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The 3rd house denotes inland journey, the 7th house indicates alien land, and 9th house indicates foreign
journeys. The 12th house shows complete change in environments and is so connected with journeys
abroad or foreign residence. 8th house being ninth from 12th also indicates residence abroad. Saturn
and Rahu are karakas of foreign travels. Majority of planets in movable signs indicate foreign travels.

Some combinations of foreign travel

1. Sun in lagna-;

2. Moon in 11th or 12th;

3. Mercury in 8th;

4. Venus in 8th,6th or 7th;

5. Saturn in 12th;

6. Rahu in 1st or 7th or 12th;

7. Lagnesh in 12th;

8. 6th lord in 12th;

9. 10th lord and lord of navamsa occupied by 10th lord, both in movable signs;

10. Lagnesh in 7th in a moveable sign;

11.10th house and its lord in movable signs;

12. 10th lord in 9th in a movable sign;

13. Both the lagna lord and the dispositor of Moon are posited in movable signs;

14. 7th lord in 9th;

15. Jupiter in 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th;

16. Exchange between 1st and 9th lords;

17. Exchange between 12th and 9th lords;

18. Lords of 9th and 12th in movable signs;

19. 8th lord aspecting 12th or 12th lord;

20. 12th lord in 9th;

21. 12th lord in 4th gives education abroad.

For determining foreign travels, we should judge;

(1)12th house and its lord;

(2) 9th and 12th houses from the chandra lagna.

(3) 12th from the lord of 1st or the 9th house;

(4) the 9th house and its lord;

Foreign journeys are likely to take place if:

(1) The 12th and 9th house have movable signs or if their lords are in movable signs;

(2) Kethu is in 9th or 12th coinciding with watery signs;

(3) The Moon is in movable sign or well connected with the 9th or 12th house;

(4) 8th lord aspecting 12th house or 12th lord;

(5) The lord of lagna is friendly with lords of the 9th and the 12th;

(6) The lord of the 9th occupies lagna and lord of lagna occupies the 9th;

(7) Both lagna and its lord are in movable signs and aspected by a planet occupying a movable sign;

(8) The 12th house or its lord is aspected by ayogakaraka planet or a benefic from its moolatrikona or
exaltation sign;

(9) The lord of the 12th is exalted or in its moolatrikona with an auspicious planet;

(10) The lord of the 12th conjuncts evil planets and is aspected by evil ones.
(It indicates heavy expenses on journeys or in foreign lands);

(11) The lord of lagna is posited in the 9th from the 12th bhava.

(12) The lord of the 9th aspects 12th house and the lord of the 12th or the 9th are placed in a movable

(13) The lord of the 12th aspects the 9th house and the lord of the 12th or the 9th are strong in a movable

(14) The lord of the 12th is in the 9th from the 12th house, and in a movable sign;

(15) The lord of lagna and the 4th are posited in the 12th house. (Settlement abroad);

(16) The lord of the 12th in the 12th and lords of the 9th and the 1st are in angles;

(17) The lord of the 9th or the 12th is placed with Rahu or Kethu in a movable sign;

(18) Rahu is in the 4th, the 9th or the 12th from the 12th house;

(19) The 9th and 12th houses are in movable signs and their lords are well placed in a trikona or kendra
or in movable navamsa;

(20) The lords of the 1 st, the 9th or the 12th are in watery or airy signs.

(21) 10th lord has sambandha with 3rd and 12th houses or their lords. Such combination indicates
connections professionally;

(22) 7th lord has sambandha with 12th house relating to movable and common signs;

(23) 4th lord in strength in 12th getting aspect of Saturn or Rahu.

Note:Generally, if two or more combinations are present in a horoscope, and its lagna or the luth, the 9th
and the 12th are quite strong; they show indications for foreign travel.


1. Dasa of exalted Sun or exalted Moon or of exalted Mars or of exalted Jupiter.

2. Dasa of Sun if associated with one exalted planet.

3. Dasa of Mars if strongly posited in lagna or if associated with Sun.

4. Dasa of debilitated Mercury.

5. Dasa of Jupiter, if in 7th or 12th in movable sign.

6. Dasa of Venus if in 7th or if connected with a malefic.

7. Dasa of Saturn if in 12th or is exalted in navamsa.

8. Dasa of Rahu if in 3rd, 7th or 9th or 10th houses.

(In above 8 combinations, foreign travel takes place in the antradasa of a planet strongly connected with
9th and 12th houses).

9. Kethu antradasa in dasa of Sun;

10. Sun antradasa Kethu dasa, if Sun is in 6th, 8th or 12th from Kethu.

11. Moon antradasa in Kethu dasa, if Sun is in kendra or Trikona or 11th from Kethu.

12. Jupiter antradasa in Venus dasa.

13. Rahu dasa in Sun antradasa, if Sun is in kendra or Trikona, or in 3rd or 11th from Rahu.

14. Jupiter antradasa in Sat dasa, if Jupiter is in 2nd,or 11th or in kendra or Trikona 1,5,9 from Saturn.

15. Saturn antradasa in Mercury dasa, if Saturn is in 6th, 8th or 12th from Mercury.

16. Kethu antradasa in Saturn dasa, if Kethu conjuncts lagna lord.

17. Mercury antradasa in Jupiter dasa, if Mercury is in 6th, 8th or 12th from Jupiter.

18. Mars antradasa in Saturn dasa, if Mars is debilitated or combust or are in 6th, 8th or 12th from

19. Mercury antradasa in Mars dasa, if Mercury Mars are conjunct.

20. Saturn antradasa in Mars dasa, if Saturn is in 11th or kendralkona from Mars.

Foreign travel takes place during:

a. Aspect of transit Jupiter or Saturn on 12th house or 12th lord.

b. Dasa or antradasa of planets in 3rd, 9th, 2nd or 12th house or their lords.

c. Dasa or antradasa of 12th lord, if 12th lord is in 3rd or 9th or aspects 9th.

If the saham or its lord is not related to the 9th house or lagna or, and if saham is no: favourably placed,
there cannot be any foreign travel during that year. If saham is aspected by the 7th, the 9th or the 12th
lord who is related with any of these houses and their lords, will give foreign journey during the
dasalantradasa of the concerned planets during that year


(a) Yoga for foreign travel, if it is coupled with a rajayoga, gives favourable results, e.g.. , acquisition of
wealth and vehicles, honour in foreign country etc.; otherwise, it will cause only 1c si of money, wasteful
and aimless wandering, misery, etc. This distinction has to be made, because there are some cases where
the native has lost much money in foreign lands, and returned miserably

(b) Residence in foreign countries is to be studied mainly from the 7th house, 7th lord aruda Saturn (the
main karaka), while travel to a foreign country (e.g., study or lecture tour, etc.) is to still studied from the
12th house, the 12th lord and Saturn. Short or brief foreign travels can also take place in the dasa-
antradasas of planets in mutual shashtashtaka positions.

(c) If the yoga for foreign travel or residence is not quite strong enough (due to various factors), in the
relevant dasa antradasas, the journey may get cancelled due to some last minute hitch, or it may result in
long journeys within the country.

(d) Lords of 3 and 9 and these planets if favourably disposed, mostly in moveable signs indicate far off
travels. If majority of planets are in watery signs Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, or these form 3rd of 9th houses,
foreign travel is indicated.

(e) Connection of 4th and 9th lords indicates foreign travel on account of higher studies or teaching;

(f) Connection of 6th and 9th lords indicates foreign travel on account of official assignment or service;

(g) Connection of 5th, 7th and 9th lords indicates foreign travel on account of sight seeing, pleasure trips
or honeymoon;

(h) Connection of 6th and 8th lords indicates foreign travel on account of running away due to political or
criminal reasons.

(i) Connection of weak lagnesh, 6th and 9th lords indicate foreign travel on account of medica'. reasons,
or treatment of illness.

(j) Connection of 5th, 7th and 9th lords with Jupiter indicates foreign travel on account of spiritual,
religious or cultural mission.

(k) Connection of 5th, 7th and 9th lords with. Mercury indicates foreign travel on account of education,
research, learning and writing.

(l) If the 11th lord or house is involved, the purpose will be to earn wealth.

Note: Combination of the 9th, 10th and 11th shows immense wealth and huge earnings in foreign land.
The purpose may be advancement of business also.

(m) If 12th lord is in 12th having sambandha with Rahu.

(n) Rahu's influence on 12th house/lord gives foreign travel.

(o) If there is mutual exchange between 1st & 12th lords.

(p) Foreign travel should be judged from 8th (being house of banishment) house/lord and 12th
house/lord also,

(q) Rahu in 8th with 8th lord also in 8th.

(r) Foreign settlement is not possible if 4th house is strong.

Residence Abroad:

a. A strong connection between lagna lord and the 4th house or 4th lord shows foreign journey.

The 12th lord in the 4th residence in own country.

The 4th house or 4th lord influenced by the 12th house factors with the focus on the 12th makes the
native spend a large part of his life overseas.
The lagna lord in the 12th lord in lagna is a strong factor showing residence abroad.

Find the 12th lord from the lagna lord (suppose lagna lord is in Taurus, the 12th lord would be Mars). If
Venus as a friendly planet aspects such 12th lord which may be weak or combust, it would imply a remote
place or insignificant town; if, however, 12th lord is otherwise strong, it could be a metropolis. If the
planet is in an angle or in trine from lagna, the native will prosper in a foreign country.

f. The strength of the Moon should be considered first. If the Moon is weak, other planetary combinations
will not materialize, the Moon represent long journeys. In the dasa and bhukti of the Moon or Venus with
Rahu, foreign travel for pleasure, sightseeing or enjoyments is shown. Jupiter signifies journeys on
account of higher educations, seminars, honour and literary pursuits.

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