E8 - Unit 5 Swiat Przyrody

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UNIT 5 - świat przyrody


QUESTIONS: ABOUT: 1. What's the weather going
1. What's your favourite to be like tomorrow?
1. his/her pets and
wild animal? Why? 2. I hate mosquitos!
favourite animals
2. When wast the last time 3. I will never keep my dog
2. the landscape he/ she
you went to the zoo? on a leash!
saw last summer
3. Are you worried about 4. Everyone should pick up
3. his/ her opinion about
endagered species? litter in the street.
4. Would you like to work 5. There aren't any
4. the worst weather
in an animal shelter? beautiful places in Poland.
conditions he/ she has
Why (not)? 6. There was a flood in my
ever experienced
5. Are you eco-friendly? town last spring!
5. watching weather
6. What's the most 7. There is not much we can
dangerous natural do to protect the
6. pollution in his/ her area
disaster? environment.


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