Free Intro To DRIP Guide

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A decentralized finance (DeFi) investment

option that behaves similarly to an annuity,

crossed with a certificate of deposit. Using
the DRIP cryptocurrency, receive a 1% daily
The DRIP Network
return on investment up to 365%.
Certificates of Deposit & Annuities
Traditional Financial Options

noun, plural an·nu·i·ties.
a specified income payable at stated intervals for a fixed or a contingent period, often for the recipient's life,
based on a premium paid either in prior installment payments or in a single payment.

certificate of deposit
a written acknowledgment of a bank that it has received from the person named a specified sum of money
as a deposit, often for a fixed term at a specified interest rate. According to Bankrate's most recent national
survey of banks and thrifts, the average rate is 0.19 percent for a one-year CD (April, 2022). Abbreviations:
CD, C.D., C/D

DRIP is a decentralized finance (DeFi) investment option that behaves similarly to an annuity,
crossed with a certificate of deposit. Using the DRIP cryptocurrency, receive a 1% daily
return on investment up to 365%.
How Does DRIP Work?
The Main Function

Invest Claim or Hydrate

Deposit a minimum of 1 DRIP into the At anytime, you can Claim (cash out) or
Faucet. This deposit is permanent. Hydrate (compound) your Available Balance
into your Deposit Balance.

1% Daily Return
Receive 1% of your Deposit Balance every 24 hours.
This Daily Return does not occur all at once, at a
specific time. Instead, it is slowly dripped (or paid
out) into your Available Balance throughout the 24
hour period.
“Compound Interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it” –Albert Einstein

Hydrating Increased 1% Exponential

rolls, or compounds, your Your 1% Daily Return is Hydration is the key to
Available Balance into always based on your exponentially growing
your Deposit Balance. Deposit Balance. your daily passive
Increasing your Deposit income from DRIP.
Balance also increases Hydrating also
your 1% Daily Return. increases your Max
Max Payout?
Long Term Sustainability

365% Increase Your Max 100,000 DRIP

Max Payout is always Increase your Max Max Payout cannot exceed

365% of the Deposit Payout by increasing 100k DRIP. This limit

Balance. When your your Deposit Balance ensures no DRIP account

Overall Claimed Balance (Hydrating, Depositing, receives an unsustainably

reaches your Max Payout, receiving Airdrops and large 1% Daily Return,

your 1% Daily Return Referral bonuses.) which would drain the

ends. Network.
Staying Hydrated
When you Compound, 4 increases occur:

Claimed Balance Increase Max Payout Increase

Claiming or Hydrating from your Available Deposit Balance x 3.65 = Max Payout.
Balance increases your Overall Claimed Your Max Payout is always 365% of your
balance, and depletes the Available Balance. Deposit Balance. Therefore, by increasing
Your 1% Daily Return continues to pay out and your Deposit Balance, your Max Payout
increase your Available balance. Even on also increases according to the 365%
holidays, DRIP’s still dripping. calculation.

Deposit Balance Increase 1% Daily Return Increase

Deposit Balance x .01 = Daily Return
Your DRIP Deposit balance increases when
Your Daily Return is always 1% of your
you hydrate, received Airdrops and
current Deposit Balance. Therefore, when
Referral bonuses, or deposit fresh capital.
your Deposit Balance increases, your
Daily Return also increases according to
the 1% calculation.
How the DRIP Flows
Flow Chart: The Faucet Process

Deposit H


Claim/Cash Out Claim/Cash Out Crypto


Overall Claimed
Cashed Out + Hydrated
1% Daily Return ends when Overall Claimed = Max Payout

Max Payout
Deposit x 3.65
A Sustainable Tax Model
Most DRIP Network transactions are taxed

10% 10% 10% 5% 0%

Deposit Claim Sell Hydrate Buy

Depositing is Claiming, or Selling DRIP on Hydrating, or Buying DRIP on

taxed 10% cashing out, is the DRIP Network compounding, is the DRIP Network
(Including taxed 10% is taxed 10% taxed 5% is tax FREE
A Sustainable Tax Model
All Daily Returns are funded by taxes

Inflation Deflationary Whale Tax

Creating, or minting, new DRIP is a deflationary Whales are accounts that

tokens increases total asset because it hold very large amounts of

supply and lowers sustainably pays out a token. DRIP whales

purchasing power. Daily Returns from the receive higher Claim taxes

Price Determination = tax pool. As demand to prevent their Daily

Supply + Demand grows, supply is fixed. Returns from draining

the tax pool.
Not a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme
Common Misconceptions


Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi. In the 1920s, Ponzi promised investors a 50%
return within a few months for what he claimed was an investment in international mail
coupons. Ponzi used funds from new investors to pay fraudulent “returns” to earlier
investors. A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that pays existing investors with funds
collected from new investors (


DRIP is not dependent on new investors to pay daily returns. Daily returns are paid by the
sustainable tax pool system. DRIP was launched in April 2021 with a fixed supply of
1,000,000 DRIP tokens. New DRIP tokens have never been minted at the time of writing
(April 2022). Moreover, DRIP is an open source protocol powered by blockchain technology.
All DRIP transactions, smart contracts, the tax pool balance, token supply, and more can be
verified on the Binance Smart Chain explorer: All cashflows are “on chain” and
therefore, transparent.
Not a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme
Common Misconceptions


In the classic "pyramid" scheme, participants attempt to make money solely by recruiting
new participants, usually where the promoter promises a high return in a short period
of time, no genuine product or service is actually sold, and the primary emphasis is
on recruiting new participants (


Again, DRIP is not dependent on new investors to pay daily returns. Returns are funded by
the network’s taxes. Team building is incentivized, but completely optional. The Round
Robin Referral system innovatively promotes organic growth, while limiting early investors
from achieving an unfair, unsustainable daily return. Anti-pyramid mechanisms include
whale tax, 1 Round Robin bonus recipient per positive action, a 15-downline maximum, and
the modified tax structure for teams of 5 or more. According DRIP’s lead developer, the
closest thing you can find in traditional markets to The DRIP Network is a high yield annuity
crossed with a Certificate of Deposit (CD).
The Risks
What can go wrong?

Price Volatility
The price of DRIP can fluctuate, just like any Other Mitigating Factors
financial asset. Cryptocurrency prices are The less DRIP in circulation (scarcity), the better
determined by many factors including token it is for DRIP’s price. Scarcity accompanied by
supply and demand. buying pressure (demand) is a strong dynamic
for positive price action.
To mitigate this risk, DRIP has a fixed token
supply of 1,000,000 DRIP tokens. Also, the All of Forex Shark’s DeFi projects apply this
network does not pay returns by minting new powerful dynamic. BR34P is used in DRIP in a
tokens (inflation), instead it uses a sustainable way that removes sell pressure from BR34P and
tax model to pay returns. If there’s a scenario as a result, strengthens its price.
where the tax pool is depleted, new DRIP will
then automatically be minted by the Faucet Forex is doing the same thing with DRIP through
smart contract to ensure daily returns are always his newest DeFi project: The Animal Farm. In the
paid. Animal Farm, DRIP is being used as a core asset
to unlock additional benefits. The way Forex
Additionally, the tax model utilizes Game Theory Shark designs his projects to compliment each
creatively by incentivizing positive actions that other in an interwoven DeFi economy is
promote platform sustainability. For example, innovative, efficient, and highly effective for
buying DRIP is tax free on the native DEX and price appreciation.
Hydrating is taxed 5%, instead of the standard
The Risks
What can go wrong?

There are a lot of bad actors in the Ledger + MetaMask
cryptocurrency space. Scams and malware are The safest way to store cryptocurrency is in a
serious threats that must be assessed and Hardware Wallet, or cold wallet. This device
accounted for. Also, DeFi protocols can get keeps your private keys (secret password for
hacked and funds permanently lost. Proper sending crypto) inside a device that never
security measures must be taken. connects to the internet (“cold” storage). Never
Thankfully, DRIP Network's smart contracts have buy from 3rd party vendors. Visit
been audited by Slither, a Solidity static analysis
framework. Solidity Finance is a 3rd party
company that inspects smart contracts coding MetaMask is a popular hot wallet, which stores
for any security flaws, private functions, or your private keys online, making them
anything malicious that could cause fraud. vulnerable to hackers. MetaMask is a free
DRIP’s coding is also open source, or available Chrome extension that can register with crypto
for anyone to inspect. websites (like Be extremely
Additionally, DRIP’s smart contracts are selective about which websites you connect your
immutable, meaning they cannot be changed. All MetaMask to, especially if using without a Ledger
the rules that govern the DRIP Network are Hardware Wallett. Ledger and MetaMask have a
permanent and cannot be tampered with or formal partnership, making it very simple to
modified. Therefore, the appropriate term for connect your Ledger to your MetaMask and use
the DRIP Network is a DeFi Protocol. them together. For added security, Brave
In addition to DRIP’s internal security, another browser is can be used with a VPN like
cyber-security risk to address is ProtonVPN.
crypto wallet security.
My Buddy Address
If you decide to join, please use my buddy address!

Watch this YouTube video for a free step-by-step guide:

Use my buddy address below when prompted:

For more step-by-step guides, please enroll in the DeFi Freedom Learning Modules here:
Terms to Know

BNB Chain: A blockchain capable of executing smart contracts. Previously known as the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
Smart Contract: A computer program operating on a blockchain that is coded to automatically execute actions according to predefined terms.
DeFi Protocol: Smart contracts that program crypto, enabling crypto to become programmable money, capable of self-executing financial contracts
on a blockchain. The source code of most of the DeFi projects are available for anyone in the world to check and audit.
Wallet Address: A unique sequence of numbers and letters that can be used to send cryptocurrency to, and to verify blockchain transactions.
Contract Address: The address where a smart contract is stored in the blockchain.
BEP20: A token standard on the BNB Chain that defines how tokens can be spent, who can spend them, and other rules for their usage.
ERC20: A token standard on the Ethereum blockchain that defines how tokens can be spent, who can spend them, and other rules for their usage.
BNB: The native token of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It is used for paying transaction fees on the BSC mainnet.
Yield Farming: Lend your cryptocurrencies, and in return earn cryptocurrencies.
Staking: The act of locking cryptocurrencies to receive rewards.
Airdrops: Sending cryptocurrency to other wallets, generally as part of a marketing initiative.
Liquidity Pool: Collection of funds locked in a smart contract that allows decentralized trading.
LP Token: Liquidity provider token. Tokens issued to liquidity providers representing the stake in the pool.
DEX: Decentralized exchange.
Game Theory: a social science about interactive decision making, where the outcome of each participant depends on the actions of all. #squidgames
Fiat Currency: Traditional currency that is issued by a government.
Do Your Own Research (DYOR)
Is DRIP a Ponzi/Pyramid/MLM scheme? — An honest look at cryptocurrency and DRIP
Cryptopia | Full Documentary | AWARD WINNING | Cryptocurrencies | Web 3.0 | Blockchains | Bitcoin
The Drip Network, A Comprehensive Tax Sustainability Model
DRIP Faucet Smart Contract Analytics
DeFi Freedom University | Learn DeFi Online
A DRIP calculator and other useful resources
This is not financial advice

The creator of this presentation has a Master’s

Degree in Business Administration and owns a
cryptocurrency mining company, however, is not a
financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This
guide is for educational and informational purposes
only. Please do your own research and invest
The End
…or just the beginning?
Thank You!

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