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Describe various methods for evaluation of drug of

natural origin with examples.

Morphological/Organoleptic Evaluation.
B. Microscopic Evaluation. Ex: colour, odour, taste,
shape, size, texture, net content, volume.

C. microscopical Evaluation. Ex: cell wall, cell content,

starch grains, lignin, Calcium oxalate crystals, fibres,
vessels and trichomes
D. Physical Evaluation. Ex:
Moisture content
• Viscosity
• Melting point
• Solubility
• Optical Rotation
• Refractive Index
• Ash values
• Extractive values
• Swelling index
• Volatile oil content
• Foreign organic matter
2-E. Chemical Evaluation. Ex: Chemical tests-
Qualitative and Quantitative test
ii) Chemical assay-Estimation of particular group of
3-F. Biological Evaluation ex: Antipyretic activity
4-2. Anti-inflammatory activity
5-3. Hypoglycemic activity
6-4. Antiulcer activity
7-5. Analgesic activity
8-6. Microbiological assay
9-7. Cardiac activity
10- 8. Anthelmintic activity

Unlike prescription medicines, dietary supplements are

…………….. to undergo testing for safety or
effectiveness in clinical studies before being marketed
not required

True or false:
11- Don’t read and follow the instructions on the
12- Products claiming to be alternatives to FDA-
approved drugs considered as Dietary Supplements
To Avoid
13- If you take supplements tell your doctor before
undergoing surgery
14- Products claiming to be a legal alternative to
anabolic steroids shouldn’t be avoided
15- Products that are marketed primarily in a foreign
language or those that are marketed through mass e-
mails should be avoided
16- Melatonin May worsen mood in people who
suffer from dementia
17- supplementation doses (500 – 1000 mg) are not
18- Multivitamins are not essential for providing
good health and are necessary for many life functions
19- A natural product is a substance obtained from a
natural source

Give the difintion of:

3-Crude drug
4-Dietary supplements
1- Vitamins are nutrients that our body does not make
on its own; we must obtain them from the foods we
eat, or through supplements
2- Estimation of potency of drug by measuring its
effect on living organisms like bacteria, animal
tissue/entire animal
3- Crude drug means, the collected, usually dried or
fresh, plant or animal product of medicinal value
without any further processing (such as: extraction,
separation, ….etc.) .
4- Dietary supplements are substances WE eat or drink.
other plants, AMINO ACIDS (the individual
building blocks of protein), or parts of these

How does Glucosamine sulfate work?

amino-sugar naturally produced by cartilage cells serves
as cartilage nutrient
How does garlic work?
used for heart health area to support normal cholesterol
How does Fish Oil (Omega-3 Fatty Acids) work?
Supports various aspects of health including roles in cell
membrane fluidity & function, anti-inflammation
pathways, and cardiovascular health

20- May Glucosamine sulfate leads to
21- Glucosamine sulfate can be taken for …………
to see a difference in health
22- Melatonin is natural substance made in the
brain’s ……… gland
23- garlic Generally safe, but can interact with many
medicines such as …………, ………….. , and
………….. medicines
24- Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort) used in
treatment of …………
25- aspirin is considered as first …………….. pure
26- ………….used in relieving fever and used in
production of Aspirin.
27- The ……… are a large class of medications
related in structure to the natural plant alkaloids

28- less pain, stiffness

29- 1 to 2 months
30- Pineal
31- Warfarin, blood thinners, some HIV medicines
32- depression
33- semi-synthetic
34- willow bark
35- opioids

1-Uses of melatonin?
Helps people fall asleep faster, better sleep and helps with
daytime alertness
2- Quantitative microscopy?
Leaf constants:
Stomatal no.
Stomatal index
Palisade ratio
-Vein islet no.
Vein termination no.
-Lycopodium spore method
1-Sources of Crude Drugs?
2-Plant sources, e.g. Senna, Digitalis, Datura, Cascara,
Cinchona, Clove , Opium, etc.
3-Animal sources , e.g. cochineal, cantharidin, honey ,
cod liver oil, musk , thyroxin, etc.
4-Marine sources , e.g. Sponges , red algae , agar, etc.
5-Mineral sources , e.g. talc, kaolin, kieselguhr, etc.
5- Uses of Natural products?
 In cosmetics as flavouring & colouring agents, etc.
 In culture media for the propagation of M.O. in
microbiology laboratories & biotechnology.
 General uses e.g. in food industries: as dusting
powders, as indicators and in perfumery.
 As drugs for the treatment of a wide range of
diseases, e.g. morphine, atropine, digoxin,
hormones, antibiotics, etc..
 As pharm. aids in pharm. industry, e.g. suspending
& emulsifying agents, suppository bases, binders,
excipients, sweetening & colouring agents, etc..
Choose the correct answer:
Dietary Supplements To Avoid:
36- Sexual enhancement products intake

37- Products with Positive test in performance

38- Weight loss supplements

39- All of the above

11. Which one of these alkaloids is volatile in nature?
A. Narcotine
B. Papaverine
C. Nicotine
D. Thebaine
Answer: (A) Narcotine
Explanation: Due to volatile nature of narcotine it is
extracted out by
steam distillation process.

13. Senna contains 

(A) Sennoside A

(B) Sennoside B

(C) Sennoside C

(D) All of the Above

14. Senna belongs to the family of
(A) Leguminosae

(B) Euphorbiaceae

(C) Plantaginaceae

(D) Polygonaceae

Ans - A
12. Keller-Killiani test is specified for-
A. Aglycon part of digitalis glycosides
B. Glycon part of Digitalis glycosides
C. Both Glycon and Aglycon part
D. none of the above
Answer: (B) Glycon part of Digitalis glycosides
Explanation: Cardiac glycoside + CH3COOH + H2SO4
+FeCl3 → brown
22. Peppermint oil is synonym for-
A. Mentha oil
B. Chenopodium oil
C. Cardamom oil
D. Lemon oil
Answer: (A) Mentha oil
Explanation: Mentha oil obtained by steam distillation of
mentha arensis
15. Digitalis obtained from the dried leaves of 

(A) Casia angustifolia

(B) Digitalis purpurea

(C) Terminalia arjuna

(D) None of the Above

Ans - B
16. Among the following which is used as a cardiotonics

(A) Arjuna
(B) Senna

(C) Rhubarb

(D) Cinnamon

Ans - A
2.Identify drugs belonging of following family

 Example of Leaflet. 
(a) Senna
(b) Neem
(c) Digitalis
(d) Both (a) & (b)

26. Pungency of chilies is due to the presence of?

A. Capsaicin
B. Capsanthin
C. Carotene
D. Pungent protein
Answer: (A) Capsaicin
Explanation: pungency is due to the group of
coumpounds named
10. Nux-vomica seed belongs to the family-
A. Rubiaceae
B. Loganiaceae
C. Papaveraceae
D. Apocynaceae
Answer: (B) Loganiaceae
Explanation: Nux-vomica is also known as poison nut
and quaker buttons.
21. Among the following which is used as a laxative
(A) Coriander

(B) Fennel

(C) Digitalis

(D) Ispaghula
Ans - D

22. Fennel obtained from the dried ripe fruits of the plant

(A) Coriandrum sativum

(B) Foeniculum vulgare

(C) Terminalia arjuna

(D) None of the Above

Ans - B
24. Among the following which is not a carminative

(A) Fennel
(B) Asafoetida

(C) Senna

(D) Cinnamon

Ans - C

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