Astroshastra (307) Profession in Astrology

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Profession Or Business Depends Upon

1. 10th House From Lagna;

2. 10th House From Moon

3. Lord Of Navamsa Containing 10th Lord.

4. Sun (Karaka For Profession)

Service Depends Upon:

1. Strength Of Lagna;

2. Strength Of 6th House;

3. Sun (Karaka For Service);

4. Mercury (Karaka For Service)

5. Rajayogas;

5. Parijatha Yoga.

6. Directional Influences

8. Trines Of 6th (I.E. 2nd And 10th)

9. Saturn, Mars (Which Are Also Karakas For Service)

Karakattawas Of Planets For Professions:

Sun: (Significator Of Govt.): Creator, Promoter, Owner, Physician, Rules Government Brokerage, Commission, Wood,
Timber, Doctor, Magistrate, Royal Or State Appointment, Administrator, Forest Officer, Teaching, Medicines, Bankers,
Politicians Etc.

Moon:(Significator Of Vocation): Mind, Mental Work, Liquids, Unsteadiness, Movements, Salt, Sea And Changes, Traveler,
Hawker, Sailor, Naval Officers, Liquids, Dairy Products, Chemical Related Professions, Pearls, White Items, Merchants Etc.

Mars: Action, Medical, Military, Police, Engineering Works, Fire, Lands, Daring Jobs, Butchers, Lawyers, Surgeons,
Medicine, Metal Workers, Iron And Steel Workers, Guards, Wrestlers, Dentists, Surgeons, Arms Dealers Etc.

Mercury: (Significator Of Trade): Reasoning Or Education, Merchandise, Clerks, Auditors, Accountants, Drivers, Teachers,
Authors, Travelers, Orators, Poets, Editors, Printers, Publishers, Mathematician, Business, Transport, Messengers,
Service, Astrologers, Writers, Journalists, Stenographers, Stationers, Insurance Agents, Salesmen Etc.

Jupiter:(Significator Of Prosperity And Intelligence, Expansion And Dignity): Bankers, Treasuries, Income-Tax, Lawyers,
Auditors, Judges, Councilors, Teachers, Professors, Editors, Scholars, Law Practice, Teaching, Priests, Preachers, Woolen
Or Shoe Merchants, Advertising Agents, Research Workers Etc.

Venus: Pleasures, Wealth, Artists, Poets, Jewelers, Cinema, Video And T.V. Lines, Income-Tax And Other Revenues (Tax, If
Connection With Rahu/Kethu/Sat), Jewelry, Embroidery, Transport, Rubber, Cosmeticians, Fashion Designers, Hotels,
Amusement Parks, Photographers, Maids, Perfumery, Book�Keeping, Furniture Manufacturers Etc.
Saturn:(Significator Of Workers, Labourers): Government Service, Misery, Oil, Coal, Jobs Connected With Punishment,
Agriculturist, Miners, Brick Kilns, Hair, Metals, Quarry, Etc.

Rahu:(Ifwell Disposed): Research, Scholars, Lawyers, Speculators, Medicines, Aviation, Telephones, Electricity, Teeth,
Poisons Drugs Etc.

Kethu: Secret Services, Intoxicants, Medical/War Service, Cunning Or Tricky Jobs, Poisonous Drugs, Occultists, Religious
Head Etc.Saturn-Mars Combination Makes Doctor; Sun-Mars Combination Makes Engineers;

Karkattawas Of Houses For Profession

Signs And Profession
Occupations Are Divided Into 6 Following Categories
Time Of Fructification Of Results Of 10th House
Nature Of One's Profession
Railways, Electric And Hydro-Electric
Navigation, Arms And Press, Publicity And Newspaper Editing
Profession In Drwaing, Gambling, Property And Engineers Etc.
Combination Of Homeopath, Electronice And Service Takes Place

Karkattawas Of Houses For Profession

1st House: Self Employment, Jobs Connected With Masses;

2nd House: Teachers, Lawyers, Bankers, Stock And Shares, Hotels, Restaurants Etc.;

3rd House: Brokerage, Commission, Writings, Publishing, Communications, Salesmen Etc.;

4th House: Trade, Education, Water, Lands, Houses, Geology, Mines, Agriculture Etc.;

5th House: Prestigious And Ministerial Services, Entertainment Industry, Speculators, Etc.;

6th House: Wood, Timber, Stone, Hospitals, Prisons, Instruments, Service, Army, Lawyers Etc.;

7th House: Trade, Dispute, Courts, Gains From Partnerships, Females, Foreign Trade, Brothels; 8th: Insurance,

Legacy, Jobs Connected With Insurance, Populations And The Dead Etc.;

9th House: Legal, Teaching, Jurists, Lawyers, Foreign Connections, Religious Professions Etc.; 10th: Govt.

Jobs, Connected With Public, Rulers, Industrialists, Managing Directors Etc.;

11th House: Gains, Trade, Professions Connected With Finance And Charitable Institutions Etc.;

12th House: Hospitals, Jails, Travels, Expensive Profession, Criminal And Secret Services Etc.
Signs And Profession
Aries: Army And Police, Surgeon, Mechanics, Iron And Steel Workers, Firemen, Industrialists, Guards, Wrestlers, Coal And
Brick Kiln Workers;

Taurus: Luxury Goods, Jewelry, Cosmetics, Music, Actors, Revenue Officials, Bankers, Amusement Industry, Tailors, Furs,
Cement, Property;

Gemini: Journalism, Teaching, Healers, Accountants, Agents, Representatives, P&T Deptt., Diplomats, Stenos And Pas,
Translators, Book-Keepers, Doctors, Solicitors;

Cancer: Naval And Marine Officers, Nurses, Fishing, Interior Decorators, Caterers, Restaurants, Petroleum & Chemical
Industry, Shipping Department, Historians, Explorers;

Leo: Politicians, Ministers, Connected With State, Soldiers, Ambassadors, Chief Executives, Speculators, Magicians,
Professions Related To Land;

Virgo: Professors, Computers, Astrologers, Book-Keepers, Reporters, Doctors, Healers ;

Libra: Judges, Artists, Beauticians, Models, Photographers, Perfumery, Fashion Designers, Air Hostesses, Receptionists,
Interior Decorators, Prostitutes, Liaison Officers;

Scorpio: Drugs And Chemicals, Liquids, Medicines, Insurance, Navy & Marine, Poisons, Navigators, Doctors, Nurses,
Police And Army, Explorers, Occultists, Philosophers;

Sagittarius: Sports, Judges, Lawyers, Preachers, Bankers, Financial Experts, Magistrates, Capitalists, Woolen Traders,
Shoe And Footwear Manufacturers, Patriots;

Capricorn: Wood And Timber, Mining, Forests, Properties, Geologists, Minerals;

Aquarius: Advisors, Consultants, Philosophers, Astrologers, Intellectuals, Engineers, Computers, Automobile Experts;

Pisces: Sailors, Naval Officers, Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses, Chemical And Oil Dealers, Perfumery, Amusement Parks,
Painters, Hospitals, Jails, Secret Societies, Prisons.

Movable Signs Indicate Ambition, Fame, Recognition. They Make One Self-Assertive, Independent, Active And So Prefer
Doing Profession. The Natives Are Explorers, Businessmen, Travelers, Sportsmen And Marketing Professionals Etc.

Fixed Signs Indicate Determination, Firmness, Self-Reliance, Capable Of Much Patience And Endurance, Fixity Of
Purpose. The Natives Are Suited For Professions Which Require Authority, Routine Clerical Jobs, Sedentary Jobs;

Common Signs Indicate Wavering Decisions. The Natives Are Servicemen, Teachers, Middlemen, Accountants, Clerks,
Writers, Cashiers Etc.

Fiery Signs Provide Engineering, Iron Industries, Surgeons, Explorers, Soldiers, Barbers, Butchers, Trade Union Leaders,
Politicians Etc.;

Earthy Signs Provide Administrative And Economic Jobs, Civil Services, Property, Building, Agriculture, Furniture, Wood
And Timber Related Business, Food Items, Mining.

Airy Signs Provide Intellectual Profession Like Philosophers, Writers, Scientists, Astrologers, Visors, Lawyers, Jobs Of
Originality & Literary Pursuits, Lecturers, Pilots.
Watery Signs Provide Job Of Liquids Like Dairy Farming, Chemicals & Drugs, Biology, Shipping, Merchant Navy, Marine
Engineers, Petroleum Products, Fishing Etc.;

Occupations Are Divided Into 6 Following

1. Intellectual-. Scientists, Doctors, Historians, Mathematicians, Judges, Lawyers, Astrologers, Astronomers, Philosopher
Are Indicated By Jupiter And Mercury.

2. Economic!Ruling Class\ Politicians, Industrialists, Bankers, Insurance Workers Are Indicated By Sun, Moon, Mars.

3. Aesthetic-. Actors, Dancers, Dramatists, Musicians, Cinema-Stars, People Working On T.V., Video And Cinema, Behind
The Screen Are Indicated By Venus.

4. Routine-. Clerks, Waiters,Shop Assistants,General Staff Are Indicated By Rahu, Kethu.

5. Mechanical: Labourers, Agriculturists, Horticulturists, Artisans, Carpenters Mmtincitmc. Mill-Workers (Serving Class)
Are Indicated By Saturn.

6. Trades/Mercantile Class: Traders, Book-Sellers, Publishers, Stationers, Grocers, Journalists, Printers, Manufacturer
Representatives Are Indicated By Mercury.

Mental, Physical And Intellectual Ability Is Judged From The Planetary Strength Of Planet Aspecting, Occupying The 10th
And The Planet Owning The 10th.

<B>The Rule To Select Profession:</B> Find Out The Strongest Planet Out Of :-

1. Planet/Planets Posited In 10th;

2 10th Lord;

3. Lord Of Navamsa Occupied By 10th Lord;

4. Lagna Lord Of Dasamsa.

The Strongest Planet Gives The Final Results. If There Are More Than One Strong Planets, Then There Would Be A
Blending Of Influences Of All Such Planets And Even More Than One Profession May Be Adopted.

As Per Jaimini Sutras, The Planet Posited In The Navamsa Sign Of Atmakaraka Has Been Said To Indicate The Nature Of
The Native's Profession, As Profession Is Attributed To Atamakaraka. If The Planet Located In Navamsa Sign Of
Atmakaraka Is Sun-Post In A Govt, Department Or Works Of Public Utility. If It Is Moon- Teaching, Mars-Army Or
Electricity Deptt., Mercury-Businessman, Political And Social Work, Jupiter-Preceptor, Venus-Politician Or Senator, Saturn-
Profession Of Fore Fathers.

Navigation, Arms And Press, Publicity And

Newspaper Editing
Navigation And Ship Building: - Sign Pisces Is Associated With The Sea And Sign Sagittarius With Long Journeys And
Voyages. One Should Look To Jupiter For Success As A Navigator. Watery Signs As Well As Moon Also Should Figure In
Connection With The Meridian Or The 6th House. Venus Is Also Considered As A Watery Planet. Shipbuilders Are
Necessarily Engineers And One Could Expect Mars To Be Prominent Here And If The Signs Pisces And Virgo Are Also
Important, The Latter Sign Figures On The Commercial Side Of Shipping Business. Engineering Involves Mercury.

Arms And Ammunition: - Mars Is The Planet In This Connection As Also Sign Aries.

Iron And Steel Work: - Dhatu Rasis Are Aries, Cancer, Libra And Capricorn. The Sun, Saturn, Mars
And Rahu Are Considered Dhatu Grahas. When There Is Connection Of 10th House With A Dhatu Rasi And A Dhatu
Graha, One Deals In Iron And Steel.

Arms And Forestry: - The 4th House And Mercury Denote Gardening Generally But In The' Former Case The Influence
Of Venus Should Be More Prominent. Mars Also Found Plays A Part Where The Native Owns Or Maintains Extensive

Press, Publicity And Newspaper Editing: - Mercury And Jupiter Are The Planets Associated With This Kind Of Activity;
Mercury Is Concerned More With The Collection Of News, Journalism, Circulation Of News And Jupiter With The Business
Of Editing.

Motor & Transport: - Motor Engine Makers Come Under Mars & Aries. Coachbuilders Would Come Under Jupiter And
Venus. Transport Side Alone Comes Under Mercury.

Dairy And Veterinary Department: - Sun, Venus & Jupiter Are The Planets Concerned. Cattle Comes Under Sun. Jupiter
Signifies Big Cattle. Sun In 10th Either From Lagna Or From Karakamsa And Aspected By Jupiter Gives Dairying. For
Veterinary Doctors, Mars And Jupiter Would Be Prominent. Aries Concerned With Veterinary Surgeons.

Time Of Fructification Of Results Of 10th House

Important Factors; (1) Lord Of 10th House, (2) Planet Aspecting 10th House. (3) Planets Aspecting 10th Lord,(4) Planets In
Association Of 10th House And (5) 10th Lord From Moon. These Factors May Influence 10th House During The Sub
Period Or Main Period Of Planets Aspecting 10th House. In Such A Situation The Results Would Be Excellent.
In Case The Sub Period Lords Influencing 10th House Are There But Planet Of Main Period Does Not Aspect 10th House,
The Result Would Be Of Less Significant. Sub Period And Main Period Lords Not Influencing 10th House, Would Not Be
Helpful In Fructifying The Results Of The 10th House.

Fruitation When: Generally Throughout The Life But More So In The Main Period/Sub Peroid Of The Planets Influencing
The 10th As Mentioned Above. Star Lord Of Yoga Karaka In Its Dasa Gives Rise In Career Provided It Is Placed In A

Sun Controls Medicine, Mars Controls Surgery. Ashwini, Aslesha, Moola Control Medicine. If Lord Of 4th Is In 10th It Gives
Proficiency In Medicines. Medical Profession If Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Occurs As The 10th Of The Lagna Or Moon.

10th House Governs Profession {Karma), 8th Represents Career. Both 10th And 8th Complement Each Other.

Nature Of One's Profession

:-(1) The First Preference Is To The Planet In 10th From Lagna Or Moon, Whichever Is Stronger. Next, Profession Is
Attributed To The Lord Of Navamsa Occupied By Planet Owning 10th House From Lagna, Moon Or Sun, Whichever Is The
Strongest. Ruler Of 10th Or Planets Aspecting 10th Come Last.

(2.) The Nature Of The Profession Will Be Identical By The Nature Of The Sign In Which The Dasamsa Lagna Falls If The
Lord Of Lagna Is Exalted, In Own House, In Moolatrikona Or Aspects The Lagna Or Is In Kendra Or Trikona. If The Said
Planet Is In Dusthanas Then The Dasamsa Lagna Will Lose Its Significance.

(3.) If No Clues Can Be Had From Method As Above Then The Nature Of The Profession Will Be In Accordance With The
Nature Of Lord Of The 10th House Or Planets Influencing 10th Houseor 10th Lord In Dasamsa.

(4.) If Only One Planet Influences Dasamsa Lagna Or 10th House, Then This Planet Will Dominate The Profession And
There Will Be No Possibility Of Change In The Nature Of Profession Except If The Planet Concerned Is Mercury When The
Result Will Be Just The Opposite.

Commencement Of Profession During The Period Of A Planet Placed In 3rd, 6th, 8th Or 12th Of D- Chart Ends Unhappily.

Food & Supply Department:- The Management And Distribution Of Raw Materials Of Food Comes Under Planet
Mercury And Sign Virgo. The Sixth House Should Be Powerful For Being In Service And If The Service Is To Be Under
Government, Lords Of Kendras And Konas Should Join Together Or At Least Aspect Each Other." Food And Supply" Can
Mean Catering Department Also, In That Case Mars Shall Be More Prominent Than Mercury.

Mars Governs Hotels. If The Chart Has More Of Martian Vargas In The 10th House, Predict That He Is A Hotel
Keeper. Aries Governs The Same.
Railways, Electric And Hydro-Electric
Railways:- Gemini And Sagittarius And Their Lords Mercury And Jupiter Are Concerned With Railway Service. Railways
Include Railway Transport, Railway Engineering And Workshops, Railway Law, Etc. If Mercury Is Most Powerful, Transport
Will Be The Department To Be Sought For. If Mars Is Strong And Connected With Profession And Concerned With Any Of
The Above Signs Will Lead To Railway Engineering. If Jupiter Is Prominent In Connection With The Above Indications,
Railway Law May Be Specialized.

Electric And Hydro-Electric:- Sign Aries Is Connected With Electricity And Scorpio With Hydro�Electric. So Mars Is The
Relevant Planet. Moon Too Should Have Secondary Consideration And Is Found Connected With Mars. If Hydro-Electric Is
Concerned With Harness Of Flowing Water River Systems And Waterfalls, Then Cancer Comes In The Picture. These
Systems If Include The Distribution Of Electricity Then Mercury Becomes The Chief Planet To Be Considered And Sign
Gemini Also Should Be Looked To.

Mining And Metallurgy:- This Involves Three Separate Processes. That Of Digging Into The Places Where Metals Are
Found, Then Work Underground In Collecting The Metals Or Ores, And Then The Conversion Of Ores Into Metals. The
First Two Come Under Mining And The 3rd Under Metallurgy. Engineering Connected With Digging And Gathering Of
Metals Comes Under Mars And Aries As Well As Scorpio. The Actual Mining Process Comes Under Capricorn And Saturn.
For Metallurgists Sun And Mercury Should Be Powerful And Prominent In Addition To Mars.

All Movable Signs Indicate Dhatus. Sun, Mars, Saturn And Rahu Are Dhatu Grahas. Ashwini, Rohini. Punarvasu, Makha,
Hasta, Vishakha, Moola, Sravana And P.Bhadra Are Dhatu Nakshatras. When The Hou'se Of Wealth Or House Of Property
Is A Movable Sign,And When Dhatu Grahas Are Posited Therein Native Is An Owner Of Mines. If The 1Oth House Has
Dhatu Connections As Above, Then The Native Is Employed In Mines.

Posts, Telegraphs And Telephones:- Sign Gemini And Mercury Is The Planet Connected With This Department.

Wireless And Radio:- Mercury And Jupiter As Also Signs Gemini And Sagittarius Are To Be Considered.

Aviation:-Aires Signs, Gemini, Libra And Aquarius And Their Are Important. For Flyers Mercury, Sun And Jupiter
Or Venus Should Be Looked Into.
Navigation, Arms And Press, Publicity And
Newspaper Editing
Navigation And Ship Building: - Sign Pisces Is Associated With The Sea And Sign Sagittarius With Long Journeys And
Voyages. One Should Look To Jupiter For Success As A Navigator. Watery Signs As Well As Moon Also Should Figure In
Connection With The Meridian Or The 6th House. Venus Is Also Considered As A Watery Planet. Shipbuilders Are
Necessarily Engineers And One Could Expect Mars To Be Prominent Here And If The Signs Pisces And Virgo Are Also
Important, The Latter Sign Figures On The Commercial Side Of Shipping Business. Engineering Involves Mercury.

Arms And Ammunition: - Mars Is The Planet In This Connection As Also Sign Aries.

Iron And Steel Work: - Dhatu Rasis Are Aries, Cancer, Libra And Capricorn. The Sun, Saturn, Mars
And Rahu Are Considered Dhatu Grahas. When There Is Connection Of 10th House With A Dhatu Rasi And A Dhatu
Graha, One Deals In Iron And Steel.

Arms And Forestry: - The 4th House And Mercury Denote Gardening Generally But In The' Former Case The Influence
Of Venus Should Be More Prominent. Mars Also Found Plays A Part Where The Native Owns Or Maintains Extensive

Press, Publicity And Newspaper Editing: - Mercury And Jupiter Are The Planets Associated With This Kind Of Activity;
Mercury Is Concerned More With The Collection Of News, Journalism, Circulation Of News And Jupiter With The Business
Of Editing.

Motor & Transport: - Motor Engine Makers Come Under Mars & Aries. Coachbuilders Would Come Under Jupiter And
Venus. Transport Side Alone Comes Under Mercury.

Dairy And Veterinary Department: - Sun, Venus & Jupiter Are The Planets Concerned. Cattle Comes Under Sun. Jupiter
Signifies Big Cattle. Sun In 10th Either From Lagna Or From Karakamsa And Aspected By Jupiter Gives Dairying. For
Veterinary Doctors, Mars And Jupiter Would Be Prominent. Aries Concerned With Veterinary Surgeons.

Profession In Drwaing, Gambling, Property And

Engineers Etc.
Excise Department: - Mars (Aries), And Mercury (Especially 2nd Decanate Of Gemini) Cover The Activities Of This

Mesmerism And Hypnotism: - Mars, Saturn And Mercury Are The Planets To Be Looked. It Is A Game Of The Mind
(Mercury) Directed By Will Power (Mars And Saturn).

Rahu Governs Magic And Mesmerism. If He Occupies The 10th House Or Aspects It, We Can Say That His Earnings Are
Through Magic Or Mesmerism.
Magic: -Venus And Mercury Snould Br Poweful 'Magic'. Tne Term "Includes Tne Black Arts Indulged In With The Help Of
Evil Spirits For Which Rahu And Saturn Are Responsible. If The 5th And 9th From Karakamsa Are Occupied By Evil Planets
The Person Becomes A Magician And Will Be Able To Exercise Devils And Evil Spirits.

Clairvoyance: - Sign Pisces And Venus Are Concerned With This Manifestation.

Drawing And Painting: - Mercury Is The Planet For The Former And Venus For The Latter. To Be A Genius In Either
Would Require Help From Jupiter.

Photography: - Sun And Jupiter Are Prominent In Connection With All Aspects Of Photography- Chemicals, Action Of
Light, Images, Etc.

Cinematography Business And Dramas: - Venus Must Be The Outstanding Planet In The Chart.

Lotteries: - The 4th And 9th Houses, Libra Sign, Venus And Jupiter Represent Lotteries. If There Is Parivartana Yoga Of
These Lords, There Are Prospects Of Getting Lotteries Or Hidden Treasures. The Lord Of The 4th Should Be In The Vargas
Of The Lord Of The 11th. He Should Be Strong And Posited In The 11th House Or 5th House.

Speculation: - The 5th House Represents Speculation. The 7th House Also Can Be Included. Here Again., Venus Plays A
Prominent Part.

Gambling: - Gemini, Libra And Aquarius Represent Gambling And Gambling Houses. Mercury, Venus And Saturn-All
These Stand For Different Types Of Gambling. The 8th And 12th Houses Govern The Same.

Property Dealers: -The 4th House Represents These; Mars Governs Lands And Venus Stands For Buildings.

Insurance: - Saturn And The 8th House Stand For Insurance.

Engineers: - If In A Nativity, Venus Becomes The Strongest Planet With Reference To The 10th Bhava, And Occupies
Powerful Places From Lagna And The Moon And Joins Mercury, The Native Becomes An Engineer.

Teacher: - If The 10th Is Occupied Or Aspected By Mercury Or The Lord Of The 10th Is Aspected Of Joined By Mercury,
The Native Becomes A Teacher.

Leather Merchant: Jeevarasis Are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius And Pisces. Jeevagrahas Are Mercury And Jupiter. When
There Is Connection Of 10th House With Ajeeva Rasi And Ajeevagrahas, One Deals In Leather.

In All These, We Should Bear In Mind That Rasis, Bhavas And The Lords Of The Above Should Be Strong, Well Posited
Both From Lagna And The Bhavas Referred To. It Is Safer That These Are Connected With The 11th In Some Way.

Medical Profession: -Virgo Is A Medical Sign; Scorpio Is Connected With Medical Knowledge, Metaphysical Investigation,
Medicine, Searching Mind, And Occult Sciences. Pisces Rules Hospitals, Nursing Homes Etc. Moon Mars Are The Chief
Planets. Sun Or Mars Conjoins Or Trines Rahu Or Kethu And Saturn Trines Rahu With Leo In 1st Or 10th House Gives
Medical Profession.

Mars Moon Or Mars Jupiter Or Mars Sun In 1st, 4th, 7th Or 10th Makes One A Doctor. Rahu Governs Teeth.

Sun Is Karaka Of Allopathic System Of Medicines. Jupiter Is Karaka Of Ayurvedic System Of Medicines. Saturn Is Karaka Of
Homeooathic Svstem Of Medicine.
Combination Of Homeopath, Electronice And
Service Takes Place
Combinations Of Homeopath: The Strength Of Jupiter Is A Must For A Successful Homeopath. The Other Factors Are:

1. The Ascendant Or Chandra Lagna In Taurus Or Scorpio.

2. Mars In The 1 St, The 6th, The 7th Or The 10th.

3. Lord Of The 1 St Or Lord Of The 6th House In A Watery Sign.

4. Jupiter's Aspect On Lagna Or The Lord Of Lagna.

5. The Sun, Venus, Mercury In Cancer, Leo Or Virgo.

Combinations Of Electronics Profession :

1. The Sun-Mercury Combination Or Mercury In Constellation Of Sun.

2. The Sun Should Be Associated With The 9th Or The 10th Or Its Lords.

3. Association Of The 10th Lord With The Sun Or Relation Between The 2nd And The 10th Or Their Lords.

4. The Sun Should Also Be Related To Mars, Saturn Or Venus.

5. Mars Must Be Associated With The 4th Or The 10th Or Its Lord.

6. Mars Or Saturn Should Have Connection With The 6th Or Its Lord.

7. Mercury-Mars Or Mercury-Saturn Association Is Essential For This Profession.

Extension In Service Takes Place:

1. 10th Lord In The 10th, In Its Own Or Benefic Sign Or Aspected By A Benefic Planet And 6th Lord Aspects The 6th And
Receives The Aspect Of A Benefic Planet.

2. If The Lord Of The 10th Receives The Aspect Of A Benefic Planets, Is Well Placed And Strong And The Lord Of The 6th
Receives A Benefic Aspect Or Aspects The 6th.

3. 10th Lord In The 10th Or The 11th And Receives The Aspect Of Lagna Lord And Lord Of The 6th Aspects The 10th
House Or Its Lord Or The 6th House Itself.

4. If The Lord Of The 6th Receives The Aspect Of A Benefic Planet Or Lord Of Lagna And Lord Of The 10th Is Well Placed
In A Kendra Or A Trine.

5. If The Lord Of The 10th Is In The 10th And Lord Of The 6th Aspects The 6th House Or The 10th Or Their Lords.

6. Lord Of 6th Aspects 6th House And Receives Beneficial Aspect Of Jup Or Lagnesh.
Time Of Fructification Of Results Of 10th House
Important Factors; (1) Lord Of 10th House, (2) Planet Aspecting 10th House. (3) Planets Aspecting 10th Lord,(4) Planets In
Association Of 10th House And (5) 10th Lord From Moon. These Factors May Influence 10th House During The Sub
Period Or Main Period Of Planets Aspecting 10th House. In Such A Situation The Results Would Be Excellent.

In Case The Sub Period Lords Influencing 10th House Are There But Planet Of Main Period Does Not Aspect 10th House,
The Result Would Be Of Less Significant. Sub Period And Main Period Lords Not Influencing 10th House, Would Not Be
Helpful In Fructifying The Results Of The 10th House.

Fruitation When: Generally Throughout The Life But More So In The Main Period/Sub Peroid Of The Planets Influencing
The 10th As Mentioned Above. Star Lord Of Yoga Karaka In Its Dasa Gives Rise In Career Provided It Is Placed In A

Sun Controls Medicine, Mars Controls Surgery. Ashwini, Aslesha, Moola Control Medicine. If Lord Of 4th Is In 10th It Gives
Proficiency In Medicines. Medical Profession If Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Occurs As The 10th Of The Lagna Or Moon.

10th House Governs Profession {Karma), 8th Represents Career. Both 10th And 8th Complement Each Other.

Profession In Drwaing, Gambling, Property And

Engineers Etc.
Excise Department: - Mars (Aries), And Mercury (Especially 2nd Decanate Of Gemini) Cover The Activities Of This

Mesmerism And Hypnotism: - Mars, Saturn And Mercury Are The Planets To Be Looked. It Is A Game Of The Mind
(Mercury) Directed By Will Power (Mars And Saturn).

Rahu Governs Magic And Mesmerism. If He Occupies The 10th House Or Aspects It, We Can Say That His Earnings Are
Through Magic Or Mesmerism.

Magic: -Venus And Mercury Snould Br Poweful 'Magic'. Tne Term "Includes Tne Black Arts Indulged In With The Help Of
Evil Spirits For Which Rahu And Saturn Are Responsible. If The 5th And 9th From Karakamsa Are Occupied By Evil Planets
The Person Becomes A Magician And Will Be Able To Exercise Devils And Evil Spirits.

Clairvoyance: - Sign Pisces And Venus Are Concerned With This Manifestation.

Drawing And Painting: - Mercury Is The Planet For The Former And Venus For The Latter. To Be A Genius In Either
Would Require Help From Jupiter.

Photography: - Sun And Jupiter Are Prominent In Connection With All Aspects Of Photography- Chemicals, Action Of
Light, Images, Etc.

Cinematography Business And Dramas: - Venus Must Be The Outstanding Planet In The Chart.

Lotteries: - The 4th And 9th Houses, Libra Sign, Venus And Jupiter Represent Lotteries. If There Is Parivartana Yoga Of
These Lords, There Are Prospects Of Getting Lotteries Or Hidden Treasures. The Lord Of The 4th Should Be In The Vargas
Of The Lord Of The 11th. He Should Be Strong And Posited In The 11th House Or 5th House.

Speculation: - The 5th House Represents Speculation. The 7th House Also Can Be Included. Here Again., Venus Plays A
Prominent Part.

Gambling: - Gemini, Libra And Aquarius Represent Gambling And Gambling Houses. Mercury, Venus And Saturn-All
These Stand For Different Types Of Gambling. The 8th And 12th Houses Govern The Same.

Property Dealers: -The 4th House Represents These; Mars Governs Lands And Venus Stands For Buildings.

Insurance: - Saturn And The 8th House Stand For Insurance.

Engineers: - If In A Nativity, Venus Becomes The Strongest Planet With Reference To The 10th Bhava, And Occupies
Powerful Places From Lagna And The Moon And Joins Mercury, The Native Becomes An Engineer.

Teacher: - If The 10th Is Occupied Or Aspected By Mercury Or The Lord Of The 10th Is Aspected Of Joined By Mercury,
The Native Becomes A Teacher.

Leather Merchant: Jeevarasis Are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius And Pisces. Jeevagrahas Are Mercury And Jupiter. When
There Is Connection Of 10th House With Ajeeva Rasi And Ajeevagrahas, One Deals In Leather.

In All These, We Should Bear In Mind That Rasis, Bhavas And The Lords Of The Above Should Be Strong, Well Posited
Both From Lagna And The Bhavas Referred To. It Is Safer That These Are Connected With The 11th In Some Way.

Medical Profession: -Virgo Is A Medical Sign; Scorpio Is Connected With Medical Knowledge, Metaphysical Investigation,
Medicine, Searching Mind, And Occult Sciences. Pisces Rules Hospitals, Nursing Homes Etc. Moon Mars Are The Chief
Planets. Sun Or Mars Conjoins Or Trines Rahu Or Kethu And Saturn Trines Rahu With Leo In 1st Or 10th House Gives
Medical Profession.

Mars Moon Or Mars Jupiter Or Mars Sun In 1st, 4th, 7th Or 10th Makes One A Doctor. Rahu Governs Teeth.

Sun Is Karaka Of Allopathic System Of Medicines. Jupiter Is Karaka Of Ayurvedic System Of Medicines. Saturn Is Karaka Of
Homeooathic Svstem Of Medicine.
Signs And Profession
Aries: Army And Police, Surgeon, Mechanics, Iron And Steel Workers, Firemen, Industrialists, Guards, Wrestlers, Coal And
Brick Kiln Workers;

Taurus: Luxury Goods, Jewelry, Cosmetics, Music, Actors, Revenue Officials, Bankers, Amusement Industry, Tailors, Furs,
Cement, Property;

Gemini: Journalism, Teaching, Healers, Accountants, Agents, Representatives, P&T Deptt., Diplomats, Stenos And Pas,
Translators, Book-Keepers, Doctors, Solicitors;

Cancer: Naval And Marine Officers, Nurses, Fishing, Interior Decorators, Caterers, Restaurants, Petroleum & Chemical
Industry, Shipping Department, Historians, Explorers;

Leo: Politicians, Ministers, Connected With State, Soldiers, Ambassadors, Chief Executives, Speculators, Magicians,
Professions Related To Land;

Virgo: Professors, Computers, Astrologers, Book-Keepers, Reporters, Doctors, Healers ;

Libra: Judges, Artists, Beauticians, Models, Photographers, Perfumery, Fashion Designers, Air Hostesses, Receptionists,
Interior Decorators, Prostitutes, Liaison Officers;

Scorpio: Drugs And Chemicals, Liquids, Medicines, Insurance, Navy & Marine, Poisons, Navigators, Doctors, Nurses,
Police And Army, Explorers, Occultists, Philosophers;

Sagittarius: Sports, Judges, Lawyers, Preachers, Bankers, Financial Experts, Magistrates, Capitalists, Woolen Traders,
Shoe And Footwear Manufacturers, Patriots;

Capricorn: Wood And Timber, Mining, Forests, Properties, Geologists, Minerals;

Aquarius: Advisors, Consultants, Philosophers, Astrologers, Intellectuals, Engineers, Computers, Automobile Experts;

Pisces: Sailors, Naval Officers, Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses, Chemical And Oil Dealers, Perfumery, Amusement Parks,
Painters, Hospitals, Jails, Secret Societies, Prisons.

Movable Signs Indicate Ambition, Fame, Recognition. They Make One Self-Assertive, Independent, Active And So Prefer
Doing Profession. The Natives Are Explorers, Businessmen, Travelers, Sportsmen And Marketing Professionals Etc.

Fixed Signs Indicate Determination, Firmness, Self-Reliance, Capable Of Much Patience And Endurance, Fixity Of
Purpose. The Natives Are Suited For Professions Which Require Authority, Routine Clerical Jobs, Sedentary Jobs;

Common Signs Indicate Wavering Decisions. The Natives Are Servicemen, Teachers, Middlemen, Accountants, Clerks,
Writers, Cashiers Etc.

Fiery Signs Provide Engineering, Iron Industries, Surgeons, Explorers, Soldiers, Barbers, Butchers, Trade Union Leaders,
Politicians Etc.;

Earthy Signs Provide Administrative And Economic Jobs, Civil Services, Property, Building, Agriculture, Furniture, Wood
And Timber Related Business, Food Items, Mining.

Airy Signs Provide Intellectual Profession Like Philosophers, Writers, Scientists, Astrologers, Visors, Lawyers, Jobs Of
Originality & Literary Pursuits, Lecturers, Pilots.
Watery Signs Provide Job Of Liquids Like Dairy Farming, Chemicals & Drugs, Biology, Shipping, Merchant Navy, Marine
Engineers, Petroleum Products, Fishing Etc.;

Combination Of Homeopath, Electronice And

Service Takes Place
Combinations Of Homeopath: The Strength Of Jupiter Is A Must For A Successful Homeopath. The Other Factors Are:

1. The Ascendant Or Chandra Lagna In Taurus Or Scorpio.

2. Mars In The 1 St, The 6th, The 7th Or The 10th.

3. Lord Of The 1 St Or Lord Of The 6th House In A Watery Sign.

4. Jupiter's Aspect On Lagna Or The Lord Of Lagna.

5. The Sun, Venus, Mercury In Cancer, Leo Or Virgo.

Combinations Of Electronics Profession :

1. The Sun-Mercury Combination Or Mercury In Constellation Of Sun.

2. The Sun Should Be Associated With The 9th Or The 10th Or Its Lords.

3. Association Of The 10th Lord With The Sun Or Relation Between The 2nd And The 10th Or Their Lords.

4. The Sun Should Also Be Related To Mars, Saturn Or Venus.

5. Mars Must Be Associated With The 4th Or The 10th Or Its Lord.

6. Mars Or Saturn Should Have Connection With The 6th Or Its Lord.

7. Mercury-Mars Or Mercury-Saturn Association Is Essential For This Profession.

Extension In Service Takes Place:

1. 10th Lord In The 10th, In Its Own Or Benefic Sign Or Aspected By A Benefic Planet And 6th Lord Aspects The 6th And
Receives The Aspect Of A Benefic Planet.

2. If The Lord Of The 10th Receives The Aspect Of A Benefic Planets, Is Well Placed And Strong And The Lord Of The 6th
Receives A Benefic Aspect Or Aspects The 6th.

3. 10th Lord In The 10th Or The 11th And Receives The Aspect Of Lagna Lord And Lord Of The 6th Aspects The 10th
House Or Its Lord Or The 6th House Itself.

4. If The Lord Of The 6th Receives The Aspect Of A Benefic Planet Or Lord Of Lagna And Lord Of The 10th Is Well Placed
In A Kendra Or A Trine.

5. If The Lord Of The 10th Is In The 10th And Lord Of The 6th Aspects The 6th House Or The 10th Or Their Lords.

6. Lord Of 6th Aspects 6th House And Receives Beneficial Aspect Of Jup Or Lagnesh.

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