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Operating nsttons ‘allskra 022. 600. 154 “isk Tokar krigoveanica aoe Operating conrats 1 Connection terminals Gurrent (1), 1) Votage 1 2), 6@) 2 Mrror scale 3. Mochnical 2070 adjuster 4. Selector swtch for 60/100 ¥ /250¥ voltage ranges 600 5 Selector switch for euront rangor 025A AG A/254, 6 Funetion switer Symbols The positon ofthe function switch is marked by syrrbols, ° Motrin the "OFF* posto +1 Batlary test forthe voltage path of the meter 2 Battery test forthe current path of the me = Measuroment of the activa power on a thrae-wire throo-phase syetes, belanced oad = Macsuroment of tho active power on a DC and nge-phase AC system Un Meesurement of AC voltage I~ Measurement of AG current Measurement of DC voltage Measurement ct DC currart Measurement ofthe power factor, inductive Mooouroment ofthe power facter, capacitive Phase sequonce indication Ph Danger waming (Cauton: Note documertation) 1 Safety precautions = ‘The multifunction power meter Mi 7023 is constructed and tested in compliance with the safety rules of DIN VDE 0410 / IEC 414 and VDE 041) - 1 / EN 61010 - 1/ IEC 1010 - 1. When properly used, the safety of both the user and the ‘mater is assured, Their sataty is not assured, however, it the moter is misused or carelessly handled. To maintain the teciricaly safe and proper condition and to censure sale operation, 18 absolute necessary to carututy and completely rd these operating instructons below using the ‘meter, and 10 follow ther in al respects. Piaase note the folowing safety precautions ‘+ Tho matar mast only be oporated by porsons who understands ‘the danger of shack hazards and know how 1o apply salty precautions, Shock hazards exist wherever voltages of more ‘than 50 V can appar. + When makng measurements where shock hazards ox, do ot work alone, A second persen must be provent. ‘+The maximum permssibe votage between any of the connec: tore and ground i 650 V, ‘+ Take into account that unexpected valtages can appear on davies under est, capactors may be charged dangerously, {or stance. ‘+ Vor thatthe tst leads are in good condition, e.g. no cracked Ineuation, no open cirouts ete. ‘+ This meter must not be used for measurements'on cout with ‘corona cischarge thigh voltage). “+ Measurements under mois envronmental conditions are rt permitted. ‘© Absolutely vey that overioacing of the nominal voltage anct ‘Romina current ranges does rot exceed the permissibie limits, ‘Soe "Speciications" for tits, Repair, replacement of parts and calbraton When opening the mater, ive parts may be exposed, Therefore, ‘ho moter must be disconnected from al voltage sources prior to ‘opening its case for repr, replacement ol pats or calibration. ‘repair or calltration can then not be avoided Unies the meter is ‘open andl ive, this work rust ony be performed by @ qualified per~ ‘8en who understands the danger inwoved. Fault and extraordinary stress ‘When itrmust be assumed that safe operation is no longer poss ‘lo, take the moter out of service and secura t against accidental use. It must be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible, *vihen the meter shows obvious sans of damage, ‘+ when the meter no longer functons correctly, + after pioionged storage under adverse conditions, * after severe transportation stress, 2 Applications The electronic multi = function power meter MI 7093 permits Giract power measurements on DC systems as well a8 active power measuraments on single - phase AC systems and on three + wite, three ~ phase systems of balanced load. In addition, the Mi 7033 power meter can be used to directly measure current and voltage on DC and single - phase AC systems. Unc canairatin of coreiion factor, ti leo posebie fo use the moter for re phase syotome of balanced load. ard voltages. ‘The MI-7033 power meter is particularly suited for industri measurements, for service and mounting. Also in the laboratory and in the test room, dversifiec measuring tasks can be solved quickly and without problems 3 Getting started 3.1 Description of the operating controls ‘There are five connection terrinal (1, figure 1), arranged on the {rort of the power meter, to for current connection wth the ‘markings |" (1) and! @) and three for votage connection wth the markings L1 (2), L2 (6) and LS (6). They are contact-protecied. ‘The operating panel of the power mater consis of: ‘One selector switch for the voltage ranges (4, figure 1), with the four ranges 60 V, 100 V, 250 V and 500 V. ‘One selector switch for the current ranges (5, figure‘), which can ‘be switched fh four ranges 0.25 A, 1A, 5 And 25 A, One fu ton sivitcn (6, fgure 1) featuring 12 positions, 3.2 __ Installing the batteries Gaution: Wake an ali-pole disconnection of the meter from the ‘measuring cirouits before you open the battory AX _cemmparmenton ie ootiom! © Undo the slotted sow ofthe batery compartment cover using an adequete to0! oF a coin, anc remove the cover. ® Install ‘wo 9-V flat cell batteries 6F 22, 6LF22 or 6LAG1 accord- ing to IEC 86-2 nthe two compartments, Caton: Except forthe specified 9-V Hat cel batts, no other A ‘voltage sauces must be echnacted to the battery 33 Mechanical zero chock ‘ Chock that the meters switched of, Place the meter in a horizontal postion © Check the mechanical 2er0 postion ofthe pointer, 2 HN required, comect the zero postion wi the adjuster * Do< * ‘on the front panel. 34 Battery test © To test the battery for the voltage path and the battery for the, ‘current path, set the function switch to the positon -# 1° ‘end’ +f 2", one aftar nother. Whon, at a time, the pointer io ‘within the battery section marked * + * on the scale, the bat tory votagos are within the permissible range, Its assured that the error mits according to the data given in ection 5, "Specifications" are meintainad, Measurement 4.1 Motes on measurements 2 Pror to connecting tha rotor, check ascordng to which of the circutres shown in the folowing section te Mi 7083 is 1 tecermected ~ Find out whether direct connection of ourent path and votago ‘aths possbe on te basis ofthe system on wich the meas- rerronta are 1 be mace and wit eapect tothe power to be measires Tits haan a vokage ofa an 600 V. measurements must, on principle, ony be made va AX carort and votagetansiorners! ‘The nominal curents and nominal voltages ofthe meters core spond to those of commercial current transformers with second ‘ary currents of 1 Aend 5 A, and the standercized votege transiomers with secondary voteges cf 100 Vor 110 V. @ When using current transformers, consi the secondary load, Pertculerly with longer connection leads and with a transformer having @ secondary curent cf § A, the power loss cn the lines ten remarkabie, ‘Set up the current path mechanicaly solid and secure t against Accidental cpering. Lay cut the cross sectons ofthe leads and the connection points in such a way that they wil not eet-up unpermissitiy For currents above 5 A, the connections must

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