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What Is Web 1.0?

Basically, this first version of the Web consisted of a few people creating web pages and content
and web pages for a large group of readers, allowing them to access facts, information, and
content from the sources.  Or you can sum up Web 1.0 like this: it was designed to help people
better find information. This web version dealt was dedicated to users searching for data. This
web version is sometimes called “the read-only Web” because it lacks the necessary forms,
visuals, controls, and interactivity we enjoy on today’s Internet. People use the term “Web 1.0”
to describe the earliest form of the Internet. Users saw the first example of a worldwide network
that hinted at future digital communication and information-sharing potential.

Here are a few characteristics found in Web 1.0:

 It’s made up of static pages connected to a system via hyperlinks

 It has HTML 3.2 elements like frames and tables

 HTML forms get sent through e-mail

 The content comes from the server's filesystem, not a relational database management system

 It features GIF buttons and graphics

Take a real-world dictionary, digitize everything in it, and make it accessible to people online to
look at (but not be able to react to it). Boom. That’s Web 1.0.

What Is Web 2.0?

If Web 1.0 was made up of a small number of people generating content for a larger audience,
then Web 2.0 is many people creating even more content for a growing audience. Web 1.0
focused on reading; Web 2.0 focused on participating and contributing. This Internet form
emphasizes User-Generated Content (UGC), ease of use, interactivity, and improved
compatibility with other systems and devices. Web 2.0 is all about the end user's experience.
Consequently, this Web form was responsible for creating communities, collaborations,
dialogue, and social media. As a result, Web 2.0 is considered the primary form of web
interaction for most of today's users. If Web 1.0 was called “the read-only Web,” Web 2.0 is
known as “the participative social Web.” Web 2.0 is a better, more enhanced version of its
predecessor, incorporating web browser technologies such as Javascript frameworks.

Here’s a breakdown of typical Web 2.0 characteristics:

 It offers free information sorting, allowing users to retrieve and classify data collectively

 It contains dynamic content that responds to the user’s input

 It employs Developed Application Programming Interfaces (API)

 It encourages self-usage and allows forms of interaction like:

 Podcasting

 Social media

 Tagging

 Blogging

 Commenting

 Curating with RSS

 Social networking

 Web content voting

 It’s used by society at large and not limited to specific communities.

Mobile Internet access and the rise of social networks have contributed to a dramatic upturn in
Web 2.0’s growth. This explosion is also fueled by the rampant popularity of mobile devices
such as Android-powered devices and iPhones. In addition, Web 2.0's growth made it possible
for apps such as TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube to expand and dominate the online landscape.

You’re using Web 2.0 at this exact moment, you know.

What Is Web 3.0?

And finally, we come to the latest Web iteration. When trying to figure out the definitive web 3.0
meaning, we need to look into the future. Although there are elements of Web 3.0 currently
available today, it still has a way to go before it reaches full realization. Web 3.0, which is also
referred to as Web3, is built on a foundation consisting of the core ideas of decentralization,
openness, and more excellent user utility. Web 1.0 is the "read-only Web," Web 2.0 is the
"participative social Web," and Web 3.0 is the "read, write, execute Web." This Web interaction
and utilization stage moves users away from centralized platforms like Facebook, Google, or
Twitter and towards decentralized, nearly anonymous platforms. World Wide Web inventor Tim
Berners-Lee initially called Web 3.0 the Semantic Web and envisioned an intelligent,
autonomous, and open Internet that uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to act as a
"global brain" and process content conceptually and contextually. This idealized version didn’t
quite pan out due to technological limitations, like how expensive and complicated it is to
convert human language into something readily understood by computers.
Here’s a list of typical Web 3.0 characteristics:

 It's a semantic web, where the web technology evolves into a tool that lets users create, share,
and connect content via search and analysis. It is based on comprehension of words instead of
numbers and keywords.

 It incorporates Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. If these concepts are combined
with Natural Language Processing (NLP), the result is a computer that uses Web 3.0 to
become smarter and more responsive to user needs.

 It presents the connectivity of multiple devices and applications through the Internet of

Things (IoT). Semantic metadata makes this process possible, allowing all available
information to be effectively leveraged. In addition, people can connect to the Internet
anytime, anywhere, without needing a computer or smart device.

 It offers users the freedom to interact publicly or privately without having an intermediary
expose them to risks, therefore offering people “trustless” data.

 It uses 3-D graphics. In fact, we already see this in computer games, virtual tours, and e-

 It facilitates participation without needing authorization from a governing body. It’s


 It can be used for:

 Metaverses: A 3D-rendered, boundless, virtual world

  Blockchains games: They allow users to have actual ownership of in-game resources,

following the principles of NFTs

 Privacy and digital infrastructure: This use includes zero-knowledge proofs and more
secure personal information

 Decentralized finance. This use includes payment Blockchains, peer-to-peer digital

financial transactions, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency

 Decentralized autonomous organizations. Community members own online communities

Web 3.0 ultimately lets users interact, exchange information, and securely conduct financial
transactions without a centralized authority or coordinator. As a result, each user becomes a
content owner instead of just a content user.

Remember that Web 3.0 isn't entirely in place. However, we are already seeing elements of Web
3.0 working their way into our Internet experiences, such as NFTs, Blockchain, Distributed
ledgers, and the AR cloud. Additionally, Siri is Web 3.0 technology, as is the Internet of Things.
However, if and when the full implementation happens, it will be closer to Berners-Lee's initial
vision of Web 3.0. As he puts it, it will be a place with "no permission is needed from a central
authority to post anything … there is no central controlling node, and so no single point of failure
… and no "kill switch."

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of work to be done, especially in speech recognition; human
speech has a staggering variety of nuances and terms that technology can't fully comprehend.
There have been advances, but the process hasn't yet been perfected. Incidentally, just as the age
range of various generations differs depending on who you get the information from (things like
boomers, Generation X, and millennials), there’s also variance in Web version activity. For
example, some sources classify Web 1.0 as 1990-2000, Web 2.0 as 2000-2010, and Web 3.0 as
2010-onward. We can also say that Web 1.0 helped people find things online better, Web 2.0
enabled people to experience things better, and Web 3.0 helped people create things online

What Are the Differences Between the Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and
Web 3.0?

Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0

Typically read-only Strongly read-write Read-write-interact

Owned content Shared content Consolidated content

Visual/interactive Web Programmable Web Linked data Web

Home pages Wikis and blogs Waves and live streams

Web page Web service endpoint Data space


Page views Cost per click User engagement

File/web servers, search Instant messaging, Ajax and Personal intelligent data
engines, e-mail, P2P file JavaScript frameworks, assistants, ontologies,
sharing, content and Adobe Flex knowledge bases, semantic
enterprise portals search functions

Directories Tagging the user User behavior

Focus on the company Focus on the community Focus on the individual

Encyclopedia Britannica
Wikipedia The Semantic Web

Banner advertising Interactive advertising Behavioral advertising

Active 1989-2005 Active 1999-2012 Active 2006-ongoing

What Are the Similarities Between the Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and
Web 3.0?

If you take a good look at all three different web versions, you notice that they only have a few
fundamental traits in common. They are:

 They all deal with the relationship between end-users and information

 They all provide users with an iteration of the “read” function

 They all rely on the Internet to expedite their tasks

What Are the Features of the Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0?

Here’s a breakdown of each web version’s salient features.

Web 1.0

 No user-to-server communication

 Static websites
 Content browsing only

 Hyper-linking and bookmarking pages

 Read-only Web

Web 2.0

 Improved user interaction over Web 1.0

 Web applications introduced

 Functions such as online documents, video streaming, etc.

 Everything moves online; information and apps are stored on servers

 Interactive advertising and pay-per-click

 Cloud computing operations

 Centralized data

 Read and Write Web

Web 3.0

 Intelligent, web-based functionalities and applications

 Decentralized processes

 A fusion of Web technology and Knowledge Representation

 Behavioral advertising and engagement

 Edge computing

 Live videos

 The Internet of Things (IoT)

 Semantic searches

 Read, Write, and Control Web

Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0: A Closer Comparison 

Let’s take a closer look at these two versions of the Web, especially since they are the iterations
that the majority of users are most familiar with. Long-standing Internet users are no doubt
familiar with the “old” Internet (Web 1.0), and Web 2.0 is the default standard today, so
everyone has experienced it in one way or another. We have elements of Web 3.0 here and there,
but it hasn’t been rolled out as a complete entity yet.

The best way to accurately compare Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 is by analogy. Let’s say someone
hands you a book to read. You read it, but you can’t change any of the words in it. That’s what
Web 1.0 was like. On the other hand, if someone offered you a different book and a red editor’s
pencil and told you that you can not only read the book but also use the pencil to make changes
or additions to it, well, that’s Web 2.0.

So, Web 1.0 information can’t be modified, while Web 2.0 information can. Web 1.0 is a static
Web with linear information, and Web 2.0 is a dynamic Web that contains non-linear
information. Linear information is defined as text that must be read in the traditional straight-line
format, from beginning to end. Non-linear, on the other hand, has no such restrictions, and can
be read in any order the reader wishes.

Web 1.0 is a static form of the Web, while the Web 2.0 is a dynamic entity. Then we add Web
3.0 back in the mix and see how it takes the user experience to the next level.

Looking Beyond Web 3.0

Yes, there is already talk of a Web 4.0! Speculation is rampant, with people theorizing that it will
be more cerebral and address the decentralization issues raised by Web 3.0. Decentralization isn't
perfect and will require extensive fine-tuning if it's adopted on a large scale.

There are even some pundits who speculate that Web 4.0 will be the ultimate step in Web
evolution, with users accessing the Web via physical implants! Depending on your sensibilities,
that is either a very cool idea or an absolute dystopian nightmare!

And for anyone who thinks that idea is too much in the realm of science fiction, remember that
we have wearable tech in the present, things like FitBits, or heart monitors that send information
to the patient’s Primary Care Provider. It's not too big of a move to a device that’s implanted in
the user that allows Web access at will and bypasses the need for a hand-held mobile device.

But no matter what Web 4.0 will look like, it's still decades away. So, for now, the IT world is
busy trying to implement Web 3.0 fully.
What is a Domain Name and How Do Domains Work?

What is a Domain Name?

Domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser URL bar to visit
your website. In simple terms, if your website was a house, then your domain name will be its
address. The Internet is a giant network of computers connected to each other through a global
network of cables. Each computer on this network can communicate with other computers. To
identify them, each computer is assigned an IP address. It is a series of numbers that identify a
particular computer on the internet. A typical IP address looks like this: Now an IP
address like this is quite difficult to remember. Imagine if you had to use such numbers to visit
your favorite websites. Domain names were invented to solve this problem. Now if you want to
visit a website, then you don’t need to enter a long string of numbers. Instead, you can visit it by
typing an easy to remember domain name in your browser’s address bar. For example,

How Domain Names Actually Work?

To understand how domain names actually work, we will take a look at what happens when you
enter it in your browser.
When you enter a domain name in your web browser, it first sends a request to a global network
of servers that form the Domain Name System (DNS). These servers then look up for the name
servers associated with the domain and forward the request to those name servers. For example,
if your website is hosted on Bluehost, then its name server information will be like this:

These name servers are computers managed by your hosting company. Your hosting company
will forward your request to the computer where your website is stored. This computer is called a
web server. It has special software installed (Apache, Nginx are two popular web server
software). The web server now fetches the web page and pieces of information associated with it.
Finally, it then sends this data back to the browser.

How is Domain Name Different from a Website and Web Hosting?

A website is made up of files like HTML pages, website builder software, images, and more. If
the domain name is the web address of your website, then web hosting is the home where your
website lives. This is the actual computer where your website’s files are stored. Such computers
are called servers and they are offered as a service by hosting companies.
To create your website, you need both domain name and web hosting.

However, it’s important to remember that they are two separate services, and you can buy them
from two different companies. Now you may be wondering, how would it work if you bought
them from two separate companies?

You just need to edit your domain name settings and enter the Name Server information
provided by your hosting company. Name Server information defines where to send user
requests for your domain name. It is always better to get both your domain name and hosting
from the same company. This allows you to easily manage them under the same account.

Different Types of Domain Names

Domain names are available in many different extensions. The most popular one is .com. There
are many other options like .org, .net, .tv, .info, .io, and more. However we always
recommend using .com domain extension.

Top Level Domain – TLD

Top level domain or TLD are generic domain extensions that are listed at the highest level in the
domain name system. There are hundreds of TLDs, but the most popular ones are .com, .org, and
.net. Other TLDs are lesser known and we don’t recommend using them. For
example, .biz, .club, .info, .agency, and many more.

Country Code Top Level Domain – ccTLD

Country code top-level domain or ccTLD are country specific domain names which end with
country code extension like .uk for the United Kingdom, .de for Germany, .in for India. They are
used by websites that want to target audiences in a specific country.

Sponsored Top Level Domain – sTLD

Sponsored top-level domain or sTLD is a category of TLDs that has a sponsor representing a
specific community served by the domain extension. For example, .edu for education-related
organizations, .gov for the United States government, .mil for the United States military, and

Who is Responsible for Domain Name System?

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the domain names
system. It is a non-profit organization that creates and implements the policies for domain names.
ICANN gives permission to companies called Domain Name Registrars for selling domain
names. These domain registrars are allowed to make changes to domain names registry on your
Domain name registrars can sell domain names, manage its records, renewals, and transfers to
other registrars. As a domain name owner, you are responsible for telling the registrar where to
send requests. You are also responsible for renewing your domain registration.

How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Website?

There are currently more than 350 Million registered domain names and thousands more get
registered each day. This means that all the good ones are already registered or will be registered
very soon. This puts a lot of pressure on new users to come up with a domain idea for their

There are free AI-powered business name generator tool that can help users come up with
creative company name ideas and check domain name availability status to help them save time.

Here are some quick tips that can help in choosing a domain name for website.

 Stick with a .com domain name as it is the most popular, easy to remember, and easy
 Make sure it is shorter and easy to remember
 Make it easy to pronounce and spell
 Do not use numbers or hyphens
 Use domain name generators to come up with clever domain name ideas

How to Buy a Domain Name?

You can buy domain names from one of the many domain name registrars. A domain name
typically costs 14.99 per year. Some popular domain name companies are:

 (Use this coupon to get a discount)

 Network Solutions (use our Network Solutions coupon code to get 25% off).
 GoDaddy

However, buying a domain does not automatically give you hosting service. For that, you will
need a website hosting account as well.

Simplilearn (2022). What is Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 and how they compare. Retrieved from
WpBeginner (2021). Beginner’s Guide: What is a Domain Name and How Do Domains Work?
Retrieved from

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