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Agile methods as problem-based learning designs: setting and

Elena García Barriocanal Miguel-Angel Sicilia Salvador Sánchez-Alonso
Dept. Computer Science Dept. Computer Science Dept. Computer Science
University of Alcalá University of Alcalá University of Alcalá
Spain Spain Spain

Juan-José Cuadrado
Dept. Computer Science
University of Alcalá

ABSTRACT • Social and professional topics → Computational science

and engineering education
Problem-based learning has been proved as a good method to
teach Software Engineering, concretely when project • Applied computing → Collaborative learning
development skills are involved. In those cases, project work
departs from some stakeholder requirements that are often ill- KEYWORDS
defined, and the team progresses by analysis and design Problem-based learning, software engineering teaching, agile
identifying the parts that the team can develop and which of them methods, Jira, learning analytics
requires further investigation. From a teaching perspective, agile
methods like Scrum perfectly fit the problem-based learning ACM Reference format:
model, since sprint results can provide a good indicator of group Elena García-Barriocanal, Miguel-Angel Sicilia, Salvador Sánchez-Alonso
and Juan-José Cuadrado. 2018. Agile methods as problem-based learning
and individual student progress. In this paper, a case study aimed
designs: setting and assessment. In Proceedings of the 6th International
at introducing learning analytics in an instructional design for Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
Advanced Software Engineering courses using problem-based (TEEM 2018) (Salamanca, Spain, October 24-26, 2018), F. J. García-Peñalvo
learning approach is reported. Learning analytics were carried out Ed. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages.
both from the project work process, adopting some tools of the
platform used to manage task and activities (Jira Software), and
from the obtained final grade, using Jupyter notebooks.
CCS CONCEPTS Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy in
• Social and professional topics → Software engineering which students learn through the experience of problem solving
education [1] helping them to develop flexible knowledge, effective
problem-solving skills, self-directed learning, effective
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
collaboration skills and intrinsic motivation [2]. PBL represents
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and also a paradigm shift from traditional classroom/lecture teaching.
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned The role of the instructor in PBL is to facilitate learning by
by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. supporting, guiding, and monitoring the learning process. The
To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from
teacher must build students' confidence to take on the problem, and encourage the students, while also stretch their
understanding. Therefore, the role of the teacher is to guide and
TEEM'18, October 24-26, 2018, Salamanca, Spain
challenge the learning process rather than strictly provide
© 2018 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
ACM. knowledge.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6518-5/18/10…$15.00 PBL is strongly based on group work. Working in groups,
students identify what they already know, what they need to
know, and how and where to access new information that may
TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain E. García Barriocanal et al.

lead to resolution of the problem. This procedure enhances Section 4 and finally conclusions and pitfalls are sketched in
content knowledge while simultaneously fosters the development Section 5.
of communication, problem-solving, critical thinking,
collaboration, and self-directed learning skills. PBL may position 2 BACKGROUND
students in a simulated real world working and professional
context which involves policy, process, and ethical problems that 2.1 Problem-based learning and learning
will need to be understood and resolved to some outcome. analytics
The PBL learning process should be approached following The increased usage of learning technologies such as learning
some methods: (i) Presentation of an "ill-structured" (open-ended) management systems, web-based learning environments, Web 2.0
problem, (ii) generation of a "knowledge inventory" (a list of "what tools, social media etc, has led to the generation of a large variety
the student know about the problem" and "what they need to of different and multimodal educational data [5]. Thus, an
know"), (iii) generation of possible solution, and (iv) formulation important question is how we can gather and make sense of all
of learning issues for self-directed and coached learning. these data to improve learners’ performance, teachers’ role and
Arguably, Software Engineering (SE), when focused on a project course’s design. In this context, learning analytics (LA) merge
perspective, resembles closely these methods. It departs from closely connected to multiple and different research fields and
some user or stakeholder requirements that are often ill-defined, interests related to analysis, such as business intelligence,
and the team progresses by analysis and design identifying the statistics, web analytics, academic analytics, data mining, social
parts that the team can develop and which of them requires network analysis as well as research interest in the field of
further investigation (e.g. ideating and evaluating architectural or learning sciences such as pedagogies, technology enhanced
design approaches, selecting technological components) to learning, cognitive sciences etc. LA is finally strongly related to
accomplish the project requirements. This is particularly true with the learning technologies that have become an integrated part of
agile methods as Scrum [3], in which the team has an ample the learning experience through the technology enhanced
degree of discretion in choosing the content of the iterations, learning paradigm. Such technologies generate large amounts of
including how to approach the work, the number of tasks to fulfill educational data and range from cognitive tools to more
and the responsible of them. sophisticated and complex environments like learning
management systems, virtual learning environments and the
All the above suggests that a PBL approach in the context of a recent massive open online courses. LA definitions share an
realistic setting would make the best fit of actual SE practice with emphasis on collecting and analysing learning data and
classroom activity. While first, entry level courses on SE need to translating them into meaningful actions for improving the
introduce many concepts and techniques, second courses start learning experience for all involved stakeholders [6].
from an overall knowledge of the main topics, and thus represent
a good opportunity to focus on practice by using PBL. Further, this Currently, there seems to be a lack of available knowledge on
allows for “authentic” assessment methods that incorporate how to utilize LA when the courses are structured using the PBL
metrics and indications of productivity that are close to those of a strategy. Projects like PBL 3.01 are actually focused on integrating
professional setting [4]. these approaches to capitalize on their respective strengths and
overcome their drawbacks. In addition, the project aims to enrich
In this paper, we report the instructional design and the the new paradigm including the semantic annotation of resources
evaluation of a PBL experience on an advanced software to enable personalized learning [7].
engineering course using Scrum along with the integration of
learning analytics (LA) in the whole process. Previous work has Tempelaar et al. [8] carried out a research study for learning
applied ideas from PBL for teaching agile methods themselves or and teaching of mathematics and statistics in a blended learning
to provide a realistic setting for work and assessment, but here we environment. The methodology used includes a face-to-face part
report the instructional design systematically and focus on of the learning process which followed the PBL strategy and an
learning actual modern software engineering concepts, including online part which was optional. Within PBL, students were
the use of learning analytics to improve and track students’ required to form small groups, where each group had a specific
progress. content expert and mentor. The data collected during the learning
process included performance scores, groups formed, Frequency
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 of using the practice tests, time spent on practice tests, number of
background is described, showing a brief review of current attempts at solving a problem, etc. The analysis of the gathered
integration learning analytics in PBL approaches and the data provides insights to students that help them monitor and
experiences in software engineering teaching with PBL methods. reflect on their progress, their level of comprehension and get
Section 3 describes the instructional design of an advanced feedback from the teachers on their performance. The case study
software engineering course carried out using PBL on an agile concluded that the usage of the online environments as a
methodology driven development. The course integrates LA in the
whole learning process. Results and discussion are shown in


Agile methods as problem-based learning designs: setting and
TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain

complimentary tool to PBL proved to help students, as they helped analysis, problem solving and project report. These main phases
in the support of self-direction, reflection and decision making. can be also described in terms of learning activities that take place
during these phases (Fig.1).
Other experience on integrating PBL approach with learning
analytics is the one reported by Göhnert et al [9] in the context of Group Forming

KOLEGEA project [10]. This project provides trainings for doctors Problem
practicing in family medicine using the PBL strategy. Medicine is Formulation

one of the educational domains where PBL is most commonly Task Formulation

used, and in this case, doctors were required to generate cases and
Problem Analysis
solve these cases in a PBL context. The platform used in Data Gathering

KOLEGEA is integrated with the Analytics workbench, which is a Analysis

generic and easily extensible web-based tool that supports various
analytics processes and visualizations. The use of the Analytics Design

workbench enables gathering of data from the project platform to Problem Solving
be processed and analysed, but no specific information is provided
in the study regarding the effectiveness of the solution and actual Evaluation

LA outputs from the doctors’ PBL practices.

These reported use cases in which PBL methods support data
gathering for learning analytics do not provide systematic
framework or guidelines that can help teacher and students to Figure 1: Aalborg PBL model activities for project work
improve the overall learning process, as PBL 3.0 project aims to
do. Taken this model as a basis, the course is designed to introduce
software engineering skills using Scrum as an agile method to
2.2 Teaching software engineering drive a software development. It also serves of pillar to introduce
Since problem-based learning method exposes students to a other software engineering techniques (estimation, deployment,
realistic problem and reinforces group working skills, it is version control, etc.). PBL problem solution is carried out by
supposed to be a good approach for teaching software project working to obtain a final functional piece of software. The
engineering, even better when students have been previously overall planning of the course learning activities adapted to PBL
taught in specific software engineering methods and techniques. model can be shown in Table 1.
There exist previous experiences where problem-based learning
has been used as an instructional approach for agile software Table 1: Adaptation of course planning to SCRUM
development [11]. In this case, Scrum has been proved as good
approach to integrate students with different technical
capabilities and to improve communication between team
Other experiences, like the reported by El-Khalili [12],
describes the application of PBL to teaching agile methods
themselves in an advanced software engineering course.
However, here we focus on learning software engineering
contents and not only on the use of the agile method. In the course
described in this paper, learning about Scrum is part of the PBL
approach, since it is the most appropriate method to carry out the
work, but the project in which students are involved also implies
other software engineering methods and techniques, from specific
design of architecture to the way to deploy the software.

3.1 Application of PBL phases
Aalborg PBL model [13] is the framework to guide students’ and
tutors’ activity during the reported course. This model stablishes Students are encouraged to form groups up to 5 persons during
several phases for the problem resolution to clearly put in practice the early beginning of the course. At the same time, a unique ill-
knowledge provided for other courses. According to it, the process defined problem formulation is given to students. The problem
of project work can be divided in three main phases: problem statement is formulated introducing vaguely non-functional

TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain E. García Barriocanal et al.

requirements which lead to the implementation of solutions that consideration a large amount of parameters. Students’ assessment
require the concepts stated as learning results of the course. should also be connected with their participation, the spirit of
Before a sprint, students go to a meeting to plan the work in the collaboration, and the quality of engagement and creativity in the
following 3 weeks and after the sprint a review meeting with the group assignments [13]. These parameters are difficult for an
tutor takes place. During this meeting, an evaluation of the work educator to assess without using sophisticated analytics
progress is done (see Section 3.3). methodologies and tools. Such tools can also exploit data recorded
in an LMS and allow the educators to create a learner’s model of
This instructional design fits the Aalborg PBL model, for first
successful behaviour, so that they can design their future courses
weeks (from 1 to 6) cover from group forming to problem analysis,
based on this model and increase the probability of enhanced
splitting up user stories in task and subtask, making an estimation
learners’ performances [14]. In this sense, and in the specific
of the effort for each task and subtask, sketching dependencies
described course, JIRA and GitHub can be considered the source
between tasks, prioritizing each task, labelling them (high,
of most of the data, however they are not LMSs.
moderate, low) and, at last, sorting tasks in the backlog. Each task
is assigned to a student. The last part of the course (weeks 7 to 15) In this instructional design, students obtain an individual grade
covers problem solving and reporting. All these activities taking into consideration 3 aspects:
introduce students in a realistic software project development.
1.Peer assessment: Students send to the tutor an
evaluation of the rest of the team along with a
3.2 Tools used
description of the work done by each member of the
Students work is registered using JIRA Software2 platform and group.
GitHub3. JIRA Software is a platform to manage task and activities 2. Group grade: This grade is obtained according to the
in a project. This tool supports SCRUM, among other, and it evaluation of three parameters: (a) Productivity, i.e., the
allows to register developers, task responsible, task number of requirements fulfilled, (b) Quality of the
decomposition and effort estimation, as well as sprint definition, design from a software engineering viewpoint and (c)
execution and finalization. the use of software tools, both from a software
Once groups are formed, teacher should assign a project to engineering and innovation viewpoint.
each group. Students (the one who adopts the SCRUM master role) 3. Individual grade: This part of the mark is obtained both
must make, by consensus, a task decomposition, prioritization and from the qualitative assessment of the software
estimation, they must assign each task to a student in charge for provided for each student, taking GitHub repository
it and they must also define the backlog. At the beginning of a items as evidence, and from the student activity in the
sprint, all the tasks to be approached are labelled as to-do. Day by group, which can be observed in JIRA.
day, the student responsible for a task should indicate if the task Along with these aspects, in sprint review meetings the tutor
is in-progress or finally done. At the same time, each group has a should monitor the overall activity during the course,
repository for its project code in GitHub. All the code and artifacts reconducting projects that do not progress and detecting those
they generate should be uploaded to the project repository. The students that fall behind with the rest group, in order to avoid they
student in charge for a task should be the person who uploads the finally cut off.
JIRA Software also provides a catalog of graphical reporting
tools to check and predict developers’ and teams’ efficiency. From 4.1 Using JIRA as a learning analytics tool
the learning analytics viewpoint, JIRA has been used as a general-
purpose learning analytic tool that includes solutions to provide In this section a description of the Jira tools that can be used for
information and visualizations around different types of data for learning analytic purposes is shown. As previously mentioned,
multiple stakeholders, i.e. students (developers in JIRA), teachers Jira Software is a platform typically used for software
(administrators in JIRA), etc., as described in Section 4. These developements that can be used to conduct PBL approached
visualizations can be in the form of graphs, tables, charts etc., and Software Engineering courses. Nonetheless, tutors can take
aim to assist stakeholders in getting a more holistic overview of advantage of some of the features of the platform to make
course activity realized in a specific platform. In this context, it learning analytics and to act consecuently. These features and
should be noted that GitHub also provides graphics to visualize tools have been grouped by the PBL phase in which they are more
the contribution of developers to a repository. useful.
4.1.1. LA tools for task formulation and problem analysis phases
3.3 Assessment approach Project task breakdown per group can be displayed in JIRA. After
In a PBL context, the students’ performance evaluation in a problem formulation, each group defines task and subtask
complex computer supported learning environment is a tiring and breakdown, prioritises tasks, estimates each task effort and
time-consuming process for educators who must take into assigns each task to a member of the group. In the project backlog

2 3

Agile methods as problem-based learning designs: setting and
TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain

(Fig. 2), tutors can check the project tasks in the order that
students plan to approach them (the higher up the sooner to
approach). A summary of the task is shown: type of task, brief
description, responsible student and effort estimation.

Figure 3: Burndown chart

Figure 2: Task breakdown in the project backlog

Task details can be accessed clicking on the task, so tutors can

check to-do tasks, tasks in progress and done tasks at request,
among others.
4.1.2. LA tools for problem solving phase
During problem solving, students create sprints. Tutors can check
how the project is working and the task evolution during the
sprint using the sprint visualization tool. Start and end date per
each task is registered.
4.1.3. LA tools for general purpose Figure 4: Velocity chart
Jira Software provides tools to graphically check the progress of
each group and its activity. The “sprint burndown chart” (Fig. 3) The “cumulative flow diagram” (Fig. 5) shows the statuses of
is useful to track the total work remaining and to project the tasks over time, showing work done in comparison with work to
likelihood of achieving the sprint goal. This helps supervisors to do. This helps supervisor to identify potential bottlenecks that
guide the group to manage its progress and respond accordingly need to be investigated. Information from this diagram can be
(making re-estimation of tasks if needed). In this diagram, the completed with the “average age report”, that shows the average
closer the guideline line (grey one) to the remaining values, the age of unresolved issues in a period (Fig. 6). This report allows to
best progress and the best task estimation. Along with the check if the project work is something continous in the time or,
diagram, details about task dates is provided when the cursor is on the contrary, students progress only at the end of the sprint.
on dots over red line. A list of complete and uncomplete tasks can
be added to the chart presented in Fig. 3.
The “velocity chart” is useful to track the amount of work
completed from sprint to sprint. This helps tutor to determine the
group’s velocity and estimate the work each group can
realistically achieve in future sprints (Fig. 4) and it is useful to
early detection of groups that potentially can be in troubles to
finish the work. Task estimated effort is considering to generate
the chart, so measures showed in the diagram can be biased for an
initial wrong estimation of the work.

Figure 5: Cumulative flow diagram

TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain E. García Barriocanal et al.

An especially useful chart is the “pie chart report” (Fig. 7). It the backlog) or a poor quality in the implemented code (many
shows a pie chart of issues per project with different filters: issue bugs are continuosly arising).
type, assignee, priority, etc When interpreting this chart, the tutor
should consider that tasks have different work load, so this chart
should be completed with others (see Section 4.2) which consider
task effort estimation.

Figure 8: Single level group by priority report

Figure 6: Average age report

Figure 9: Time since creation issues report

In this report (in the case of 'Resolved' filtering), the longest

the tableau, the longest inactivity periods. On the contrary, the
Figure 7: Pie chart report per project filtered by student
(showing the number of tasks fulfilled) diagonal represents the optimal.

In order to be aware of the work progress of a group and to 4.1 Quantitative result on student assessment
maximize the project success, the “single level group by report” data
(Fig. 8) is a useful tool. This diagram shows issues grouped by a Although JIRA Software provides a large set of tools to monitor
particular field for a filter: assignee, priority, etc, displaying the activity that can be used for learning analytics purposes, the use
amount or work done or to be completed. of other data such as the effort estimation for each task or the
number of commits in GitHub can be useful to be studied in
The “time since issues report” (Fig. 9) is a bar chart showing
relation with the student grades, among others. In this sense,
the number of issues for which your chosen date field (e.g.
students’ activity data from JIRA and GitHub have been obtained
'Created', 'Updated', 'Due', 'Resolved', etc) was set on a given date.
using the Rest API of both tools. Data have been processed using
An increasing trend when 'Created' filter is used can suggest a
Jupyter Anaconda notebooks, as shown in the architecture drawn
poor work in analysis phase (not enough tasks were included in
up in Fig 104.

4 The relational model of data scrapped from the platforms along with dataset and

Jupyter Anaconda notebooks can be downloaded from

Agile methods as problem-based learning designs: setting and
TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain

Studying final grade and group output, findings from students’

data suggests a bimodal distribution (Fig. 11), both on final grade
and also considering the different categories: productivity, quality
of the design and use of software tools (see Section 3.3).
Charts on the right (Fig. 11), suggest a correlation between the
quality in design and the productivity.
Regarding peer assessment (see Fig. 12), there is an obvious
highly correlation with the final grade (pearsonr>0.7), since this
is a part of the final grade. On the other hand, overall individual
student grade (based on both the software quality of the student
code and the student interaction with the rest of the group)
moderately correlate with grade from peers.
Figure 10: Overall architecture for JIRA and GitHub data
processing Besides the analytics on the students’ grade, some deeper study
on their progress is needed to complete the Jira reports. As
Teachers, besides evidences of JIRA and GitHub charts, can described in previous sections, Jira Software provides many charts
take under consideration the results of those notebooks to adopt to track the progress of the group and the student individually,
the actions to improve the teaching and skills acquisition. but most of the reports are based on the number of task/issues
accomplished. This measure could be not significant since task
granularity can vary a lot. Measurements on the effort estimated
for each task/issue has been considered a more realistic indicator
of the work that students fulfilled (Fig. 13).

Figure 11: Final grade and group grade findings

Figure 13: Estimated effort as a progress indicator

In this sense, finalized effort (measured in “story points” of

done tasks) accumulated per group correlates significantly
(pearsonr = 0.8, pval <0.052) with average individual grade per
group, suggesting that those groups who accomplish a greater
number of story points have developed a higher quality code and
their members have had more and higher quality interaction,
independently of the number of tasks/issues involved. This effort
correlates with lower significance with the group grade
(pearsonr=0.66). Finalized effort does not correlate with the use of
advanced software tools (slightly negative correlation),
suggesting that students who spend time in learning how to use
more advanced tools have decreased their productivity. On the
other hand, the finalized effort correlates positively but not
Figure 12: Peer assessment and individual grade findings
significantly with the quality of design (pearsonr=0.6).

TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain E. García Barriocanal et al.

5 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK overall approach and it would allow to relieve pitfalls and to
obtain significant conclusions due to the use of a larger dataset.
In this paper, a case study on advanced software engineering
teaching using a PBL approach has been reported, along with how
learning analytics can be introduced in the process, both in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
groups and individual progress and in the final result. These This work is supported and co-funded by the Erasmus+
adoptions help tutors in two ways: (i) to early act when the programme of the European Union under the project number
individual or group ongoing activities do not lead to fulfil the 562236-EPP-1-2015-1-EL-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD, PBL3.0. The
project and (ii) to do a deeper study of the final grades and their European Commission support for the production of this
relations with other factors in the process, in order to improve publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents
future courses. which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
Since an agile method, concretely Scrum, has been used to information contained therein.
carry out the projects, the use of Jira Software platform has
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