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Caùc thoâng tin caàn thieát

I) Giảng viên: PGS.TS. Nguyễn Huy Bích

Phone: 0908961309
Phòng 1- Văn phòng khoa Cơ khí –Công nghệ

II. Nội dung môn học:

Chương 1: Giới thiệu
Chương 2: Tĩnh học chất lưu
Chương 3: Động học chất lưu
Chương 4: Động lực học vi phân các chất
Chương 5: Dòng chảy đều trong ống
Caùc thoâng tin caàn thieát
III. Taøi lieäu tham khaûo:
o Bài giảng Cơ löu chaát
o Cơ học chất lỏng (Nguyễn Hữu Hồ - Lê Băng Sương dịch)
o Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics (B.R. Munson,
D.F.Young, and T.H.Okiishi)
IV Đánh giá:
- Bài tập+ chuyên cần: 10%
- Thi giöõa kyø (30%): Thôøi gian: 60’
-Thi cuoái kyø (60%):Thôøi gian: 70’
o Hình thöùc: tự luận hoặc traéc nghieäm, có thể ñeà môû (ñöôïc
xem taøi lieäu)
V. Tham dự lớp: Không cho phép vắng quá 2 buổi. Số buổi
vắng > 2 buổi: cấm thi, không có điểm.
Bài tập về nhà bằng tiếng Anh 100%

I./ Ñònh nghóa moân hoïc, ñoái töôïng vaø phöông phaùp
nghieân cöùu

II./ Caùc tính chaát cô baûn cuûa löu chaát

III./ Löïc taùc duïng trong löu chaát

Fluid Mechanics Overview

Fluid Mechanics

Gas Liquids Statics Dynamics

F = 0i  F  0 , Flows

Water, Oils, Stability

Air, He, Ar,
N2, etc. Alcohols, Pressure Buoyancy Compressible/
Compressibility Density Viscosity Vapor Viscous/Inviscid
Chapter 3: Fluid
Chapter 1: Introduction kinematic
Chapter 2: Fluid Statics
Chapter 4: Fluid
Chapter 5: Pipe flow
Why Fluids?
• Brainstorm a list of engineered or
biological devices that require an
understanding of fluids to explain how they
• What fluids properties do you think would
be important in explaining each of the
The scientists contribute to Fluid Mechanics

Continuum mechanics is a branch of mechanics that deals with the

analysis of the kinematics and the mechanical behavior of materials
modelled as a continuous mass rather than as discrete particles.

Describes materials that return to their rest shape after an applied
Solid mechanics
The study of the physics of
continuous materials with a Plasticity
defined rest shape. Describes materials that
permanently deform after a Rheology
sufficient applied stress.
Continuum mechanics The study of materials with both
The study of the physics of solid and fluid characteristics.
continuous materials
Non-Newtonian fluids
Fluid mechanics
The study of the physics of
continuous materials which take
the shape of their container. Newtonian fluids
I./ Ñònh nghóa moân hoïc, ñoái töôïng vaø phöông phaùp nghieân cöùu:

1./ Ñònh nghóa moân hoïc:

Cô löu chaát laø moät moân khoa hoïc thuoäc laõnh vöïc Cô hoïc, nghieân cöùu
caùc quy luaät chuyeån ñoäng vaø ñöùng yeân cuûa löu chaát vaø caùc quaù trình
töông taùc löïc cuûa noù leân caùc vaät theå khaùc.

Cô hoïc lyù thuyeát

Cô hoïc vaät raén bieán daïng

Cô hoïc
Cô hoïc ñaát

Cô löu chaát Cô löu chaát

... Thuyû löïc
Khí ñoäng löïc hoïc
2./ Ñoái töôïng nghieân cöùu:
Löu chaát (fluids) goàm: chất lỏng (liquid), chất khí (gas)
*Tính chaát :
- Löïc lieân keát phaân töû yeáu  coù hình daïng cuûa vaät chöùa noù.
- Tính chaûy ñöôïc  khoâng chòu löïc caét vaø löïc keùo
- Tính lieân tuïc
*Khaùc bieät giöõa chaát loûng vaø chaát khí laø ôû tính neùn ñöôïc, nhöng chæ
khi vaän toác ñuû lôùn (>0.3c).

3./ Phöông phaùp nghieân cöùu:

- Caùc ñònh luaät Cô hoïc cuûa Newton vaø caùc ñònh luaät veà baûo
toaøn vaø chuyeån hoaù trong cô hoïc
caùc phöông trình moâ taû traïng thaùi giaûi u, p…
- Phöông phaùp giaûi:
+ phöông phaùp giaûi tích
+ phöông phaùp thöïc nghieäm
Characteristics of Fluids

• Gas or liquid state

• “Large” molecular spacing relative to a solid
• “Weak” intermolecular cohesive forces
• Can not resist a shear stress in a stationary
• Will take the shape of its container
• Generally considered a continuum
• Viscosity distinguishes different types of fluids
II./ Caùc tính chaát cô baûn cuûa löu chaát:
1./ Khoái löôïng rieâng :
-Khoái löôïng rieâng laø khoái löôïng cuûa moät ñôn vò theå tích löu chaát.
 = lim V
V → 0 A
Thöù nguyeân: [] = ML-3 V, m
Ñôn vò: kg/m3
- Troïng löôïng rieâng : laø löïc taùc duïng cuaû troïng tröôøng leân khoái
löôïng cuûa moät ñôn vò theå tích chaát ñoù.
=g Ñ.löôïng Nöôùc K.khí T.ngaân

Thöù nguyeân: [] = ML-3 , kg/m3 1000 1,228 13,6.103

Ñôn vò: kgf/m3 hay N/m3 , N/m3 9,81.103 12,07 133.103

- Tyû troïng: tyû soá giöõa troïng löôïng rieâng  cuûa moät chaát vôùi troïng
löôïng rieâng cuûa nöôùc n ôû ñieàu kieän chuaån
 = / n
Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight: Density
The density of a fluid is defined as mass per unit volume.
m = mass, and v = volume.

•Different fluids can vary greatly in density

•Liquids densities do not vary much with pressure and temperature
•Gas densities can vary quite a bit with pressure and temperature
•Density of water at 4° C : 1000 kg/m3
•Density of Air at 4° C : 1.20 kg/m3

Alternatively, Specific Volume: =

Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight: Specific Weight
The specific weight of fluid is its weight per unit volume.

 = g
g = local acceleration of gravity, 9.807 m/s2

•Specific weight characterizes the weight of the fluid system

•Specific weight of water at 4° C : 9.80 kN/m3
•Specific weight of air at 4° C : 11.9 N/m3
Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight: Specific Gravity
The specific gravity of fluid is the ratio of the density of the fluid
to the density of water @ 4° C.

SG =
H O2

•Gases have low specific gravities

•A liquid such as Mercury has a high specific gravity, 13.2
•The ratio is unitless.
•Density of water at 4° C : 1000 kg/m3
II./ Caùc tính chaát cô baûn cuûa löu chaát(tt):

2./ Tính neùn ñöôïc:

Suaát ñaøn hoài ñaëc tröng cho tính neùn ñöôïc cuûa löu
P chaát.
- Ñoái vôùi chaát loûng:
P dP
E = − lim = −V 0
V → 0  V / V0 dV V

Nöôùc ôû 200C coù En = 2,2x10 9N/m2

Löu chaát ñöôïc xem laø khoâng neùn ñöôïc khi khoái löôïng rieâng thay
ñoåi khoâng ñaùng keå (  = const). Chaát loûng thöôøng ñöôïc xem laø
khoâng neùn ñöôïc trong haàu heát caùc baøi toaùn kyõ
Ví duï 1: Moät xilanh chöùa 0,1 lít nöôùc ôû 200C. Neáu eùp piston ñeå
theå tích giaûm 1% thí aùp suaát trong xilanh taêng leân bao nhieâu?
Giaûi: ÔÛ 200C, suaát ñaøn hoài cuûa nöôùc En = 2,2x10 9N/m2
Theå tích giaûm 1%: dV/V = -1/100
Vaäy aùp suaát taêng: dP = -EndV/V = 2,2x109x10-2 = 2,2x107 N/m2
= 2,2x107Pa
II./ Caùc tính chaát cô baûn cuûa löu chaát(tt):
- Ñoái vôùi chaát khí:
Söû duïng phöông trình traïng thaùi cuûa khí lyù töôûng:
p =  RT
+p laø aùp suaát tuyeät ñoái (N/m2= pascal= J/m3)
+  laø khoái löôïng rieâng (kg/m3)
+T laø nhieät ñoä tuyeät ñoái (ñoä Kelvin K)
+ R laø haèng soá, phuï thuoäc chaát khí R = 8314
+ M laø phaân töû khoái cuûa chaát khí M
Ví duï 2: Moät bình coù theå tích 0,2m3, chöùa 0,5kg Nitrogen. Nhieät
ñoä trong bình laø 200C. Xaùc ñònh aùp suaát khí trong bình?
Giaûi: Giaû thieát khí Nitrogen laø khí lyù töôûng. Haèng soá khí lyù töôûng
cuûa Nitrogen laø R= 0,2968kJ/kg.K.
AÙp suaát tuyeät ñoái trong bình laø:
0 , 5 kg kJ
p = RT = 3
x 0 , 2968 x ( 273 + 20 ) K = 218 kPa
0,2 m kg . K
Ví du 4ï: Moät bình baèng theùp coù theå tích V = 0,2m3 chöùa ñaày nöôùc
ôû ñieàu kieän chuaån. Tìm gia taêng aùp suaát nöôùc trong bình sau khi
neùn theâm vaøo V’ = 2lít nöôùc ôû cuøng ñieàu kieän trong 2 tröôøng hôïp:
1/. Bình ñöôïc xem nhö tuyeät ñoái cöùng;
2/. Bình daõn nôû. Theå tích bình gia taêng = 0,01%/at cho moãi at
aùp suaát gia taêng.
1/. Bình tuyeät ñoái cöùng:
Khoái nöôùc ban ñaàu ñöôïc xeùt laø: Vb+ V’ = 0,202m3
Theå tích nöôùc sau khi neùn laø theå tích bình Vb = 0,2 m3
Vaäy ñoä gia taêng aùp suaát laø:
V (V b ) − (V b + V ' )
p = − E = −E
V Vb + V '
0 , 002
= 2 , 2 x10 9 x = 2 ,18 x10 7 Pa = 222 at
0 , 202
II./ Caùc tính chaát cô baûn cuûa löu chaát(tt):
3./ Tính nhôùt:
Löu chaát khoâng coù khaû naêng chòu löïc caét, khi coù löïc naøy taùc duïng,
noù seõ chaûy vaø xuaát hieän löïc ma saùt beân trong.
ÖÙng suaát ma saùt giöõa caùc lôùp löu chaát song song do söï chuyeån ñoäng
töông ñoái giöõa caùc lôùp phuï thuoäc vaøo gradient vaän toác du/dy.
*Ñaëc tröng cho ma saùt giöaõ caùc phaàn töû löu chaát trong chuyeån ñoäng
Ñònh luaät ma saùt nhôùt Newton: y u
 = (  = const ) u+du
dy dy
: öùng suaát tieáp, ñôn vò N/m2=Pa du
: ñoä nhôùt ñoäng löïc hoïc, thöù nguyeân [] = FTL-2, ñôn vò N.s/m2
du/dy: suaát bieán daïng hay bieán thieân vaän toác theo phöông thaúng goùc
vôùi chuyeån ñoäng
Viscosity: Introduction

The viscosity is measure of the “fluidity” of the fluid which is not

captured simply by density or specific weight. A fluid can not resist a
shear and under shear begins to flow. The shearing stress and
shearing strain can be related with a relationship of the following form
for common fluids such as water, air, oil, and gasoline:
 =
 is the absolute viscosity or dynamics viscosity of the fluid, u is the
velocity of the fluid and y is the vertical coordinate as shown in the
schematic below:

“No Slip
Viscosity: Kinematic Viscosity


•Kinematic viscosity is another way of representing
•Used in the flow equations
•The units are of L2/T or m2/s and ft2/s
The temperature dependence of liquid viscosity is the phenomenon
by which liquid viscosity tends to decrease (or, alternatively, its
fluidity tends to increase) as its temperature increases.
Effect of temperature on the viscosity of a gas

Sutherland's formula:

Gas C [K] T0 [K] μ0 [μPa s]

air 120 291.15 18.27

ammonia 370 293.15 9.82
240 293.15 14.8
118 288.15 17.2
helium 79.4 273 19
hydrogen 72 293.85 8.76
nitrogen 111 300.55 17.81
oxygen 127 292.25 20.18
sulfur dioxide 416 293.65 12.54
II./ Caùc tính chaát cô baûn cuûa löu chaát(tt):
* Coù 2 loaïi löu chaát:
+ Löu chaát Newton: coù öùng suaát tieáp tæ leä thuaän vôùi suaát bieán daïng.
+ Löu chaát phi Newton: coù öùng suaát tieáp khoâng tæ leä vôùi suaát bieán daïng
*Ñoä nhôùt ñoäng löïc hoïc :
 = const ñ/v löu chaát Newton
 = 0 ñ/v löu chaát lyù töôûng
 Ñoä nhôùt ñoäng hoïc:
 =  
+ Ñoä nhôùt cuûa chaát loûng giaûm khi nhieät ñoä taêng.
+ Ñoä nhôùt cuûa chaát khí taêng khi nhieät ñoä taêng
Newtonian fluids:

A Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose stress versus strain rate

curve is linear and passes through the origin

In a Newtonian fluid, the relation between the shear stress

and the shear rate is linear, passing through the origin, the
constant of proportionality being the coefficient of
Laminar shear, the non-
This type of flow is known
constant gradient, is a result of
as a Couette flow
the geometry the fluid is
flowing through (e.g. a pipe).
Ví duï 5: Chaát loûng Newton (heä soá nhôùt 1,9152 Pa.s) chaûy giöõa hai
taám phaúng song song, vôùi vaän toác phaân boá theo quy luaät:

3V   y 2 
u= 1 −   
2   h  
V laø vaän toác trung bình. Vôùi V = 0,6m/s vaø h = 0,51m. Tính öùng suaát
tieáp taùc duïng leân taám döôùi vaø taïi ñieåm giöõa.
Giaûi: ÖÙng suaát tieáp ñöôïc tính töø coâng thöùc:  = 
Ta coù: dy
du 3Vy
=− 2
dy h
du 3V
 taám döôùi = =
dy y=−h
3 ( 0 ,6 m / s )
 ta ám döôùi = (1,9152 P a ). = 6 , 759 N / m 2
( 0 ,51 m )
Taïi ñieåm giöõa: y=0, du/dy = 0
  =0
II./ Caùc tính chaát cô baûn cuûa löu chaát(tt):
4./ AÙp suaát hôi:
AÙp suaát hôi cuûa chaát loûng: laø aùp suaát cuïc boä cuûa phaàn hôi treân beà
maët tieáp xuùc vôùi chaát loûng
AÙp suaát hôi baõo hoaø: aùp suaát hôi ôû traïng thaùi maø quaù trình bay hôi
vaø ngöng tuï caân baèng (baõo hoøa)
* Hieän töôïng suûi vaø vôõ boït hôi:
+ Taïi moät soá vuøng naøo ñoù trong doøng
chaûy neáu aùp suaát tuyeät ñoái nhoû hôn giaù p
trò aùp suaát hôi, chaát loûng seõ suûi boït
Baét ñaàu suûi boït
-> ñöùt ñoaïn chaân khoâng
+ Caùc boït khí naøy khi vôõ seõ gaây toån p V

haïi ñeán beà maët cuûa thaønh raén goïi laø Baét ñaàu vôõ boït

hieän töôïng xaâm thöïc khí. x

Vapor Pressure: Evaporation and Boiling

Evaporation occurs in a fluid when liquid molecules at the surface have

sufficient momentum to overcome the intermolecular cohesive forces and escape
to the atmosphere.

Vapor Pressure is that pressure exerted on the fluid by the vapor in a closed
saturated system where the number of molecules entering the liquid are the same
as those escaping. Vapor pressure depends on temperature and type of fluid.

Boiling occurs when the absolute pressure in the fluid reaches the vapor pressure.
Boiling occurs at approximately 100 °C, but it is not only a function of temperature,
but also of pressure. For example, in Colorado Spring, water boils at temperatures
less than 100 °C.

Cavitation is a form of
Boiling due to low pressure
locally in a flow.
II./ Caùc tính chaát cô baûn cuûa löu chaát(tt):
5./ Söùc caêng beà maët vaø hieän töôïng mao daãn:
Söùc caêng beà maët  laø löïc huùt phaân töû treân moät ñôn vò chieàu daøi
cuûa beà maët chaát loûng.
Thöù nguyeân [ ] = F/L, ñôn vò: N/m (SI)
Hieän töôïng mao daãn xuaát hieän trong caùc oáng nhoû, taïi maët giao
tieáp raén – loûng – khí, gaây ra bôûi söùc caêng beà maët:
2 cos 
Ví duï 6: Xaùc ñònh ñöôøng kính nhoû nhaát cuûa oáng thuyû tinh saïch (  
00) sao cho ñoä daâng cuûa nöôùc 200C trong oáng do hieän töôïng mao
daãn khoâng quaù 1mm.
Töø 2 .cos 
Suy ra: R =2cos/ R.
Nöôùc ôû 200C coù  = 0,0728 N/m vaø  =9789 N/m3.
Vì   00neân ñeå coù h = 1mm thì

2 ( 0 , 0728 N / m )
R= 3 −3
= 0 , 0149 m
( 9789 N / m )(10 m )

Ñöôøng kính oáng nhoû nhaát laø : D = 2R = 0,0298m

Surface Tension

At the interface between a liquid and a gas or two immiscible liquids, forces
develop forming an analogous “skin” or “membrane” stretched over the
fluid mass which can support weight.

This “skin” is due to an imbalance of cohesive forces. The interior of the fluid is
in balance as molecules of the like fluid are attracting each other while on the
interface there is a net inward pulling force.

Surface tension is the intensity of the molecular attraction per unit length along
any line in the surface.

Surface tension is a property of the liquid type, the temperature, and the other
fluid at the interface.

This membrane can be “broken” with a surfactant which reduces the surface
Surface Tension: Liquid Drop

The pressure inside a drop of fluid can be calculated using a free-body diagram:
Real Fluid Drops Mathematical Model

R is the radius of the droplet,  is the surface tension, p is the pressure

difference between the inside and outside pressure.
The force developed around the edge due to surface tension along the line:
F = 2R
Applied to Circumference

This force is balanced by the pressure difference p:

Applied to Area
Fpressure = pR 2
Surface Tension: Liquid Drop

Now, equating the Surface Tension Force to the Pressure Force, we

can estimate p = pi – pe:
p =
This indicates that the internal pressure in the droplet is greater that the
external pressure since the right hand side is entirely positive.

Is the pressure inside a bubble of water greater or less than that of a

droplet of water?
Prove to yourself the following result: p =
III. Löïc taùc duïng trong löu chaát:
Löïc taùc duïng chæ coù löïc phaân boá vaø ñöôïc chia thaønh 2 loïai:
+Noäi löïc
+Ngoaïi löïc
Ngoïai löïc goàm löïc khoái vaø löïc maët
1./ Löïc khoái:
Laø ngoïai löïc taùc duïng leân moïi phaàn töû cuûa theå tích löu chaát vaø tyû
leä vôùi khoái löôïng löu chaát
F - Vector cöôøng ñoä löïc khoái
F = lim
V → 0 V
Ví duï: A
Troïng löïc: F = g
Löïc quaùn tính: F = − a V,  V

Löïc ly taâm: F =  2 r f
III. Löïc taùc duïng trong löu chaát (tt):
2./Löïc maët:
Laø ngoïai löïc taùc duïng leân theå tích löu chaát thoâng qua beà maët bao
boïc vaø tyû leä vôùi dieän tích beà maët. f
- Vector öùng suaát

f S
 = lim
S → 0 S
Ví duï: A

AÙp suaát
ÖÙng suaát ma saùt
Traïng thaùi öùng suaát
 xx  xy  xz 
 
  =  yx  yy  yz 
    (ij = ji)
 zx zy zz 
ÖÙng suaát treân maët baát kyø:
y z
 n =  nnx +  yny +  znz

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