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Assured sustainable income generating activity for development of poor families

Reduced soil erosion and fertilizer loss through suitable land treatment.
Enhancement in the agriculture production through improved agriculture practices and efficient water management by
adopting suitable techniques.
Reduction in migration.
Increase direct and indirect employment opportunities.
Mixed cropping practices.
Increase in variety of crops and other vegetation
Other low in out and supplementary activities such as in situ natural composting in situ biomass production and fodder
production are practice by the families.
Additional income through livestock management for participant family.
Group manages enterprises gainfully function in the project villages.
Systems insured for managing the common properties and other resources created by community and development
process continuously initiated.
It is evident from the situation analysis that tribal families depend on rain fed agriculture. The erratic rainfall and
ignorance of technical knowhow result in low agricultural productivity in these villages. The soil and nutrient
management practices are not followed systematically by the tribes due to lack of awareness. Since the natural
resources are not precisely managed a low level of income from agriculture is obtained. Therefore unemployment,
under employment, migration is part of these tribal lives. The govt. efforts are not enough reaching them in time in
sufficient quantity; so far improving the standard of living these tribal families. The proven successful approach of
‘WADI’ project is needed for these tribal villages
The impact assessment has been carried out for the initiatives taken till now. Impact indicators have been assessed in
the below areas. We have also tried to access the current outlook of the tribal farmers and how likely are they to
continue the initiatives after the WADI project is over.
The impact related parameters considered for the present analysis are as follow:
1] Livelihood related impact
2] Agricultural development related impact
3] Migration related impact
4] Wadi related impact
5] Quality of Life related impact
6] Environmental impact
7] Women development with specific reference to gender issues related impact
8] Development environment with development Ethos and work culture

The target population was finalized. The population is the tribal population of the Sarada block, who have been
provided with Wadi support over the past years. The mapping exercise was carried out in consultation with experts for
the village sites to visit.

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The Methodology followed is provided below-

1. Scoping of the mid-term assessment was carried out. The resources needed to conduct the assessment were
finalized. The Baseline impact indicators that were proposed in Project report were reviewed and finalized.
2. Team of experts set up, along with support taken from Management interns from leading Indian Business schools.
3. Brainstorming was done on possible methodologies of conducting survey and impact assessment.
4. Sample selection done using the Systematic Sampling technique, with every 10th sample taken from a random list of
beneficiaries from all the villages in the project area.
5. A questionnaire prepared for conducted field surveys to get access to qualitative and quantitative data that can help
access the change in impact indicators.
6. Questionnaire was reviewed by expert committee and underwent a field test.
7. Inputs gathered from the field tests, and questionnaire was then refined further. Final draft prepared.
8. Field agents conduct one to one interview as well as gather inputs using the questionnaire as a baseline. Utmost
care was taken to be sensitive in carrying interviews, in order to make the responders feel safe in sharing data, thus
ensuring that the data shared by them is accurate.
9. Data gathered is then collated and populated in analysis tools like Excel, to enable further analysis.
10. Analysis team then do the Data cleaning done to ensure unnecessary or erroneous data portions are removed. The
data is then analyzed by a team of Subject experts for drawing insights and assessing the impact of the project.
11. Impact assessment report is prepared in line with the findings.
12. Final set of recommendations given as part of the report for the second half of the project term.
After the sampling was done, the nominal data was compiled into excel and the same was being used as the primary
source to refer to form headings.

The following unit of measures were widely prominent across the industry:
• Quintal
• Beegha
• Tonne
The following are the conversion rate to expressed in terms of all stakeholders to understand:
After identifying the conversion rates for the SI units, I cleaned the data. The following steps were made:
1. Converted Boolean nominal data to bits, namely 0 to 1.
2. Organising data into one row for each corresponding farmer so that excel formulas and graphs could be feasible.
3. Demerged column head cells and numbered the columns to easily index and identify the questions.

On getting done with the data cleaning, the following excel was achieved.
The data was worked upon and insights were generated through MS Excel and Tableau.

The above graph is made on Tableau and justifies how the saplings provided by the organisation have impacted the
farmers income. The data is Year on Year, and the fruit saplings, namely Guava and Lemon are provided to the farmers
in 20 & 30 in numbers respectively.
The graph below depicts the share of guava and lemon fruits as compared to the other crops grown by the farmers.
The other crops can include intercrops and forestry plants which the farmers are introduced to with the Wasteland Area
Development Initiative.

1. The graph shown below highlights the YoY income rise and its corelation with the increase in cultivable land over the
WADI implementation period. The graphs also shows that farmers, not just with more land area, even with smaller land
area have been able to benefit from the implementation.

Sources Similarity

BAIF Development Research Foundation ,Pune,India


Nabard – TDF | Institute for youth and development - IYD

Additional income through livestock management for participant family. Group managed enterprises gainfully function
in the project villages. Systems ensured for managing the common properties and other resources created by 10%
community …

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