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LESSON 6: Education in the New Social Milieu:

Critical Attributes of the 21st Century Education

1. Will information and communication technology make
a difference in the teaching-learning process? How?
 Education means more than just teaching a student to read, write,
and deal with numbers. I believe that ICT is the crayon in making
education more colorful. ICT such as the Internet, computers, and
advanced electronic devices are becoming essential in everyday
life and have changed the teaching and learning process. The
presence of ICT in education allows for new ways of learning for
students and teachers. E-learning, or online learning, is becoming
increasingly popular, and with various unprecedented events
taking place in our lives, this not only provides opportunities for
schools to ensure that students have access to curriculum
materials in the classroom, but also allows them to ensure
students outside the classroom can still learn. ICT brings
inclusion in which students with special needs are no longer at a
disadvantage as they have access to essential material and special
ICT tools can be used by students to make use of ICT for their
own educational needs. And ICT in education improves
engagement and knowledge retention. When ICT is integrated
into lessons, students become more engaged in their work. This is
because technology provides different opportunities to make it
more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching the same things in
different ways. As a consequence of this increased engagement, it
is said that they will be able to retain knowledge more effectively
and efficiently.
2. How can teachers effectively use computers and the Internet in the
 Finding innovative methods to incorporate technology into the
classroom can make your job as a teacher easier while also
increasing student passion and participation in sessions.
Computers and the Internet can be used in the classroom through
creating digital content related to the things they are learning is
one of a great way for students to display their individual creative
talents as well as showcase learning. Provide options for students
to express themselves through blogs, videos, podcasts, eBooks,
flyers and other digital art, or any other means they feel most
comfortable. Also, bring presentations to life for students by
incorporating visual effects, photos, videos, and music into them.
There are no limits to how technology can be used in the
classroom to provide an enriched learning environment, from
facilitating communication between teachers and students (as well
as peer-to-peer), to augmenting presentations and courses with
video and visuals. I believe that using technology in the
classroom can help students gain an understanding of how to use
it effectively and safely. Using technology also allows students to
have a say in their education, as well as give feedback and
participate in learning activities that respect their individuality.
3. How would you prepare the students to handle the unreliable
and unscholarly materials found in the Internet?
 There’s never been a more important time for helping students
assess the credibility of sources. Not only is this skill useful for
success in school, but media literacy is essential for becoming an
informed citizen. To help the students determine the credibility of
sources, I will guide them toward a deeper understanding of the
following tips: First, be skeptical, just because something is
presented as a fact, it doesn't mean that it is. Question everything,
books, articles, and websites can all be unreliable sources. Then,
examine the source's and author's credentials and affiliations.
Examine the author's citations to see what sources he or she used.
Check if the publisher of the source is reputable and of course
beware of bias.
[Grab your reader’s
attention with a great quote
from the document or use
this space to emphasize a
key point. To place this text
box anywhere on the page,
just drag it.]
4. Discuss the relationship between education and industry
[Grab your reader’s attention with a
and the mismatch between the knowledge and skills
great quote from the document or
acquired by the use
students and the
this space industry needs.
to emphasize a key
point. To place this text box
[Grab your reader’s anywhere on the page, just drag it.]
attention with a great
quote from the
document or use this
space to emphasize a
key point. To place this
text box anywhere on
the page, just drag it.]
[Grab your reader’s
attention with a great quote
from the document or use
this space to emphasize a
key point. To place this text
box anywhere on the page,
just drag it.]
[Grab your reader’s attention with a
great quote from the document or
use this space to emphasize a key
point. To place this text box
anywhere on the page, just drag it.]

[Grab your reader’s attention with a great

quote from the document or use this space
to emphasize a key point. To place this text
box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]

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