do you agree or disagree? (2014-3-1)

题 1: Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a

compulsory part of high school programs (for example working for a
charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger
children) . To what extent do you agree or disagree? (剑 9-2)
老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2

第二段:同意的理由 1:培养责任心

第三段:同意的理由 2:学会实用技能

第四段:不同意(弊端): 影响学习


版本 1:Doing unpaid work is common among high school students in some
countries, which has become a compulsory part of high school programs. In
my opinion, this can provide them with many valuable skills, although it may
affect their study sometimes.
版本 2:In many high schools, students are required to do unpaid work after
class as a compulsory part of high school programs. While this may occupy
their time to some extent, it is beneficial for students’ growth in various

It is suggested that all high school students should be involved in unpaid
community services. In my opinion, this can provide them with many
valuable skills, although it may affect their study sometimes.

版本 1:Doing unpaid work is common among high school students in some
countries and some people believe this should be a compulsory part in high
school education. In my opinion, this can provide students with many
valuable skills, although it may affect their study sometimes.

版本 2:Doing unpaid work is common among high school students in some

countries and some people believe this should be a compulsory part in high
school education. I agree with this opinion to some extent.

I agree with this opinion to some extent.
I think this viewpoint is reasonable.
In my point of view, this practice has benefits as well as drawbacks.
This argument may be true.
老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2

I think this is a one-sided view.

剑 9-2 考生范文开头段版本(8 分)考生范文完整版本在剑 9 第 165 页

It has been suggested that high school students should be involved in
unpaid community services as a compulsory part of high school programs.
Most of the colleges are already providing opportunities to gain work
experience, however these are not compulsory. In my opinion, sending
students to work in community services is a good idea as it can provide
them with many lots of valuable skills.

完整范文版本 1(鼓励中学生做义工,同时也需要合理引导,有利有弊,利大于
Doing unpaid work is common among high school students in some countries,
which has become a compulsory part of high school programs. While this
may occupy their time to some extent, it is beneficial for students’ growth
in various aspects.

First of all, doing unpaid work can enhance students’ sense of responsibility.
When serving as volunteers, students will learn to consider other people's
needs and understand what kind of role they can play in the community. For
example, in some communities, teenagers need to look after old people in
nursing homes or read to children in kindergartens. Such children are more
likely to become useful adults when they grow up.

Moreover, doing unpaid work enables students to put theory into practice.
In this process, they would gain work experience and practical skills, which
would be an asset on their CVs and increase their employability. Many
companies would consider whether the job applicants have the experience
of doing voluntary work when they recruit new employees.

However, doing voluntary work will consume students’ time and distract
them from study. Some students’ academic performance may decline and
their parents would complain that this kind of work has affected their
study. If the family and students themselves have an antipathy to
voluntary work, it goes against the original intention of the organizer.

My view is that all students in high schools should be encouraged to take

part in unpaid work, which can help them become mature and responsible.
However, they should also be guided in arranging their time reasonably and
striking a balance between their study and extra-curricular work.

老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2

完整范文版本 2(驳论写法):

In many high schools, students are required to do unpaid work after class
as a compulsory part of high school programs. While this may occupy their
time to some extent, it is beneficial for students’ growth in various

First of all, doing unpaid work can enhance students’ sense of responsibility.
When serving as volunteers, students will learn to consider other people's
needs and understand what kind of role they can play in the community. For
example, in some communities, teenagers need to look after old people in
nursing homes or read to children in kindergartens. Such children are more
likely to become useful adults when they grow up.

Moreover, doing unpaid work enables students to put theory into practice.
In this process, they would gain work experience and practical skills, which
would be an asset on their CVs and increase their employability. Many
companies would consider whether the job applicants have the experience
of doing voluntary work when they recruit new staff.

On the other hand, doing voluntary work will consume students’ time and
distract them from study. Some students’ academic performance may
decline and they may have an antipathy to voluntary work. However, if
parents and teachers could guide children in arranging their time
reasonably and striking a balance between their study and extra-curricular
work, this problem would be addressed.

In conclusion, all students in high schools should be required to take part in

unpaid work, which can help them become mature and responsible.

题 2:Nuclear energy is better than other sources of energy to meet the

increasing need. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ( 2013-09-07 )

版本 1:背景+我的观点
To tackle the energy crisis throughout the world, nuclear energy is now
widely used in many countries. Compared with fossil fuels, it has various
advantages, but there are also some risks that we should pay attention to.

版本 2:题目观点+我的观点
老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2

Some people think that nuclear power is the best source of energy and
should be further promoted to tackle the energy crisis. This viewpoint
sounds reasonable, but using nuclear power has some risks that should not
be ignored.

版本 3:背景+题目观点+我的观点
To tackle the energy crisis throughout the world, nuclear energy is now
widely used in many countries. While some people think that it is the best
source of energy, I disagree with this opinion.

I agree with this opinion to some extent.
I think this viewpoint is reasonable.
In my point of view, this practice has benefits as well as drawbacks.
This argument may be true.
I think this is a one-sided view.

However, it is too early to come to the conclusion that nuclear power is the
best source of energy, considering its potential risks. Nuclear power
stations may be destroyed by technical failures, natural disasters or
terrorist attacks. Leakage of nuclear waste and radiation would cause
catastrophic consequences to the environment and pose a threat to
people’s health and safety. For example, destruction of nuclear power
stations in Japan following the tsunami a few years ago seriously damaged
the local environment. Numerous people exposed to radioactivity died or
suffered from fatal diseases, with the impact of this incident lasting till

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老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2

题 3 作业: Living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do
you agree or disagree? (2014 年 3 月 1 号考题)
1. 开头段
2. 同意的理由一:空气污染有害健康
3. 同意的理由二:生活方式有害健康
4. 不同意的理由:更好的医疗服务


老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2

5. 结尾段:


主体段第 1 段:

主体段第 2 段

Despite the accelerating urbanization and growing urban population, some
people think that living in big cities is harmful to people’s health. This is
true to some extent, if we consider the environment of large cities and
lifestyles of city dwellers.

In recent years, due to increasing traffic and some other factors, the
environment of many cities has become worse. The exhaust fumes emitted
by cars contain poisonous chemicals that are detrimental to people’s health.
According to some researches, air pollution may cause a series of diseases
or even lung cancer.

Moreover, people living in big cities tend to lead unhealthy lifestyles. For
example, they often eat fast food because of the fast pace of life, which
老徐雅思写作技巧预测班第二次课 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信 yasi1jia2

is not good to their health. They work under high pressure to earn more to
cover the high living cost, with few opportunities to do sports. They waste
precious time in crowded subways and in traffic congestions every day,
making them frustrated and exhausted. By contrast, those living in the
countryside can enjoy fresh air and healthy food, and they have less stress
to deal with in daily life.

There is no denying that medical services and facilities are much better in
large cities. People have easier access to good healthcare and medical
treatment than those who live in remote rural areas. However, this does
not change the fact that the poor environment and stressful lifestyle in
the city can do harm to people's health.

Overall, living in large cities has some potential risks to people’s health and
to address this problem, we should improve the urban environment and
advocate healthy lifestyles.


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