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Meeting other students

Listen to a group of new students meeting for the first time to practise and
improve your listening skills. Double click the sound icon to listen, or copy-paste
this link to your web browser, or click the link to hear it online:


Listening - Meeting
Other Students.mp3

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Social Studies Revision - 1

What's the meaning of ID card ?

A-) irrelevant card

B-) i'm card

C-) identification card

D-) impossible card

Which of the following represrents our national culture ?

A-) Hercules

B-) Santaclaus

C-) Rapunzel

D-) Nasreddin hodja

Which food item belongs to our national culture ?

A-) Spaghetti

B-) Sushi

C-) Hamburger

D-) Tarhana soup

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Which country was not in the Allies ?

A-) Armenia

B-) Turkey

C-) France

D-) Greece

… is the smallest part of the society.

A-) Neighbour

B-) Relative

C-) Friends

D-) Family

Your father’s sister is your…

A-) Uncle

B-) Sibling

C-) Aunt

D-) Friend

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Which information doesn’t state on ID card ?

A-) Name

B-) Date of birth

C-) Family name

D-) Best friend’s name

Which one doesn’t belong to the Turkish culture ?

A-) Eating croissant in breakfast

B-) Celebrating the Ramadan

C-) Henna night

D-) Turkish coffee

When did Atatürk open the Turkish Grand National Assembly ?

A-) On 30th August 1922

B-) On 23rd April 1920

C-) On 29th October 1923

D-) On 9th September 1921

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Why did Atatürk go to Samsun ?

A-) To start the War of Independence

B-) To establish a factory

C-) To tour around

D-) To learn ship building

Which one is correct ?

A-) Department : tourism, agriculture, mining

B-) Manufacturing : agricultre, mining, health

C-) Department : tourism, security, health

D-) Manufacturing : education, tourism, mining

Which one is a necessitiy ?

A-) boat

B-) plane


D-) bread

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Shopping for clothes

Listen to a conversation in a shop to practise and improve your listening skills.
Double click the sound icon to listen, or copy-paste this link to your web browser,
or click the link to hear it online:


Listening -
Shopping for Clothes.mp3

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1. Fill in the blank lines with a vocabulary word .
melting -freezing- boiling –condensing- evaporating
1. ____________________________ is when liquid water
turns into ice.
2. ____________________________ is when ice turns into
liquid water.
3. ____________________________ is when water vapor
turns into liquid water.
4. ____________________________ is when liquid water
slowly dries up and turns into water vapor.
5. ____________________________ is when liquid water is
heated to a high temperature and quickly turns into water

2. List six things in your home or classroom that are

made of metal that are not magnetic.

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3. Madison is reading a book that has 232 pages in it.

She read 42 pages over the weekend. Then she read
30 more pages on Monday night. How many pages
does Madison have left to read?
a) 160
b) 155
c) 189
d) 140

4. Steven bought two boxes of erasers. One box had 24

erasers in it. The other box had 36 erasers in it. He
then gave 18 of his erasers to his friend. How many
erasers did Steven have left?
a) 55
b) 45
c) 42
d) 38

5. Mia bought a sketch book with 125 blank pages in it.

She tears out 7 blank pages for her friend to draw on.
Mia draws pictures on 64 pages. How many blank
pages does she have left?
a) 45
b) 54
c) 25
d) 68

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6. For each sentence, write their, they're, or there on

the blank line.

1. Nathan ate dinner at ___________________ house.

2. Imani said ___________________ coming over
3. Olivia set up the computer over
4. My friends cannot find ___________________
5. ___________________ are four squirrels in the yard.
6. ___________________ is an exciting movie playing
7. ___________________ always late!
8. The house over ___________________ is made of
9. You can have another cookie if
___________________ is one left.
10. Can you help me fix ___________________

7. For each sentence write to- too-two on the blank line

1. Kate and Jan went _______________ a football game.
2. James said, “I ate _______________ much ice cream.”
3. Please pick up _______________ gallons of milk from the
4. May I play _______________?

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5. Madison likes _______________ ride horses.

6. We will all go _______________ the beach on Sunday.

7. My teacher said, “Your voices are _______________ loud.”

8. Dexter wants _______________ be in the school play.
9. Grandma bought me _______________ birthday presents.
10. Would you like _______________ have beef stew for
dinner tonight?
11. Next month, my little sister will turn _______________
years old.
12. You have _______________ many toys in your bedroom.
13. When Pablo started school, he learned _______________
count up to ten

8. Tell whether each pair of words are synonyms or

antonyms. Write “synonyms” or “antonyms” on each

1. unusual / odd __synonyms___________________

2. bright / dim _____________________
3. happy / unhappy _____________________
4. soaked / dry _____________________
5. ancient / old _____________________
6. fast / speedy _____________________
7. icy / freezing _____________________

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8. remember / forget _____________________

9. illness / sickness _____________________
10. delicious / yummy _____________________
11. draw / sketch

9. The Strange Star

Rosie loved watching the night sky. It shined with so

many stars. Sometimes, she would climb onto Papa’s
shoulders. She’d feel like a princess, sitting closer to
those stars. One afternoon, Papa said, “We’re going
to the beach! Won’t that be fun?” Rosie wasn’t sure.
“Will my stars be there, too?” “Maybe,” Papa said. So
they went to the beach. But it was foggy that night –
no stars in sight. “Let’s see what happens tomorrow,”
Papa said. “Okay…” Rosie frowned. The next
morning, they went back to the beach and Rosie
gathered seashells. Rosie found something strange. It
looked like a big, orange, bumpy star. Had it fallen
from the sky? And why wasn’t it glowing? “It’s not a
star.” Papa smiled. “It’s a starfish. It lives in the
ocean.” Rosie put the starfish in the ocean. They
watched the waves wash it back home. Then Rosie
looked for more starfish. She liked stars AND starfish

1. When does Rosie find a starfish?

a. At the beach b. At night
c. In her backyard
d. In the morning

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2. What did Rosie do right after she found a starfish?

a. She gathered shells. b. She went to the beach.
c. She climbed on papa's shoulders.
d. She put the starfish in the ocean.

3. What did Rosie do right before she found a

a. She looked up in the night sky.
b. She collected seashells.
c. She looked for more starfish.
d. She watched the waves take the starfish away.

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An identity card is a card with a person's name, photograph, date of birth, and other information on
it. In some countries, people are required to carry identity cards in order to prove who they are.

Stick a photo here

Hello! My name is ………………….. .

My surname is …………………… .
I’m a boy/girl. I’m ………………. years old.
My birthday is in ……………………….. .
I’ve got ………………… eyes. I’ve got ……………………hair.
I’m Turkish. I live in ……………………………… .
I’m in …………………. class. My number in class is ……….. .
My favourite colour is …………………………. .
My favourite number is ……………………… .
My favourite animal is …………………….. .
My favourite drink is ……………………….. .
My favourite food is ………………………… .
My favourite fruit is …………………………… .
My favourite sport is ………………………….. .

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A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and

culture is like a tree without roots.
Marcus Garvey
Culture is the traditions and customs that govern behavior and
beliefs, transmitted through learning.
After watching the video, match the items which included by culture.

Culture includes …………. .


Culture includes ………… . RELIGION


Culture includes ………. .


Culture includes ……………… .


Culture includes …………………….. .


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Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

M. Kemal ATATÜRK was born in Salonica in 1881. His father’s name was Ali Rıza
Efendi and his mother’s name was Zübeyde Hanım.
First, he went to Şemsi Efendi School. Then he went to the Military School and
the Military Academy.
He opened the Turkish Grand National Assembly on the 23rd of April, 1920 and
he founded the Turkish Republic on the 29th of October, 1923. He became the
first president of the Turkish Republic.
He died on the 10th of November,1938.
He entrusted the Turkish Republic to the young people of Turkey.

1. Where was Atatürk born?

…………………………………………………. .
2. When was Atatürk born?
………………………………………………… .
3. Who was the first president of the Turkish Republic?
………………………………………………………………………………. .
4. When did he open the Turkish Grand National Assembly?
…………………………………………………………………………………………… .
5. What did he found in 1923?
………………………………………………………………………………. .
6. When did he die?
………………………………………………………………………… .

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➢ The requirements we need to meet in order to survive are called 'basic
needs'. Nutrition, shelter and dressing are common basic needs of all
➢ The interest and excitement of something is called ‘want’. Our
wishes/wants are not necessary to sustain our life.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ACTIVITY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One day, Nasreddin Hoca went to the market, and the children surrounded him.
They all ordered something. The Hoca answered all the children positively.
However, in the market, some of the orders ordered by children could not be
Since Nasrettin Hoca can only take orders for basic needs in the market, mark
which of the children will be happy when the hoca returns to the village.

mirror bread

flower shoes

water cologne

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In the boxes below, write a few examples for your needs and requests.



Natural events that occur outside the control of people and cause loss of life and property are called
'natural disasters'. Some natural disasters seen in our country are; Flood, Landslide, Avalanche,
Earthquake. Turkey is earthquake country. Therefore, we should take some precautions to reduce
the damages caused by the earthquake. In the earthquake bag, especially the materials needed for
people to survive should be put.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ACTIVITY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch the video below and prepare a list of materials that should be placed in an earthquake bag.

After watching the video, write the materials that you should put in the earthquake bag:

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Emma’s friend, Alice, had a new lunch box. It had black and white stripes
and pink ribbons.

“It’s so pretty,” Emma told Alice during school lunch.

Emma studied her own box. It had brown stains on it. A small scratch was
starting to show. She wanted a pretty, new lunch box too.

After school at home, Emma asked Mom, “Can I have a new lunch box?”
Emma told Mom about Alice’s new lunch box.

“I’m sorry, honey,” Mom said. “We don’t have extra money to spend – not
even on a new lunch box.”

Emma thought for a moment. “Maybe I can earn the money. How much
does a lunch box cost?”

“About ten dollars,” Mom said.

Emma ran to her room. She counted the coins in her piggy bank. “I only
have fifty cents. Ten dollars will take forever.“

She tried to think of other ways to get a new lunch box but nothing came
to mind. The next day at school, Emma’s teacher, Mrs. Robinson, gave the class a
pop quiz. Emma aced the quiz. Mrs. Robinson gave Emma a smiley face sticker.

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But Emma didn’t put it on her paper. She had an idea. She put the sticker on her
lunch box.

As the days went by, Emma got more and more stickers from her teacher
for good work. Each time, Emma put the sticker on her lunch box.

Soon, Emma’s lunch box was covered with smiley face stickers. Even the
scratch was covered up.

“Those smiley faces make me happy,” Alice told Emma one day at lunch.
“You have a happy lunch box.” Emma smiled. She loved her lunch box.


1. What did Emma's lunch box look like?

2. What was the reason that Emma couldn't have a new lunch box?

3. How much money did Emma have saved in her piggy bank?

4. How did Emma's lunch box change from the beginning of the story to the end?


Fill in the missing letters to create words from the story.

Then write the full word on the line. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

1. ____ c r____ t ____ h

hint: a mark on the surface of something

2. m ____ ____ e ____ t

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hint: a short period of time

3. ____ t i ____ k ____ r

hint: a piece of paper with a picture and a sticky substance on the back

4. q ____ i ____
hint: a short test

5. r ____ b ____ ____ n s

hint: narrow piece of cloth used to tie things

6. ____ ____ n ____ y

hint: used to pay for goods


Patrick Josh Andy Susie Angelica

Hi! I’m Andy. I’m ten years old. I like sport but I love eating, too. After
school I often go to the fast food bar and buy a hot dog. I’m not good at
swimming but I’m a good handball player. Patrick is my friend. He is nine years

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old. He loves football and he is a great swimmer. Josh is eleven years old and he
is a basketball player in our school team. He’s the captain. He can’t swim. Susie is
my friend, too. She is eleven years old and she plays basketball very well. She is
the captain in the girls’ team. She loves swimming and she never eats fast food.
Angelica is eight years old. She swims and runs a lot. She doesn’t care about her
diet and she eats a lot of junk food. She loves doughnuts.


1. Who is the youngest?

2. Who is the oldest?

3. Who is taller than Andy?

4. Whose diet is as unhealthy as Andy’s?

5. Who plays basketball as well as Susie?

6. Who is shorter than Josh?

7. Who is the best runner?

8. Who is the worst swimmer?

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Yesterday I was playing videogames in my room when I heard people

screaming. I went out and saw: my neighbors’ house was on fire!
In less than 10 minutes the firemen arrived and fought against the fire for one
hour until they made it. Wow! They are really brave! One of them entered the
house and saved the Johnson’s dog that was trapped in the fire.
I made a decision: I want to be a fireman when I grow up. I’ll be strong and
brave enough to fight against the fire, to save people’s lives and property. I
can’t wait! I can already see it in the newspaper: “Brave fireman rescues a family
of four”, Mom will be really proud.


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1. What was the boy doing when the neighbors’ house caught fire?

2. Did he want to be a fireman before that day?

3. Why did he decide to be a fireman in the future?

4. What qualities does he think are essential for being a fireman?

5. What can he already see in the newspaper?

6. Who do you think the newspaper is referring to?

7. How does the boy think his mother will feel? Do you agree with him

Mark true (T) or false (F). When it’s false, you’ll have to justify your
answer orally:
The boy’s house was on fire. ( )
The boy thinks the firemen are brave. ( )
He admires the firefighters. ( )
It took long the firemen to arrive. ( )
It took one hour to extinguish the fire. ( )
The boy’s neighbors have a pet. ( )
A fireman saved the dog’s life. ( )
The boy wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. ( )
He wants to be as strong and brave as the firefighters. ( )


*Matter Crossword Puzzle

(All words will not be used in the puzzle)

atoms gas lava oxygen

boils gasoline liquid rock

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carbon dioxide hail maple syrup shape

condense helium mass snow

container honey melts solid

evaporate ice metal volume

float iron mustard water

freezes ketchup nitrogen water vapor

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3. The amount of space that matter takes up is its _____.
4. This is liquid rock that pours out of a volcano.
8. At 32 degrees Fahrenheit, water _____.
9. Water in the form of a gas is called _____.
13. Solid white flakes of water that fall from the sky are known as ____.
14. Solid matter does not change _____.
15. The tiny particles that matter is made of are _____.
16. This is a very light gas found in some balloons.
17. Raindrops are this state of matter.
20. Liquid matter takes the shape of its ____.
21. Matter that has a definite shape and volume is in this state.
22. Water, in solid form is _____.


1. At 212 degrees Fahrenheit, water _____.

2. This is a liquid that you might pour on pancakes or waffles.
5. When a solid is heated up and turns into a liquid, it ____.
6. This is the type of gas that plants need to make food.
7. The amount of matter something contains is its ______.
8. If you place a solid in a liquid, it will either sink or _____.
10. On a warm day, the liquid water in a puddle will _____ and turn into a gas.
11. This is the type of gas that animals' bodies need to stay alive.
12. This liquid is needed by most cars and trucks to run.
18. You might pour this thick, red liquid on a hot dog or hamburger.
19. When atoms are in this state of matter,they fly around freely.

*Changing Water

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Fill in the blank lines with a vocabulary word from the box.

melting freezing boiling condensing evaporating

1. ____________________________ is when liquid water turns into ice.

2. ____________________________ is when ice turns into liquid water.
3. ____________________________ is when water vapor turns into liquid
4. ____________________________ is when liquid water slowly dries up and
turns into water vapor.
5. ____________________________ is when liquid water is heated to a high
temperature and quickly turns
into water vapor.

*Magnetism Questions

1. List six things in your home or classroom that are made of metal that are
not magnetic.
_____________ _______________ _________________
_____________ _______________ _________________

2. Describe some things in nature that are magnetic.


3. When a magnetic compass points north, is it pointing to the true North

Pole of the Earth? Explain.

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(Write 5 examples under each group)


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