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UNIT 4 - życie prywatne


QUESTIONS: ABOUT: 1. They got engaged
1. Who is your closest yesterday!
1. his/her free time
relative? Why? 2. He asked me out!
2. the worst day in his/
2. Do you get on well with 3. Are you invited to the
her life
your family members? party?
3. his/ her siblings
3. What do you like about 4. Last week I fell out with
4. his/ her favourite
being a teenager? my best friend.
family celebration
4. How do you spend your 5. You should apologise to
5. celebrating
free time? her!
5. How often do you hang 6. My aunt is pregnant!
6. keeping in touch with
out with friends? 7. You're getting on my
his/ her friends
6. When was the last time nerves!
7. his/ her childhood
you argued with 8. How about celebrating
8. his/ her best friend
somebody? New Year's Eve together?


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