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Medical astrology and important combinations in horoscope

Medical Astrology indicates, the planetary influences which cause the various diseases, afflictions and accidents. It gives a clear picture of planets
and its relation to disease, what disease will be produced under different planetary conditions, the duration of such diseases and whether or not
they would prove fatal. Sickness in its various forms is caused through the differently composed afflictions of planets in the various signs of the
zodiac and houses in the horoscope.

To have sound constitution and robust health, the lagna and its lord should be strong and the lord of 6th should be weak. Astrology and Medicine
are intimately linked in as much as the science of healing, forms an important part of remedial astrology. Sun is a natural atamkaraka and gives
health and energy. It should be strong and free from malefic influence (especially of the Saturn or Rahu) to give good health. Moon the planet of
mind should also be frees from affliction for a clear and sound thinking.

In Astrology 6th, 8th and 12th houses are dusthanas. Malefics in these places are not good for health. 6th house is of diseases and the 6th lord
does give ill-health during its dasal bhukti. In any chart look to the planet in the sixth from lagna and Moon, lords of 6th and the sign containing 6th
house. These all combined together will give a clue about the disease and the part of the body affected by that disease.

Besides these three trik houses, even the other houses if badly afflicted and containing planets badly afflicted give specific diseases governed by
those houses/ signs and the planets contained in them. Such diseases are normally experienced during dasal bhukti of the afflicting planet(s)
having sambandha with such a planet. The gochara of an afflicted planet is causative of a disease since a disease is caused when a planet is in an
unfavourable position in gochara and its dasa/bhukti is running, for example, an affliction to first house in a chart and Aries impairs the brain and
nervous system causing various diseases from headache to insanity and accidents involving the head and brain.

An affliction to sign Cancer and the 4th house will cause mental diseases like lunacy, retardation, dullness and also emotional diseases like fits,
epilepsy, phobias and coma etc. An affliction to 5th house results in aberration of mind, schizophrenia, paranoia and perversion etc.

If the lagnesh is in 6th, the 8th or the 12th, especially the 6th, it is an indication that the native will be sickly. The matter becomes worse if lagnesh is
aspected by a malefic whereas the aspect of a benefic gives a boost for good health. Malefics in dusthanas are not good for health. The dasa of a
planet in the 2nd or the 7th (maraka houses) from lagna or chandralagna can also bring ill health. Jupiter in the 6th or aspecting the 6th gives good
health. Jupiter with Moon or in the 5th or aspecting the Moon or the 5th is good for mental health. Sage satyacharaya says that if the lord of 9th
aspects the 6th and the 8th, there will be good health.

Moon with Saturn causes a weak physique, a worried mind, poverty and liability to false charges unless Saturn is the lord of lagna or is well
aspected by Jupiter. Moon with Rahu or Kethu, especially the Rahu, is not good for general health or mental balance. New Moon, being a malefic, is
good in 3rd, 6th and the 11th.

6th house represents the house of diseases. Saturn or Rahu in this house though good for prosperity, causes illnesses. If the 6th house is Virgo,
disease is of the stomach or bad digestive power on account of poor secretion of gastric juices or diarrhoea or dysentery.

6th house denotes diseases, 8th house denotes long illness that may be fatal in character, whereas, 12th house indicates confinement in a hospital.

Venus in 6th (except, perhaps, when in Libra or in an adhiyoga configuration) is bad to cause venereal diseases especially if it is afflicted by Saturn
or Mars or any node. Moon is a watery planet and if conjoined with or aspected by fiery Mars, it may cause instability of mind and may make the
native violent in mind, furious, abusive, malicious and treacherous.

Saturn's affliction to Moon makes one gloomy and melancholic and native becomes dull, impertinent and obstinate. Mercury governs one's
intelligence and thinking. If it is afflicted, especially by its enemy, Mars, his thinking is badly affected and the native is likely to fly in fury occasionally
and use incoherent language.

The body of KALAPURUSHA (Time personified) has been divided into twelve parts and each part has been assigned to a sign commencing from
ARIES. They are as follows :-



ARIES. Head.



CANCER. Chest.

LEO. Upper Abdomen.

VIRGO. Lower Abdomen.

LIBRA. Groins.
SCORPIO. Genital Organs.






The Zodiac is also divided into twelve houses reckoned from Ascendant and each house commonly knows as Bhava is assigned to a specific part of
the body of the KALA-PURUSHA. Here also the first house represents Head, the Second house represents Face and so on. They are as follow :


First House or Lagna

Head, Brain and Mind.

Face, eyes, Nose, Tongue, Teeth, Ears, Fingers, Nails, Bones

Second House.
and Flesh.

Neck, Throat, Collar Bones, Hands, Breathing, Ears, and Bodily

Third House

Fourth House Heart, Lungs, Chest and Blood.

Fifth House Upper abdomen and Mind.

Sixth House Lower abdomen, Naval, bones, flesh and mental faculties.

Seventh House Groins, Semen, Female organs and Breathing.

Eighth House Genital organs, Urine, Blood.

Ninth House Thighs and Limbs.

Tenth House Knees, Bones and Flesh.

Eleventh House Shanks and Breathing.

Twelfth House Feet and Blood.

The houses from second to sixth govern the right side of the body and from twelfth to eighth in reverse order govern the left side of the body.

Astroshastra have summarized some Planetary Combination which indicates the Diseases in the Horoscope.

Heart Disease: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for heart disease

Eyes diseases: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for eye diseases

Brain Diseases:Role of Planets, Signs and houses for brain diseases

Dental troubles: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for dental diseases

Defect in speech

Ears troubles: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for ear diseases

Paralysis: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for paralysis

Diseases of liver: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for liver diseases

Appendicitis: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for appendicitis

Blood pressure: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for blood pressure

Hydrocele: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for hydrocele

Hernia: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for Hernia

Diseases of prostate gland

Planetry Combinations of enlarged spleen (Jataka Alankar)

Sex diseases: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for sex diseases

Female diseases: Menstrual problems: Role of Planets, Signs and houses

Planetry Combinations of abortions/miscarriages/caesarean delivery

Stomach ailments: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for stomach diseases

Skin diseases and Itches: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for skin diseases and Itches

Rheumatism, Gout: Role of Planets, Signs and houses

Tumors, boils, carbuncles, abscess: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for Tumors, boils, carbuncles, abscess etc

Planetary Combinations of fracture of bones

Planetary Factors for accidents

Planetry Combinations of nose ailments, mouth and face and affections of the throat

Diabetes: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for diabetes

Planetry Combinations of hydrophobia

Planetry Combinations of bilious diseases

Cancer disease: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for Cancer disease

Heart Disease: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for heart

Heart Disease: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for heart disease:

Heart trouble can manifest with high blood pressure, angina, paralysis & depression etc.;

It involves Sun, Moon, Mars, planets, Cancer sign and 4th and 5th houses;

Affliction to the Sun, Leo and the 5th causes heart aliments;

Affliction of Sun, Moon, Mars, Cancer sign, 4th house, 4th lord and any relation of any of them with the 6th house and 6th lord, Virgo sign gives rise
to heart diseases;

Normally conjunction of Sun, Saturn and Jupiter in the 4th affects heart;

Saturn affects the valves, or brings fatty degeneration;

Neptune affects it through drugs, smoking etc.;

Uranus causes the ailment through nervous system;

Uranus and Jupiter bring about the dilated heart;

Mars damages heart with strain

Planetry Combinations of protection of life against heart diseases
1. When Jupiter is posited in lagna whose lord is not void of some strength.

2. When there is gajakesariyoga.

3. When there.are combinations of long life.

4. The Sun in Gemini provides protection against heart disease.

5. When both lagna and the Moon are aspected by benefics.

6. Rahu in 4th aspected by malefics and lagna is weak.

7. Saturn in 4th and Rahu in 12th.

8. Sun as 6th lord in 4th.

9. Saturn, Mars and Rahu in 4th.

10. Mandi and Kethu in 3rd.

11. Saturn or Moon in 3rd.

12. Moon and Mars and either Saturn or Rahu in 12th.

13. Lords of 5th and 12th in 12th.

14. 5th lord combust, debilitated or in house of an enemy.

15. A malefic in 5th and 5th house underpapakartari.

16. 5th lord with a malefic or aspected by a malefic.

17. 5lh lord combust and conjoin 8th lord.

18. Lagna lord in 6th in debilitation, Mars in 4th aspected by Saturn

19. Moon with a malefic in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn.

20. Sun in Aquarius or Sun in constellation of Saturn or Sun in Scorpio with malefics.

Eyes diseases: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for eye

i. 2nd house & Sun stand for right eye and 12th house & Moon stand for left eye;

ii. If Sun & Moon occupy bad houses & are under malefic influence and also there is malefic influence on 2nd & 12th houses & their lords, loss of
eye sight results;

iii. Venus governs natural lenses of the eyes; it is significator for eyes as well as for vision.
Planetry Combination of Blindness(defect in vision, blindness
1. Mars in Aquarius lagna.

2. Venus lagna lord and lords of 2nd & 12th all in trik bhavas.

3. Lord 1st, 2nd and 7th join Moon in a trik bhava.

4. Moon conjoins Venus and a malefic especially, in 7th or 12th house.

5. Malefics in houses 4 & 5.

6. Sun, Moon in 12 not aspected by any benefic and malefics in 6th or 8th.

Brain Diseases (mental and nerve diseases)

Role of Planets, Signs and houses for brain diseases-:

i. Sun is karaka of brain;

ii. Mercury governs nerves and nervous system and diseases like headache, neurasthenia, neuralgia, palpitation, delirium etc.;

iii. Mars produces aggressive nature;

iv. Moon is significator of mind;

v. Saturn indicates the wind pressure in nervous system;

vi. Aries is first house of head of Kalapurusha.

vii. First house is the head of native;

viii. For insanity be combine Moon, Mercury, 5th house and 5th lord;

ix. Epilepsy is mental inefficiency which is seen from Moon, Mercury, 5th house (of mind and intellect), 5th lord, lagna and lagna lord and Leo sign;

X. Moon afflicted by Saturn - melancholic, lonely, dull, morose, gloomy, pessimist

Moon afflicted by Sun - quick temper, quarrelsome, self- aggrandizement;

Moon afflicted by Mars - quick temper, aggressive, violent;

Moon afflicted by Rahu - cunning, phobic, maniac, and schizophrenia;

Moon afflicted by Kethu - maniacal or suicidal tendencies, phobic, suspicious.

In above cases severity depends upon the affliction of Mercury at the same time.

Planetry Combinations of Abnormality of the mind

Planetry Combinations of insanity, mental diseases

Planetry Combinations of Epilepsy, Hysteria

Planetry Combinations of Meningitis

Dental troubles: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for dental
Loss of teeth refers to Mars in the lagna that must be a watery sign. Toothache involves the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in a watery sign,
which must be lagna or the 6th. Decaying teeth refer to Saturn in the 1st or the 7th, which must not be his own
sign. Sagittarius, Aries and Taurus lagans indicate Uneven or uncouth teeth when they are aspected by malefics. Pisces lagna have broad and
protruding teeth with space in between.

Defect in speech
2nd house rules the tongue and Jupiter governs defect in speech. Taurus is 2nd sign and so affliction of these produces disorders connecting
defects in speech. Kethu in adverse condition in 2nd gives stammering; afflicted Rahu or Saturn here makes one speak too much and late;
afflicted Sun or Mars makes one speak harsh and loudly. Tongue problem: Jupiter governs tongue & defect in speech.

Combinations of dental troubles

1. Saturn in Cancer.

2. The Sun, the Moon and Venus in lagna.

3. Aries or Taurus coinciding with lagna or 2nd house and associated with malefics.

4. Moon or Rahu in the 12th, Saturn in a trikona and Kethu in 7th or 8th.

5. A malefic in the 7th or malefic Mars in the 2nd.

6. Moon or Rahu in 6th and Saturn in trine.

7. Sun or Moon in 12th and Saturn in a trine.

8. Lord of the 2nd house with Rahu in a dusthana or with dispositor of Rahu.

9. The Sun in the 2nd house, or the Moon in Leo, or Saturn in Cancer.

10. Rahu or Kethu in the 6th house.

11. Jupiter and Rahu in the lagna.

12. A weak Moon in Leo.

13. 2nd lord with 6th lord and associated with malefics.

14. Rahu in 1st or 5th house.

15. Sun in 7lh or 8th house and afflicted.

16. Rahu in 2nd from 7th lord gives prominent teeth.

17. Malefics in 7th house unaspected by benefics.

Ears troubles: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for ear diseases
i. Jupiter is significator of ears and Taurus and Gemini rule over the right ear while Pisces and Aquarius rule over the left ear;
ii. Saturn also plays a role in causing deafness;

iii. The 3rd, 11th and 9th bhavas and Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn are relevant;

iv. The 5th and 12th bhavas and Jupiter and Mars are relevant;

v. Affliction of the 3rd and 9th bhavas impairs the hearing capacity of the right ear while the 5th and 11th bhavas with malefic connections affect
the left ear;

vi. Affliction of the 9th causes deafness to the right ear; 5th bhava spoils the left.

Paralysis: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for paralysis

i. Mercury is mainly responsible if afflicted by Saturn and Rahu;

ii. Influence of Saturn and Rahu on lagna, lagna lord, 8th house and its lord causes paralysis leading to death;

iii. Mercury governs nerves;

iv. Saturn is significator of nerves;

v. Dispositor Saturn also influence nerves;

vi. When lagna Sun, Moon, Mercury are under malefic affliction and Saturn, Rahu aspect lagna lord, it causes paralysis;

vii. Influence of Saturn and Rahu on all 4 lagna factors is a must.

Diseases of liver (jaundice etc.): Role of Planets, Signs and

houses for liver diseases
1. It is a disease of bile disturbance. The bilious planets are Sun and Mars;

2. Seat of this disease is Leo and Virgo, 5th and 6th houses;

3. Liver and pancreas are ruled by Jupiter;

4. When above planets, houses and house lord are afflicted by Malefics by their conjunction,. aspect etc., the bilious a element in the body

5. Cancer of liver is caused due to afflicted 5th house or Jupiter;

6. Leo sign is seat of liver and Jupiter planet is karaka. Sun, Mars govern bile and Moon is ruler of blood. If Leo, 5th house, 5th lord, Jupiter, Sun,
Moon and Mars are afflicted it give:; Liver troubles;

7. T. B. ofLiver is caused if Rahu is afflicted by Mars and is connected with 5th house.

*Combinations of Liver diseases

*Cancer of Liver
Appendicitis: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for appendicitis
i. This diseases is governed by Virgo, Moon, Sun, 6th house and 6th lord;

ii. Venus is the significator of appendicitis. The extent of influence on it of Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Kethu indicates the extent of severity of this
disease. 6th house is the site and its affliction is an important factor;

iii. Appendicitis is characterized by the affliction of Taurus, Gemini and Venus.

Combinations of appendicitis

Blood pressure: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for blood

High blood pressure (hypertension) is considered as the highest killer in this busy and hectic life. It is consistent elevation of the pressure of blood
pushing against the walls of the arteries and other blood vessels. It may be diagnosed, when after repeated examinations, blood pressure
measurements continue to stand above the normal range. It is a rhythmic, variable pressure. It is highest at the instant when the left ventricle of
the heart contracts, the moment when the heart is said to be in systole. It is lowest at the time the heart is at rest or in diastole. Hence everyone
has two measurable blood pressures, systolic and diastolic.

Blood pressure is measured by a blood-pressure apparatus called a sphygmomanometer. The average normal systolic blood pressure at the age of
20 is about 120, the diastolic about 80. However, there is a wide range of normal pressures for different people and the same person may have
different pressures under different circumstances. For example, excitement shoots the pressure up. Blood pressure generally increases with age
and increase in body weight.

Low blood pressure called hypotension is normal for many people. With others it may result from malnutrition or extended bed rest and
weakness. High blood pressure affects first the heart and blood vessels and then indirectly other organs. Hardening of the arteries is perhaps the
chief danger of continuing hypertension. A heart attack is usually a case of coronary thrombosis. The usual symptoms of high blood pressure are
shortness of breath after slight exertion, dizziness or vertigo, seeing double, pain of tightness in the chest, persistent headache, fatigue, swelling of
ankles or abdomen.

Planets responsible for B.P.

Astrologically the Sun and Mars rule over the heart. i. Moon, Mars are karaka of blood and cause variation in pressure when they trik lord, conjoin
trik lord, be in trik bhavas, debilitated, combust, weak and afflicted.

ii. Houses and sign 4, 8 and 12 rule blood and if are weak and afflicted cause B.P.

iii. A native becomes a patient of B.P if Mars or Moon becomes isolated (i.e. if any of these is in a trik bhava and alone and without benefic

iv. A weak and afflicted Moon but a strong and afflicted Mars gives high B.P.

v. A weak and afflicted Moon and a weak and afflicted Mars gives low B.P.

vi. Sambandha between Sun and Saturn gives low B.P.

vii. Sambandha between Sun and Jupiter gives high B.P.

viii. Mars, Jupiter in angles indicates low B.P.

ix. In short, Jupiter rules arterial blood, Venus rules venous blood, Leo rules blood, Aquarius rules conditions and circulation of blood, watery sign
affect blood, Sun gives oxygen, Mars gives Iron and Hemoglobin. Disorders of blood are caused by afflicted by Jupiter and Aquarius sign. Jupiter in
an angle or in opposition to lagna gives excess blood. Sign indicated by the Jupiter indicate the part of the body affected.

x. Hypertension: Angular Sun with afflicted Saturn and Mars.

High B. P. is denoted by Jupiter and Mars. Angular Sun with afflicted Saturn and Mars gives high B.P. Sun's association with Jupiter or when Moon is
afflicted and Mars is afflicted and strong.

Low B. P. is denoted if Sun conjuncts Saturn or when Moon is weak and afflicted and Mars is also weak and afflicted.

xi. Anemia /low b.p. - Mars squaring or conjunct Jupiter or Jupiter in 7th from Saturn.

Astrological Remedy for controlling Blood Pressure

1. Wear Natural South Sea Pearl of around 6 - 7 ratti in small finger of right hand mounted on Silver Ring or Panch
dhatu . ORDER IT NOW ...
2. Wear Natural Red Coral of around 3-4 ratti in ring finger of right hand mounted on Copper or Panchdhatu . ORDER IT
3. You can wear the Combination Pendant of South Sea Pearl and Red Coral in Silver or Panchdhatu Pendant . ORDER IT

4. If Moon is afflicted by Saturn in your Chart, Donate Mustard Oil on Saturdays.

5. Give Ark of Kheer to Moon every Poornima.
6. Offer Water on Shivling on every Monday.

Planetary Combinations for stone formation

Planetary Combinations of kidney problems

Planetary Combinations of urinary ailments

Planetry Combinations of urinary ailments

1. The Moon in a watery sign, its lord in 6th aspected by planets in watery signs.

2. All malefics together in 6th or 7th house.

3. Saturn in 7th house being aspected by Rahu.

4. The 7th house being occupied by a watery planet and its lord in a watery sign or combined with a watery planet, there being no benefic aspect.

5. The 5th house being tenanted by malefics.

6. The 7th house being a watery sign, and the ascendant being occupied by a watery planet and aspected or joined by a malefic.

7. The lords of the 6th, 7th and 12th houses being together and aspected by Saturn.
8. Many malefics in 7th house whose lord should be in the 6th or aspected by Rahu.

9. Mars in 7th aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

10. Moon in Cancer or Scorpio navamsa aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

11. Moon in Aries signs aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

12. Afflicted Saturn in 6th aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

13. Sun, Venus and Saturn in 7th aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

14. Sun and Mars in lagna.

15. Mars in 7th or 10th house conjoined or aspected by Saturn.

16. Mercury in Aries or Sagittarius signs aspected by Saturn.

17. Sixth lord with Venus in lagna.

Planetry Combinations of kidney problems

Kidney problems (tumour, cyst, stone, abscess, inflammation, pain, renal or stone, urine trouble etc.): Role of Planets, Signs and houses for kidney
diseases The seventh house and Libra sign is the seat of this disease. Jupiter and Moon are significators. Venus is ruler of diseases of urine and
pelvis. Affliction to Libra sign, seventh house, and lord of seventh house, Jupiter & Moon, all these give rise to diseases in kidney s. When malefic
Jupiter and Moon afflict the above houses and lords. If the above houses, their lords and signifying planets connect sixth house or lord of sixth
house by conjunction, aspec: etc., the diseases of kidney and pelvis appear.

An afflicted and weak Moon is always bad for kidney. Saturn also rules the diseases in kidney and affliction to Libra sign, seventh house, lord of
seventh house etc. by Saturn give rise to diseases in kidney. When Mars and Mercury bein^ malefic, afflict the houses and planets ruling kidney,
they produce tumors,.abscesses etc. Virgo. 6th house, the Sun and Mercury control Gall Bladder. Venus or even its dispositor in 6th makes one
prone to kidney trouble.

It involves Venus, Mercury and 6th & 7th houses.

1. Mercury in a Jupiterian sign; and Jupiter getting Sun's aspect.

2. Moon in a watery sign and its lord in 6th afflicted by watery planet.

3. Malefic in 6th & 7th & 8th & in a cruel shashtiamsha.

4. 7th lord, an' aquatic planet and an aquatic planet in 7th.

5. Malefics in 5th.

6. Malefics aspect Mars in 7th.

7. Aquatic rasi in 7th and an aquatic planet in lagna or lagna aspected by an aquatic plane:

8. Saturn in 7th aspected by Rahu.

9. Mercury, 6th lord and Mars together in a bad house or Mercury in 8th.
Hydrocele (enlarged testicles or scrotum or other diseases of
testicles) Role of Planets, Signs and houses for hydrocele
It is due to defective absorption of fluids from the scrotum sac. Some times hernia may be present along with hydrocele.

It involves Rahu, Mars Scorpio and 8th house.

(It is projection of an internal tissue by rupturing an abnormal aperture) It refers to Libra sign, 7th house and planet Moon.

Combinations of Hernia:

1. Lords of 1, 6, 8, and 12 related to each other.

2. 8th house and its lord associated with a malefic.

3. Lords of 1, 5, 8 and 12 related to each other.

4. Rahu in Leo, Sun with 2nd lord Saturn in 3rd house.

5. Kethu and Mars are afflicted or are in 6th or 8th.

6. Mars conjuncts Saturn and Rahu.

7. Jupiter conjuncts Rahu.

8. Lagna lord in 8th with Rahu.

Diseases of prostate gland

i. Related houses are 6th and 8th and the planets are Mars, Mercury and Jupiter.

ii. Jupiter is the planet of enlargement.

Combinations of diseases of Prostate Gland:

1. Lord of Janma Chandra in 6th and Moon in a watery sign aspected by a malefic.

2. A malefic in 6lh, 7th or 8th and the 7th lord is in cruel shasthyamsa.

3. Saturn in 7th aspected by Rahu.

4. Venus in a fiery or airy sign is debilitated or is in 6, 8 or 12th house.

5. Mars in 7 aspected by an unfavourable planet.

6. Venus as lord of 8th from Moon and is in 6th which must be a watery sign.

7. Saturn conjuncts Kethu in 8th.

Planetry Combinations of enlarged spleen (Jataka Alankar)
1. Moon and lagna lord aspected by a malefic without benefic aspect.

2. Lagna lord and 7th lord aspected by a malefic without benefic aspect.

3. Saturn in 4th house aspected by a malefic.

4. Saturn in lagna aspected by a malefic.

Combinations of the affections of the spleen:

1. Saturn in the 7th and Moon betwixt malefics.

2. The Moon between malefics and the Sun in Capricorn.

3. Waning Moon with a malefic in the lagna owned by Saturn or in the 6th or the 8th.

4. For Aquarius lagna, the Moon aspected by malefics.

5. Mars in lagna with the weak 6th lord.

6. Sun in lagna aspected by Mars.

7. The Sun, Moon, Mars together in 6th.

8. Mars is in lagna and lord of the 6th weak.

9. Saturn in conjunction with the Moon in the 6th or 8th.

Sex diseases: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for sex

i. Sex urge and sex organs are represented by Venus (which also represents semen), Libra sign and 7th house;

ii. Venereal diseases are represented by 8th house, Scorpio, 8th lord and Venus;

iii. Hermaphrodite planets are Mercury and Saturn, which reduce sex urge.

Syphilis: Is caused when Venus is lord of 6th or when Virgo happens to be the 6th house and is badly afflicted by malefics.

Gonorrhoea: Is caused the Moon in watery sign and lord of the sign in the 6th house being afflicted by malefics occupying watery sign.

Planetry Combination of diseases of genital organs

Planetry Combinations of venereal diseases

Planetry Combinations of diseases of testicles

Planetry Combinations for Impotency (psychological and curable)

Planetry Combination of Lustful inclinations

Planetry Combinations of Prameha (excessive sex)

Planetry Diseases of sex organs

Planetry Combinations of sexual over-activity

Female diseases: Menstrual problems: Role of Planets, Signs
and houses
Diseases in female organs are judged from Libra and the 7th house.

i. Womb is ruled by 6th house and Virgo sign;

ii. Uterus, ovaries and menstrual period is governed by 7th, Venus house and Libra;

iii. Genital organs are represented by 8th house and Scorpio sign;

iv. Malignant Mars causes excessive flow;

v. Pain and irregularity in flow is caused by Saturn;

vi. Venus governs generative organs and kidneys;

vii. Mars is karaka for all diseases in female organs and it starts flow of blood by breaking uterine tissue;

viii. Moon represents actual flow of blood and its duration;

ix. Afflicted Moon gives painful menses;

x. Normally, menses commence when Mars in transit aspect lagna or Moon in natal;

xi. Moon, Mars/ Moon, Saturn/ Moon, Rahu/Moon, Kethu combinations in a female chart are not good for undisturbed menstrual discharge.

xii. Mercury is karaka of ulcers.

xiii. Sign Libra, 7th house, 7th lord and Mars if afflicted and connected with trik bhavas either by aspect or conjunction etc. causes diseases
connected with female organs.

xiv. 5th house and sign Leo govern womb.

Easy delivery: A benefic in 5th provided 5th lord is not in 8th.

Planetry Combinations of abortions/miscarriages/caesarean
1 . Kethu in 5th.

2. Jupiter afflicted by Kethu.

3. Jupiter in 6th, 8th or 12th and afflicted.

4. Malefics in all 5th, 7th and 9th

5. Malefics in all 1st, 6th, 7th and 8th.

6. Moon in 5th in Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio aspected by Mars.

7. Mars and Saturn or Rahu in 5th.

8. Exchange of Lords of 5th and 8th.

9. Mars and Sun aspects 5th.

10. Sun, Rahu or Sun, Kethu in 5th.

11. Malefics in or aspect 5th without connection of any benefic planet.

Planetry Combinations of Sterility

Planetry Ovaries and uterus

Role of Planets, Signs and houses for stomach diseases

i. The portion below stomach is known as bowels;

ii. Virgo sign, 6th house is its seat.

iii. Sun is significator of bowels.

iv. Leo sign & 5th house be also considered as both are linked with diseases connecting abdomen;

v. Kethu causes pains;

vi. Mars, Mercury causes ulcers;

vii. Rahu gives irrecoverable illness;

viii. For gastritis add Venus planet of digestion, nausea, indigestion etc.;

ix. In cases of dropsy (odema, i.e. excessive fluid & swelling), role of wateiy signs & watery planets Venus & Moon is seen;

x. Lagnesh, lagna & Sun are other factors to be considered in dropsy.

xi. In colic (stomachache) Sun, Saturn, Kethu, sign Virgo & 6th house are seen.

Combinations of colic

Combinations of dropsy (collection of fluid)

Combinations of ulcers

Combinations of Haematemesis, Amoebiasis and Indigestion

Combinations of Diarrhea or vomiting,Dysentery and Plague

Combinations of bowel complaints

Role of Planets, Signs and houses for skin diseases and Itches
It involves Saturn and Mercury, which rule skin; Moon and Mars governing blood, 6th house and Virgo.

Leprosy primarily involves Saturn and Rahu. With Mars, these two planets affect the blood; and with the Moon and Mercury they affect the skin.

Leukoderma involves the Moon, Saturn and Mercury, and the 6th house, Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Virgo afflicted. Venus works for luster of the body.

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces signs together with 4, 8 and 12th houses and their lords related with disease afflicting planet and house produce

Neptune is responsible for incurable diseases. Uranus too is a whimsical planet. Sun when afflicted by Saturn and Moon by Mars loose their power.
In such cases lagna or lagna lord is afflicted by Neptune and Sun by Uranus or Saturn or Moon by Saturn or Mars.

Combinations of itches :

1. Mercury in the 2nd aspected by the Moon.

2. The Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th.

3. Powerful Saturn in the 3rd joined with or aspected by Mars.

4. The Moon and Mars in the 2nd aspected by Saturn.

5 Saturn in lagna aspected by Mars.

6 The Moon in the 2nd, which is a watery sign.

7. The Sun and Saturn in lagna.

8. Afflicted atmakaraka in Gemini, Virgo or Capricorn navamsa.

9. Malefic Mars in 6th.

10. Rahu in the 8th joined with or aspected by a malefic.

11. The Moon in the 6th aspected by a malefic.

12. Moon in Virgo between malefics.

13. The Moon in Sagittarius or Leo aspected by Mars or Saturn.

14. Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn or Taurus and aspected by malefics.

15. Jupiter in conjunction with Saturn, weak Moon in the 10th, Mars in lagna.

16. If the Moon is in Sagittarius and in the navamsa of Leo, Aries, Cancer, and Simultaneously Mars and Saturn join or aspect the Moon.

17. If the 5th or 9th from lagna is Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn with Mars and Saturn.

Planetry Combination of Leprosy

Planetry Combinations of leukoderma, Chicken Pox and Baldness

Rheumatism, Gout: Role of Planets, Signs and houses

1. Decreases of the wind in the body cause rheumatic diseases. When windy planets Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are weak, combust,
afflicted, badly situated, conjoined with lord of trik bhava and are also in some way related with 6th house, lord of 6th house etc, they give rise to
rheumatic diseases. If lord of lagna be in Navamsa of Cancer, it causes the similar diseases. Saturn is karaka for Gouts. Kethu also rules over the
windy diseases.

ii. When Gemini sign, 3rd house, lord of 3rd house and above planets be afflicted, be situated in trik bhavas, be conjoined with lord of trik bhava or
with malefic or be aspected by malefic and be in some way related with disease inflicting house or planet, they give rise to windy diseases. When
any of the above karaka planets being afflicted and being malefic joins windy planet, their house, lord of third house, Gemini sign etc. and also be
associated with or afflicted by Saturn, Rahu or Kethu, they give rise to above diseases.

iii. Afflicted Saturn and Moon are the main planets for this disease, while Mars, Jupiter, and Venus also, when ill placed, aids to produce this

Planetry Combinations of Gout or Rheumatism:

Role of Planets, Signs and houses for Tumors, boils, carbuncles,
abscess etc
i. Watery signs rule these diseases.

ii. Mars is karaka for all Tumors, boils abscesses etc. Affliction of Rahu also produces the same.

iii. 4th, 6th, and 12th houses, their lords also rule the blood and strength and position of these houses are also to be considered. When the above
houses and planets be afflicted or be conjoined with malefics and make any relation with sixth house or lord of 6th house or with any disease-
inflicting house or planet, they give rise to diseases like tumors, boils, carbuncles, abscesses, etc.

iv. In the case of tumors and abscesses planets or luminaries are afflicted in sign Cancer or Capricorn; and if the afflicting one is in Virgo or Pisces, it
produces an ulcer on or near the liver.

Combinations of tumors, boils, carbuncles and abscesses:

These involve the watery signs, 4th, 8th and the 12th houses, and Mars and Rahu.

1. Malefic 6th lord in the 1 st, the 8th or the 10th.

2. Afflicted and malefic Mars -in the 6th.

3. 6th lord with Mars in lagna.

4. Rahu in the 8th in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic.

5. Saturn in the 8th and Mars in the 7th.

6. Afflicted Mars in Scorpio.

7. Lord of lagna in conjunction with Mars and the 6th lord.

8. Conjunction of the Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th.

9. Mars opposing the Sun, one is in the 1st, the 2nd, the 7th or the 8th.

10. Mars and Saturn in the 6th or the 12th.

11. Saturn in the 8th aspected by Mars.

12. Kethu and Saturn in the 4th in the navamsa of Scorpio; or in 6, 7th or the 12th.

13. Saturn in lagna joined with or aspected by a malefic.

14. Afflicted lagnesh in navamsa of Leo.

15. Moon between malefics and Saturn in 7th.

Combinations of ulcers:

It involves afflictions to planet Mercury:

1. Malefic Mercury afflicted further.

2. Rahu in the 8th aspected by a malefic.

3. Saturn in lagna while there is the conjunction of the Sun, the Moon and Rahu.

4. Saturn in the 2nd, the Moon in the 4th and Mars in the 10th.

5. Mars and Kethu or Rahu in the 8th aspected by a malefic.

6. 6th lord and a malefic in the 10th.

7. 6th lord 1st or the 8th with a malefic.

8. 6th lord with Kethu or Rahu in 6th.

9. Moon in 6th aspected by a malefic.

10. Conjunction of Saturn, Rahu and Mars.

11. Rahu and a malefic in the 5th.

12. Mars and Venus in the 9th or the 10th aspected by a malefic.

13. Mars opposing Sun, when lagna is in the 1st, the 2nd, the 7th or the 8th sign.

14. Conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in lagna.

15. 6th lord with Mars in lagna.

16. Mercury in Gemini or Virgo aspected by Mars.

17. Saturn in 8th aspected by Mars.

18. Waning Moon in conjunction with Rahu while Saturn or Mars is in the 8th.

Planetary Combinations of wounds and cuts, Burns and Blood Poisoning

Planetary Combinations of fracture of bones

Mars refers to the neck Saturn to limbs, Rahu to feet, Mercury to the back, 4th house to ribs, Capricorn to the knee, 11th to the left hand and 3rd to
the right hand and collar bones, 2nd to the right leg, and the 12 th to the left leg. Houses involved are the 2nd, the 6th and the 10 th both from
lagna and from Aries. Planets involved are Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Mercury.

1. The Sun with the Moon, Saturn and Mars in the 8th, the 5th or the 9th.

2. Rahu, Saturn and Mercury in the 10th.

3. The Moon with Mars in the 6th.

4. The Moon in the 1st, Saturn in the 4th and Mars in the 10th.

5. The Sun in the 1st, Saturn in the 5th, the Moon in the 8th and Mars in the 9th.

6. The Moon in Saturn's houses placed between malefics.

7. The Moon in the 2nd, Mars in the 4th, and the Sun in the 10th.

8. The Sun in the 4th, Saturn in the 8th and the Moon in the 10th.

9. Saturn in the 2nd, the Moon in the 4th, and Mars in the 10th.

10. The Sun and Mars in the 3rd aspected by Saturn.

Planetary Factors for accidents
1. Trik houses and their lords.

2. Role of 8th house and 8th lord is very important.

3. Rahu, Kethu, Saturn and especially Mars are watched.

4. For vehicular accidents Venus, 4th house and 4th lord are also considered.

5. Malefics in 6/8 positions are bad.

6. When dasha periods of malefics in 6/8-position run and transit agree, accidents happen.

7. Amongst varga charts D/16 is of immense necessity of working out period of accidents (afflicted planets both in D/l and D/16).

8. In accidental death lords of 8th house, 22nd drekkana, Mars, Rahu, Kethu and Saturn play role.

9. Lagna if afflicted by the aspect of Saturn and Mars gets weakened and so the above- mentioned lords cause accidents.

Combinations of Accidents.

1. 8th lord afflicted by Mars and Rahu.

2. 8th house afflicted by Mars and Rahu.

3. Saturn, Moon & Mars in 2nd, 4th and 10th give death due to fall from vehicle (Saravali);

4. Mars in 8th.

5. Sun & Mars in 4th having malefic aspects;

6. Sun & Mars having mutual aspect and involving 4th house;

7. Sun in 10th aspected by Mars from 4th;

8. Weak lords of lagna and 8th conjoining in 4th- vehicular accident;

9. Weak lords of lagna and 8th with 6th lord and Mars- severe or fatal accident.

10. Weak lords of lagna and 8th in 6th with Rahu, Ketu or Saturn severe or fatal accident

11. Atmakaraka if afflicted (association with malefics or under papakartari yoga).

12. 8th lord in sarpa drekkana (2nd of Taurus, 2nd and 3rd of Cancer, 1st and 2nd of Scorpio and 3rd of Pisces.

13. If Sun & Jupiter are afflicted and related with trik lords, accidents involving vehicle aircraft are likely.

14. Whenever 4th and 10th houses are afflicted, one meets with fatal fall.
Planetry Combinations of nose ailments, mouth and face and
affections of the throat
6th lord and Moon, afflicting 2nd.

Lagnesh in the house of Mars or Mercury and aspected by Mercury.

Mercury and Venus in the 6th and afflicted.

Mars, Sat and Mercury, conjoin in lagna.

Combinations of nose ailments:

1. Mercury joins with or aspected by a malefic.

2. Sun, Saturn and a malefic in the 6,8 and 12th respectively and lagnesh in a malefic turn

3. Moon in the 6th, lagnesh in a malefic place and 2nd house also afflicted.

4. 6th lord Jupiter afflicting the 2nd.

5. Sun, Mars and Saturn with 2nd lord or Mercur;

Combinations of affections of the throat:

1. Both Mercury and Rahu together in 3rd house.

2. 3rd lord with Mercury.

3. A weak, neecha or combust planet in 3rd aspected by a malefic.

4. Two malefics in the 3rd.

5. Rahu conjuncts lords of 2nd and 3rd.

6 Mercury and 3rd lord in lagna.

7. Mars and Saturn in the 6th or 12th with lord of 3rd.

8. The Lord of the 3rd house being conjoined with Mercury.

9. A planet in depression or inimical house or combustion and aspected by a malefic.

10. A planet in debility in 3rd and a malefic in 6th, an inimical house, and aspected by malefics.

11. A malefic in the 3rd house along with mandi or some other malefic.

12. The Moon occupying the 4th house in a navamsa belonging to the same rasi, and conjoined with a malefic.

13. Lord of the 2nd and 3rd houses conjoined with Rahu.
Diabetes: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for diabetes
Planetary combinations which cause diabetes - Medical Astrology

Karka planets : Jupiter , Venus, Saturn

Karka Houses : 6th in the horoscope , 8th house in the horoscope and 12th House of the Horoscope
Karka Rahis : Watery Rasis/signs are prone to Diabetes

Two or three malefic planets if posited in watery signs i.e. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces usually cause diabetes. This is the chief planetary affliction
which is solely and chiefly responsible for causing diabetes.

Other planetary combinations are stated as under:

1. The sixth house from the ascendant controls the kidneys. Two or three malefics in the 6th house may develop diabetes.

2. Libra has a good control over the kidneys. Two or three malefics here may encourage diabetes.

3. Libra is the 7th house of the zodiac. It controls the urinary system. So if two or three malefics are posited in Libra or in the 7th house, the native
may be attacked with diabetes.

4. The Moon and Venus are watery planets. If they are afflicted by fiery planets like Mars or the Sun in watery signs, the native may be attacked with

5. If the 6th lord is posited in the 8th or the 8th lord in the 6th, the native may develop diabetes.

It involves Venus, Moon and Jupiter.

Venus, Moon and Jupiter or Moon and Jupiter together with affliction of Virgo Rasi, 6th house, lord of 6th house and Sun give rise to diabetes.

When afflicted Venus and Jupiter or Moon and Jupiter join the above houses and planets or are related and there be also some relation with
disease inflicting planet or house, similar disease is predicted.

8th house also rules over this disease.

Combinations of diabetes:

1. Saturn and Rahu afflicting Jupiter.

2. Combust Jupiter on Rahu Kethu axis.

3. Venus in 6th and Jupiter in 12th.

4. 5th lord with lord of a trik bhava.

5. Jupiter afflicted, retrograde and in a trik bhava.

6. Jupiter in nakshatra P.Shadha or any of ruled by Saturn.

7. Cancer sign afflicted by Saturn.

8. Moon if afflicted by Saturn.

9. Jupiter in the nakshatra of Rahu and also afflicted by Rahu.

10. Afflicted or debilitated Jupiter in a trik bhava without any benefic aspect.

11. A strong malefic in lagna while Venus and Jupiter are afflicted.

12. A strong malefic in lagna while Moon and Jupiter are afflicted

13. A strong malefic in 8th while Venus and Jupiter are afflicted

14. A strong malefic in 8th while Moon and Jupiter are afflicted

15. Malefic Venus in lagna or in 8th.

16. Venus in 8th with a malefic aspect.

17. The Moon in Cancer or Scorpio, rasi or navamsa, being afflicted by a malefic.

18. Venus occupies the 8th house and gets the aspect of malefics.

19. Mercury in a Jupiterian sign and receiving the aspect of the Sun.

20. The 7th house a watery sign and occupied by Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Rahu.

21. Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Kethu in a watery sign, especially in 6th, 8th, or 12th.

22. Lord of the 6th or the 8th or the 12th in a watery sign or a malefic in the 6th, or 8th or 12th in a watery sign.

23. Trik lord in a watery sign.

24. A malefic in trik bhava in watery sign.

Whether diabetes can be cured by wearing gems ?

Yes, it can be cured completely by wearing two gents :

(1). Red coral and yellow sapphire or
(2). Red coral and lapis lazuli (Rajpatta).
Red coral may be worn on Madhyama and yellow sapphire on Anamika and the ring should be made of pure silver. Both the stones can be worn in
one Pendant also.
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Diabetes is perhaps the disease of rich people. It is one of the chronic diseases. Diabetes mellitus is a disease state in which the body is unable to
burn or manage the food intake. The main culprit is insulin. Insulin helps to burn the food or sugar and in absence of Insulin there is and
accumulation of sugar in the blood.

The usual symptoms are unusual thirst, frequent urination, loss of weight despite increased appetite and food intake , weakness, drowsiness and
often itching and boils. Diabetes can classified as a metabolic disorder where in body does not produce insulin which is essential to convert sugar
into energy necessary for our daily routine.

Diabetes is characterized by the constant and high levels of blood glucose and are generally seen with people having excess body weight, who lack
of exercise or people with family history of diabetes . The children of diabetic parents are more prone to diabetes, eveb stress and tension increase
the likelihood of blood pressure and diabetes. Diabetes increase the chances of High blood pressure and heart disease. It is adviced to take control
of ones diet and excersie daily to negate the chances of developing Diabetes.

Astrologically defined planetary configuration causing diabetes ?

Astrology has also defined certain planetary configurations in the chart , which indicate the probability of Diabetes
like presence of 2 or more malefic planets in watery sign i.e., Cancer , Scorpio, and Pisces cause diabetes. Malefic
Planets include Saturn, Rahu, Sun, Ketu and Mars.

Sixth house in the horoscope is the house of diseases and also control kidneys and if there are 2 or more malefic
planets as described above , there is a probability of developing Diabetes. If 6th Lord is situated in 8th house or the
8th Lord is placed in 6th house of horoscope does indicate Diabetes. In 12 Rashis, Libra rashi is in 7th house and
there 2 or more malefic planets are situated also indicates diabetes. The people Aries ascendant have Libra rashi in
7 house.

The two planets i.e. Moon and venus are watery planets and if they are afflicted by fiery planet like mars or the sun in watery sign of the horoscope,
diabetes is indicated.

A person may suffer from Diabetes if Jupiter is in 6th, 8th or 12th house or it is in a debilitated sign.

When Venus is in the sixth house and Jupiter is in the twelfth house.
If fifth house or Lord of fifth house is associated with sixth house, Lord of sixth house, eighth house or twelfth house. Here, association means
transit, position or aspect.

When the Lord of sixth house is in twelfth house and the Lord of twelfth house has an association with Jupiter.

If the Lords of sixth house and twelfth house are inter-changing signs.

When Jupiter is being aspected by Saturn and Rahu.

When Jupiter is in a weak state and Rahu/Ketu are placed right besides it.

If Jupiter and Saturn are position close to each other or if both of them are positioned in the same Navamansa.

When Jupiter is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house or when Jupiter is malefic.

Astrologically, Diabetes can be cured by wearing two gems:

i.e Red coral and Yellow sapphire. There are certain rules for wearing the stone

1. The Gemstones shall be worn in silver.

2. Gemstones shall be energized by purification.
3. The Gemtones shall be worn in right hand OR Gemstones can be worn in a single pendant where Yellow Sapphire shall be fitted on the right
hand side and Red Coral on the left hand side.

Planetry Combinations of hydrophobia

It refers to Saturn and the 2nd house.

1. Saturn in the 2nd with a malefic and having a relation to the 6th house or its lord.

2. Saturn in 2nd while the malefic 6th lord or a malefic from the 6th aspects the 2nd.

3. Saturn and 2nd lord in the 6th aspected by the malefic 6th lord.

4. Saturn in the 2nd, malefic aspecting the 2nd,and having a relation to the 6th or its lord.

5. Saturn aspected by the 2nd lord and is with or aspected by the lord of the 6th.

Planetry Combinations of bilious diseases

Complaints of bile involve afflictions to Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushya, P.phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, P.shadha, Dhanishta and U.bhadrapada.

1. Lord of the 6th with Venus, Mars and Saturn.

2. Conjunction of Mercury with lords of the 1st and the 6th.

3. The Sun with a malefic aspected by a malefic.

4. Sun in the 8th, a malefic in the 2nd, and Mars weak.

5. Moon in the house of Mars between malefics.

6. Lord of the 6th in the 8th with the Sun and a malefic.
7. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in lagna.

8. Mars in Cancer opposing the Sun.

9. Conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Saturn.

10. Mercury in lagna with the 6th lord.

11. Weak Sun or Mars in the 8th and a malefic in the 2nd.

Cancer disease: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for Cancer

i. Cancer is an abnormal type of growth in a tissue of a susceptible organ, or it may be a destructive type like ulceration, which does not heal.
Cancer can manifest in various organs. Cancer can be anticipated in a birth horoscope if the Sun or the Moon, the 6th, 8th house or 12th and their
lords, zodiacal signs Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio and Libra are afflicted. The 6th house primarily indicates disease and the 8th, chronic disease.
Since cancer has a tendency to run a chronic course, there usually exists a relationship between the 6th and 8th houses or their
lords. Saturn and Rahu are indicators of chronic diseases. So they have a major role in these diseases. Mars is associated with ulcerative type of
growths or those that require resection. The Rahu-Kethu axis may influence the afflicting planets, the 6th, 8th lords or the houses. The afflicting
planets can be Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, Mars and the 6th, 8th or 12th lords. Deep seated, undiagnosable tumors will have the sign Scorpio afflicted.
Restricted localised and well-defined growths may have the influence of good Jupiter, Venus or strong beneflc Saturn on the afflicting planets.

ii. This disease is directly connected with Rahu, afflicted Moon, afflicted Jupiter or Saturn, and the signs Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Sign Cancer stands for malignant tumour. When Moon happens to be the lord of 6th and 8th and is afflicted, one is likely to suffer from cancer

When a house is afflicted by most of malefics and evil lords, esp. Saturn, Rahu and Mars, Cancer disease may appear in that part of the body ruled
by house afflicted.

Neptune Uranus opposition is very bad and gives explosive and unexpected results.

Different planets under affliction of cancer giving factors cause cancer in different parts of the body as follows: -

Sun refers to the stomach, bowels and head; Moon to blood and breast;

Mars to blood, marrow, neck, genitals and uterus

Mercury to nose, navel, and mouth; Jupiter to liver, ear, tongue and thighs, Venus to throat and genitals; and Saturn to legs, hands and teeth.

Rahu is a planet of malignant growth.

Rahu and Kethu represent their dispositor plus the planets with which they are in conjunction or are aspected.

The onset of the disease will be likely during the period of the afflicted planets, weak affl icted 6th or 8th lords or the period of a badhaka lord
placed in a malefic house. If the sub periods following the one that caused the disease are of benefics, favourable lords or of yogakarakas the
disease is diagnosed early and cured. The transit of Saturn or Rahu over the malefic dasa lords, the 6th or 8th lords or natal Saturn or Rahu may
initiate the disease. If there is influence of benefics over the above said initiators, from a strong position the disease may get completely cured.

Along with these afflictions look at the navamsa, shashtiamsha (1 /6th division) and Ashtamsha charts, to find the progress or regression of the

To find out which organ is likely to be affected, we rely on the assignment of various organs to different zodiacal signs, planets and houses as give

i. Brain, structures of the central nervous system, pituitary etc.-lst house, Aries the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter.

ii. Facial organs, mouth, jaw - 2nd house, Taurus, Venus.

iii. Throat, thyroid, epiglottis - 2nd, 3rd, 11th houses, Taurus, Venus, Sun.

iv. Blood and related structures - the Moon, Mars, Sun.

v. Lymphatic - the Moon.

vi. Skin - Capricorn, Sun, Saturn, and Mercury.

vii. Eye - 2nd, 12th houses, Sun, Moon, Venus.

viii. Ear, nasal structures - 3rd, 11th house, Gemini, Aquarius, Mercury.

ix. Lungs and bronchial structures - 3rd house, Gemini, Mercury, Moon.

x. Abdomen - 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th houses, Virgo, Moon, Mercury, Sun, Saturn.

xi. Male sexual organs - 7th, 8th houses, Scorpio, Venus, Mars.

xii. Female sexual organs - 5th, 7th, 8th houses, Libra, Scorpio, Venus, Mars, Moon.

xiii. Urinary system - 7th house, Libra, Venus, Moon.

xiv. Breasts - 4th house, Cancer, Moon.

xv. Bones and ligaments - 3rd, 11th, 12th houses, Capricorn, Sun, Saturn.

xvi. The shashtiamsha chart helps us to know the general health, likely periods, of illness etc. Afflictions to kendras, konas and lord of shashtiamsha
lagna indicate poor resistance to disease.

Ears troubles: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for ear diseases
i. Jupiter is significator of ears and Taurus and Gemini rule over the right ear while Pisces and Aquarius rule over the left ear;

ii. Saturn also plays a role in causing deafness;

iii. The 3rd, 11th and 9th bhavas and Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn are relevant;

iv. The 5th and 12th bhavas and Jupiter and Mars are relevant;

v. Affliction of the 3rd and 9th bhavas impairs the hearing capacity of the right ear while the 5th and 11th bhavas with malefic connections affect
the left ear;

vi. Affliction of the 9th causes deafness to the right ear; 5th bhava spoils the left.

*Combinations of deafness:

Combinations of paralysis
1. Sun in lagna aspected by Saturn and Mars especially in a sign of pitta.

2. Saturn and Jupiter in 6th in an Airy sign.

3. Moon, Mercury combination afflicted by Rahu and Saturn.

4. Sun afflicted Rahu in Cancer sign afflicted by Saturn.

5. Mercury, if afflicted in Sagittarius, Capricorn or Aquarius signs by Saturn.

6. The Moon in lagna opposing both Saturn and Mercury. '

7. The Moon and Mercury not aspecting each other, or if in Capricorn and Pisces, or in the dtfr, fi'te St!r or tfre i12ft'r tufu neitheraspecuYfg- Iccgnct.

8. Mars opposing Saturn in kendras. 4. The Sun and Venus in lagna opposing Saturn.

9. Conjunction of the Sun, the Moon and Mars having a square or opposition to Saturn.

10. Afflictions emanating from fixed signs, Mercury being afflicted by Mars.

Combinations of Cirrhosis (cancer of liver) of liver

Any affliction in the 5th house with a connection a 6th house indicates cirrhosis of liver.

1. Jupiter, Saturn in 5th.

2. Jupiter as 5th lord and 5th house afflicted by Rahu, Kethu.

3. 5th lord with a trik lord.

4. Saturn, Mars and 5th lord together especially in a trik bhava.

5. Sun, Mars combine with 5th lord.

6. Afflicted Jupiter in 10th house.

7. 5th house form the navamsa lagna afflicted by Saturn or Rahu.

8. Moon hemmed in between malefics and Sun is in Capricorn.

9. Moon hemmed between two malefics and Saturn is in the seventh house.

10. A malefic Jupiter in lagna or in a trik bhava.

11. Lords of lagna and eight houses with Jupiter.

12. Lord of lagna second lords and fourth lords in one house and afflicted.

13. Lord of lagna in 6th houses along with Jupiter.

14. Lagna lord, fourth lord and Jupiter in one house and afflicted

15. The Moon and Mars in 6th give jaundice.

Blood pressure: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for blood

High blood pressure (hypertension) is considered as the highest killer in this busy and hectic life. It is consistent elevation of the pressure of blood
pushing against the walls of the arteries and other blood vessels. It may be diagnosed, when after repeated examinations, blood pressure
measurements continue to stand above the normal range. It is a rhythmic, variable pressure. It is highest at the instant when the left ventricle of
the heart contracts, the moment when the heart is said to be in systole. It is lowest at the time the heart is at rest or in diastole. Hence everyone
has two measurable blood pressures, systolic and diastolic.
Blood pressure is measured by a blood-pressure apparatus called a sphygmomanometer. The average normal systolic blood pressure at the age of
20 is about 120, the diastolic about 80. However, there is a wide range of normal pressures for different people and the same person may have
different pressures under different circumstances. For example, excitement shoots the pressure up. Blood pressure generally increases with age
and increase in body weight.

Low blood pressure called hypotension is normal for many people. With others it may result from malnutrition or extended bed rest and
weakness. High blood pressure affects first the heart and blood vessels and then indirectly other organs. Hardening of the arteries is perhaps the
chief danger of continuing hypertension. A heart attack is usually a case of coronary thrombosis. The usual symptoms of high blood pressure are
shortness of breath after slight exertion, dizziness or vertigo, seeing double, pain of tightness in the chest, persistent headache, fatigue, swelling of
ankles or abdomen.

Planets responsible for B.P.

Astrologically the Sun and Mars rule over the heart. i. Moon, Mars are karaka of blood and cause variation in pressure when they trik lord, conjoin
trik lord, be in trik bhavas, debilitated, combust, weak and afflicted.

ii. Houses and sign 4, 8 and 12 rule blood and if are weak and afflicted cause B.P.

iii. A native becomes a patient of B.P if Mars or Moon becomes isolated (i.e. if any of these is in a trik bhava and alone and without benefic

iv. A weak and afflicted Moon but a strong and afflicted Mars gives high B.P.

v. A weak and afflicted Moon and a weak and afflicted Mars gives low B.P.

vi. Sambandha between Sun and Saturn gives low B.P.

vii. Sambandha between Sun and Jupiter gives high B.P.

viii. Mars, Jupiter in angles indicates low B.P.

ix. In short, Jupiter rules arterial blood, Venus rules venous blood, Leo rules blood, Aquarius rules conditions and circulation of blood, watery sign
affect blood, Sun gives oxygen, Mars gives Iron and Hemoglobin. Disorders of blood are caused by afflicted by Jupiter and Aquarius sign. Jupiter in
an angle or in opposition to lagna gives excess blood. Sign indicated by the Jupiter indicate the part of the body affected.

x. Hypertension: Angular Sun with afflicted Saturn and Mars.

High B. P. is denoted by Jupiter and Mars. Angular Sun with afflicted Saturn and Mars gives high B.P. Sun's association with Jupiter or when Moon is
afflicted and Mars is afflicted and strong.

Low B. P. is denoted if Sun conjuncts Saturn or when Moon is weak and afflicted and Mars is also weak and afflicted.

xi. Anemia /low b.p. - Mars squaring or conjunct Jupiter or Jupiter in 7th from Saturn.

Astrological Remedy for controlling Blood Pressure

Planetry Combinations of urinary ailments

1. The Moon in a watery sign, its lord in 6th aspected by planets in watery signs.

2. All malefics together in 6th or 7th house.

3. Saturn in 7th house being aspected by Rahu.

4. The 7th house being occupied by a watery planet and its lord in a watery sign or combined with a watery planet, there being no benefic aspect.

5. The 5th house being tenanted by malefics.

6. The 7th house being a watery sign, and the ascendant being occupied by a watery planet and aspected or joined by a malefic.

7. The lords of the 6th, 7th and 12th houses being together and aspected by Saturn.

8. Many malefics in 7th house whose lord should be in the 6th or aspected by Rahu.

9. Mars in 7th aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

10. Moon in Cancer or Scorpio navamsa aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

11. Moon in Aries signs aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

12. Afflicted Saturn in 6th aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

13. Sun, Venus and Saturn in 7th aspected by or conjoined with malefic.

14. Sun and Mars in lagna.

15. Mars in 7th or 10th house conjoined or aspected by Saturn.

16. Mercury in Aries or Sagittarius signs aspected by Saturn.

17. Sixth lord with Venus in lagna.

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