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(LAFI King and Queen of Hearts 019)

To formally start our program, may we request everyone to stand up for a prayer to be leaded
by_______________________. And please remain standing for the singing of the LAFI Hymn to be conducted
by_______________________ followed by the singing of the national anthem, Lupang Hinirang, by the sound

Thank you, you may now sit down. Hello partner, how are feeling tonight?

PERSON 1: Well, I am feeling excited to witness how gorgeous and handsome our princes and princesses
tonight most especially our LAFI King and Queen of Hearts 2019.

PERSON 2: That’s right partner. Kamga gwapog gwapa gayud nila.

(ADLIB CHUCHU) To our distinguished guests, our crowning guests, respected parents of the different princes
and princesses, to our lovely and handsome co-teachers, to our wonderful registrar Ms. Estrella F. Carin, and
especially to our ever-energetic, caring and loving Principal as always Mrs. Andrica C. Edillo, Ma’am, students,
friends , ladies and gentlemen, GOOD EVENING.

To enliven our atmosphere and accommodate us, may I call in our ever-active, tender, loving, care (Principal or
Registrar) _______________________________________________, to give her words of welcome. Around of
applause please.

Wow that was so wonderful. Thank you ma’am, for that heartfelt message.

PERSON 1: And now, this program celebrates the day of hearts or so we called, Valentine’s Day. I know some
of you wonder how Valentine’s Day began, or where did it originated?

PERSON 2: And tonight we will going to tell you a brief story. A story of love and sacrifice.
In the third century, the Roman Empire was ruled by Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. He was nicknamed Claudius
the Cruel because of his harsh leadership and his tendency for getting into wars and abusing his people. In fact,
he was getting into so many wars during the third century that he was having a difficult time recruiting enough

Claudius believed that recruitment for the army was down because Roman men did not want to leave their loves
or families behind, so he canceled all marriages and engagements in Rome. Thousands of couples saw their
hopes of matrimony dashed by the single act of a tyrant. And no one seemed interested in standing up to the

But a simple Christian priest named Valentine did come forward and stood up for love. He began to secretly
marry soldiers before they went off to war, despite the emperor’s orders. In 269 A.D., Emperor Claudius found
out about the secret ceremonies. He had Valentine thrown into prison and deemed that he would be put to death.
As Valentine was awaiting execution, he fell in love with a blind girl who happened to be the jailer’s daughter.
On the eve of his execution, with no writing instruments available, Valentine is said to have written her a sonnet
in ink that he squeezed from violets. Legend has it that his words made the blind woman see again. It was a brief
romance because the next day Valentine was clubbed to death by Roman executioners.

St. Valentine gave his life so that young couples could be bonded together in holy matrimony. They may have
killed the man, but not his spirit. Even centuries after his death, the story of Valentine’s self-sacrificing
commitment to love was legendary in Rome. Eventually, he was granted sainthood and the Catholic Church
decided to create a feast in his honor. They picked February 14 as the day of celebration because of the ancient
belief that birds (particularly lovebirds, but also owls and doves) began to mate on that very day.

It’s surprising to know that Valentine’s Day is really founded on the concept of love in marriage.

PERSON 1: WOW! That was an amazing story partner. Sacrifice for the beauty of love.

PERSON 2: Yeah right partner. Once again we are gathered here to witness the coronation ceremonies of the
royal family headed by our LAFI King and Queen of Hearts 2019. I am sure that your enthusiasm and
excitement are still soaring high, because for sure our royal family will be more astounding tonight.

PERSON 1: And to formally start our coronation ceremonies. May we call in the royal guards.

PERSON 2: The royal guards serve to protect the royal family from any harm. They often are an elite unit of
regular armed forces. They assure that the rulers of this land are in safe condition at all times. So, why don’t we
give a warm applause for the entrance of the royal guards.

PERSON 1: I would not therefore keep you in waiting. Allow us to present to you the beauty and charm of our
princes and princesses, and your royal highness, the LAFI King and Queen of Hearts 2019. We will now witness
them as they shine and show their glamour in their ROYAL ENTRANCE

(Adlib chuchu)

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