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What is a static website?

A static website is made from several HTML files, each representing a page on the website. Each
page on static websites is a separate HTML file. You only see the actual homepage file when you
visit the homepage. All websites were created using this method in the early years of the internet
because static websites are relatively simple to make. Simple static web pages are available. It is
written in various languages, including HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The server sends the
response to the client without additional processing when it receives a request for a static web
page. And a web browser is used to view these web pages. Pages on static web pages won't
change unless they are manually updated.

What is a dynamic website?

When a user visits the page, a dynamic website uses server technologies (like PHP) to build the
page dynamically.

CGI, AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, and other programming languages create dynamic web pages. The
content of pages on dynamic websites varies depending on the visitor. Compared to a static web
page, it takes longer to load. Dynamic web pages are used where information is updated
frequently, such as stock prices, weather, etc..

static websites

Pages on static web pages won't change unless they are manually updated.

Static Web Pages are low-complexity in comparison.

Information is rarely changed in static web pages.

Less time is needed to load a static web page than a dynamic one.
The database is not used when creating static web pages.

A database is used in dynamic web pages.

HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and other languages create static web pages.

There are no application programs contained in static web pages.

Static web pages are easier to design and less expensive.

dynamic website

Interactive Web Page

Pages' contents on dynamic websites vary depending on the visitor.

Complex dynamic web pages are required.

Information on dynamic websites is constantly changing.

A dynamic web page loads more slowly.

A database is used in dynamic web pages.

CGI, AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, and other programming languages create dynamic web pages.

Application programs for various services are contained in dynamic web pages.

Designing dynamic web pages is comparatively more time- and money-consuming.

What is better? Static websites or dynamic websites?

The answer largely depends on the goal of the website you're creating.

Dynamic websites can be more time- and money-consuming to code and develop at the
beginning than static websites. A static site might be preferable if your schedule and budget are

In general, static sites may be more beneficial if your website:

is for a short-term promotion and only requires one or two pages

once the rise is over, be removed

However, dynamic websites ultimately pay off for the vast majority of website projects where
you will update content frequently. This is due to the fact that any initial savings you may realize
from a static website will not more than offset the extra time and effort required for site updates
and revisions in the future.

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