Dominate Grail War Manual English

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騎士 "セイバー"

槍兵 "ランサー"

弓兵 "アーチャー"

騎兵 "ライダー"

魔術師 "キャスター"

暗殺者 "アサシン"

狂戦士 "バーサーカー"








For those unfamiliar with board games

First read the [Contents] and [Game Setup] sections on the next page, then play using the [Casual Rules]
starting on page 11. After that, you may play the game using the standard rules.

For those familiar with board games

Read the entire rule book and play using the standard rules starting on page 6. If there are players new
to the game, allow the experienced players to lead and explain.

Game Overview
[Dominate Grail War -Fate/stay night on Board Game-] is a board game for 3-7 players.
Players assume the identity of masters, explore with their servants, and aim to win the Holy
Grail War.

Center Board(1 piece)

Board to be placed in the center of the table.

① Situation Card Deck
Zone for the Situation Card
deck and Situation Card active
④ for the current round.

⑤ ② Event Card Deck
Zone for the Event Card deck and
Event cards active for the current
② round. At the start of each round 1
Event Card will be placed on [Open]
⑥ face up, and 1 Event Card on [Close]
face down.

③ Battle Track

Section to keep track of each

player's progress.

④ Magic Workshop ⑤ Miyama Town ⑧ Power Track ⑨ Round Track
⑥ Shinto ⑦ Reconaissance Master Pieces will be placed here Zone tracking the current round
Zones for players to play their based on the total power of the through placing used Situation Cards.
Master Pieces. Miyama Town and cards they played during combat in
Shinto are zones for battle. Miyama Town or Shinto.

Master Board (7 pieces)

Board representing the Master the player is responsible for.

① ① Name ② Special Abilities

The Master's name. Master's special abilities.
② ⑥ ③ Magic Track
④ Zone to track your current magic power.

③ ④ Servant Deck
Zone for your Servant's deck to instruct them in battle.

⑤ Trashyard ⑥ Command Seals

⑤ Zone for placing used Zone for managing your
cards. Command Seals

Situation Cards (13 pieces) Event Cards (20 pieces)

Card representing the situation during the round. Card representing the conditions during a
It will be revealed the start of each round. battle. One is played per battlefield.
① Supply ① Battle Results
Each player recovers magic equal to The amount of battle results
the magic listed here at the start of obtained by the player who won

the round. the battle where the event was
② Additional Rules
① Special rules applying to battles ② Additional Rules

② during this round. ② Special rules applying to battles

on this battlefield.

Attack Cards (9 sets of 12: 108 total)

Noble Phantasm/Skill Cards (9 sets of 3: 27 total) • Special Cards (4)

Attack cards and Noble Phantasm/Skill cards are used to command your servant to fight. Each servant possesses a unique
deck containing 12 Attack cards and 3 Noble Phantasm/Skill cards. Special cards are cards used by a specific Master.

① ① ① ① Basic Power
② ② ② During battle between Masters, the player with the highest
③ ③ ③ total power is the winner of the battle.

② Attribute
⑤ ⑤ ⑤ May be referenced for the effects of Situation and Event cards.
Cards may have more than 1 attribute.
④ ④ ④
③ Magic Cost
When using this card for battle, you must pay the card's magic

④ Special Effects ⑤ Card Name

Description of the effect Name of this card.
the card may activate.

Servant Tarot (9 pieces) Magic Token (7 pieces)

Represents the Servant summoned by each player. Token placed to manage the amount
of magic power a player has
裏 accumulated.

Command Seal Token (21 pieces)

Token placed on the Master Board to

manage the amount of used Command

Jewel Token (10 pieces)

Token placed on the Master Board to

manage Tohsaka Rin's special ability,
"Gem Magic".

Starting Player Marker (1 piece)

Contains information on the Servants true name
and the contents of their Servant Deck. Lists the Marker indicating who the starting player is.

attributes and power of attack cards in the Servant

Deck, as well as the names of their Noble Phantasm/
Skill cards.

Master Pieces (7 pieces)

Piece representing the player's Master.

Local Interest Tokens (4 pieces)

Bonus power token awarded on a first come
first serve basis to players that advance to
Miyama Town and Shinto.

Battle Result Token (7 pieces)

Token placed on the Battle Track.

Rule Book (1 piece) : This Book

Game Rules
These are the standard game rules.
If you are not experienced with board games, after completing the game setup, skip to the
casual rules on page 11 with 3 or 4 players.

Game Setup

Field Setup

① Shuffle the 20 Event Cards carefully and place them on the Event Card Deck zone.
② Separate the [Climax] cards from the Situation cards and randomly remove 2 cards from the remaining cards
without looking. Shuffle the remaining 8 cards and place them on the Situation Card Deck zone.
③ Place the Local Interest Tokens in their corresponding zones.
④ Create a Servant Deck for each Servant combining Attack and Noble Phantasm/Skill cards referencing the
corresponding Servant Tarot.
※ All decks referenced here are placed face down to prevent players from seeing the contents.

Remove 3
Climax Cards

③ ①

Player Setup

① All players choose or are randomly assigned one Master Board(If you are playing with 6 or less players, Matou
Sakura and Matou Shinji are played as one character and may not be selected separately). The player will be
this Master for the rest of the game.
[For Master and Servant information see page 15]
② Place a Magic Token on the position marked "Initial" on the Magic Track.
③ Place a Command Seal Token on each Command Seal zone.
④ All players randomly receive a Servant Tarot and the corresponding Servant Deck. After confirming your Servant
Tarot place it face down so other players cannot see it. Remove all Noble Phantasm/Skill cards from your Servant
Deck and place them next to your Servant Tarot face down. This will make it hard for other players to determine
the identity of your Servant.

⑤ Take your remaining Attack cards from the Servant deck, shuffle the deck, and place them face down on the
Master Board's Servant Deck zone.
⑥ Place your Battle Result Token at 0 in the Battle Track on the Center Board.
⑦ Decide the first starting player with rock, paper, scissors. The starting player receives the Starting Player
Marker, and that player places the marker near their Master Board.
This completes the Game Setup and the game begins.

Put a Magic Token on the

space marked "Initial"

Game Phase Chart

The game progresses through repeating rounds. Each round proceeds by following these 4 phases in order.

1:Prep Phase 2:Outpost Phase 3:Action Phase 4:Combat Phase

1:Prep Phase

During the Prep Phase, players will refill their hand, reveal the next Situation Card, and place new Event Cards.

2:Outpost Phase

In order from the player with the Starting Player Marker, place your Master Pieces on the Center
3:Action Phase

After revealing the face down event card on the Center Board, you may move and prepare for battle starting with
the player possessing the Start Player Marker. During this phase you may use your Command Seals at any time.

4:Combat Phase

The total power is compared between players in Miyama Town and Shinto based on the results of the Action
Phase. The players with the highest total power in each of those locations wins the corresponding battle.

At the end of the round, pass the Start Player Marker clockwise to the next player. These 4 phases will
be repeated until the 8th round.

Detailed Phase Rules

1:Prep Phase

❶ Replenish Hand
Each player draws cards from their Servant deck
until they have 3 card in their hand.
❷ Reveal Situation Card
Reveal the top card of the Situation Deck on the
Center Board.
❸ Place Event Cards
Place the top card of the Event Deck face up on
the Miyama Town zone. Place the next top card of
the Event Deck face down on the Shinto zone.

2:Outpost Phase

❶ Place Master Piece

Players may play their Master Piece one one of three locations on the board; the Magical Workshop, Miyama
Town, and Shinto. Players can gain magic power or other location benefits depending on where they choose.
Magic Workshop Acquire magic power. The first Master placed here obtains 2 magic power. Subsequent
players receive 1 magic power. No more than 4 Masters may be placed here.
Miyama Shinto Battlefields where you will fight other Masters. If you place a Master here first during the
Outpost Phase you receive a +3 Local Interest Token. The second player receives a +1 Local Interest Token.
You may still place a Master here even if there are no more tokens.
Reconnaissance You may not play here on this phase.

When Playing With Less than 4 Players

Take a Master Piece that hasn't been chosen. If it is an odd

turn, place it on the power track at 11 in Shinto. If it is an even
turn, place it on the power track at 11 in Miyama Town.
This piece is a character not controlled by any player, but
participates in battle on the battlefield it is placed on. This character
will be referred as an NPC from here on.

3:Action Phase

❶ Move
① Reveal all facedown event cards on the Center Board.
② You may move your Master in the direction of the arrows by paying magic power equal to the values
indicated on the corresponding arrows. Movement is one way and are linked in the order of
Magic Workshop→Miyama Town→Shinto→Reconnaissance. You may move multiple spaces by paying the
total cost of the arrows between them. For example you may move from Magic Workshop to Shinto or
Reconnaissance by paying 3 or 5 magic power respectively. If there is more than one Master Piece in

Miyama Town or Shinto at the start of this step, those Masters may not move in this way.
※ Players not previously engaged in these locations may still move in or through these locations on this step.

❷ Battle Prep
① Play 2 cards. You may choose the cards from your hand or your Noble Phantasm/Skill cards. To use a Noble
Phantasm/Skill card you must have at least 8 magic power.
② After selecting 2 cards, total the magic power of the selected cards and pay the cost. If both cards have
special effects you may execute them in any order. Even if your Master is in the Magic Workshop or
Reconnaissance locations you must still play 2 cards. In those cases, you may play your cards face down to
avoid consuming magic power.
③ If you use a Noble Phantasm/Skill card that says [Reveal Real Name], immediately turn your Servant Tarot face up.
④ If you are located in Miyama Town or Shinto, calculate your total power and place your Master Piece in
power value space on your corresponding Power Track on the Center Board.

Calculating Total Power

Basic Power of Card A

Basic Power of Card B

Local Interest Token

Situation Card Special Effect

Command Seal Effect

Total Power
If more than two cards are used, total the basic
power of all cards used.

Noble Phantasm/Skill Card Addendum Used Noble Phantasm/Skill cards are not placed in
the Trashyard, but returned next to the Servant Tarot
All magic power is paid simultaneously. If you have and may be used again if sufficient magic power is
12 magic power you may use a Noble Phantasm/Skill available. A card with [Limited Once Per Game] can not
card costing 8 magic power, and another costing 4. be used again if it is face up.

❸ Using a Command Seal

Players may only use Command Seals during their Action Phase. They may be used any time before or after
Moving or after Battle Prep, and you may use more than 1 Command Seal at a time. There are 3 ways to use a
Command Seal; you may choose 1 to use per Command Seal used. Remove as many Command Seal Tokens
equal to the amount of Command Seals you are using.

This effect grants magic power +4. This effect increases total power +2. If This effect will move you to any
you win the battle, claim +2 battle location besides the Magic Workshop
results at the end of that battle. ignorning your engagement status for
0 magic power cost.

4:Combat Phase

※ If a card has a confrontation effect it activates here.

・ The players with the most power in Miyama Town and Shinto will win those respective battles.
・ If there is only 1 player on the battlefield, they only receive the Battle Results of the Event card.
・ If there are 2 or more players on the battlefield, in addition to the Battle Results of the Event card, gain 2
additional Battle Results in Miyama Town, and 3 additional Battle Results in Shinto.
・If there are 2 or more winning players with equal power, all those players win the battle. In this case the
Battle Results obtained equals the Battle Results on the Event card and the additional Battle Results for the
winner, divided by the number of winners(rounded up).

When the above is completed, perform the following steps and begin the next round.

① All players put their used cards in the Trashyard. If you used Noble Phantasm/Skill cards, return them face
up next to your Servant Tarot.
② Return all Local Interest Tokens to their original battlefields.
③ Place the Situation card on the Round Track, and the Event cards outside of the board.

Climax Round

After the 8th round, the game enters the Climax Round.

What is the Climax Round?

① Follow the usual 4 rounds of "Prep • Outpost • Action • Battle" as the round progresses.
② At the beginning of the round, the player with the lowest Battle Results is dropped out of the game. After that
use the [Climax] Situation card that corresponds to the amount of remaining players.
③ The Climax Round will repeat until there is only 1 player remaining who will be the winner of the game.


During the Climax Round, the player with the lowest Battle Results will be dropped out of the game at the start
of the round.
If there are multiple players with the same Battle Results, drop all players with the lowest Battle Results.
When the 8th round ends and the game moves on to the Climax Round, players will be dropped out via the
following situations.
・If you are playing with 5 or more players, players dropout in order of lowest Battle Results until there are 4 or
less players remaining.
・If you are playing with 4 or less players, the player with the lowest Battle Results will dropout.
At the beginning of all subsequent rounds, players will dropout according to the following scenarios.
・If the number of remaining players is 3 or more, players dropout in the order of lowest Battle Results until
there are 2 or less players remaining.
・If the number of remaining players is 2, one player with the fewest Battle Results will dropout.

Casual Rules
These Casual Rules are for players unfamiliar with board games. Under the casual rules format,
you may play with a maximum of 4 players.

Game Setup

Field Setup

① Shuffle the 4 shown Situation cards and place them in the Situation Deck zone. The remaining Situation cards
are not used in Casual Rules.
② Place the Local Interest Tokens in the corresponding zones.
③ Create a Servant Deck for each Servant combining Attack and Noble Phantasm/Skill cards referencing the
corresponding Servant Tarot.
※ All decks referenced here are placed face down to prevent players from seeing the contents.

Player Setup

① All players choose or are randomly assigned one Master Board(If you are playing with 6 or less players,
Matou Sakura and Matou Shinji are played as one character and may not be selected separately). The player
will be this Master for the rest of the game.
[For Master and Servant information see page 15]
② Place a Magic Token on the position marked "Initial" on the Magic Track. Then, all players gain magic power
③ Place a Command Seal Token on each Command Seal zone.
④ All players randomly receive a Servant Tarot and the corresponding Servant Deck. After confirming your
Servant Tarot place it face down so other players cannot see it. Remove all Noble Phantasm/Skill cards from
your Servant Deck and place them next to your Servant Tarot face down. This will make it hard for other
players to determine the identity of your Servant.

⑤ Take your remaining Attack cards from the Servant deck, shuffle the deck, and place them face down on the
Master Board's Servant Deck zone.
⑥ Place your Battle Result Token at 0 in the Battle Track on the Center Board.
Decide the first starting player with rock, paper, scissors. The starting player receives the Starting Player
Marker, and that player places the marker near their Master Board.
This completes the Game Setup and the game begins.

Put a Magic Token on the

space marked "Initial"

Game Progress

The game progresses through repeating rounds. Each round consists of 4 phases in the order of, "Prep,
Outpost, Action, Battle". Refer to the [Game Phase Chart on page 7] for detailed information on the phases.

Detailed Phase Rules

1:Prep Phase

❶ Replenish Hand
Each player draws cards from their Servant Deck until they have 3 cards in their hand.
❷ Reveal Situation Card
Reveal the top card of the Situation Deck on the Center Board.

2:Outpost Phase

❶ Place Master Piece

Players may play their Master Piece one one of three locations on the board; the Magical Workshop, Miyama
Town, and Shinto. Players can gain magic power or other location benefits depending on where they choose.
Magic Workshop Acquire magic power. The first Master placed here obtains 2 magic power. Subsequent players
receive 1 magic power. No more than 4 Masters may be placed here.
Miyama Shinto Battlefields where you will fight other Masters. If you place a Master here first during the
Outpost Phase you receive a +3 Local Interest Token. The second player receives a +1 Local Interest Token.
You may still place a Master here even if there are no more tokens.
Reconnaissance You may not play here on this phase.

When Playing With Less than 4 Players

Take a Master Piece that hasn't been chosen. If it is an odd

turn, place it on the power track at 11 in Shinto. If it is an even
turn, place it on the power track at 11 in Miyama Town.
This piece is a character not controlled by any player, but
participates in battle on the battlefield it is placed on. This
character will be referred as an NPC from here on.

3:Action Phase

❶ Move
① You may move your Master in the direction of the arrows by paying magic power equal to the values indicated
on the corresponding arrows. Movement is one way and are linked in the order of
Magic Workshop→Miyama Town→Shinto→Reconnaissance. You may move multiple spaces by paying the
total cost of the arrows between them. For example you may move from Magic Workshop to Shinto or
Reconnaissance by paying 3 or 5 magic power respectively. If there is more than one Master Piece in
Miyama Town or Shinto at the start of this step, those Masters may not move in this way.
※Players not previously engaged in these locations may still move in or through these locations on this step.

❷ Battle Prep
① Play 2 cards. You may choose the cards from your hand or your Noble Phantasm/Skill cards. To use a Noble
Phantasm/Skill card you must have at least 8 magic power.
② After selecting 2 cards, total the magic power of the selected cards and pay the cost. If both cards have
special effects you may execute them in any order. Even if your Master is in the Magic Workshop or
Reconnaissance locations you must still play 2 cards. In those cases, you may play your cards face down to
avoid consuming magic power.
③ If you use a Noble Phantasm/Skill card that says [Reveal Real Name], immediately turn your Servant Tarot face up.
④ If you are located in Miyama Town or Shinto, calculate your total power and place your Master Piece in
power value space on your corresponding Power Track on the Center Board.

Calculating Total Power

Basic Power of Card A

Basic Power of Card B

Local Interest Token

Situation Card Special Effect

Command Seal Effect

Total Power
If more than two cards are used, total the basic
power of all cards used.

Noble Phantasm/Skill Card Addendum Used Noble Phantasm/Skill cards are not placed in
the Trashyard, but returned next to the Servant Tarot
All magic power is paid simultaneously. If you have and may be used again if sufficient magic power is
12 magic power you may use a Noble Phantasm/Skill available. A card with [Limited Once Per Game] can not
card costing 8 magic power, and another costing 4. be used again if it is face up.

❸ Using a Command Seal

Players may only use Command Seals during their Action Phase. They may be used any time before or after
Moving or after Battle Prep, and you may use more than 1 Command Seal at a time. There are 3 ways to use a
Command Seal; you may choose 1 to use per Command Seal used. Remove as many Command Seal Tokens
equal to the amount of Command Seals you are using.

This effect grants magic power +4.… This effect increases total power +2. If This effect will move you to any
you win the battle, claim +2 battle location besides the Magic Workshop
results at the end of that battle. ignorning your engagement status for
0 magic power cost.
4:Battle Phase

※ If a card has a confrontation effect it activates here.

・The players with the most power in Miyama Town and Shinto will win those respective battles.
・If there is only 1 player on the battlefield, they only receive the Battle Results listed on the Center Board.
・If there are 2 or more players on the battlefield, in addition to the Battle Results listed on the Center Board,
gain 2 additional Battle Results in Miyama Town, and 3 additional Battle Results in Shinto.
・If there are 2 or more winning players with equal power, all those players win the battle. In this case the
Battle Results obtained equals the Battle Results on the Event card and the additional Battle Results for the
winner, divided by the number of winners(rounded up).
・After completing the above, proceed to the next round.
After the 4th round, the player with the highest Battle Results wins.

Master & Servant Info
向け 正義の味方を目指す魔術師見習い少年。


Shirou Special Abilities Inexperienced Projection The Everdistant Utopia

向け 「聖杯戦争」の御三家の一つである「遠坂」の後継者。


Rin Special Abilities Absolute Obedience Gem Magic ━━

向け 士郎、凛と同じ穂群原学園に通っている。慎二の妹。魔術の名門「間桐」の者ではあるが、

Matou ため、後半に向けて単独で魔力を貯める必要がある。上級者向けのマスター。
Sakura Special Abilities Engraved Fate Hidden Secret Sign of Everyday Life

向け 「聖杯戦争」の御三家、


Illyasviel von
Einzbern Special Abilities Highest Masterpiece Holy Grail ━━

Master & Servant Info
向け 「聖杯戦争」の御三家「間桐」の長男として「聖杯戦争」に参戦している。桜の兄。

Matou 独特な勝利条件が追加される。上級者向けのマスター。
Shinji Special Abilities Poor Instruction Book of False Attendant Clown

向け 士郎や凛が通う穂群原学園の教師。

Souichirou Special Abilities Calm Assassin's Fist, [Snake] Straightforward

向け 冬木市にある教会の神父であり


Kirei Special Abilities Supervisor Substitute ━━



Noble Phantasm/Skill Excalibur Invisible Air Magic Resistance

Master & Servant Info



Noble Phantasm/Skill Unlimited Blade Works Caladabolg II Eye of the Mind (True)




Noble Phantasm/Skill Gae Bolg Gae Bolg Battle Continuation



Noble Phantasm/Skill Rule Breaker Hecatic Wheel Territory Creation



Noble Phantasm/Skill Bellerophon Mystic Eyes of Petrification Riding

Master & Servant Info



Noble Phantasm/Skill God Hand God Hand God Hand



Noble Phantasm/Skill First Sword Second Sword Third Sword

(If you use First, Second, and Third Sword at the same time, activate Tsubame Gaeshi.



Noble Phantasm/Skill Enuma Elish Gate of Babylon Independent Action



Assassin Noble Phantasm/Skill Zabaniya Presence Concealment Self-Modification

Card Ability Glossary
At the start of the game
Occurs prior to the Prep Phase of the first round.

Special Card
[Kanshou • Bakuya], [Gandr], and [Snake] are Special Cards. Players using Emiya Shirou with [Kanshou •
Bakuya] and Tohsaka Rin with [Gandr] will always keep these respective cards in their hand from the start of the
game. [Kanshou Bakuya] and [Gandr] will return to your hand after they are used.
[Snake] will be shuffled into Kuzuki Souichirou's Servant Deck at the start of the game. [Snake] will be sent to the
Trashyard after it is used.

Played Card Count

Special Cards do not count towards the 2 cards played on your turn, allowing you to play 3 or more cards.

Prohibited Use
If Special Cards are prohibited, they may not be used during the Action Phase. This includes cards that would
play a Special Card as part of their ability.

○○Attribute + X
Base power of all cards with the listed Attribute will increase by X.

Add Event
This effect may add an additional Event card to the battlefield. The orientation of the card will be as specified
by the effect. The winner(or sole player) of the battlefield will receive all Event cards currently active on that

Battle only in Miyama

Under this effect you may not place a Master Piece in Shinto. You must still pay the normal Magic Power cost to
move to Reconnaissance.

Basic Power
The Basic Power value is the power value written on the card. For example if a card with a basic power of 2 that carries a Physical
Attribute has its basic power set to 5 by an effect, and the effect of Physical +3, the Power of the card becomes 8.

Swapping Master Between Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura

Exchange the Master Board of Matou Shinji for the Master Board of Matou Sakura. In addition to this replace
the Master Piece and Battle Result Token with the appropriate one. The state of Magic Power, Battle Result
value, Servant Deck, Trashyard, Command Seals, etc. all remain the same.

Players under this condition can not win a battle during this round. The winner of the battle will be the player
with the highest total power that does not have the Defeat condition.

Once this card type is used(unless returned to the Noble Phantasm/Skill card area) will remain available for the
rest of the game. As a result in following rounds you may be able to play 3 or more cards.

Playing Attack Cards Face Down

If an Attack card is played face down, it is treated as an Attack card with 0 Magic Power cost, 0 Basic Power,
and no attributes. Only 1 of your two Attack cards may be played face down.

Opening… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Introduction… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Game Overview… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Contents… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Game Rules … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Game Phase Chart… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Casual Rules… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

Master & Servant Info… …………………………………………………………………………………………………15

Card Ability Glossary… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………19

発売元 ディライトワークス株式会社
住所 〒153-0042 東京都目黒区青葉台三丁目6番28号
お問合せ電話番号 03-5656-9377
お問合せ住所 〒108-0023
東京都港区芝浦3丁目14番8号 芝浦ワンハンドレッドビル2F
電話受付時間 月曜日~金曜日(祝日、夏季・冬季休業日を除く)10時~18時

プロデュース ディライトワークス株式会社
ゲームデザイン BakaFire
パッケージイラスト タスクオーナ
マスター/サーヴァントイラスト okojo
その他イラスト協力 いつき、moryo、yuccosi、aoki、村松邑、のくらん、お湯、百々地 佐和、
Satoru Wada
デバックテストプレイ協力 gleipnil、ペロ王子、ロキルス、がいじん、option、souma、十六夜
DTPワーク ディライトワークス株式会社/株式会社ホワイトアップ


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