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Interpolating Three-Dimensional

Kinematic Data Using Quaternion

James Coburn
Joseph J. Crisco1
Splines and Hermite Curves
Kinematic interpolation is an important tool in biomechanics. The purpose of this work is
Bioengineering Laboratory, Dept. of
to describe a method for interpolating three-dimensional kinematic data, minimizing
Orthopaedics, Brown Medical School/Rhode
error while maintaining ease of calculation. This method uses cubic quaternion and
Island Hospital 1 Hoppin Street, Coro West, Suite
hermite interpolation to fill gaps between kinematic data points. Data sets with a small
404, Providence, RI 02903
number of samples were extracted from a larger data set and used to validate the tech-
nique. Two additional types of interpolation were applied and then compared to the cubic
quaternion interpolation. Displacement errors below 2% using the cubic quaternion
method were achieved using 4% of the total samples, representing a decrease in error
over the other algorithms. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1865195兴

Introduction transforms, described using rotation and translation matrices, re-

quire 12 variables 共six independent variables兲 to be interpolated.
Kinematic analysis has become a useful and easily imple-
Rotation matrices are constrained by certain conditions, such as
mented tool for biomechanists, facilitated by commercially avail-
equality of the transpose and inverse, and treating each element
able motion tracking systems. These tracking systems are well separately can easily violate constraints, making the matrix non-
suited for the study of whole-body or large joint motions, as ap- rotational. Euler angles, another descriptor of rotation, are order
plied in gait and sports performance analyses, and typically re- dependent and experience gimbal lock, which prevents certain
quire the placement of topical markers on the body segments of combinations of angles from being produced. Interpolating each
interest. For some joints, such as the knee, clusters of markers can individually may exacerbate both problems. Ideally, all variables
reduce relative motion errors caused by skin motion 关1兴. Internal would be calculated concurrently, preserving dependencies be-
motion of small, multibone joints is more difficult to assess. Sev- tween variables. There have been several methods described that
eral in vitro studies used percutaneous markers 关2,3兴 to gain kine- interpolate these motions accounting for all factors. Due to the
matic information. complexity of the problem, however, numerical solutions to dif-
In vivo kinematic analysis of small joints, such as the wrist, has ferential equations must be calculated 关10,11兴. These solutions are
recently been accomplished by several groups using similar meth- not practical or even possible to solve for many applications.
ods 关4–7兴. Each method uses a series of CT volume images of the The purpose of this work is to describe a new method for in-
wrist in several different positions. Three-dimensional 共3D兲 kine- terpolating 3D kinematic data that gives accurate results for any
matics are determined by segmenting the bones from each volume arbitrary set of points without extensive programming or calcula-
image and registering them across all volume images. These tion and to compare it to a typical linear and cubic spline algo-
methods are limited by two main factors. First, there are limits on rithm. This method may be used to generate kinematic data at
the amount of radiation to which a subject may be exposed, re- prescribed positions using a small number of data samples.
ducing the number of volume images that can be taken. Second,
the independent variable used to describe wrist position, the pos- Methods
ture of a central wrist bone, cannot be controlled accurately during
image acquisition, complicating the analysis. Three-dimensional The theory for interpolating 3D kinematic data is first pre-
sented. A composite approach was developed using quaternion
interpolation addresses these limitations.
splines to interpolate the orientation variables and Hermite curves
Interpolation is commonly used to obtain results from scattered
to interpolate the location variables. An approach for synchroniz-
or incomplete data in many disciplines. It is particularly useful for
ing quaternion and Hermite curves is then proposed. Data for an
in vivo biomechanics, where a limited number of available posi-
accuracy test were collected at a high sampling rate, considered
tions are interpolated to obtain useful correlations or comparisons.
the gold standard, and then down sampled to several test data sets
These data sets are often interpolated using a single reference, or
to simulate gaps in the data stream. The test data sets were inter-
independent, variable to obtain the required positions. The most
polated using the proposed algorithm and standard linear and cu-
common type of interpolation, linear interpolation, connects each
bic spline interpolation. These results were then compared to the
position by a straight line, creating sharp corners at each position
known gold standard data and each other. Accuracy was calcu-
and possible overlaps between objects. Assuming normal physiol-
lated based on the root mean square 共rms兲 error of each curve.
ogy, a smooth motion path must connect all scanned positions
derived from in vivo data. Higher-order methods and proper Description of Motion. Typical descriptions of kinematic mo-
boundary conditions 关8,9兴 can increase accuracy. tion include Euler angles and translations, Euler rotation matrices
Whether using linear interpolation or high-order curves, con- and translations, homogeneous transform matrices, and helical
ventional methods interpolate each variable’s components indi- axes of motion 共HAMs兲. The last of these is our preferred method
vidually. Unconstrained 3D motion is described by heavily for describing and reporting kinematic data in this study. HAMs
coupled variables that cannot be easily separated. Kinematic are defined by a unique rotation axis with an orientation unit vec-
tor n located at a point in space QL, a rotation about that axis ␾,
and a translation along the axis tham. This creates eight variables,
Corresponding author
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication In the JOURNAL OF
reducible to six using spherical coordinates to define n and inter-
BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received December 5, 2003. Final manu- secting QL at a single plane that completely describes any 3D
script received November 3, 2004. Associate Editor: Christopher Jacobs. motion. A quaternion spline method is used to interpolate the ro-

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Copyright © 2005 by ASME APRIL 2005, Vol. 127 / 311

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tation variables 共␾ and n兲, and a Hermite curve is used to inter-
polate the translation variables 共QL and tham兲.
Quaternion as a Rotation Descriptor. Quaternions, discov-
ered early in the history of vector mathematics, extend complex
numbers into higher dimensions 关12兴. They provided a mathemati-
cally simple, stable, and convenient description of rigid body ro-
tations and orientations. Rotation matrices are less desirable for
some applications because they are not intuitive and require nine
variables 共three independent variables兲 to specify one orientation.
This 3 ⫻ 3 matrix can be described by three Euler angles. This
reduces the number of variables, but Euler angles are restricted by
order dependence and gimbal lock. Conceptually, quaternions are
very similar to the rotational components of HAMs except the
axis orientation and rotation are linked in a single unit vector,
eliminating both limitations of Euler angles. Since orientations do
not change with length scale, they can be thought of as inscribed Fig. 1 Example quaternion spline curve. An example curve
on the surface of a sphere or in the case of quaternions, a showing the location of control points ai , bi , qi−1, and qi+3. Each
hypersphere. interpolated segment is calculated using two tangent points
Each quaternion contains a single scalar and a vector, with and two key frames. This is a dimensionally reduced example
of the four-dimensional quaternion for visualization purposes.
components i , j, and k that obey Hamilton’s rule 关12兴.

i2 = j2 = k2 = ijk = − 1 共1兲
bi = 共1 + b兲共1 − c兲Double共ai,qi兲 共5兲
Each quaternion is written as a unit vector and can be directly
calculated from HAM variables or 3 ⫻ 3 Euler rotation matrix.
The first component is a scaled rotation about the HAM, and the Double共qi,q j兲 = 2共qi•q j兲q j − qi
second is a three-dimensional combination of HAM angle and 共6兲
orientation qi + q j
Bisect共qi,q j兲 =
q = 关cos ␪,n sin ␪兴 共2兲 储qi + q j储
bias b controls on which side of the control point curvature be-
where n is the helical axis and ␪ is twice the angle of rotation ␾
gins, and it can have a value from −1 to 1. Tension t, shown
about that axis. The algebraic properties of quaternions are well
below, controls how sharp the curve is and can have a value from
described by Eberly 关13兴.
−1 to 1. At a tension value of 1, the curve would be discontinuous
C1-Continuous Piecewise Quaternion Spline. In 1985, Shoe- because the changes in direction become abrupt. Continuity c con-
make 关14兴 proposed a method of interpolating quaternions based trols the continuity of the curve and, in this case, will always be 0
on 3D Bézier splines. His paper details a piecewise cubic spline to to preserve C1 continuity. Intuitively, it can be seen that the ten-
connect quaternion data points 共key frames兲, based on an iterative sion acts on the length of the tangent, reducing or lengthening
spherical linear interpolation 共slerp兲 technique 关14兴. Simple linear curves, while the bias tunes the orientation of the tangent. One
interpolation does not connect quaternions on a unit length arc. primary way in which this formulation differs from that used by
Spherical linear interpolation ensures the resulting quaternions are Eberly 关13兴 is that the placement of the tension allows for com-
unit length. Trigonometrically, the slerp equation is defined as pensation of nonconstant intervals.
关13兴 Larger than ideal key frame spacings tend to create undulating
curves in the interpolation. In a biological context, for example,
qisin关共1 − t兲␪兴 + qi+1sin共t␪兲 the interpolation algorithm must minimize the size of curves in a
q共t兲 = slerp共qi,qi+1 ;t兲 = 共3兲
sin ␪ motion to prevent bones from overlapping. We create a simple
correction factor for these undulations
or in vector notation

q共t兲 = 共qi:qi+1兲t = qi共qi−1qi+1兲t 共4兲 Sideal =

兺␾ i

for 0 艋 t 艋 1 where q共0兲 = qi and q共1兲 = qi+1. The parameter t is
the fractional advance from qi to qi+1, and the path of q共t兲 traces Sactual
Cs = 共7兲
a route along the surface of the hypersphere. The function Sideal
slerp共qi , qi+1 ; t兲 is abbreviated by 共qn : qn+1兲t.
where S is arc length calculated from the magnitude of rotation
Using slerp still creates discontinuities at each key frame. To
each quaternion describes, ␾i is the HAM rotation angle of the
create a smooth curve, control lines described by the outgoing
current key frame, and Cs is the correction ratio used to scale
tangent an and the incoming tangent bn−1 must be prescribed and
incoming and outgoing tangents, appropriately. Following from
a higher-order calculated curve 共Fig. 1兲.
Bézier curves, the magnitudes of these tangents are three times
Shoemake 关14兴 outlines a simple method to calculate each tan-
that of the segment itself. Unlike standard Bézier curves, this fac-
gent, ai and bi, then incorporate them into a cubic-order interpo-
tor corrects for interval length

冋 册
lation that assumes equally spaced key frames. Variable spacing
can be accommodated with changes to the calculations of each 共1 − t兲Cs
tangent. Building on his framework and extending the definition xi = slerp qi,xi, 共8兲
of Hermite curves, specifically so called TCB-splines 共see 关15兴 for
Cartesian derivation兲, into quaternion space, we are able to further where xi represents either the incoming 共bi兲 or outgoing 共ai兲 tan-
constrain the control tangents to accommodate nonconstant inter- gent, t is the tension described above, and Cs is the correction
vals as follows: factor from Eq. 共7兲.
Cyclic motions have tangents for all key frames, but tangents
ai = Bisect关共1 + b兲共1 − c兲Double共qi−1,共1 − b兲共1 + c兲qi兲,qi+1兴 cannot be calculated at the endpoints of unidirectional motions

312 / Vol. 127, APRIL 2005 Transactions of the ASME

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because the cubic equation requires both the point before and
point after the key frame of interest to define an accurate tangent.
A simple endpoint extension calculation, after Kim et al. 关16兴, was
implemented. These descriptions are more intuitive when a corre-
lation is made to Cartesian space
q = log r 共9兲
and r is a vector in the Cartesian space. Cartesian endpoint tan-
gents are calculated from
r−1 = r1 − „r2 − r1…

ri+ = ri + „ri − ri−1… 共10兲

Plugging Eq. 共10兲 into Eq. 共9兲 yields the endpoint tangents 关16兴:
q−1 = q1共q−1
1 q 2兲

Fig. 2 Quaternion variable versus Hermite variable. Equally

qi+ = qi共qi−j
q i兲 共11兲 spaced quaternion intervals at top with linear time scale at the
bottom for an arbitrary 10 steps. Scalar multiples of quaternion
The complete cubic quaternion spline is calculated by Shoemake’s parameter q at top define increments of Hermite parameter ti at
关14兴 iterative technique. Here pi denotes an intermediate quater- bottom.

Synchronizing Quaternion and Hermite Curves. Hermite

curves operate in linear space, whereas quaternion curves operate
in a spherical space. This causes a discrepancy in the variable
used to calculate each interpolated element. To compensate, we
共12兲 interpolated the quaternions using a constant increment t, then
constructed the Hermitian parameter ti to match

C1-continuous Piecewise Cartesian Spline Using Hermite

Curves. Hermite curves are well-described mathematical tools for ti =
兺␪ i
interpolating smoothly between any set of three-dimensional S
points 关15兴. Hermite curves, as discussed, are calculated using two
key points and the derivatives at those points. Any point between where S is the current segment arc length and ␪i is arc length of
points xa and xb can be described in terms of the parameter t, interpolated increment i. Parametrizing the Hermite curve with ti
which denotes the percentage of the total distance to be traversed. varies the increment length of the translation scale to match the
Hermite curve equations are established mathematical formulae, points on the quaternion curve 共Fig. 2兲.
and derivations can be found in books, such as Farin’s graphics
textbook 关15兴. Accuracy Tests. The accuracy of this interpolation technique
was assessed by comparing a high sample rate kinematic data set
The HAM translation variables QL and tham are interpolated
to interpolated data sets calculated from smaller set of points
using Hermite curves. While tham is uniquely defined, QL can be
taken from the original data set. High sample rate, or gold stan-
designated as any point along the infinite helical axis and requires
dard, data for verification of the interpolation technique was ac-
further constraint before accurate interpolation can be performed.
quired using five sensors tracking a rigid body motion. Data were
The smallest necessary translation is calculated by minimizing the
collected with an Optotrak 3020 共Northern Digital, Waterloo, ON兲
distance QL travels over the entire motion. Unnecessary transla-
sampling at 30 Hz, tracking markers to a root mean square 共rms兲
tions cause artifacts in the interpolated data, manifested as oscil-
accuracy of 0.1 mm along the x 共horizontal兲 and y 共vertical兲 axes
lations or loops in the motion curve. QL1 for the first HAM was
and 0.15 mm along the z 共out of plane of the lens兲 axis 关17兴.
calculated as the point on the HAM axis nearest the origin of the
The chosen motion emulated flexion and extension of a joint,
reference coordinate system. Each subsequent location QLn was
such as in the knee or wrist but there were no constraints put on
calculated as the point on the HAM axis, closest to QLn−1, fully the exact motion path. HAM variables for the motion are plotted
constraining the system. 共Figs. 3 and 4兲. Several lower sample rate data sets were extracted
All the elements needed to compute the interpolation are as- from this original 30 Hz motion. All data sets are referenced as a
sembled into a Hermitian matrix H an endpoint boundary condi- percentage of the original data set as the interpolation method is
tions matrix C, and a “powers of t” matrix T. Rows one and two not dependent on time, but rather on the number of samples avail-
of the Hermitian matrix are the coefficients of the cubic equations able. The extracted points became the key frames for interpola-
for the two reference points, and rows three and four are their tion. Two constant sampling rate data sets, designated Constant 3
respective derivatives. and Constant 6, were created by resampling at 10% and 20% of

冨 冨 冨 冨 冨冨
2 −2 1 1 x共0兲 t3 the gold standard, respectively. Four sets of randomly distributed
samples were selected containing between 4% and 20% of the
−3 3 −2 −1 x共1兲 t2 original samples 共Table 1兲. Simple linear and cubic interpolation,
H= C= T= 共13兲
0 0 1 0 x⬘共0兲 t applied componentwise, was performed on the 5s and 7s data sets.
1 0 0 0 x⬘共1兲 1 Accuracy Data Comparison. Test and gold standard data sets
The cubic equation to describe any point between xa and xb is were compared to assess the accuracy of the interpolation tech-
simply nique. Interpolated and gold standard values were time matched to
the original data set automatically by the interpolation scheme. An
x共t兲 = T · H · C 共14兲 rms error, the distance between each sensor’s original and inter-

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering APRIL 2005, Vol. 127 / 313

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Table 1 Data set properties. Number of samples and mean
sampling rate of each data set. Standard deviation is shown for
variable sample rate cases.

Number Mean Normalized

Data Set of samples rate (Hz) SD (Hz) rate (%)

Original 120 30 0 100

Constant 3 15 3 0 10
Constant 6 30 6 0 20
5s 5 0.86 0.49 2.9
7s 7 1.3 0.62 4.3
9s 9 2.35 1.04 7.8
11s 11 3.12 1.74 10.4

based on comparison to the original data set, were minimally af-

fected by the decrease in sample size. QL, which shows the most
dramatic changes throughout the motion 共Fig. 3兲, dramatically in-
Fig. 3 Components of QL and tham over the test motion. The creases the error in certain portions of the curve.
left vertical axis shows the HAM location QL broken into its A plot of displacement error as a function of time showed
component at each sample. The right vertical axis shows the clearly that certain sections of the test motion exhibited dispropor-
HAM translation tham at each sample. Note the large changes in tionately increased error. When compared to linear and standard
all components of QL toward the end of the data set, showing a cubic spline interpolation, the cubic quaternion spline method
possible correspondence to the increase in interpolation error shows increased average rms accuracy in both the 5s and 7s po-
shown in Figs. 5 and 6. sitions 共Table 2兲. The standard cubic spline showed decreased
accuracy from the linear interpolation in the 7s data set while the
cubic quaternion spline still maintained a 30% better accuracy
polated location, was calculated to assess accuracy. Percentage 共Figs. 5 and 6兲. Data from a previous in vivo study 关18兴 was
error was calculated based on the total travel distance of the gold interpolated as an example of a motion with a small change in QL
standard object, 106.5 mm. 共Fig. 7兲.

Results Discussion
Accuracy Tests. Rms error magnitudes of less than 3% were The purpose of this work was to describe and test a new method
achieved using only one-tenth of the original number of samples. for interpolating 3D kinematic data and to compare it to simple
First, a comparison of data sets Constant 3 and Constant 6 showed interpolation methods. Linear interpolation and simple cubic
high accuracy with less than 1% error for all the cubic quaternion quaternion interpolation have been used in analysis of wrist kine-
splines and less than 2% for all methods. Variable sampling rate matic data 关19兴 for the same purposes as the cubic method pro-
data sets show a slight decrease in accuracy from the constant rate posed here. Generally, cubic interpolation is more computation-
sets at similar sampling rates. The 5s test data set 共4% of the total ally costly than linear interpolation and may be unnecessary for
number of samples兲 is not as accurate as the others yielding 1.8% certain applications, but linear interpolation can introduce unac-
displacement error when using the cubic quaternion spline. The ceptable error when applied to kinematic data. Simple cubic inter-
accuracy of angular HAM variables, rotation, and axis orientation, polation also discounts the dependencies of the rotational vari-
ables on each other and, as is shown, does not give as accurate
results as cubic quaternion interpolation. Although some portions
of the cubic quaternion curve have greater error than the simple
cubic spline, the overall accuracy of the curve is distinctly greater.
There are several current methods of interpolating 3D rigid
body kinematics employed in computer graphics research, such as
using Lie groups and Riemannian manifolds 关20兴, homogeneous
transforms 关21兴, or other methods 关10,11,22兴. These methods are
highly accurate and computationally intensive, however, because
of their design, the input requirements are rather strict. Key
frames must be evenly spaced throughout the motion, and some-
times the equation of motion or boundary conditions must be
specified 关10,23兴. The described combination of Hermite and cu-
bic quaternion splines provides an intuitive and computationally
easy approach to interpolation of unconstrained data, such as that
collected in vivo, without requiring any additional conditions. The
use of TCB-type splines enables the easy addition of an optimiz-
ing algorithm to further customize each curve.
When choosing an algorithm for kinematic interpolation, a few
factors can define how rigorous a method is needed. These factors,
in order of importance, are: 共i兲 How much and what type of data
is available? With decreasing numbers of data points, higher-order
Fig. 4 Components of ␾ and n over the test motion. The left
vertical axis shows the HAM orientation n broken into its com- and complexity algorithms may be required to create an accurate
ponents. The right vertical axis shows the HAM rotation ␾. The interpolation. With information on the velocity and acceleration at
rotation tracks a steady pattern through the motion while the each data point, it may be possible to use a more complex method;
orientation changes dramatically at the beginning and end of however, with only rotation and translation data at each point, the
the samples. cubic quaternion method could be implemented. 共ii兲 What re-

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sources are available to code and calculate the interpolation? If the Table 2 Comparison of interpolation methods. Three methods
correct software and code is available, any of these algorithms are of interpolating the kinematic data are shown. Errors for the
possible. Linear interpolation requires the least computation and data sets with the two fewest samples are given. Displacement
can be done by hand, while the others require a mathematics error is measured as the rms error between original and calcu-
lated sensor positions for the entire motion sequence. Percent
package. 共iii兲 How complex is the projected motion? A motion error is based on a total travel of 106.5 mm.
that is known to be approximately linear can generally be well
defined by an interpolation of that type. Most other motions can Type of Avg rms Percent Improvement
be accurately calculated with a cubic quaternion spline. Data sets, interpolation Data set error 共mm兲 error 共%兲 over baseline 共%兲
where the amount of motion spans several orders of magnitude
between data points, would not be appropriate for these less re- Linear 5s 2.73 2.6 --
strictive algorithms and would require both more information and 7s 1.57 15 --
Cubic 5s 2.37 2.2 13
tighter constraints for correct interpolation.
7s 1.90 18 −20
Accuracy Analysis. Comparison to the gold standard data set Cubic quaternion 5s 1.98 1.8 27
verifies that the cubic quaternion interpolation technique can de- 7s 1.09 1.0 31
scribe a complete motion curve when given only a small number
of key frames on that curve, though accuracy decreases with de-
creasing number of key frames and increasing variability in key
frame spacing. Two main properties of unconstrained 3D motion across the motion curve. This does not mean the intervals used
require a cubic-order interpolation. First, velocity at every key were of constant, but had the points in the 5s data set been dis-
frame must be continuous. Linear interpolation creates sharp tributed extremely unevenly, it would not have been possible to
changes in magnitude and direction of motion, which rarely occur perform an accurate interpolation for sheer lack of information. A
in normal physiology. Second, linear segments distort an object’s sensitivity analysis will determine the exact dependence of accu-
path. C1-continuity is part of normal biological systems and, racy on placement. One possible modification to improve accu-
therefore, motion paths must adhere to the constraints of such a racy is the addition of an optimization parameter that controls
system. Neglect of these changes in path curvature between each both the TCB and correction factor.
key frame can introduce large interpolation errors. The average displacement errors found for data sets 5s , 7s , 9s,
The curve interpolated with our technique shows less than 2% and 11s increased steadily with decreasing sample size. Anoma-
error while only using 4% of the available samples. An in vivo lously high errors in certain sections of the motion sequence re-
data set is not always guaranteed to include all the pertinent in- quire further explanation. There are several probable causes for
flections of the motion curve needed to calculate a completely the two spikes seen in the 5s and 7s data sets 共Figs. 5 and 6兲.
accurate interpolation and as sample rate decreases, sensitivity to Lower sample rate tests approached the minimum limit required
point placement increases dramatically. One key frame was taken to describe the unconstrained motion curve and showed increased
near each end of the sample data set and one point near the middle error. Five key frames capture very little of the motion for inter-
in the 5s and 7s sets. These simulated data gathered at the neutral, polation and, therefore, unexpected fluctuations between those
extended, and flexed states of a joint, but also limited the scope of Five key frames can be missed. In the latter segment of the motion
the error analysis to curves whose key frames are well distributed sequence, the HAM location QL changes drastically from the pre-

Fig. 5 Displacement error in data set 7s. Distance between calculated sensor location and original sensor
location for three interpolation methods. The cubic quaternion spline mitigates the errors of the cubic spline
while maintaining continuity, unlike the linear interpolation. Key frames are located where the rms error is zero.
Sensor with the largest error is displayed.

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering APRIL 2005, Vol. 127 / 315

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Fig. 6 Displacement error in data set 5s. Distance between calculated sensor location and acquired sensor
location for three interpolation methods. With so few frames, errors keeping up with changes in HAM location
dominate, reducing the advantage of the cubic quaternion spline. Key frames are located where the rms error
is zero. The sensor with the largest error is displayed.

vious segments. The error at these points in the interpolated mo- of the difference in HAM variables occurs in QL. The test QL
tion is similar to the extraneous curves seen when ⌬QL is not moved a maximum of 35 mm from its starting point with a total
minimized. Further analysis using varied magnitudes of QL dis- path of 247.8 mm traveled over the entire motion. In vivo mea-
placement and differences in tham may help identify the most im- surements of the wrist show that QL only travels a total of a few
portant factors in reducing error. millimeters over the entire motion 关19兴. The reduction in travel
This arbitrary test motion simulated flexion and extension mo- distance could greatly increase the accuracy of the interpolation
tion in form, but the kinematic transforms possessed very different technique. Future work will incorporate several test motions made
characteristics than those seen in kinematic data collected in vivo to more accurately simulate natural movements 共Fig. 7兲.
关18,19兴. Smaller changes in HAM location, seen in joints in vivo,
may increase the accuracy of the interpolation method simply by Conclusions
decreasing the distance between each QL. Predictions of accuracy
We have developed a method to spline unconstrained 3D rigid
based on the test data set are conservative compared to kinematics
body motion using smooth curves that can process both constant
showing tightly grouped HAMs. As seen in the error tables, much
sample rate and variable sample rate data without the need to
increase the complexity of the calculations. Comparison of the
cubic quaternion interpolation method to a known data set shows
that it can accurately calculate an object’s position and orientation
over a sequence of positions with only a minimum of information.
This may make trends in large subject populations easier to cor-
relate by using data at consistent locations, and scatter caused by
scanning misalignment can be drastically reduced. This method
can be applied to any research requiring reconstruction of a rigid
body motion path from a finite number of still motion samples
that does not need to or cannot collect the data necessary to con-
struct a more constrained interpolation, thereby expanding our
ability to study the complex motions so easily achieved by hu-
mans everyday.

Support from the National Institutes of Health Grant No.
Fig. 7 Example showing interpolated capitate. Scanned capi- AR44005 is gratefully acknowledged.
tate positions or key frames „colors… and interpolated positions
„gray… moving from extension „left… to flexion „right…. This
space is the motion envelope of this wrist bone and shows a References
full range of flexion extension using only these five frames. 关1兴 Andriacchi, T. P., Alexander, E. J., Toney, M. K., Dyrby, C., and Sum, J.,

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关2兴 Youm, Y., McMurtry, R. Y., Flatt, A. E., and Gillespie, T. E., 1978, “Kinemat- lishing, NewYork.
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