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Q) How marketer adapt to Pakistan core value?

First of all, whenever marketer's approach any country/ state they look for the core
value they put in front of them. Just like this when any company comes in Pakistan
to portrait their advertisements according to the mindset of the people and the
belief they hold on. The core values of Pakistan are: The teaching of Islam and the
belief that sovereignty belongs to Allah. Other are brotherhood, equality between
genders, integrity, help, respect, customs and traditions of the families. Although
Pakistan is moving forward with the time but these are the basic values, they hold
on in them for lifetime and also tries to pass on to the next generation. The
marketer’s study these values and their importance in the life of the Pakistani
citizens. They try to adapt these values and portrait in form of advertisement to
please the heart of their customers. If we take example of the bless month
Ramadan, we see a lot of ads showing having iftar together with the family. Qarshi
jam-e-shrine ads shows not only to open your roza but also open the Roza of the
servants that work in your house. The surf excel ad shows the aspect of helping
anyone who is in need, or who doesn’t have the strength to do work by their own
with the motto of “daag to achy hote hain.” recently Amazon has launched the ad
of friendship between the priest and imam. The message they convey how Islam or
any religion give us the right to hold friendship to each other and care for each
other in the time of hardship. One of the best ad shown by Mezan cooking oil.
Basically, in the ad all the house core was being done by the mother knowing that
she too has a Roza. After offering prayers she just falls asleep and his son saw it.
Instead of waking her up their family member made iftar for her and showing not
all house hold core is her job. Next in the recent ad of Shan, the father cooks for
her daughter on her birthday by saying “if your mom would be here, she would
have said, cooking is not just your job.” these all ads just shows little little value
which we hold on. Like caring and helping other. Friendship and love. So, the
marketer has grasped the idea of Pakistani culture that they think from there heart.
So, they make ads which catches their feelings.

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