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4 3 2 1
Distinguished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement
Physical development
Learners are fairly
Learners are ill prepared
Learners value and maintain Learners excellently value and Learners are well prepared prepared and maintain
and maintain low physical
physical health through an maintain physical health and maintain physical health physical health through
health through an
understanding of exercise, through an understanding of through an understanding of an understanding of
understanding of exercise,
balance nutrition, adequate exercise, balance nutrition, exercise, balance nutrition, exercise, balance
balance nutrition, adequate
rest and leisure. adequate rest and leisure. adequate rest and leisure. nutrition, adequate rest
rest and leisure.
and leisure.
Learner will exhibit Learner will exhibit excellent Learner will satisfactory Learner will exhibit fair
cleanliness as an important cleanliness as an important cleanliness as an important cleanliness as an Learners pay disregard to
attribute of being children of attribute of being children of attribute of being children of important attribute of health maintenance
God God excellently God being children of God
Learners will use their Learners use their physical Learners fairly use their Learners did not/partially
Learners excellently use their
physical gifts and talents to gifts and talents satisfactorily physical gifts and talents use their physical gifts and
physical gifts and talents to
serve others to the glory of to serve others to the glory of to serve others to the talents to serve others to the
serve others to the glory of God
God God glory of God glory of God
Learners love and use Learners have no/ little
Learners love and use their Learners love and use their
Learners will serve God and their potentials fairly to interest to use their
potentials excellent to serve potentials well to serve God
others, fulfilling their God serve God and others, potentials to serve God and
God and others, fulfilling their and others, fulfilling their
ordained purpose fulfilling their God others, fulfilling their God
God ordained purpose God ordained purpose
ordained purpose ordained purpose
Learners love and use Learners have no/ little
Learners will be disciples of Learners love and use their Learners love and use their
their potentials fairly to interest to use their
Jesus Christ who discern and potentials excellent to serve potentials well to serve God
serve God and others, potentials to serve God and
apply biblical principles and God and others, fulfilling their and others, fulfilling their
fulfilling their God others, fulfilling their God
values when making choices God ordained purpose God ordained purpose
ordained purpose ordained purpose
Learners will learn to
Respectful, affable, and open
maintain respectful and Respectful, open but still Respectful but not open Not friendly, self-
to interpersonal relationship
healthy relationships with conscious of people and to interpersonal conscious and maintaining
while maintaining healthy
themselves and other people their backgrounds relationship distance.
relationship ethics
from diverse backgrounds
Learners Exhibit excellent Exhibit good interpersonal Exhibit fair interpersonal Exhibit poor interpersonal
Exhibit excellent interpersonal
interpersonal skills which skills which foster skills which foster skills which foster
skills which foster collaboration
foster collaboration and collaboration and productive collaboration and collaboration and
and productive relationships
productive relationships relationships productive relationships productive relationships
Learners will live a Learners live a satisfactory Learners live a fair Learners live a poor
Learners live an excellent
disciplined life by exercising disciplined life by exercising disciplined life by disciplined life by
disciplined life by exercising
self-control in healthy habits, self-control in healthy habits, exercising self-control in exercising self-control in
self-control in healthy habits,
forms of choices, forms of forms of choices, forms of healthy habits, forms of healthy habits, forms of
forms of choices, forms of
choices and spiritual choices and spiritual choices, forms of choices choices, forms of choices
choices and spiritual formation
formation formation and spiritual formation and spiritual formation
Learners will be creative, Excellently create, think Fairy create, think poorly create, think
think critically and logically critically and logically and Thinks well and apply them critically and logically critically and logically and
and applying them in solving applying them in solving real in solving real life problems and applying them in applying them in solving
real life problems life problems solving real life problems real life problems
Learners will develop and Learners meager content and
Learners will develop and Learners develop skills Learner does not develop
integrate content and skills from skills from only his/ her
integrate content and skills only from his/her skill either from his/her
his/her subjects as well as other subjects as well as other
from different subjects subjects subject or other subjects
different subjects excellently subjects


Learners uses research, Learners uses initiative, Learners uses knowledge
Learner does not use
technology, initiative, exercises exercises versatility and of his/her subject but
research, technology but
Creativity versatility and incorporate incorporate knowledge f but lacks research work and
only knowledge of his/her
knowledge from other subjects lacks versatility of application of other
excellently application of other subjects subject
Exhibits team work, tolerance
and have a penchant of Friendly, have knowledge Team spirit but no active No active participation and
exchanging ideas as well as but lacks team spirit participation careless for the team
active participation
Fair use of eye contact, Does not make proper use
Excellent use of eye contact, Good use of eye contact,
strong points, eloquent, of eye contact, strong
strong points, eloquent, strong points, eloquent,
confidence, clarity, points, eloquent,
confidence, clarity, demonstrate confidence, clarity,
Presentation demonstrates full confidence, clarity;
full knowledge, diction, demonstrate full knowledge,
knowledge, diction, demonstrate full knowledge,
develops strong enthusiasm for diction, develops strong
develops strong diction, develops strong
the topic. enthusiasm for the topic.
enthusiasm for the topic. enthusiasm for the topic.
Does not ensure proper
Ensure excellent clean up Ensure satisfactory clean up Ensures less clean up
Neatness and Organization clean up during and after
during and after project during and after project during and after project

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