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The first settlers in the Philippines were believed to have arrived here thousands of years before Christ. These
settlers were Nomads. Nomads were those who wandered from one place to another in search of food. Hence,
Nomads were the same with Chickboys who wandered from one place to another but their purpose was
different. Nomads were in search of food, while Chickboys were in search of pleasure.
These Nomads soon realized that there was a need for them to group themselves and settle in one place for
them to help one another in raising animals and planting vegetables. When grouped together, however,
problems were encountered when members of the community committed some infractions against the others.
They realized that there was a need for them to organize a body to arrest offenders and conduct trial. Hence,
trial by ordeal and the like were practiced to determine whether a person was guilty or not guilty of a charge.
Under the trial by ordeal, a person accused of a crime was ordered to perform an act which may hurt him like
the act of placing his hands in boiling water. If he got hurt, he was declared guilty; otherwise he was
considered innocent. This was based on the belief during that time that God protected the innocent persons.
When Magellan came here in the Philippines on March 16, 1521 was a significant part of history, not only in
the Philippines but also in the international community. After Magellan came here, it was found out that the
world was round. It was also found out that there were already organized settlers here in the Philippines being
governed by local chieftains, like Sultans and Rajahs. Each sultan or rajah headed a barangay and he was the
one charged with conducting trial and punishing those who were found guilty.
As time passed by, things and crimes became complicated to deal with so it was argued by Cesare Beccaria in
his book entitled “Essay on Crimes and Punishment” that government agencies that could swiftly detect, try
and punish offenders must be created.
At present, the Philippine government provided for a manner how to deal with persons who are arrested for the
commission of a crime. It also provided how arrested persons undergo a preliminary investigation and inquest
proceeding, how their cases are being heard, how they are being punished in case of conviction, and how they
are reintegrated in the community after serving their penalty.


The Criminal Justice System remains unsatisfactory as long as persons on earth are not perfect.
Most movies, whether local or foreign, involving commission of crimes end upon the arrest of the perpetrators.
This is because of the common knowledge that the victim attains justice if the one who injured his is already
This common knowledge is not, however, true in the complicated Criminal Justice System prevailing in our
The search of justice is based on perseverance. The one victimized by a crime may again be traumatized by
the system to suffer anxiety, public humiliation, loss of money and the like before attaining justice.
The arrest of the perpetrator may only be the first step of the journey in the hunt of justice. It may be the first
pace that no one can tell if when, where and how it will end.


 the machinery which the society uses in the prevention and  control of crimes
 also refer to the totality of the activities of the law enforcers,  prosecutors, judges, and
corrections personnel, as well as those of the mobilized community in crime prevention and

In theory, CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM is an integrated apparatus that is concerned with the ff:
 apprehension,
 prosecution,
 trial,
 conviction,
 sentencing, and
 rehabilitating or correcting criminal offenders. 

Goals of CJS
 Prevention of crime.
 Protect members of society against crime.
 Maintain peace and order.
 Suppression of criminality.
 Review the legality of existing rules and regulations.
 Rehabilitation and reformation of offenders.

People involved in the system (Parties to the criminal case) 

 accused = the most pampered party in a criminal case
 victim/complainant = the forgotten party in a criminal case
 People of the Philippines = the actual offended party

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