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Bluebells School International

Kailash, New Delhi

Class VII
Weekly Homework
(19 September- 23 September 2022)

Subject Homework Remarks
To be done
in the
English English HW_19 to 23 Sep'22 21 Sep’22


Complete Q56 to Q66 (Ch 4: Simple Equations) in your maths

notebook from the exemplar.
Show the
Mathematics 21.09.22 working in
bqW6qYBs3dzJKmha2RUca3XolDe3g the N.B

Science Worksheet of ‘Nutrition in Animals 23rd Sept

Project Presentation: (100 marks), Activity details are in Teams

Group 1: Book review- Sultana’s Dream
Group 2: Women heroes in cinema - Movie Review
Group 3: Women empowerment and its relevance in today’s
world- PowerPoint presentation
Social Studies Group 4: ‘The continuing fight for women’s rights: is it over yet?
Panel discussion and PowerPoint presentation
Group 5: Media Campaign: Women and the environment
(Wangari Maathai, Tulasi Gowda)
Group 6- Stakeholders Debate - Political rights and opportunities-
25 years on, the Women’s Reservation Bill is still not a reality.

Third Language

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