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Name : Fernando Servasius D

Class : XI AK 1

Choose the correct number A,B, C, or D for each number

1.        Caller : Hello. ...?

Nita : I'm sorry, he is out. Could you call back at four?
Caller : All right. Thank you.
A. Could you speak to Mr. Aziz, please
B. Can I take a message from you
C. Could I speak to Mr. Aziz, please
D. Would you like to call him again                    

2.        Raihana    : …
Mrs. Anni : I’m afraid you have the wrong number, Miss
a.       Hello, is this Mrs. Ita’s house?
b.      Excuse me. Where is Mrs. Kim?
c.       Hello, who’s speaking, please?
d.      Could you tell me where your wife is?

3.        Telephone Message
For : Mr. Graham
Date : 10/6/2000 Time: 12.00
From : Ms. Kim Beverly
Departure of Agriculture
Phone : 555-7501
Message : Please ring him. Urgent. Tell him If I have received his facsimile.

Taken by : Anita

Based on the telephone message form, who's the message for? It's for ...
A. Ms. Kim Beverly
B. Mr. Graham
C. Anita
D. Urgent
E. It's not mentioned                                           
4.        Andi : I will go to Ari's house. Will you accompany me?
Anjas : Oh, I'm sorry I can't. I've already had an appointment.
Mira : What has Andi told you, Anjas?
Anjas : …
A. Anjas has told me that he will go to Ari's house
B. Andi has told me that he will go to Ari's house
C. Andi told Mira that he would go to Ari's house
D. I told him that he refused to go to Ari's house
5.         Reservation clerk : Elang Persada Airlines, good morning. May I help you?
Arya Pamungkas : Yes, Tuesday  afternoon?
Reservation clerk : One moment, please…. Yes, there's a  flight at 4:45 p.m. and one at 6:00 p.m.
A.                do you have any  flights to Pontianak
B.                I'd like to reserve a room
C.                Could you tell me how much a return fl ight costs?
D.                You had reserved  double rooms

6.        Operator   :Pemalang Hotel. Can I help you?

        Chandra               : Good morning, . . . 
        Operator              : I’m sorry he’s out now. May I have your name, please?
        Chandra               : This is Chandra.
A.    I want to see Mr.Andi.
B.    Can I help you Mr.Andi?
C.    I would like to meet Mr.Andi, please
D.    Could you put me through to Mr.Andi, please?

PART VII.  Directions: In items 21 – 30, each item has four underlined words or phrases,
marked (A), (B), (C), (D). You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that should  be
corrected or rewritten, and mark your answer. 
This text is for number  7 and 8
Hanif and Putra, don’t forget to submit your assignment to Mr. Aditia at two o’clock this
afternoon. Put them into white envelopes.. Mr. Aditia will be expecting us in Room 206. Please
be on time. Send me your reply.
( Diana)
7.        What is the purpose of the message?
A.    To remind Hanif to submit his task
B.     To suggest Mr. Aditia to be on time.
C.     To assign Mr. Aditia to wait in Room 206
D.    To ask Hanif to prepare for a white envelope.                  

8.        “ Mr. Aditia will be expecting us in Room 206”. The word “us” refers to……
A.    Diana, Putra and Aditia
B.     Hanif, Putra and Aditia
C.     Diana, Hanif and Putra
D.    Diana and Mr. Aditia            

This text is for questions 9 to 13

What if you want to talk right now to a friend who lives far away? The answer is simple.
You pick up your telephone and press some buttons. Next, you hear a ringing sound—one, two,
three rings. Then you hear your friend’s voice say, Hello.” Making a phone call seems so easy.
But did you ever think about what makes it possible? 
When you talk on the phone, your voice is changed into an electric signal that can travel
through wires. A plastic disk in the mouthpiece vibrates when you speak. The vibration makes a
pattern in an electric field between the plastic disk and a metal disk. The pattern is sent through
wires as an electric signal. Just as a telephone can turn a voice into an electric signal, it can also
change an electric signal back into a voice.  
When the signals pass through magnets in the earpiece, the magnets vibrate a disk that
reproduces the speaker’s voice. When you make a local call, the call travels over wires from your
house to the telephone company’s routing station. From there, a computer automatically sends
the call to the number you dialed.
Did you know you can call someone on the other side of the world? The call might even
be sent into space! Satellites orbiting high above Earth connect calls between distant countries.
Some international calls travel along  cables under the sea. Cell phones work by sending a radio
signal through the air to a cell tower. The tower sends the signal to the cell phone company,
which relays it to another cell phone or through the telephone company to a wired phone.

9.        What does paragraph 2 talk about?

A.    How the cell phone company relays the radio signal.
B.     How the voice changes into an electric signal.
C.     How you make a call to your friend.
D.    How the satellite connects calls.

10.     What changes an electric signal back into a voice?

A.    A wire.           
B.     A plastic disc.            
C.     A telephone.   
D.    A mouthpiece.

11.     How does an electric signal travel?

A.    It travels through wires.         
B.     It travels through the air.
C.     It travels through a radio.                  
D.    It travels through the sea.

12.     What connects calls between various countries?

A.    Cables.                       
B.     Towers.                      
C.     Radio signals.
D.    Telephone companies.
13.    What does “it” in paragraph 5 line 5 refer to?
A.    The satellite.   
B.     The cell phone.           
C.     The wired phone.       
D.    The radio signal.

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