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Page 1 of 9 Pharmacognosy Department-College of Pharmacy oe TANTA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOGNOSY FINAL EXAM FOR SECOND LEVEL CLINI ENTS Pharmacognosy 2 | COURSE CODE: PG 303 i TOTAL ASSESMENT | TIME ALLOWED: MARKS: 50. 2. HOURS | 11 marks, 26 minutes). (11 marks, 26 minutes), 16 marks, 40 minutes). (12 marks, 28 minutes). Question 3: Consists of two parts (A and B) Question 4: Consists of two parts (A and B). ~ All questions must be answered in the specified places. + In MCQs, mark the correct answer in the answer sheet provided, ~ Use blue pen only. Answers using pencils will not be accepted. Page 2 of 9 Pharmacognosy Department-College of Pharmacy 2 11 marks, 26 minutes). You are provided with 22 MCQs. Select only one answer and mark your choice in the answer sheet provided in page 3. 1- Embryo is developed from the fertilized ovum of: a) Nucleus b)Embryo sac c) Integuments._—_d) Egg apparatus 2- All the tissues enclosed within the testa: a) Micropyle b) Kernel ¢) Chalaza d) Raphe 3- A fleshy membranous covering arising from the hilum: a) Arillus b) Arillude ©) Wing 4) Plume 4- It is the position at the base of the nucellus where the vascular strand of the stalk branches 0 different parts of the ovule: a)Micropyle —_d) Hilum ©) Chalza d) Raphe 5- In linseed, a compound tested by Guignard’s: a) Omega fatty acid _b) Linamarin ¢) Protein d) Mucilage 6- Mustard seeds are: a) Fleshy b) Reticulate ¢)Albuminous ——_d) Exalbuminous 7- Colchicum gives yellow color with HCI due to its content of: a) Fats b) Flavonoid ©) Pigments 4) Alkaloid 8- Amygdalin is a cyanogenic glycoside present in: a) Strophanthus —) Linseed ©) Bitter Almond d) Sweet almond 9- The toxicity of castor is more likely by a) Chewing the whole seed __b) Chewing the seed kernel c) Swallowing the whole seed _ d) Swallowing the seed kernel 10- A powerful irritant and purgative seed containing fixed oil, proteins and resin: a) Castor b) Croton ©)Nux vomica —d) Cardamom 1L- A seed used in diabetes, rheum: proteins and alkaloids: a) Strophanthus —b) Cocoa ©)Nux vomica — d) Nigella sativa ic pain and asthma and contains fixed and volatile oils, 12- Nutritive, and alkaloi a) Strophanthus —_b) Cocoa c)Calabar bean —_d) Nigella sativa ulant seed used as a source of butter and contains fats, traces of volati 13- A seed containing an alkaloid used to combat the effect of atropine: a) Strophanthus —b) Cocoa ¢) Calabar bean d) Nigella sativa 14- A counter irritant and rubefacient seed which gives red color with Millon’s reagent: a) Whit mustard b) Black mustard c) Sweet almond) Bitter almond Page 3 of 9 Pharmacognosy Department-College of Pharmacy For 15-18, choose from: a) Diosgenin ) Trigonelline _c) Saponins and fibers d) A non-essential amino acid 15- May inhibit the absorption of cholesterol as well as decrease the amount of cholesterol manufactured by the liver. 16- Possess insulin stimulating properties, anti-diabetic , cholesterol-lowering, anti-uleer and anti-cancer properties. 17- helps to lower blood sugar and reduce the need for insulin. It may also improve glucose tolerance and excretion. 18- Increases milk production and stimulates breast tissue growth. 19 20 a 2 - For (19-22), choose from: This isa T.S for: a) Strophanthus )Foenugreek —c) Linseed d) Cardamom MCQ answer sheet iota |b Je [d [NoJa [b Je [d I 2 i t N 1 2 | 13 3 14 4 | 15 5 6 7 8 t Tie 17 18 : | 19 9 | 20 |_| 21 22 | Page 4 of 9 oe Department of Pharmacognosy. Collage of Pharmacy Q2 Gntroduction of Fruit and Medicinal Fruits) You are provided with 11 sentences, correct the underline word at each sentence by a suitable term AND/ OR match it by a corresponding figure titled (A-T). Please put your answers at the following table. (0.5x22= 11 marks, 26 minutes) Sentences ‘Succulent type fruits are sub classified into berry and carcerulus. 2. Porous capsule split by pores e.g, stramonium, Correction word 3. Wheat grain contains a parquetry type endocarp. 4. Hemlock extract treated with solution of KOH developed a strong mouse like odor owing to liberation of piperine. 5. Vanilla fruit is unilocular, tricarpollary, dehises by two uniqual pores, ll 6. Capsicum hypodermal endocarp consists of reticulated parenchymal cell situated below islands of sclerenchyma. 7, Microscopical examination of colocynth powdered drug showed crossed fiber mesocarp and endocarp. 8. Ammi majus fruit contains Furanochromone type active constituents, which is used to treat renal colic 9. Anise fruit has a coleospermous type seed. 10. Dissepiment cells originated form a single mother cell in different orientation. ayer is formed of groups of narrow parallel 11. The pungent principle in Dill fruit; a member of Family Solanaceae; is secreted by the hair like endocarp. Department of Pharmacognosy- Collage of Pharmacy Page Sof 9 ad ol zl Page 6 of 9 Pharmacognosy Department College of Pharmacy Q3) Subterranean Drugs 16 marks QA) Match between C and D 16x0.5 = 8 marks Write your answers in the Answer Table at page 7 (c) 1-Abnormal vascular bundle of amphivasal type. 2-A trichome belongs to senega rootstalks. 3-This clement causes gritty sensation during chewing powder of Rheum palmatum 4-This is root of a plant contains gentiopicrin $-Tertiary cambia are found in this T. S. 6-T. S. of liquorice root with exarch xylem 7-T. S. of frond base of a plant contains filmarone 8-This is the rhizome of a plant belongs to family Zingiberaceae 9-T. S. with large wing shape medullary ray of a plant contains senegin 10-This is a part of ramentum in powder of a rhizome with vermifuge effect 11-T. S. of a root is used to treat amoebic dysentery 12-This is the key element of Rio ipecacuanha 13-T. S. of monocot rhizomes a type of calcium oxalate crystals present in Glycyrrhiza glabra contains collateral vascular bundle with endarch xylem + S. of Podophyllum hexandrum Page 7 of 9 Pharmacognosy Depariment College of Pharmacy QB) Match between E and F and write your answers in the Answer Table 16x0.5 = 8 marks «) 1- Senega and ipecacuanha roots are used as 2- Liquorice stolons contain .............. which has estrogen like effect 3- Podophyllotoxin has 4- Glyeyrrhizin & is an erect, short and swollen subterranean stem. 6- Hydrastis has ...... effect, 7- Turmeric rhizomes contain .. 8 Oleo-resin cells are scattered in transverse section of «+ 9- Patient with uterine fibroids should avoid drinking ......... 10- Podophyllum peltatum contains 11- The presence of rhizome presence of . 12- Rio ipecacuanha is safer than Cartagena because of presence of higher percentage of .. 13- Rheum rhaponticum con 14- Long term use of anthraquinones as laxatives causes .. 15- Metaderm cells are found instead of cork cells in 16- Rhizomes may be used dried and fermented as in ........ dried and peeled as in le roots powder of ipecacuanha is discovered by (F) 17-zingiberene and curcumin _18- triterpene saponin glycosides _19- expectorant 20- rectangular sclereids 21-aconite roots 22-corm 23+ rhaponticin 24- genitourinary anti-inflammatory —25- glabridin _ 26- electrolytes disturbance 27-anti-tumor — 28-aand f-peltatins -29- ginger 30- liquorice 31-emetine S2-gentain, rhubarb 33-filix-mas, podophyllum ——-34-bulb—_35-cephaeline Answer Table Ts ee. 9 710 L | ASE 1 1 = L mail eles 2) 13) 4) 15 16 | 1 dis rl2[s[ats [et 7 Te) [olay aay is] ay is] 16] Page 8 of 9 Zi Pharmacognosy Department-College of Pharmacy uestion IV ...... 12 Marks, 28 min. A. Give reasons for the following statements (6 sentences, 1 mark each = 6 Marks, 15 min.) 1. Calumba roots are used as stomachic and bitter tonic 2. Presence of a large parenchymatous tissue at the center of old aconite roots 3. The bitterness of gentian taste is decreased after fermentation process 4. Alcoholic extract of pale catechu could be differentiated from black catechu . Agar-agar is used for preparation, while gelatin as a nutrient for bacterial cultures 6. Several incisions should be made in the wall of full grown poppy capsules Page 9 of 9 Pharmacognosy Depariment-College of Pharmacy B. Give one or two words describing the following sentences and write your answers in the same table (12 x % mark each = 6 Marks, 13 min.) i Sentence ‘Answer | [cee eS ~ An example of unorganized crude drugs that is produced | | pathologically | | | - A chemical test for aloe dried juices (except Socotrine type) that | | gives wine red color | ‘The water-insoluble part of gum tragacanth — ae ———{ ~The major mechanism of manna mild laxative activity |~ The principal constituent present in cod liver oil that cures and) | | : | | Prevents rickets disease i ~The chemical nature of flammable part of candles | Pee eee eee ead) ~ Anelement that could be examined under the microscope honey | ~The tissue that is responsible for the abnormal secondary | thickening in jalap roots | | I - a Let pail |= The effect of large doses of jalap roots { ~The major reason for death in ease of aconite toxicity SS — = —— — The characteristic shape of cambium in aconite roots T. cut i | — ~ A preferred treatment for anorexia especially in case of ] | combination with Fe”-containing medicaments i © Good Luck ©

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