IAS Mains Philosophy 2017 Paper 1 2

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017 ISTH-0-PHL y I
セMi@ I Paper II

f.#.lfftrr "«1rlr : rft:r FR セSゥ」ョZRUP@

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250

セ@ >rW セ@ # g fj!i f.JI'rt#lf&rt 'Jlfllq; セ@

Trfr q;f t47rt'J\d"q; rri:
セ@ 3110 JrR t セ@ qf セヲ@ セ@ t セ@ fMt 3#< セ@ "¢Fff ff fJfT t I
Mキセ@ C!iT F rm, w-:ff -q; 3fN # t 1
JrR "fi(§llJ 1 3#< 5 セ@ t セ@ iWfit ff 8 セFオウ@ 8 -wr-8-Cfi/1 -qq; JrR セ@ fcli;:tf rft;r w-:ff セ@ 3fN セ@ I
セ@ JTR/WTT セ@ :#!; セ@ "8J1R セ@ 7!r! セ@ I
JWii -q; 3fN セ@ セ@ -q ffRi \ifR" セ@ f&R:rq;r セ@ 3M JRkr- r:r:r ff FcPn TPlT t 3#< セ@ セ@ w m セ@
^trMセSヲイ@ (CFf.,.ift.r.r.) .Jif:fli:hl セ@ !]<9- "f''I w セ@ セ@ w fW:rr \ifRT TfiTfk 1 J!{ijffstrr セ@ -q; セ@ 3F<T "Riiift
セ@ ff ffRi 7!r! 3fN W cnT/ :#!; ;rtf fiR# I
JWii ff セ@ if/1n, \iff! RIPI(fe t w 31jm7lT fWn \ifRT セ@ 1
JWii セ@ '3"ff"if ifiT TfUFfT Jhlflj87< ifiT ii/7ffft I セ@ "ifiTCT ;rtf セ@ at JrR セ@ 3fN ifit 7fURT r/it ii{1ffft セ@ セ@ 3rtr 3fw: セ@ TPlT
if I jtrMセSイエ@ j!idcnt ff "&Tffl "fim "§31! "'[lJ "l/7 セ@ 3#! cnT pイ・Bセ@ 8 "i/i7CT \ifRT セi@
Question Paper Specific Instructions
Please r_ead each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :
There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each'section.
The number of marks carried by a question /part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be
stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No
marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question
shall be counted even if q,ttempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.


Ql. f.\¥;tf?;tfunt .q セ@ sャセ」エゥ@ セ@ CfiT セ@ セ@ 150 セ@ .q サャセ@ :
Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50

(a) 3'1{1\iithdl セ@ セ@ .q セ@ eh11)q: fct> セ@ セ@ セ@ fCid5tdl セ@ cfiT セ@ セ@ W"Rf

Discuss in the context of anarchy whether the freedom of an individual
is·consistent with the sovereignty of the State. 10

(b) セ@ chlWlQ\ fct> セ@ "i!Jif{Cf>'i @セ セ@ セ@ セ@ m CfiT セ@ セ@ %g, {i\i1d51 COT

<.1lcnd5t セ@ ュセ@ セ@ セ@ G@セ セ@ Sゥセ[ZヲャT@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セL@ 」ョセ[ZヲQT@
Discuss キセ・エィイ@ a blending of monarchy with democracy is conceivable
to avoid their undesirable defects for making the governance better for
citizens and State. 10

(c) Cf4T \ifl'ffi セ@ m セ@ セ@ '5ffC(f crt cfiT 7.lT セ@ 3ijtSOI;:fi cfiT セ@

セcot@ "id1\i11 セ@ ? sf. セNSャr N@ Sゥセウ」ョ\@ セ@ SIRt41Ro ヲ」イセッサゥ@ セ@ セ@ .q セ@
chlNlQ\ I
Is caste discrimination a result of the superiority complex of a privileged
class of the society or of religious rituals ? Discuss with reference to the
views propounded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. 10

(d) セ@ セ@ cnJo4'i .q セ@ セ@ セ@ COT ュセ@ セ@ ? |ャQcヲゥsiセ@ セ@ セ@ .q セBcャゥ@

chlNlQ\ I
Out of rights and duties, which one is prior to the other? Discuss in the
context of accountability. 10 ·

(e) <.1"1cnoi8cn セ@ セ@ セ@ cfiT セゥ」エbcヲャ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ '"llR-tcn セ@ セ@ ferimf

Gエヲセ@ -q-{ セ@ ef)1 Nl Q\ I
Discuss the different aspects of the fundamental distinction between
democratic equality and the Marxian notion of equality. 10


Q2.' (a) q:lfT セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ HBゥセGヲ、@ セ@ セ@ アェセGゥZTQヲ@ - セ@ セ@ -ij セTHア@ m\0 セ@
セ@ -ij SゥBGQ」hセcヲ@ セ@ _セ M HBゥヲエ^f、c@ |ゥャHQェセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ -ij セ@ 1R セ@ セq|@ I
Do you agree with the · view that secularism as a western ideal is
redundant in the Indian context ? Discuss in the context of the
multicultural Indian society. 20

(b) HBゥGヲャセZTQ⦅」c@ GBャセゥcヲQ@ TゥQセq|@ fen q:lfT (Otjqj{),Cf) セ@ 'Cf)l - セ@ CfidOl!l 1R

cxffiF> cfil fCf d?I d I eoT Tftur セ@ セ@ セ@ I
Critically evaluate whether the ideal of social progress gives a secondary
significance to an individual's freedom over ィセウ@ duties. 15

(c) ;:rqf ch)f),Q\ fen CR:IT セ@ cfil CblR:c>=4 '4i1' BCfi&q"il f<)"601"C:u{l m -ij qf{qfdd
-m '\ifRft セ@ 1 ・ウヲセBゥ@ cfil BCfi&q"il セ@ @セ セ@ @セ (fCf) ァセ[Zヲエ@ セ@ ? セGアBゥャ@ TャQセq|@ 1
Discuss whether Kautilya's concept of sovereignty turns into a despotic
rule. How far is it comparable to Bodin's concept? Discuss. 15

Q3. (a) CR:IT HBゥャGヲセc@ ᄋ セ@ セ@ W&=fUT セ@ セ@ 1R Gヲャ」エZjcTQセ@ セヲゥj、@ fC4d?ldl eoT sャヲ、\エセ@
セ@ セ@ ? セGゥZTBQ@ TゥQセq|@ I
Does Marxism curb individual freedom in the name of protecting social
justice? Discuss. 20

(b) \sTHNQセL@ セ@ 3fu: セャGゥZTQ\@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ cp.rr セ@ Gゥセッウ@ ・ッIセ@ fir.&

Cfi\ セ@ セ@ ? セGゥZTBQ@ TゥQセq|@ I
Can you justify capital punishment for crimes like rape, murder and
corruption? Discuss. 15

(c) CR:IT GヲセHNQS@ 'CfiT Hoゥセャヲci@ セG@ ("1l=qM 3fu: セcTQエZ[M@ セ@ WrQ\ セ@ '("1lfR
セ@ 'Cf)l セ@ アセヲャ、@ mtH セ_@ セ@ etcfltRilfl セ@ セ@ -q ヲ」ャセッアBゥ@ 4l1f),Q\ 1

Is empowerment of women a sufficient means to their equal rights to

land, property and divorce? Discuss in the context of religious sanctions. 15


Q4. (a) セ@ セ@ (l\l141RICh セ@ セ@ セ@ ヲゥャセcI@ セ@ セ@ eCfi("q'11 セ@ セ@
セ@ ゥヲエッN」[ケZセQMア@ セ@ ヲエゥ ⦅ jゥLセcヲI@ P.tChlft セ@ eCfi("q'1( Cf)f GエセゥcィQ@ 」ィャセcH@ 1

Evaluate the concept of social development as rooted in ethical

principles against the concept of social progress being based on economic
and political ideals. 20

(b) セオヲャT@ ("1'1Chd54 -q セ@ セ@ eCfi("q"i( "G"{ mem, l1ltfi セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ OCf)

("fQ'id セ@ 3i("fQ'id セ@ ? ヲGcエセゥZャQ@ 」ィャセcH@ I

How far do Marx, Gandhi and Amartya Sen agree and disagree on the
concept of justice in the Indian democracy? Discuss. 15

(c) セ@ ゥョ[セG ⦅ ャSヲ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ Wro: cnin: セ@ m セ@ 'iHmChdl "Cf)) セ@

セ@ ? 3fCR Bcjセ@ セ@ SGヲエセT@ "Cf)) Sl'ilfUid 」ィャセcH@ I
Will a severe punishment for crimes against women change the mind-set
of society? Justify your position. 15



}5. セアヲFエh@ -ij セ@ siセcヲゥ@ セ@ 'CfiT セ@ H•icqTr 150 セ@ -ij {ifGit{ :
Answe r the follow ing questi ons in about 150 words each : 10x5=5 0
(a) <fliT sirセqF@ セ@ セ@ ヲゥャGセc@ セrゥ」エ。ャ@ セ@ セ@ 3'11'CI(OI en«rr セ@ _セ@ セ@ セ@
セGciBQ@ \Zィャセq|@ I
Does a commit ted religiou s person go against social moralit y ·? Discuss
from the moral perspec tive. 10
(b) 3l("q セ@ セ@ SャMセTョヲ[ア@ セsゥヲT@ 'Cf)) セ@ m セ@ セ@ セ@ ? ッ[アQセ@
」ィIセq|@ I
How do you define a non-the ologica l concept of evil? Explain . 10
(c) <fliT 'Q'Jf セ@ セ@ セ@ Cf)T セ@ 3'11 C4 セ[アcヲ^@ セ@ ? セ@ Sd\ セ@ "Cf&l -ij セ@ c!l セ@ Q\ I
Is God necessa ry for religion ? Justify your answer . 10
(d) セ@ 4>1N1v: fcn q:;q-r m セ@ セ@ e@ セqFゥ。@ 'Q'Jf セ@ セ@ SPQアヲサセT@ セ@ 1
Discuss whethe r the doctrin e of immort ality of soul is indispe nsable for
a religion. 10
(e) セ@ cfiT <fl"rr $1UIIffi -ij セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ ュセ@ セ@ "Cf( ヲゥGャセciBィZᄋI@ セ@ 4>1NlQ\ I
Critical ly discuss the relation ship of man with God in the Yoga system
of philoso phy. 10

(a) <fliT セ@ セ@ >rffi セTQヲS@ 3fu: セMTQw@ セcヲIャッョ@ -ij m&:r cfiT セcヲゥHBエQ@ -ij
セ@ !OilR-Icti セ@ セ@ ? セ@ 4>1NlQ\ I
Is there an essenti al ·differen ce betwee n the concept of Liberat ion in
theological aJ?.d non-the ologica l approa ches to life? Discuss . 20
(b) <fliT 'Q'Jf "Cf(t:f セ@ cfiT TflW "$ICJ"1' en«<T セ@ ? セ@ セ@ ᄃIセ@ C4 IC: セ@ セ@ -ij セ@ 'CI"11
\Zィャセq|@ I
Does religion guaran tee the absolut e truth ? Discuss in the context of
religiou s pluralis m. 15
(c) セ@ セ@ GQヲbエFNセ@S セ@ セ@ セMcヲゥrut@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ fi'iHdl セ@ セ@
セ`iDq|@ I
Compa re and contras t the differen t forms of cosmological argume nt for
the existen ce of God. 15
TH-0-P HLY 5

Q7. (a) セ@ HPQセT@ セ@ 'l:fro セ@ セゥrエ」ョQᆪャ@ 3fu: 51dlcn1 セ@ セ@ セ@ S]QセT@ セ@

mm セ@ ? セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ .q セ@ 'lf4icn'1 ・ヲIセq|@ 1

Is not the languag e of analogi es more confusi ng and the languag e of

. symbol s more unintel ligible ? Evalua te it in the case of a religiou s
languag e. 20

(b) HoiGBャゥセcヲ@ £\Rt"'f'i セ@ セM N エQTセヲゥャ@ 51011€.41 -q 'tR1l セ@ セ@ cnT セ@ 3fu:

fCfttRt セ@ Wrft ? セ@ e#))RJlQ\ I

What will be the authori ty and accepta nce of the absolut e ethical values
in the non-theological system of social practic es? Discuss . 15

Discuss whethe r the volunta rist's theorie s of faith are adequa te. 15

QS. (a) セ@ セicヲ、@ l=fR \ifR セ@ セ@ セG@ ヲbセQ[Zjゥ@ 3fu: £\Rt"'fl, @セ セ@ セ@ -q セ@

セ@ cxiTffi セ[ZヲャコカQ@ セヲ「ャ」ョBッQ@ セ@ ("!enol セ@ ? cp:n セ@ tl'lf CfiT UQTrエセョ@ セhiq|TQ@ <n
セ@ セ@ 'Cf'l1 セ@ セ@ Wrr _セ。ZャォGBAcヲ@ セZアM]Q@ e#))RJlQ\ I

Can a religiou s person take an elastic view about religious ideals,

princip les and practice s, etc. which are suppos ed to be eterna l? Will it
make the religion progres sive or will it demoli sh its author ity? Discuss
critically. 20

Cb) WR セ@ セMTQヲゥャ@ セ」エGQ@ cp:n セ@ ? セ@ WR セ@ セTQヲゥャ@ セ」エGQ@ セ@ セ@

fmr セ@ _セN@ セGciQ@ ・ヲIセq|@ I
What is a non-theological concept of God ? How is it differen t from a
theological concept of God? Discuss with argume nts. 15

(c) セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ 'Ch1 セQUッPT@ セ@ セ@ セ@ @セ セ@ セ@ mlfT c€t

セHッアGQ@ em- 3fh: '344141 em- '4))' S]QcヲセTャッ@ セ_@ セQF@ e#))RJll( I
In order to make express ions of religious experie nces communicable,
what kind of languag e needs to be constru cted and used? Explain . 1t


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