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5 [Sunparcepe Counge . OF NursiNG a ‘ AlssiGnoent- ON & Y 9 PosrTloN of THe RED ‘Ved Va Ul See ure teD Be | \ ) ReHAND | fl) | SIBAN! Te f L/ | Soca TTED Te PN | (I \ 4 ‘Bsc. NURSING Sst YEAR| Hi ‘Rott No-4 ets ‘ "I ACKNOWLEDAMENT '- TL theak my Puna monn to CPLEX MEON OSS damenP On the dopic “Bed Position’ .T Honk hey 4 share OQ) he¥ KnowhelSe with me on the this tPIe. She helfesd Me to undexstand abst Beal Rostiion’. She hak offers, | ME Vawlety of Encwledde and Key exrestenle. She ts mi | Nursing Rundattea Teach she has Cleary feughtme! Jaton Are torte esl Position and iS Impextence Foe nucssirg aaa LT adentse hey fey different plang ant iden. | | 1 ; . § 1 ff pew a," [zNimooverson HK one oF the basic Procedules that auiing Pedsonnel hein Most Frequendly 1 that of changing ths Rtiend's ‘ OS on AEANY Psion, even the most Ombtlable Peston helenb the 9 Teoteanatte oFted a fexied of Hime. a Rwherveos, the heolthY PerSon hos the ability to cree od ol tne SICK Person's movement tod he_(jenited bY dictate in5udy of hebPless. * ‘et ‘ peas often nesnsibilit4 of the Maclice nuise te m5! the Pandit and chonde. his Position fretnent)Y [REASONS FOR. CHANGING THE POSITIONS '- ° FTO Promote the Comfiet OKT Rest-ave tbody function SChending FsitenS imProves Soslnnintestina) functens * @ 8 Th ol fo frProves respivade v4 functions ‘ OTe reliene the Pressure on the. dinPhradm P25 To Prevent deformities . } Phen one Les in bed fod lend fexiods of Heng muscle become OckrofhI © Prevention of deforenities will fed the fedient fo reve when Fats activi lewel 45 advance (ie ego neliene the Ressure Jindudy © To SHeaulode the ci¥culotten OTe Bethe trestment Ronde of motion BASIC PRINCIPLES IN POSLTIONING THE PATIENT: FRMalarain o Qood fodiert bed¥ abidament think cf the fattent tr boty as thoudh he were Stonding KK Maintain the Pattents Sofoty ft A RAeossure the Potiert te fromste Comnfokt! endl’ Goer exalion + ee. e I eyoneviy & injury, BAKECP In mind Profed belY mechanics fod the PHcbical Nuyse - | Dblain Ossistence, Hf needed to move. heavy os redpless F Podtent $ | A Follow SPecitle PhYSiclan's ovder pK Nok use specio) device, unless offered oak jFJo. ae fe , ' “koed choot 15 alledes| \ | LIST OF POSTTIONs + AESUPINE Postion } RSeont Poster's /foualend!s pastiion RK PrN Posryion | ' fi Phobenal of sien's Poston FX DexSo) recumbent Position EE Kknee-chest Position { KrVendelenbuils fos'Hon BA Lotevel (aide Lind Poston i BK Lithotorny Position ; : SUPINE PosITION'- ‘| othe ohent Vies Flot on block with 233 extended anol frees BH sUShtLy flexed . WUSES DKF Gorfoit of tha Rodient ‘iene bi ie Signs ' PROCEDURE '- K Wash hands AKAPProoch and WeatfI the Pent and Explain the, Proced use. K Prsovide Psvacd throughout the Procedure HK PosiVion tre bed— Place. the bod na -flot ev fomel Position a Redi] Crt tovFnd height» unless ContraindicodesMaweY the side roils IN AKL Proxionel Side - Move the Patient fiom 0 lateral (side) Position ole a Supine Posi. Hen. on SFE the Potent on his Stole, remove te Supt Fiore Pld oP the oP Loading bath fo the hiPs, bind Careful to Oweid any undue enPosune oF he foHent's Lodl¥ @ Lt one hand of the Poet's Shoulley and ont on hip, rel} WiS bod Gn ong Plece over? one Als book ®ALIN the Potents bod¥ ta Geof fosition ® Head ,necle any SPIN awe in a SAnoidht ling PAIMS.ame atthe patients Side ett hand Prone 1298 axe fowsllel co his bod Y © HPS, Knees Root Should be in Dood all PESUP POLL tthe. bold PoWES jr Boo: Place o py 1 SAcmemb | LN anntnd- for OmPPyt L Wed unde? the, head and Shoublers do Proven S4RaIn OM Hck ennseles on A WY levtenston aro} fleocior of the By neck ei) Vi) P SUPP tthe Soroth oFthe back with a Folded bod -tovse) Y) OF Sermo] Pi Med ® Puck a fectboord ‘od tine food of the Led ond Reet Flot oBaingt it to Prevent Plante | PANRAME & santbo9S nlong the oufer Povo of < the wont feck to Keer the foot umlgtye MONE ecttschenter nell andlamcge te oleng. the TEGKE AWE and dT do hoor : Place the q Vf eter 7 HNP Jolnt Fron \ HAI | oucktyen? vote \: PK plote 0 Fillnd Under Ho Coch Forearm Sothe am ‘tC Gg 4 Leos Six inches Frum the bedd RPrevide tel the pebierd's Conbort | Saket: . Le | : 4 psa te SAe nollsst | *F2Ploce tne beading AMY ond noise te mon the bedside stend of eve U be Litio essy 820500) eone Pleave He bed in flow p A He change nud, KP Poth 5. 90 B Coot NUISING ObServeH AS to the a Pea TY Mahe USES} Wis 2 tov ‘ ertpads Nomote. teay And Bases ead Oye Rela ay Xr Rel Yo the Be Relay dre Jayde mutates S CONTRA ~SNOrEATINNS . Me Nod do he led og te ste fee Postion XRaise the kAce Gate ch ef the bed atPren Centrainds cocked ‘45 deQreee tunles I Use a fect beard de owiintain the Ret at Ugh nog do.the Leas suse Pills fy ° Behind the rf nee ae > a os eI aeensonet favor “tock te Prevent § & ? Seyfert as Acer rulers ant head a fre the lumber Seine neden *UNded the thigh to prevent the hYPerLenson ofthe kaves MPloce the pationt in Beod ted4 allidament Head NeOK & back axe SAr oA Dh BRC 1 SHIA Poston Feet are sHnaidht STLLS dee Pointing we ARPrrovide Fol the. Patient's Cuenfu PPO MACe tre Ledding nentIy P Raise Asecuse tho side roils 2 Place the Coll Lidl Within nemch Position the bedside Stand af ove rved lable So thod the talitul CAL be within ead Reach of deinkin] Woded and Pelseon) Hens @Leove the bed in doo Posifion vA On Socfody ! RAPE the SiIni Root aw7oqn obsexvad>AS to chase Nulse , STE WeIDht of thre badd is sureted ohere tha. hes o%e_ is maria 1 Kethe client ies lot on Hye cbdemen with head tuinto Oe sie. KUSes\ As ASSESS the hif Point Qe ASSESS the PosterieY thor Bs Position -the client with inJuvies, bila J sulgevieS | Of the bak » | Me Give Comfort Se Relieve Presseawe from Pressuse Soyer Prone areas bY Prov ding & Chon9e of Position 6. RY client oftey anesthesia Ao Prevent’ aseiiadion of | + | Saliva mucus ¢ blood CONTRAINDICATZLONS | Kelients wth resPirotowy of spinal frotleons eKReltents afte abdominal sundexy PROCEDURE \- | Keollect the eqyiPment Piller, PostHening ald e8 inducted Kwosh hands ‘ RAP 20ch Pidentty the Fosient Aexvlain the procedure HPyvovide fox Privacd KARAS the pooh bower the headrest £ KNeeReSt So thet the bed in 0 Fok Posie, Moise the bel I wosting heat, |G fosed the side moilS on the side chile Youre woking + PRLower the bo beddind douin to the Lewel ef the rotten Wes, but ovoid undue OnPoSure vf the Patients bodY, tihich May, CoML Bmborvessmronts « Position the Patent ia bed! ae. ed a my ei ke ale pine adeief Mottne 55 #Demeve tine foot hoovlis eae {S Present eTgn the Potent onto Ais sido 6 than hn i Roll tod Yor: $0 ve Can ebSevve *s sae “S sheet e SiGog tinue, fo moll until he is on his Sho Meo ch Li SO he Peelient ta Dive} Pasohina Head 15 darned to one atde neck hack ome sn siro Ill {ine © AWMS At Pavolhed -lo ho in Sh OWIIY Fixed] oaton, om! Jon? which the head 15 taxed Can be flened Shoo wt {he CChow So lhad hand (F Aor? LLC treorl #LEIS aye siratDht WHE OY | K9Peve sto of Mhe, fe BamsS a Che fame side. t over the @f3e of the motresd 40 awe iol oa Pbed is Maced uacdey byl oahles bo Prevent the Plantar flexion aso result of rulonged hy rede ASTON SUPP} the GAELS told B Keekdt WA © Yood ali gnmend LATERAL 9 SIM'S PosPTaeN:- EAH S Lotevod ro the chert 15 Merced on the lefb st GH one Pi Lod under? the head xk uses! As RY Qa Fes InseyHod suPPositorstes 3.To tutte recta) ternrerdaduve 4. RY doin) dhe nectal examinations DIAGRAM OF PRONE PosITION VIA) enemas DIAGRAM OF LATERAL ¢ 5IM‘S POSLTION :- NN ee aees flat 2 sles the 4 ON™ PrLled Is Maced under? the. 5S» Wx tremihes $ Py checking the Pexthey UW Rs J avces 5. Rey Cathetenizatten of dhe asinary biaddey KNEE-CHEST POSITION The client WS Prone on knees J chest J hOad is teesneal {40 | ONe side, with the check on a Pibjes A Smal Pillow mod LO placed undey the chest ATE O260S oC above_the head of thes may be Flees at the sufovt the. client PooftiollY | Kthe Weidht ef the client should nest on dias ¢ eaee p7RThE Knees oxe flexed a9 in a Knedlind P.5iHon andthe thi- }IhS axe Od rad angles + the $295 USES: ered Creminodion of the mecdim £VAginn HPL SiGmoidoscePy RAS on exercise for PestfaRtund clients The client with arthritis of otheY jeint be unable to die in this position RENDELENBURG PoSTTION:~ ATE chent dies supine with tha head $0 -L Yo degree fowey/ than the feet of the fost ofthe Led may be elevated ate deformity may MB degree angle at the oferasion treatee, the ofevaton | table Con 62 odiusted fo mraiatein this Position the 1285 hand downward ovew the end af the tare RAS VX EXooni Nadton of the Pelvic ovdan XoPetotion of the pelvic olgan in dle? to displace I] nA the intestine From the polly ie Cauity inte the wPrex Ya Ob omen ET. treat Shock | REx? Posbucde) AxosorI2_ KTo Promote the VE0OUS Refer HT. 4reot the decvehtea ood PrQSSUTR ASS LATERAL OR SIDE LYING PosETEO\: AThE Client Hes cn his SHC with waht on LIS HIPS ¢ Sheeldey K uses} A. To noheve the Pressure en bend Preminence +h hack fSacval region MK Cordycindi HOS! c i @Not to be Wed AY hif- Replacement on ee dic Surgery —— Ea SEaLoananar = 99 MY SUBTECT TEACHER. ®_TBRARY. @TEXT Books. @REFRESHER’S . @ INTERNET . | @MY PARENTS. | @FRIENDS ANID CLASSMATES - | CONCLUSTON:- TT BECAME A GREAT EXPERTENICE To MAKE ASSIGNMENT ONITHIS Tere. TT Has PROVIDED ME LOTS oF knlow ANID Exeearenice . T THANK ALLOF THEM Who SUPPORFED ()me AND HELPED ME To COMPLETE MY ASSEq- 2 iment SUCCESSFULLY. THANK YOU

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