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9 20 a 2 109 Pt ag NOV % © 2018 A HUSTED, Deputy CALIFORNIA SUPERIOR COURT SAN DIEGO COUNTY Lino Antonio Alcazar Gonzalez Case No: D 551515 Petitioner, Order Denying Motion to Stay Return of the Children to Country of Habitual Residence Melody Y. Garcia Moncada, Pending Appeal Judge David B Oberholtzer Department 5 Respondent. On November 13, 2014, this court ordered the return of Melany Alcazar ||Garcia (August 28, 2002) and Melary Alcazar Garcia (May 5, 2004) to Mexico, their country of habitual residence. Mother Melody Y. Garcia requests a stay o the return pending appeal. The court denies that request, both on the merits and because it is better addressed to the Court of Appeal, which has the means| to mitigate any prejudice suffered by Father from a stay. In Chafin v. Chafin, 561 U.S. - , 133 S.Ct. 1017 (2013), the Supreme Court listed four factors to consider when considering a stay of an order to return the children pending appeal: 1. A strong showing of likely success on appeal; Ey 2 2 23 | 2. Irreparable injury absent a stay; 3. Substantial injury to the other parent by issuing the stay; and 4. Public interest. Id, at 1027. ‘The Supreme Court nonetheless emphasized a stay pending appeal is at odds with the Hague Convention's goal of promptly returning the children to their country of habitual residence. While it did not prohibit the trial court from issuing a stay, the Justices thought it was a bad idea. Id. Given the Supreme Court’s admonition, this court’s belief the return of the children to the country of habitual residence is likely to be affirmed, and no showing of irseparable harm to Mother, the court does not believe a stay is warranted.! Moreover, a stay would only further delay the proceedings in the Tijuana Family Court to determine custody and visitation, against the best interest of the children and Mexico’s interest in deciding such disputes between| its citizens. As explained by Justice Ginsberg in her Chafin concurring opirion, the court of appeal is in a better position to consider the stay. Id. at 1029-1030. The appellate court can set an expedited hearing schedule which both preserves the right to review and furthers the goal of prompt return. Moreover, | ! Mother fears her expired visa may prevent her from re-entering the United States as evidence of prejudice. Crediting that argument would only reward her wrongful retention of the children away from the country of habitual residence, and in any event, the court cannot speculate on whether her request for asylum will be granted. 2 ‘Aypure) oj Jo o8n oatsnjoxe sv [Jam se ‘Apoysno Peorskyd aos 1ayIOW aAeB Yorya “,OOTTS ‘O'S'A Zh JopUN panss! siapso Areodur9} 8,109 sity Appour pue ssouppe ueo qunog Apurey euENfiy ay) pure ‘oorKoW 0} AJoyes UMIe. O1 UAIPTTYD ayy qunsod jim Aoup ‘081d ul 90uQ “ssepso BurupeNsos preBorsIp 10U TT! soyyeg OAdtjaq 0} UOSwaA Sey NOD ap “poysno storey OF pouMIos JF VOApTTYS ay} 0) WEY [BUONOUID Jo YSEI 9AwI8 e Jo aoUAplaa BujOUTAUOD puw IeITO PUTy pIp yy aptym ‘osojorayy, “woo"juowssosseso8uep'auwn ‘os[e ag “(600z dy) £59 aouajoi, jouosuadioquy fo Tumor pz “WuauIssassy 1aBuUeq Uy, ‘SSeID B ISGOM sqeqdures ‘vag “BuIsmy Jo Jooypg surydoy suYoP ou Jo "N'A ‘Ud ‘Heqdure | “9 udjonboep Aq poystqnd juswssassy saBunq 00 Ou BuIsn “Arey 0 seBuep BuIseos9Ut Uw Jo 2oUNpIAd 998 JOU PIP M09 ey] ‘pueY Jay} ay UO, ‘snorxue pure [Nyze9j Way} epeur sey sasuodsex feuonow a[qe;o1perdun asoym quored w WO] 9UD[OIA ONSEWOP a1OAes Paarosqo Sutaey 0} asuodsar feotds) v ose stuojgoad jeuonoure quasaid s,uasppyo ayy ‘“soueyo Joyoue oat | 2q 0) seard pur sordojode yoolqe Aq pomorfoy j[2 ‘pre Suruowrums wioy umorA || at Sunuanosd pur ‘Auoue sty 0} eBus|TeyD k saataoued 1oyenodiod orp woyat souazora ‘syeoxu} ‘ToxIUOD Jo UsaHed poorssopun-tom yp 34 drysuoNejes arouy Jo uonduosop s,1ey}oWY “SUOTSBOD0 TeI9ANS UO ETO; Payee ANUDTOIA Pey soyyey ouspiaa Sunjadwoo sway prp 1M oy, “waNged s,uasppryo ayy AES OF spunos8 zauzmy sv sBu1puy dou9[o1A oNSaUIOP §,1M0D eu] 0} SyuIod 1OMROW, -yeadde say uo [reaord Js saMOW JompOYA one 0} UOHIsod sejj2q UI AIsnorago st Teadde Jo yan09 ay 0 6 ar a 9 st ¥ €l yanog soedng aya Jo a8pne JozjousogO “a Ped ae : plOZ ‘TZ Jaquiaaon :oyeq CaINAC st jeadde Surpuod uerppryp oup Jo uonLzedar Leys 0} UONOUT s,1oy,OW “BuIo#a10} ayy] uO paseg popusure ‘souvysumouto jo soueyo & Aq poyeltssaoau jt ‘40 ‘parusurajdunt axe SJ9pi0 S}f BMSUT 0} UONOIPSsUN! poureqos sey UM0o oy ‘AyTeUTY “oWOy éiiu a 9 st ve fa o 6 al u ot bt et a

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