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They can both mark the

Spoken grammar is flexible status of a sentence. Both Written grammar requires
skills aid in expressing
on its word order. It is much writing and listening skills
different type of message
less strict the written and it from one person to and it has a layout and
requires listening and another. Both skills also
utilize language as a
speaking ability.

B. ESSAY (5points each)

26-30. Why do we need to assess student’s grammar?

We need to assess the student’s grammar in order to determine the errors and to
provide corrections and feedbacking and as well us to recognize the correctnusag eof
punctuations and concrete making of a grammar.

31-35. Explain the three practical activities that are used in grammaring.

There are three practical activities in in grammaring and these are the focus on form, meaning
and use. Focus on form often made between language use and language form. In other words, there
has been a continuous debate over whether to teach students the language or teach them about the
language. The focus on meaning gives students the opportunity to associate the form with the meaning of a
particular target structure. And the focus on form the right meaning should be selected for the right context
to ensure successful communication.

36-40. What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact?

Learning is a process of idea and preferences of a certain topic or issues while teaching
is a process to provide ideas, knowledge preferences for the students to acquire from the
teachers. Listening and teaching work as a medium to help students and teacher help each
other to give, receive, achieve and reinforce certain knowledge, ideas, beliefs, virtues and
41-45. How does grammar assessment would improve language learning?

Grammar assessment is a medium that has been helping us to create, construct and
learn a language. It makes possible for us to talk or to learn a language. Thus, it make up
sentences in any languages together to provide sentences.

46-50. What is the importance of background to language teaching in writing Grammar


It is really important and significant for it helps the students to obtain the structures off
the language effectively. It will enable us to create a better and good sentences in both
speaking and writing activities.

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