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Gayatri Seva Sansthan (GSS) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in October 1986 in the Udaipur
district of Rajasthan, inspired by Gandhi's vision of Gram Swaraj. GSS learned early on in its mission that a multi-
dimensional development approach was the only option to integrate disadvantaged tribal populations in tough and
deprived regions into the mainstream and ensure their long-term holistic upliftment.
The availability of livelihood sources in the area, the effective use of natural resources provided by the earth, and the
capacity building of human resources and institutions are all factors that influence the quality of life in distant and poor
Sustainable and Integrated Development is built on three fundamental pillars. A good effort in any one of these areas
helps the other two grow at the same time.

Over the years, GSS has expanded and grown encompassing under its umbrella around 3 pillars.
1. Human and Institutional Development.
2. Livelihood Enhancement.
3. Natural Resource Management.
"Vision: To bring peace an prosperity in society by empowerment of the people through integrated and sustainable
"Mission:Gayatri Seva Sansthan Udaipur will fulfill its vision by making continuous, comparative an integrated efforts in
different sectors too uplift the quality of life of the farmers."
● Farmers in remote areas face many problems, sometimes they have land, they are also ready to put in efforts, but
they are not very aware of the best practices and habits which can help them go a long way.

● GSS realises its mission through helping the farmers with the right crops for the region, and the ones which will
satisfy the demand as well as uplift the farmers who are living their lives in poverty. Introducing them to the correct
crops, helping them in intercropping were the major steps GSS had taken. These projects are helping around 1000
farmers, and we shall look into it in detail.
Vertical of the impact assessment: Livelihood enhancement. The vertical encompasses agriculture, horticulture, and
livestock development
The organisation believes that in India, every year a number of people come to the working age group and all of these
should be given equal opportunity to grow and progress.
Context: I was asked to perform an impact assessment for a 5-year long WADI project. WADI translates to Wasteland
Area Development Initiative and focuses on improving the cultivation on the land which farmers were not able to use or
were using inefficiently. The report provided the mid-term assessment for the ongoing TDF WADI Project in Sarada
Block of Udaipur District
Phases of impact assessment:
1. Building Survey questionnaire
2. On ground survey

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3. Conversion of offline survey to online data sheets
4. Data cleaning
5. Data analysis
6. Report Analysis
The above activities could be done after going through :
• organisation’s annual reports
• project reports
• previous success stories

With the industry and company analysis, I gathered the following information which helped make out that the livelihood
enhancement funds are less as compared to other government schemes dedicated
1. Goal
To Ensure improved livelihood and a sustainable source of income for the tribal farmers.
2. Objectives:
• Provide/improve livelihood through promotion of agri-horti-forestry
• To increase the agricultural productivity through promotion of appropriate technologies like tree-based farming,
sustainable agriculture and adopting water harvesting technologies.
• To improve the social and economic stature of the women in the region as well as other socially challenged sections.
• Reducing the migration of tribal families in the undertaken area.
3. Project implementation strategies:
• Effective utilization of available land, water and manpower resources for development of poor families.
• Enrich fertility of soil and suitable land treatment.
• Increase in agricultural production through sustainable agricultural practices and efficacy in water management
• Promotion of local institutions by conducting series of trainings and seminars to tribals.
• Women's empowerment in mainstream activities through increased awareness and the inclusion of proper training for
• Promotion of landless families' income-generating activities.
• Ensure alternative income to the people through promotion of dry land horticulture and multipurpose agroforestry
. Land owned by the family (Acres)
10. Land under cultivation before adopting Wadi Implementations (Acres)
11. Land under cultivation after Wadi implementation (Acres)
12. Project Inputs under Horticulture Plantation & Maintenance
13.Forestry plants introduced at the boundary
14. Survival rate of plants that were provided under Wadi implementation and other crop
15. Soil erosion prevention measures done
16. Preparation and use of organic manure being done?
17. Number of times inter-cropping / inter-cultivation performed in a year
18.Water resource use improvement measures done at beneficiary’s farm
19. Are you able to manage water for irrigation as per need?
20. Sources of family income before Wadi implementation
21.Average monthly Income from cultivation before Wadi Implementation (Rupees)
22. Surplus / Sustainable income after implementation of WADI
23. How is your product being marketed? (Select multiple options if applicable)
24. Beneficiary of Micro enterprises (for marginal / landless farmers):
25. Sources of family income after Wadi implementation
26. Average monthly Income from farming after Wadi implementation (Rupees):
27. How much has been increase in your family income after Wadi implementation?
28. Having a bank account:
29. Have you been able to get better credit facilities after Wadi implementation?
30. Have you been able to get better market access after Wadi implementation?
31. Do you still feel requirement to migrate elsewhere (out of village / district / state) in search of work to support your
livelihood needs?
32. Is anyone from your family enrolled in SHG?
(in which Beneficiary has Participated):
Training and Capacity Activities undertaken?
33.Impacts on selling produce to nearby or local markets (tick mark any):
34. Were you be getting basic survival needs fulfilled during lockdown?
Mobile Number

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Sources Similarity

Nabard – TDF | Institute for youth and development


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