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Name ___________________________________ TEMPLATE Gifted & Talented Eligibility Profile , rev. 2018; rev.

Grade: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date referred (month/year) ______________
Referral initiated by: Teacher / Parent / Self / other ____________________ Total Score: _____/90
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

Not eligible at this time* Eligible

I. Standardized Test Scores

List up to 6 objective test scores collected Total Step I Points = ______

*Universal Screeners: Whole cohort
within previous two years Scoring is consistent across grade levels
List StarMath, DIBELS, LinkIt Rdg, etc. Standardized tests per local grade cohort If fewer than 6 scores are reported, scores
Scores receive points per next column top 5 % … 5 points are weighted as follows, for total of 30
top 6-10 % … 3 points possible Step I Points:
Source/SUBJECT Score points top 11-20% … 1 point
5 scores … (n x 1.2) /25 = n/30
**Univ scr:
4 scores … (n x 1.5)/20 = n/30
**OE/Open-ended tests: Compare achievement
level to actual grade level placement 3 scores … (n x 2)/15= n/30
3 + gr. levels up … 5 points
2 gr. levels up … 3 points Step I = _____ adjusted to _____
1 gr. level up … 1 point
Do these reported scores include…
New-to-district transfers:
● *Universal screener including all
**OE: Stanine scores of 9… 5 points
students at this grade level cohort?
Stanine scores of 8… 3 points (Local benchmarks may suffice)
Add total Step I Points Stanine scores of 7… 1 point ● **OE/Open-ended evaluation, to
assess above-grade level skills?

II. Subjective Information: reported by teacher(s) and parent(s)

Step II A. Teacher Inventories PAUSE to assess Step II B. Parent Reports
Kingore: responses converted to % of total potential cost/benefit Parent Narrative: Identify evidence of
A/Accelerated… 1 point per 25% ____ these traits (1 Point each) … _____/6
B/Gifted Learner… 2 points per 25% ____
of additional testing. ____ Creativity, Initiative
C/Creative … 1 point per 25% ____ ____ Self-Teaching
Step I Points = _____ ____ Task Commitment, Determination
D/none of the above … 0 points
Step IIA Points = + _____ ____ Pref for Complexity/Abstraction
Slocumb Payne TPI (see guide below) ____ ____ Intra/Interpersonal Exceptionality
SUBTOTAL = _____
Step II A Points (possible 12+) total = ____ ____ Precocity, Async. Development
Is subtotal at or above 20?
Should other factors be considered? Parent Inventory:
Slocumb-Payne* scoring as follows:
n = 70 or greater … 5 points ___SES ___ELL ___Biling. __2E ___other Kingore: responses converted to % of total
n = 60 - 69 … 4 points A/Accelerated… 1 point per 25% ____
___ Do NOT Proceed ___ Proceed B/Gifted Learner… 2 points per 25% ____
n = 50 - 59 … 3 points
n = 40 - 49 … 2 points C/Creative … 1 point per 25% ____
n = 30 - 39 … 1 point D/none of the above … 0 points
n less than 30 … 0 points Inform parents; they may appeal decision.
*Slocumb-Payne Teacher Perception Inventory Step II B Points (possible 12+) total = ____

III. Qualifying Test Data: Screening Assessments for Gifted Elementary Students (SAGES-3)

SAGES points, consistent for all gr levels Quotient scores on qualifying test(s) … points TOTAL
_______ Non-verbal Reasoning … _____
Step I Points … _____/30
98th+ %ile Quotient 130+ … 10 pts _______ L.A./Soc. Studies … _____
~95th–97th %ile Quotient 125-129… 8 pts Step II A Points … _____/12+
_______Verbal Reasoning … _____
91st– ~95th %ile Quotient 120-124… 6 pts Step II B Points … _____/12+
_______ Mathematics/Science … _____
85th– 90th %ile Quotient 115-119… 4 pts Step III Points … _____/40
75th– 84th %ile Quotient 110-114… 2 pts OVERALL
Students may take 0-4 SAGES tests. There is no Step III Points (possible 40) = ______
TOTAL … ________
adjustment/weighting for n of SAGES tests.
This template is based on the system developed and implemented for our local district and reflects compliance with
Best Practices as outlined below. Notes below describe the specific instruments and strategies we have used; general notes
discuss adapting implementation and adaptation of these strategies.
Throughout the Eligibility Determinations process, candidates may accumulate points at each step. There
are occasions where a candidate has accumulated sufficient points at or near the outset and it is abundantly clear
that the child will qualify. In such situations, we continue through the full process to avoid potential questions of
conflicts with other candidates/parents. Also, having every candidate participate in all phases of the process
provides ongoing verification of our instruments.

Kristin Baker, Ed. S.

Referral initiated by…

Our call for nominations is publicized for approximately six The Eligibility for Gifted and Talented Programs is intended to
weeks every spring. Nominations come from teachers, parents, identify students who are ready to benefit from Gifted services,
and (less commonly) students; students may also be nominated not to identify “gifted students.”
through their scores on Universal Screeners. All nominations are
followed up with the same information-gathering procedures In some districts these rosters are reconsidered every year.
regardless of the initial source. Our district has followed the guidance of E. Jean Gubbins, former
President of National Association for Gifted Children, who
In recent years, we added a direct message to the parents of recommends flexible program structures and adjusting
students in the enrichment groups, explaining the nomination participation to suit the emerging needs of the child rather than
opportunity. This increased the number of parent nominations withdrawing qualification to participate.
particularly from groups which had been less well-represented.

Universal Screening: Local benchmarks …Scoring per LOCAL cohort: 5/10/20 %

Our initial score-gathering consists of examining the candidate’s Universal Screening with benchmarks can be applied where all
local benchmark scores, particularly the MoY data which is students within a grade level cohort have participated in the
available as our nomination cycle opens in March/April. Later, assessment(s).
the EoY data is also examined for students who may not have With any of these data sources, organize lists of scores in rank
been nominated and yet should be considered. order and then locate “cut scores” for the top 5%, the top 10%,
and the top 20% of each group. Tie scores are all included in that
For several years we used NWEA/MAPs which as OE group, though this may reduce the count in subsequent groups.
assessments were helpful; these were considered for both reading (For example, in a group of 100 students, if the 5th/6th/7th scores
and math. Recently our district transitioned to LinkIt which are tied then there are 7 in the top 5% and there will only be 3
focuses on grade-level mastery. more to reach 10%.)
In the past we used NJASK scores; we have not used NJSLA as Note: every grade level cohort will have distinct cut scores every
part of this profile. year. Points are awarded as described in the profile chart.

For the 2022-23 school year, we will be piloting the Naglieri3 The Naglieri3 General Ability Tests are a new release based on a
General Ability Tests at grades K and 3. This series includes widely recognized existing instrument. Test items have been
online assessments for verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, deliberately designed to avoid cultural bias and support equity
and quantitative reasoning. and representation. Here is a brief overview.
Our scoring system will be developed as we review results from
this pilot group.
*OE / Open-ended assessment: scores
In our district, every candidate participates in OE assessments Open-ended assessments are necessary for assessing candidates
through (other tests are available): for gifted education as many students will have skills that extend
● DORA: Diagnostic Online Reading Assessment beyond grade-level expectations.
● ADAM K7: Adaptive Diagnostic Assessment of
Mathematics (grades k-7), used in grades k-4 Classroom performance cannot be a shortcut for this step, as
● DOMA Pre-Algebra, used in grades 4-6 students who have disengaged from tasks they do not find
These scores are evaluated per an in-house system developed over challenging may not be demonstrating their actual abilities in the
a decade of use; details available on request. traditional classroom environment.

In the past, our NWEA/MAP benchmarks were also OE.

Representation/equity: S-P TPI (IIA)
The Slocumb-Payne Teacher Perception Inventory is a rating Regularly examining the patterns of nominations and eligibility
system designed to be inclusive of diverse populations. Each of against local district population demographic data can alert us to
the nineteen items is shown as “two sides of the coin” and the concerns regarding representation.
rater scores only one of the two descriptors. This scale thus avoids Be mindful of trends regarding gender and socioeconomic status
bias towards compliant, “teacher-pleasing” behaviors. as well as racial and ethnic identity.
Note: The cut scores/points guide for S-P TPI was developed for
our local district, reflecting patterns observed among hundreds of
Use of Subjective Ratings: Steps IIA& B
We have revised our Subjective Information tools several times This profile system offers the opportunity for points to be awarded
over the years. We have used the S-P TPI for several years. An for both teacher and parent input. The balance of possible points is
earlier adaptation of the Kingore scales was replaced by the such that while these subjective points may offer a highly
current form as we digitized our system, and we expect this will significant contribution, even their combined total is not sufficient
provide more detailed information. for eligibility. Subjective information, including from parents,
should be considered in any eligibility evaluation system. Asking
The parent narrative section is based on a questionnaire and is parents to describe behaviors may be more helpful than asking for
evaluated for evidence of the specific traits listed. This section has ratings, as parents may lack a frame of reference for what is age
been valuable in revealing remarkable behaviors or precocious typical.
interests. When parents are poor reporters (leaving most items Note: In this system, teacher profiles are required for all
blank or not returning forms) this section has been supplemented candidates, regardless of the source of the nomination. Teachers
by information gathered through informal student interviews. occasionally object due to student behavior problems or poor
classroom engagement; they are then reminded that the profile
forms provide information, and are not a recommendation, and
that these are not optional.

Gifted Identification Screening tool: Step III

We use the Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students There are numerous options for assessing giftedness in students,
(SAGES-3), consisting of four paper-and-pencil tests, used in such as the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) which can be
grades K-3 and 4-8: administered in groups, the non-verbal Otis-Lennon School
● Mathematics/Science Ability Test (OLSAT 8), the individually administered Wechsler
● Language Arts/Social Studies Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V), and the Torrance Tests
● Verbal Reasoning of Creative Thinking (TTCT). This brief list is intended merely to
● Non-Verbal Reasoning suggest the range of options available.
Note: The Non-Verbal Reasoning is in the form of picture
analogies; after direct communication with the publishers, we The screening instruments should be aligned with the form(s) of
have used the strategy of verbally identifying any image with giftedness that will be served by the program being offered.
which a child is unfamiliar (such as “walnut”) to avoid Selecting the appropriate instruments for a particular setting
experiential bias, though we are cautious not to provide any requires consideration of the testing conditions, the time available
information on how images relate to one another. for testing and scoring, and the cost factors as well as the actual
The SAGES-3 tests are multiple choice and must be hand-scored. instrument itself.

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