Nakshatra Chart in Tabular Form

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Nakshatra Nakshatra Attributes Prepared by Vinay Aditya Na

S.No. Nakshatra Lord Deity (Devata) Word Meaning Symbol Shakti (Power) Temperament
1 Ashwini Ketu Ashwini Kumars Born of a mare Horse's Head Sheeghravyapini, Power to reach quickly Kshipra/Laghu

2 Bharani Venus Yama She who bears Vagina Apabharani, Power to take things away Ugra/Krura

3 Krittika Sun Agni/Kartikeya Cutter Axe Dahan, Power to burn, cut ties with physical body Mishra/ Mixed

4 Rohini Moon Brahma Reddish one Ox Cart Rohan, Power to make things grow Sthira/Dhruva

5 Mrigshira Mars Moon Deer's head Dear's Head Prinan, Power to give fulfilment Mridu/Maitra

6 Ardra Rahu Rudra The moist one Tear Drop Yatnashakti, Powert to make efforts Teekshna/Darun

7 Punarvasu Jupiter Aditi Wealthy again Arrows Vastuva prapna, Power to retrieve objects Chara/Moveable

8 Pushya Saturn Brihaspati Nourisher Cow's udders Brahmavarchasa, Power to harness Brahma's creativity Kshipra/Laghu

9 Ashlesha Mercury Serpents Clinging Coiled Snake Vishsleshana, Power to inflict with poison Teekshna/Darun

10 Magha Ketu Ancestors Magnificent Throne Tyaga shepani, Power to cut ties with physical body Ugra/Krura

11 P. Phalguni Venus Bhaga, a solar deity Former reddish one Front legs of a bed Prajanana, Power to procreate Ugra/Krura

12 U. Phalguni Sun Aryaman, solar deity Latter reddish one Back legs of a bed Chayani, Power to give prosperity and accumulate Sthira/Dhruva

13 Hasta Moon Savitar, solar deity Hand /To laugh/To cure Palm Hasta sthapaniya agama, Acquirement of desired objects Kshipra/Laghu

14 Chitra Mars Vishwakarma Glittering Bright jewel Punya chayani, Power to give prosperity Mridu/Maitra

15 Swati Rahu Vayu Self-going, independent Blade of grass Pradhvamsa, Power to scatter like the wind Chara/Moveable

16 Vishakha Jupiter Indragni Forked, poison vessel Decorated gateway Vyapana, Power to achieve various fruits in life Mishra/ Mixed

17 Anuradha Saturn Mitra, solar deity After Radha, subsequent success Punitive Staff Radhana, Power of worship Mridu/Maitra

18 Jyeshtha Mercury Indra Eldest, senior-most Round Talisman Arohana, Power to conquer Teekshna/Darun

19 Moola Ketu Nirriti, Alakshmi Roots, core Tied bunch of roots Barhana, Power to ruin or destroy Teekshna/Darun

20 P. Ashadha Venus Varun Former invincible Hand-held fan Varchgrahan, Power to bring about invigoration Ugra/Krura

21 U.Ashadha Sun Vishwe Deva Latter invincible Elephant's Tusk Apradrishya, Power to give permanent victory Sthira/Dhruva

22 Shravana Moon Vamanavtar Vishnu One who limps, Hearing, Three uneven steps Apradrishya, Power to give permanent victory Chara/Moveable

23 Dhanishtha Mars Vasus Wealthiest Musical Drum Khyapayitri, Power to give fame and abundance Chara/Moveable

24 Shatbhisha Rahu Varuna Hundred physicians Empty Circle Bheshaja, Power to heal Chara/Moveable

25 P.Bhadra Jupiter Ajaekpada Former lucky feet Front part of funeral cot Yajaman udyaman, Power to raise evolutonary level Ugra/Krura

26 U.Bhadra Saturn Ahirbudhnya Latter lucky feet Back part of funeral cot Varshodyaman, Power to bring about rain Sthira/Dhruva

27 Revati Mercury Pushan Wealthy Fish swimming in sea Kshiradyapani, Power to nourish through milk Mridu/Maitra
Nakshatra Attributes Contd.
S.No. Nakshatra Gaze Akshara Alphabet Gender Tendency Body Parts Yoni/Anti-Yoni Gana Nature
1 Ashwini Tiryak pw ps pks yk Choo Che Cho Laa M Vaishya Knees Horse/Buffalow Devata Heavenly

2 Bharani Adhomukh yh yq ys yks Lee Lu Le Lo F Chandal Head and feet Elephant/Lion Manav Heavenly

3 Krittika Adhomukh v bZ m , A Ee U E F Brahman Hips and thighs Goat /Monkey Rakshasa Earthly

4 Rohini Urdhwamukh oks o oh ow O Vaa Vee Voo F Shudra Forehead and ankle Snake/Mongoose Manav Heavenly

5 Mrigshira Tiryak os ok dk dh Ve Vaa Kaa Kee N Shilpi Eyes Snake/Mongoose Devata Atmospheric

6 Ardra Urdhwamukh dw ?k ³ N Koo Gha Ng Chha F Butcher Brain Gog/Deer Manav Atmospheric

7 Punarvasu Tiryak ds dks gk gh Ke Ko Haa Hee M Vaishya Nose & fingers Cat/Mouse Devata Earthly

8 Pushya Urdhwamukh gw gs gks Mk Hoo He Ho Daa M Kshatriya Face & Mouth Goat / Monkey Devata Atmospheric

9 Ashlesha Adhomukh Mh Mw Ms Mks Dee Doo De Do F Chandal Joints, nails, ears Cat/Mouse Rakshasa Atmospheric

10 Magha Adhomukh ek eh ew es Maa Mee Moo Me F Shudra Nose, lips & chin Mouse/Cat Rakshasa Atmospheric

11 P. Phalguni Adhomukh eks Vk Vh Vw Mo Taa Tee Too F Brahman Sex Organs Mouse/Cat Manav Heavenly

12 U. Phalguni Urdhwamukh Vs Vks ik ih Te To Paa Pee F Kshatriya Sex organs & hand Cow/Lion Manav Heavenly

13 Hasta Tiryak iw "k .k B Poo Sha Na Tha M Vaishya Palm, hand Buffalow/ Horse Devata Heavenly

14 Chitra Tiryak is iks jk jh Pe Po Raa Ree F Shilpi Forehead & neck Lion/Cow Rakshasa Heavenly

15 Swati Tiryak : js jks rk Roo Re Ro Taa F Butcher Chest Buffalow/Horse Devata Atmospheric

16 Vishakha Adhomukh rh rw rs rks Tee Too Te To F Chandal Upper limbs Lion/Cow Rakshasa Atmospheric

17 Anuradha tiryak uk uh uw us Naa Nee Noo Ne M Shudra Heart, stomach, uterus Deer/ Dog Devata Heavenly

18 Jyeshtha Tiryak uks ;k ;h ;w No Yaa Yee Yoo F Shilpi R. Torso, neck Deer /Dog Rakshasa Atmospheric

19 Moola Adhomukh ;s ;ks Hkk Hkh Ye Yoo Bhaa Bhee N Butcher Left Torso & legs Dog/Deer Rakshasa Earthly

20 P. Ashadha Adhomukh Hkw /kk Qk <k Bhoo Dhaa Phaa Dha F Brahman Thighs & back Monkey/Goat Manav Atmospheric

21 U.Ashadha Urdhwamukh Hks Hkks tk th Bhe Bho Jaa Jee F Kshatriya Thighs and waist Mongoose/Serpent Manav Heavenly

22 Shravana Urdhwamukh [kh [kw [ks [kks Khee Khoo Khe Kho M Chandal Ears & sex organs Monkey/Goat Devata Heavenly

23 Dhanishtha Urdhwamukh xk xh xw xs Gaa Gee Goo Ge F Shilpi Back & rectum Lion/Elephant Rakshasa Earthly

24 Shatbhisha Urdhwamukh xks lk lh lw Go Saa See Soo N Butcher Jaw & R. Thigh Horse/Buffalow Rakshasa Heavenly

25 P.Bhadra Adhomukh ls lks nk nh Se So Daa Dee M Brahman L. Torso & intestines Lion/Elephat Manav Atmospheric

26 U.Bhadra Urdhwamukh nw Fk > ´ Doo Tha Jha Yna M Kshatriya R. Torso & musles Cow/Lion Manav Atmospheric

27 Revati Tiryak ns nks pk ph De Do Chaa Chee F Shudra Below navel Elephant/Lion Devata Heavenly
S.No. Nakshatra Key Attributes
1 Ashwini Healers, Knowledge of herbs, Helpful, Sex Therapists, Fast, Travellers, Love of speed, horses, cars, Impulsive, Well dressed, Charming, Enthusiastic, Transporters, Promoters of marital harmony, Adventure sports

2 Bharani Secretive, Sustainance, Upholder of Truth and Justice, Mature, Many Struggles and Transformations in life, Inhibited, Sexually expressive, Extreme, Gynaecologist, Fertility clinics, Professions involving children

3 Krittika Cutting, Critical, Strong will power, Purification, Supportive, Big appetite for food and sex, Hard exterior yet Nurturing, Fiery bursts of energy, Technical professions, People in authority, Use of fire or sharp objects

4 Rohini Earthy, Creative, Passionate, Seductive, High Taste, Vehicles and movement, Home and Hearth oriented, Growth and Fertility, Jealous, Agriculturists, Entertainment and Leisure industry, beauticians, jewellers

5 Mrigshira Romantic liaisons, Soft and gentle, Wandering, Inquisitive, Searching, Suspicious, Licentious, Marital issues, Fickleness and inconstancy, Enjoyer, Artists of all types, Poets, Linguists Fashion designers

6 Ardra Arduous, Ardent, Fierce, Sharp, Piercing, Addictions, Illegal drug dealers, Can weather many storms, Impulsive, Researchers, Electrical, Aeronautical, Computer engineers, Philosophers, Allopathic doctors, Accupuncturists

7 Punarvasu Regenerative, Resettlement, Talented or one Exceptional child, Wealthy, Abundance, Protected, Safety, Maternal Instincts, Success after repeated attempts, Travel and tourism, Innovative approach, Teachers

8 Pushya Benevolent, Nourishing/caring, Protective, Divine knowledge, Material prosperity, Dependable, Can be taken advantage of, Contented, Finesse, Dairy industry, Charitable institutions, Counsellors, Gurus

9 Ashlesha Snake-like, Dangerous, Deceptive, Crafty, Clinging, High concentration, Sexual, Intuitive, Instinctive, Genetic heritage, Spiritual transformation, Chemical engineers, Dealing in poisons, narcotics

10 Magha Ancestors, Heritage, Ancient or achaelogical knowledge, Historians, Royalty, Magnificent, Egoistic, Ethical, Authority-seeking, Fierce, Lawyers and Judges, Upholding traditions, Genetic experts, Astrologers

11 P. Phalguni Self-indulgence, Sexual pleasures, Relaxation, Procreation, , Creative, Dramatic, Vanity, Pompousness, Models, Photographers, Event management, Interior decorators, Marriage ceremonies and child births, Jewellers

12 U. Phalguni Benevolence, Charity, Chivalry, Productive, Independent, Communication skills, Gains through marriage, self confidence, straight forward, nobility, high positions, Astrologers, Marriage and Sex counsellors

13 Hasta Skilled with hands, Optimistic, Creative, Humorous, Handy man, Knowledgeable, Exceptional children, Mercurial, attainment of objects of desire, Publishing and Printing, Palmista and Astrologers, psychics, newsreaders

14 Chitra High Creativity, Innovators, Insightful, Brilliant, Artistic, Unbalanced, Family rivalry, Problem with child, Architects, Designers, Plastic Surgeons, Artt Directors, Advertising Industry, Maya, Obessed with appearance

15 Swati Individualistic, Independent, Balanced, Resourceful, Indulgent, Law, Sex and Money, Socialite, Airy-fairy, Wait and Watch, Achievement oriented, Hard working, Music, Wind instruments, Eager and open to learning

16 Vishakha Single minded, Fixated, Burning passion, Pomp and ceremony, envious, vicious, Obssessed, Overcomes obstacles, Hard to get along, interested in wine and women, speaks with a forked tongue, Media, Ideological fanatics

17 Anuradha Friendly, leadership, helpful, Spotless reputation, Researcher, Explorer, Interest in numbers, Successful, Occultists, Astrologers, Numerologists, Statisticians, Photographers, Miners, Foreign countries

18 Jyeshtha Fierce, protective, authority position, responsible, jealous, revengeful, prosperous, amorous, Dysfunctional family, senior-most, Secretive, Keeps the image, Administrative posts, Media, Telecommunications

19 Moola Rooted, Gets to the root of things, Destruction, Self preservation, Transformation, Rags to riches and vice versa, Herbologist, Researchers, Tantrics, Nuclear Physicists, Dentists, Public speakers, Astrologers

20 P. Ashadha Glitzy and Glamorous, Flambouyant, Energetic, Abundance of food, Relentless, Mysterious, Secretive, Confident, Optimistic, Patient, Conviction that it cannot lose, Sailors, Entertainment and Marine industry

21 U.Ashadha Benevolent, Perfectionist, Will power, Introspective, Skilled at team work, Permanance, Righteous, Responsible, Counsellors, Astrologers, Aithority figures, Business executives, Combat sports, holistic physicians

22 Shravana Power of listening, Persevering, Shrewd, Uneven, Limping, Organisational ability, Goal oriented, Excessive generosity, Foolhardiness, Permanent victory, Linguists, Sound technicians, Psychiatrics, Tourism industry

23 Dhanishtha Love for music, compendium of energies, Sense of Loneliness, Marital discord, Organised, Famous, Wealthy, Obstinate, Aggressive, Most expressive, Versatile, High financial transactions, High tech., Success in foreign lands

24 Shatbhisha Healer, Solitary, Reclusive, introvert, Secrecy, Creates a veil, also penetrates veils, Futuristic, addictions, Electronic media, Lacks proper formal education, Space reasearch, Pharmaceutical industry

25 P.Bhadra Two Faced, Gloomy, Attracted towards black magic, Persecutor, Persecuted, Destructive, Tenacious, Diabolical, Sexual perversion, Fundamentalist, Black magic, Administers poisons, Extreme ascetics

26 U.Bhadra Wisdom, Elusive, Works with care and restraint, Fortunate with making and handling big money, Donations and Inheritance, Never acts hastily, procrastination, counsellors, Therapists, Divinators, Renunciates

27 Revati Wealthy, Fortunate, Can see big picture, Good sense of path and direction, Communicative, Spiritual, Refined and Sophisticated, Esoteric knowledge, Chamelions, Hypnotists, Psychics, Road and Railway planners

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