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Personal Details

Date of Birth: 9th December, 1974

Place of Birth: Makeni City
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Sierra Leonean

Address: 10K Old Railway Line, Tengbeh Town, Freetown

Phone: +232-78-279008/+232-77-795227

Personal Profile

I am an energetic, ambitious person who has developed a mature and responsible approach to any task that
I undertake, or situation that I am presented with. As a graduate with nearly eighteen years’ experience in
management, I am excellent in working with others to achieve a certain objective on time and with
excellence. In my previous role, I improved the performance, operations and productivity of my team by


Year Institution Qualification/Courses Offered

09/2011 Center for Advanced Certificate - Management of Development Projects

Training in Rural - Basic Elements of Successful Project Management
Development (Seminar - The importance of group Work and Participation in
Project Management (Team Building Processes)
fur Landliche - PCM (Project Cycle Management) Phases
Entwicklung, SLE), - Logical Framework Approach and its tools
Humboldt Universitat-zu- - Impact Orientation – Managing for Results
Berlin, Germany - The Principles of Monitoring and Evaluation
- PM+E in Development Organisations in Berlin

2005 - 2007 Faculty of Spatial Joint M.Sc. - Regional Development Planning:

Planning, University of - Agricultural Development Planning
Technology, Dortmund, - Ecology & Environmental Planning
- Development Theories and Strategies
Germany and School of - Regional Economic Development Planning
Urban & Regional - Social Infrastructure & Demography
Planning (SURP), - Regional Settlement Pattern
University of the - Transport Planning
Philippines, Diliman, - Financing and Budgeting in District Development Planning &
Quezon City, the - Organization and Management
Philippines - Project Management/Monitoring &Evaluation
- Planning Analysis and Techniques
- Special Problems in Regional Planning
- Decentralized Local-level Development Planning
- Research Methods in Planning
- Master’s Thesis

1997 - 2001 Fourah Bay College, B.A. - English, Law & International Relations
University of Sierra

Employment Record and Technical Services Provided

2012 – Present
Public Private Partnership (PPP) Unit, Office of the Vice President, Sierra Leone – Programme

 Identifying and facilitating the development and funding of grant/loan project proposals, and
funding towards feasibility studies and technical advisory services, in collaboration with relevant
Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to include Local Government
Councils, on projects channeled through the PPP window;
 Lead the development and implementation of PPP initiatives, programmes and projects, including the
execution of overall PPP policy, legal and regulatory framework, implementation strategies, operational
modalities and annual work plans and budgets;
 Coordinate with relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government, including Local
Government Councils in the analyses, appraisals, structuring, implementation and compliance
monitoring of PPP projects and programmes; 
 Monitoring against the performance indicators established in the contract and enforcing service
performance and contract compliance through data provided by the private parties, independent experts
and service users;

 Supervising the project development experts on a daily basis and providing guidance to staff,
consultants, sub- committees and PPP action teams;
 Consulting and engaging with the transaction experts in ensuring business review and thorough
financial analyses are conducted both in the feasibility studies and in proposals submitted as part
of the competitive bidding process to ensure that the projects are affordable, financially sound
and sustainable with appropriate risk allocation. Thus leading to the development of bankable
 Participate in the initial review and assessments of unsolicited business proposals sent to the PPP
 Ensuring that donor implementation guidelines, reporting formats and deadlines for each project
is communicated to project implementing partners;
 Contribute to the development of PPP Methodologies, Manuals, Standards of Operations and
Checklist that guide the overall management of PPP transactions in the country;
 Develop Terms of References (ToRs) for the hiring of consultants and staff of the Unit, including
development of ToRs for the provision of service contracts for the Unit;
 Directly supervise and evaluate performances of all staff of the Unit and provide overall
managerial oversight of activities of the Unit and report to the Director and management.

Key Achievements

 Developed and appraised a comprehensive 3 year PPP Infrastructure Strengthening and Capacity
Building Project Proposal for funding support by our development partners;
 Led the design of a 5-Year PPP Implementation Strategy and Action Plan for Sierra Leone;
 Developed the PPP Unit Annual Work Plans and Budgets for 2013, 2014 &2015;
 Contributed in the preparation, appraisal and structuring of a PPP Management and Operation
Contract for four fish landing sites, including jetties in Goderich, Tombo, Shenge and Bonth;
 Developed Terms of Reference for the hiring of consultants for the unit with support by the GoSL
and our development partners;
 Developed ToR for the procurement of services to conduct pre-feasibility studies in varied
sectors funded by DfID;
 Developed ToR for the evaluation of all donor-funded projects executed by the PPP Unit
 Organised coordination meetings with partners (donors, Line Ministries, Local Governments and
the Civil Society)

2008 – 2012
Rural and Private Sector Development Project, Government of Sierra Leone/World Bank – District
Grants Manager, Western Area Rural District Project Sub-Unit (WARD - PSU)

 Served as the Deputy District Project Coordinator responsible for the day-to-day management of
the Matching Grants Fund (MGF) Programme;
 Supervised the work of the District Field Operations Officer and other officials in the Project Sub-
Unit (in the Western Area Rural District Council);
 Worked closely with Field Extension Workers (FEWs) and Block Extension Supervisors (BES),
NGOs, Farmer-Based Organisations (FBOs) and others engaged at village/ community/ chiefdom
level in the implementation of the MGF programme;
 Coached potential project beneficiaries in preparation of project proposals to access the MGF;
 Solicited applications from beneficiaries, local councils, scrutinized them and recommended them
to the District Implementation Committee for approvals;
 Prepared Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Annual Work Plans and Budgets for the MGF
 Coordinated all programmes and activities of the Fund at the district level;
 Reported monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annually on the Fund`s operations;
 Identified training needs of local councils, FBOs, etc, at the district level, in collaboration with the
Institutions Development Specialist;

Key Achievements
 Approved and implemented 15 sub-projects forwarded by Famer Based Organisations for the
construction of cassava processing mini factories and provided processing equipment, constructed water
wells and toilets with the Matching Grants Funds.
 Organised training for all the supported groups in group dynamics, bookkeeping, record keeping, Business
Plan development and marketing strategies.
 Constructed two market structures, water wells and toilets for the Bonthe District Council to ease the
marketing problems in the district.
 Supported the rehabilitation of 56.6Km feeder roads to ease the transportation constraints of produce to
the nearest market in and out of the district.
 Supports and strengthen Institutional Executive of Farmer Based Organisations through capacity building
-training and office equipment such as computers and its accessories.
 Managed the Matching Grants Funds as budgeted for disbursement in the district.
 Prepared Annual Work Plans and Budgets for the implementation of sub-projects in the district.
 Prepared reports stipulated by the Project Coordination Unit.

2007 – 2008
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Representation in Sierra Leone / Ministry
of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security(MAFFS) - Project Assistant, National Sustainable
Agricultural Development Programme (NSADP)

 Principal Research Assistant for the TCP/SIL/3203 (D) project activities;

 Visited relevant Ministries/Departments/Agencies (MDAs) to collect required data;
 Inputted and processed the data, and then drew valuable conclusions for the preparation of the
NSADP Report;
 Used the data to forecast trends;
 Performed any other duties assigned by the National Coordinator and the FAO Representative in
Sierra Leone, especially those pertaining to TCP/SIL/3203 (D);
 Assisted in inputting the NSADP Database and documents into the MAFFS’s website and Sector
Key Achievements

 Collected, collated and processed all relevant data using tools such as MS Excel, SPPP, etc and drew
valid conclusions on results used in the preparation of the National Sustainable Agriculture
Development Plan (NSADP);
 Contributed immensely towards the preparation and design of the NSADP.

2004 – 2005
Western Area Churches Cluster - CCSL, Action by Churches Together (ACT), Sierra Leone Network
- Team Leader – Agricultural Rehabilitation Project
Western Area Churches Cluster - CCSL, Action by Churches Together (ACT), Sierra Leone Network
- Team Leader – Agricultural Rehabilitation Project
 Directed all project activities and oversaw the day-to-day operations of the project, in
collaboration with the Development Coordinator of CCSL;
 Project planning, designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation;
 Monitored the physical implementation status of project activities funded by ACT and
implemented by Council of Churches in Sierra Leone (CCSL) member churches;
 Project progress report and presentation to partners;
 Coordination with other CCSL member churches in the Western Area Cluster of CCSL Churches;
 Participated in the review of the Agricultural Rehabilitation Project in the Sierra Leone
Agricultural Master Plan Studies (SLAMPS) as and when situation changes with respect to the war
and the availability of funds;
 Focal person for the Beneficiary Impact Assessment in the Western Area;
 Undertook Mid-Term review and evaluation of on-going and completed tasks and activities,
 Compared level of achievement attained to the amount of funds disbursed
 Took the lead in the preparations of the Regional Quarterly Reports.

Key Achievements

 Led the identification of needs and priorities of church communities engaging in agriculture and
other forms of livelihoods and then developed strategies and action plans;
 Worked closely with church-based development officers, Ministry of Agricultureand
development partners, including NGOs, CSOs to collaboratively plan and implement specific
project actities to avoid duplication of efforts and minimize wastages;
 Supported capacity buildings functions of member churches development agencies;
 Prepared monitoring plan for all sectors of the programme;
 Prepared monthly and quarterly reports on monitoring analysis and received feedbacks based
on the reports from the field.

2002 – 2004
Other Short Courses and Study Tours Completed:

i) Needs Assessment, Project Designing and Organisational Development, Council of churches

in Sierra Leone (CCSL) – January, 2002 to March, 2002;
ii) Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness Intensive Training Workshop, Action by
Churches Together (ACT) Sierra Leone Network, Freetown – 10 th – 15th March, 2002;
iii) Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness (DMP) Council of Churches in Sierra Leone with
funding by World Council of Churches (WCC) 7th – 11th February, 2005;
iv) Cross Cultural Training for Students, University of Dortmund, Germany – 29 th – 30th October,
v) Contingency Planning, Tigbao, Zamboanga del Sur, The Philippines – 16 th – 18th July, 2007;
vi) Survival Skills Training, Tigbao, Zamboanga del Sur, The Philippines – 24th – 26th April, 2007;
vii) Training on Civil Defence Techniques, Department of National Defence, Office of Civil
Defence, Dapitan City, Philippines – 6th July, 2007;
viii) Marketing Fundamentals – Business Upgrading Skills on Marketing of Food Crops, Facilitator
Training and Trainers Work Course, Lenkon Consultancy, Freetown – 10 th – 14th August,
ix) Workshop on Implementing PPPs in Sierra Leone, Freetown, The World Bank Institute – 12 th
July, 2013;
x) Seminar on Water, Energy and Sanitation in Urban and Decentralized Regions, Carl von
Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany – 3rd – 12th April, 2014
xi) Leadership, Supervision and Organsiational Development, Development Training
International, Accra, Ghana – November 23 – December 11, 2015
xii) Street Addressing and Management of Cities e-Learning Course, World Bank Group –
November 10 – December 14, 2015
xiii) Citizen Engagement: A Game Changer for Development MOOC, Coursera & World Bank
Group – February 2 - March 6, 2016
xiv) ‘Governance for Development in Africa’ Residential School, Rabat, Morocco, 20 th – 24th March,
xv) ‘Management Skills & Leadership Development Course’ Master Certificate in Business
Management –Master Class Management.Com - May 9 – June 28, 2016
xvi) Project Financing and Risk Management, African Institute of Management Science, Accra,
Ghana – July 18 – 22, 2016
xvii) Regulation of Local Public Services, 2016 International Summer School, Turin School of Local
Regulation, Turin, Italy – September, 5 – 16, 2016
xviii) Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries, É colePolytechniqueFédérale de
Lausanne, World Bank MOOC - August 29 – September 30, 2016
xix) Completed 3 successful Public Private Partnerships study tours and experience sharing in
Nigeria, South Africa and India in diverse sectors, ranging from energy, water, health, roads,
rails, waste management, sanitation, agriculture, shipping to transport and aviation
xx) International Political Economy (IPE), African Institute of Management Science, Accra, Ghana
– July 3 – 14, 2017
xxi) Regional Workshop on Fiscal Oversight of State-Owned Enterprises and Public-Private
Partnerships, International Monetary Fund Regional Technical Assistance Center/AFRITAC
West 2 - September 4 to 8, 2017, Accra, Ghana.
xxii) PPP Legal Documentation, Drafting and Negotiations, African Institute of Management
Science, Accra, Ghana, September, 2019.

International Conferences/Paper Presentations

1. The Role and Impact of Faith-based Organisations in Conflict, Peace and Sustainable
Development: A Perspective from West Africa. Paper presented at the Theological
Faculty of the University of Stellenbosch Conference marking its 150 th Anniversary
Celebration - 27 to 29 January, 2009.

2. Rebuilding Healthcare Sectors in Ebola-affected Countries – The Case of Sierra Leone.

Paper presented on a Seminar organized by the International Finance
Corporation/World Bank Group for Ebola-affected countries in the Mano River
Basin for Government Health Officials and the Private Sector in South Africa –
Johannesburg, South Africa – 24th June, 2015

3. Improving Public-Private Partnerships Governance for Development in Africa.

Residential School organised by the Center of Africa Studies, School of Oriental and
African Studies, University of London in partnership with the Rabat School of
Governance and funded by Mo Ibrahim Foundation – Rabat, Morocco, 20 th – 24th
March, 2016

Knowledge, Skills and Expertise

In the programming, identification, formulation, financing, implementation and evaluation

of all these projects, I have acquired a wealth of experience in the following:
- The importance of group work and participation in project management (team
building processes);
- Project appraisal and preparation of project appraisal documents/reports;
- Baseline studies, Logical Framework Approach and its tools;
- Project Cycle Management (PCM) phases;
- Impact Orientation - Managing for Results/Result-Based Management (RBM);
- The principles of Monitoring and Evaluation of Development
- Institutional models for Public Private Partnership relationships, including
strategies for take-off, selection criteria, etc;
- Procurement procedures for Works, Goods and Services and Bidding
- Preparation of Annual Work Plan and Budget and Quarterly Progress Reports;
- Financial procedures (disbursements, expenditure, application for
replenishments, financial audits, internal controls, etc.;
- Beneficiary Impact Assessment (BIA), Mid-Term Reviews (MTR), ex-post and
impact evaluations;
- Preparation of project/programme implementation completion reports;
- Institutional arrangements - coordination and networking of different partners;
- Rapid Result Approach (RRA) in the implementation of community-driven
projects and programmes;
- Preparation of Project Completion Reports (PCRs);

Works Completed

i. Improving Institutional Coordination for the Planning and Management of Floods in the Salug
Valley Area (Municipalities of Molave, Mahayag and Tambulig), Zamboanga del Sur Province, the
Philippines (2007). Master’s thesis submitted to the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP),
University of the Philippines (UP), Diliman, Quezon City, Manila.

ii. Updating of Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUP) and Comprehensive Development Plans (CDP)
of the Municipalities of Mahayag and Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur, the Philippines (2007): Group
work submitted to the SURP, UP.

iii. Local Community Participation in Education Planning and Management – the Case of Safroko
Limba Chiefdom in Sierra Leone (2006). Research Paper submitted to the Faculty of Spatial Planning,
University of Dortmund, Germany.

iv. Hired and supported the consultant in the conduct of a Beneficiary Impact Assessment for the
UNDP funded Revenue Mobilization and Enhancement under the Local Economic Development
Project implemented by the PPP Unit for Local Government Councils

iv. The Role and Impact of Non-Governmental Organizations in Sierra Leone – The Family Homes
Movement as a Case Study (2001). Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences, Fourah
Bay College, and University of Sierra Leone.


 2000, Bombali District Students Association (BODSA) Student of the year.

 2005-2007, EvangelischerEntwicklungsdienst (EED) Scholarship for a Master of Science
degree at the University of Dortmund, Germany and University of the Philippines, Diliman,
Manila, the Philippines.
 September 2011 DAAD Scholarship for a postgraduate Certificate in Management of
Development Projects at the Humboldt Universitat-zu-Berlin, Germany.
 April, 2014, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) scholarship for a postgraduate
Certificate on Water, Energy and Sanitation in Urban and Decentralized Regions, Carl von
Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany.
 Recipient of MO Ibrahim Residential School on Governance and Development in Africa
Initiative Scholarship: 2016
 September, 2016, recipient of the Turin School of Local Regulation Scholarship Award to
participate in the 2016 International Summer School on Regulation of Local Public Services
in Turin, Italy – September, 5 – 16, 2016

 Member, SPRING International Association of Development Planners (SIADP).
 Member, Project Management Institute (PMI), Project Management Professional (PMP)

 Developed the ability to work with culturally and linguistically diverse people and families
in and out of the country.
 Developed the ability to share knowledge and experience, handling criticism and showing
 Planning and result oriented competency: Setting challenges and monitor progress towards
achievement of results.
 Communication: effective written and verbal communication skills in English
 Computer skills: Microsoft word and Excel, Power point and Internet; some knowledge in
the use of SPSS.
 Languages: English ability –spoken, reading and written excellently.
Themne, Limba&Krio ability-spoken excellent


1. Abu Bakar Sesay, Financial Adviser, Public Private Partnership Unit, Office of the President, 37
Wellington Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Email:

2. Dr. Mark McQuinn, Lecturer in Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, WC
1H 0XG, London, UK. Email:

3 Bishop-elect Benjamin B. Bangura, General Superintendent, National Pentecostal Mission, 85 Fort

Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Email. Phone.: +23278395993

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