Determination of Hydrogen Fluoride and Uranium VI in Crude Uranium Hexafluoride by Hydrolysis and Potentiometric Titration

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Determination of Hydrogen Fluoride and Uranium

(VI) in Crude Uranium Hexafluoride by Hydrolysis
and Potentiometric Titration


To cite this article: Haruka SHINOHARA , Kimie IZAWA , Shigeo TSUJIMURA & Kenji
MOTOJIMA (1967) Determination of Hydrogen Fluoride and Uranium (VI) in Crude Uranium
Hexafluoride by Hydrolysis and Potentiometric Titration, Journal of Nuclear Science and
Technology, 4:9, 482-487, DOI: 10.1080/18811248.1967.9732791

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Journal of NucLEAR SciENCE and TECHNOLOGY, 4 (9), p. 482~487 (September 1967).

Determination of Hydrogen Fluoride and Uranium( VI)

1n Crude Uranium Hexafluoride by Hydrolysis
and Potentiometric Titration

Haruka SHINOHARA *, Kimie IZA W A*, Shigeo TSUJIMURA *

and Kenji MOTO]IMA *

R.:ceived April 10, 1967

A simple method for determining HF and U(\1) in a hydrolyzed solution of UF, hy alkalimetry
is described.
About l g of UF6 was taken in a polytrifluoromonochloroethylene tube, and hydrolyzed with
about 50 ml of water in a closed polyethylene bottle. Using a glass electrode, HF in the hydrolyzed
solution was titrated potentiometrically with an alkali solution, after the U(\11) had been masked with
ammonium sulfate. When the equivalence point for the free acid was reached, hydrogen peroxide
was added to the solution and the liberated acid equivalent to U (\1) was titrated with the same
standard alkali solution.
Assuming that the hydrolysis of UF 6 takes place stoichiometrically, the accuracy of this method
was roughly evaluated to be ± 10% for the ratio of HF/UF6 and ± I % for the value of U(\'1) in
the range of 0 to 1 mole of HF per mole of UF,.

can be used for hydrolyzed UF6. For exam-

ple, to determine U(I'I), an aliquot of hydro-
When reprocessing spent nuclear fuel by lyzed sample is fumed with sulfuric acid to
fluoride volatility process, it is necessary to exclude F, the valency of U is then adjusted,
determine HF in the UF6 product. The and the solution is titrated with standard
radioactivity of fission products remaining in potassium bichromate solution, using diphenyl-
the product raises the need for a simple, amine sodium sulfonic acid as indicator. F
remotely-operable method of HF determina- is determined by steam-distilling another ali-
tion. quot and titrating with thorium nitrate using
Triple-point measurement of UF6<o<2> is one Arizarine-S as indicator. This method is
of the most simple methods of determining laborious and difficult for remote operation.
HF when no impurities are contained. The On a previous occasion, the authors<7l
drawback of this technique is that the amount proposed a simple method for determining
of sample material required is excessively free acid, e.g. nitric, hydrochloric or sulfuric
large for in-line application. acid, and U(VI) by alkalimetry. In the present
Infrared spectroscopy of HF has also been study, the method has further been developed
studied<3><•>, and the method is actually used and made applicable to the determination of
for monitoring the HF concentration in UF6 HF and U(I'I) in hydrolyzed UF6 solution. The
gas streams. It allows HF of 0.1 to 1.0 m% conditions necessary for potentiometric titra-
to be determined within ±0.05 m%<•l. tion were also determined.
Gas chromatography has been used for in-
line analysis of plant streams containing HF, n. ExPERIMENTAL
UF 6 and other reactive gases, despite its 1. Reagents and Apparatus
disadvantage of invariably involving consider- ( 1 ) Reagents and Apparatus used for
able tailing of the HF peak<s>. In the recent Sampling and Hydrolysis of UF 6
experiments, 4 % of HF in UF 6 was determined
with a precision of ±0.3%<•>. * Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-
Aqueous chemical analysis of F and U(VI) mura, lbaraki-ken.

Vol. 4 , No. 9 (Sep. 1967) 483

UF 6: UF 6 was prepared by reacting F 2 cally or volumetrically.

with UF4 and purifying the product by Standard 0.2 N NaOH solution: Carbonate-
repeated sublimation under vacuum. free saturated NaOH solution was diluted to
Anhydrous HF: Anhydrous HF was pre- about 0.2N by adding carbonate-free water.
pared by thermal decomposition of potassium Its concentration was determined volumetri-
bifluoride. cally by 0.2 M sulfamic acid or potassium
Apparatus: The system for sample prep- biphthalate standard solution.
aration is shown in Fig. 1. All other solutions were prepared from
analytical reagent-grade compounds.
Potentiometric titrator: An automatic-
recording titrator (Metrohm Potentiograph E336)
with 20 ml buret and combined glass and silver
chloride electrode (Metrohm's Type X or U) was
2. Experimental Procedure
C5 C6 ( 1 ) Sampling and Hydrolysis of
ca UFG·HF Mixture
A: To vacuum line; B: Monel Bourdon gauge, The parts of the apparatus exposed to HF
o-1,000 mmHg; Cl-C2: Cold traps for purifica-
tion of fluorides, C3--C4: Sample measuring and/or UFG was thoroughly cleaned to remove
cylinders, 1.4Xl03cm3 and 3.8Xl02cm3 , C5-C8: all organic substances. After the apparatus
UFs or HF reservoirs, 1.3Xl02cm3 or 1.4Xl0cm3,
S: Daiflan sampling tube was assembled, it was leak-tested by helium
Fig. 1 System for Sample Preparation leak detector to prevent the entry of moisture
Valves: 30VM Monel valves from Auto- into the system; baked under high vacuum
clave Engineering Co. to drive off moisture within the tubing; and
Tubing: Monel tube of 1/8 11 inside dia- treated with F2 to prevent reaction of UFG
meter. with the tubing material, as well as adsorp-
Cylinders: Monel cylinder of 1.4X103 cm•, tion of HF thereto.
3.8X10 2 cm 3 and 1.3Xl02 cm'. A sampling method such as pouring molten
Pressure gauge: Monel Bourdon gauge. UF 6 into a sampling tube<sJ was not practical,
Sampling tube: Daiflon (Polytrifluoromono- due to the limited amount of sample material
chloroethylene resin, Daikin Kogyo Co., Ltd.) tube available. In the present study the amount
shown in Fig. 2 of sample obtained was determined by collect-
ing gaseous UF 6 or HF in a cylinder of known
4 7 volume and measuring its pressure and tem-

perature. About 0.5 to 1 g of the gaseous
sample was then CJniense:l into a Daifton
tube kept at liquid nitrogen temperature. As
55 :>
much UF 6 as possible was made to condense
Daiflon tube, 4 mm inner diam., 10 em long, and collect at the bottom of the tube. The
heated at one end and flared. A suitable position
along the length of the tube heated to trans-
tube was isolated and detatched from the
parency, drawn, tail cut off, reheated and pushed system, and immediately thrown into a 250 ml
to seal off.
polyethylene bottle containig about 50 ml of
Fig. 2 Daiflon Sampling Tube
water. The lid of the bottle was tightly
( 2) Reagents and Apparatus used for closed, and it was then shaken violently.
Analysis of the Hydrolyzed Solution About 1 g of UF" was hydrolyze:! within 10
Standard uranyl solution: Standard uranyl min at room temperature, with occasional
solution was prepared by dissolving pure shaking to prevent plugging of the tu'Je by
U02CN03)2·6HzO in water. The U content of bubbling gas. Without this shaking, hyiroly·
the solution was determined either gravimetri- zation did not complete even after 24 hr.
484 J. Nucl. Sci. Techno/ ,

C2) Potentiometric Titration of the Table 1 Effect of Titration Speed on

Hydrolyzed Solution Potentiometric Titration of
HF and U(VI) with NaOH
The hydrolysis of a UF6·HF mixture can
Sample: 1.40 meq. HF+lOl mg U(VI)
be expressed by the reaction:
HF and U(VI) Relative error
xUFs+yHF+2xH20--> xU0 2F 2 + (4x+y)HF ( 1) Titration determined
The uranyl fluoride-HF solution obtained
was diluted to (2~5) x 1o-•mole// of U(VI). An
(meq.) I U(VI)
aliquot containing about 100 mg of U(VI) was
5.2 1.52 105 +8.6 +4
pipetted into a 100 ml polyethylene beaker.
3.3 1.45 103 +4 +2
Five milliliters of 2 M ammonium sulfate solu-
2.6 1.43 102 +2 +I
tion were added as masking agent for U (VI),
1.9 1.41 101 +7x10-' 0
and the volume was adjusted to about 60 ml
1.1 1.40 100 0 -1
by adding water.
5x10-' 1.40 101 0 0
Then HF was titrated with 0.2 N NaOH
solution at a rate of 5XI0- 1ml/min until the 3X 10-1 1.40 100 0 -1
first inflection point appeared on the titration
curve. One milliliter of 3% H 202 solution When a 20 ml buret and 0.2 N alkali solution
was then added to the solution, and the are used, the titrated solution should contain
titration was continued until the second inflec- from 50 to 150 mg of U(VI) and (2.9~2.7) x 10- 3
tion point was reached. mole of HF.
The amounts of UF6(xmole) and HF(ymole) ( 3) Masking Agent for U(VI)
were calculated from the equations 4x+y=A Sodium fluoride produced during the titra-
and 2x=B, where A is the amount of NaOH tion was effective as masking agent for U(VI);
(mole) added before the first inflection point
was attained, and B that of the NaOH (mole)
added between the first and second inflection

1. Examination of the Titration Conditions,
using Mixtures of Standard Solutions >

( 1 ) Titration Speed ...

The effect of titration speed must be con-
sidered in the alkalimetry of fluoride solution
using a glass electrode, since the time re-
quired for attaining potentiometric equilibrium
will probably be quite long. Some of the
results obtained by changing the titration 10 8 6 4 2 0
0.2N-Na0H (mil
speed are shown in Table 1. The titration
speed of 0.5 ml/min was not too fast when Inflection point for each curve shown,
the Metrohm Potentiograph E 336 with a though position of these curves relative to
combined glass electrode was used. But, E axis is arbitrary.
The following amounts of KF were added
when a pH meter with a common glass to samples of 1.38 meq. HF+l01 mg U(VI)
electrode was used, satisfactory results were and titrated with 0.2 N NaOH solution at
not obtained even when the speed was as the rate of 5X10-1 ml/min; Curve A: 70
meq., Curve B: 30 meq., Curve C: 10 meq.,
low as 0.1 ml/min. Curve D: not added.
( 2) Amount of Sample Fig. 3 Effect of large Amount of Fluoride
The collecting capacity of the sampling on Potentiometric Titration of Ura-
tube described earlier was about 3 g of UF 6. nyl Nitrate-HF Solutions

Vol. 4, No.9 (Sep. 1967) 485

it was found that the inflection point of the titration of uranyl nitrate-HF solution with
titration curve became more pronounced by 0.1 M NazC03 solution. Some of the results
the addition of ammonium sulfate. are given in Table 2.
( 4 ) Effect of Fluoride ( 6) Titration of Mixtures of Standard
The effect of fluoride was studied by Solutions
changing the amount of potassium fluoride Uranyl nitrate-HF solutions were titrated
solution added to the uranyl nitrate-HF solu- with carbonate-free NaOH solution; some of
tions. Some of the results are shown in the results are given in Table 3.
Fig. 3. For samples containing exceptionally 2. Analysis of UF.-HF Samples
large amounts of fluoride, it was difficult to ( 1 ) Effect of Sampling-tube Material
determine the inflection point on the titration Borosilicate glass and Daiflon were tested
curve, because the variation of pH during as materials for tubing to collect and hydro-
the titration was very small. lyze the purified UF. samples. The potentia-
( 5 ) Effect of Carbonate grams obtained for both kinds of tubing are
The effect of carbonate was studied by shown in Fig. 4.
Table 2 Effect of Carbonate on Potentiometric
Titration of HF and U(VI) with NaOH
I Results of
Samples titration with Relative error
-----·-- ·--- --- ----- --··
HF+free U(VI) HF+free U(VI) HF+free U(VI) >
acid in lacid in acid in
UO,(NOa), U0 2 (NOa), UO,(NO,), T--+--.:B.J ""
(meq.) (mg) (meq.) (mg) (%) (%)
1.17 50.4 1.16 55.7 -9x1o- 1 +11
1.19 101 1.17 105 -2 + 4 c
1.20 151 1.19 155 -sx10- 1 + 3
1.22 202 1.20 206 -2 + 2 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
0.2 N-NaOH (mil
2.34 101 2.32 106 -9x1o-t + 5
2.34 101 2.32 111 -9x1o- 1 +10 Inflection point for each curve shown with
its value on NaOH axis (position of these
Table 3 Potentiometric Titration of HF and curves relative to E axis is arbitrary).
The following solutions titrated with 0.2 N
U(\1) in HF -UO,(NO,), Solution with NaOH solution at the rate of 5 X 10- 1ml/min.
CO, Free NaOH Curve A: UFa collected and hydrolyzed in
Results of borosilicate glass tube packed with borosilicate
Samples titration with Relative error glass granules of 177~250 /-L. HF/U0 2F2 =
CO, free NaOH 2.84, Curve B: UFs collected in borosilicate
···- glass tube and hydrolyzed slowly while cooling
HF+free U(VI) HF+free U(VI) HF+free I U(VI) nearly to 0°C in tube. HF/U02 F2 =3.74,
acid in acid in acid in Curve C: UFa collected and hydrolyzed in
U0 2 (NO,), UO,(NO,), U0 2 (N0 3) 2 Daiflon tube. HF/U02 F 2 =3.95.
(meq.) (mg) (meq.) (mg) (%) I (%)
-- Fig. 4 Potentiometric Titration Curves for

1.16 - 1.16 0 - Hydrolyzed Solutions of Pure UFs
Samples obtained at Various Hydro-
1.17 50.4 1.17 I 0 +2.4 lyzing Conditions
1.17 50.4 1.17 51.4 0 +2.0
1.19 101 1.19 102 0 +1 Owing to the considerable amount of heat
1.19 101 1.18 101 -sx10- 1 0 generated in the hydrolysis, the glass tube
1.20 151 1.20 151 was found considerably etched, resulting in
0 0
151 many cases in deformation of the titration
1.20 1.21 151 +8x10- 1 0
I 0 curve and reduced HF/UOzFz ratio. The
1.22 202 1.22 202 0
I hydrolysis performed in Daiflon tube produced
1.22 I 202 I 1.22 202 0 Io normally shaped titration curves, and HF/

486 J. Nucl. Sci. Techrwl.,

U02F2 ratios near 4 were obtained, as seen

( 2) Determination of HF and U(V!) in The method described above is an exten-
the Solution of Hydrolyzed High- sion of the work originally developed for the
purity UF6 determination of free acid and U(VI) in uranyl
A series of purified UF 6 samples were nitrate-nitric acid solution. Since this method
hydrolyzed, and HF and U(V!) were determin- is intrinsically a pH measurement of acidic
ed. Some of the results are shown in Table 4. solution containing HF, the effect of deteriora-
Table 4 Potentiometric Determination of HF/ tion of the glass electrode must be considered.
U02F2 and U(V!) in Hydrolyzed Solu- Tests on glass electrodes supplied from Japa-
tion of Pure UF. nese makers, conducted in an acidic fluoride
U (VI) was also determined gravimetri- solution of pH 3, showed that the pH-measur-
cally by drying the solution in platinum
crucible and then baking at 900°C for ing ability of the electrode was impaired after
1 hr. 1 day and was completely lost after 3 days. In
contrast, Metrohm's glass electrodes were
Potentiometric Gravimetric
determination of determina- found serviceable in pH 2.5 to 4 of uranyl
HF/U02F2 and U(Vl) tion of U(VI) fl.uoride-HF solution as long as 100 hr without
any decrease in the ability.
HF/U02F2 I U(V!)
(mg/ml) (mg/ml)
Very much larger errors should have to
1 3.94 11.8 11.7 be expected in the alkalimetry of fluoride
2 3.95 11.2 solutions as compared to nitrate solutions,
3 4.03 considering that the absorption into NaOH of
12.2 12.2
C02 present in the atmosphere would lower
4 3.97 11.6 11.5
the first equivalence point and raise the
5 3.97 12.5 12.4
second. Adsorption onto the glass electrode
of uranium peroxide produced by the addition
( 3) Determination of HF Content in
UF6·HF Mixtures of H20 2 should further raise the second point.
UF6·HF mixtures were hydrolyzed, and All these circumstances combine to result in
the HF/UOzF2 ratios determined. The results values of HF/U02F2 ratio smaller than actual.
are given in Table 5. The use of borosilicate glass tubing was
abandoned because the conditions necessary
Table 5 Potentiometric Determination of HF/ for obtaining a normal titration curve could
U02F2 and U(VI) in Hydrolyzed Solu-
tion of HF-UFa Mixture with C02 not be found. Daiflon tubing was preferable
Free 0.2 N NaOH since it required no special technique to
U(VI) was also determined gravimetri- hydrolyze UF6 samples, and normal titration
cally by drying the solution in platinum curves were invariably obtained.
crucible and then baking at 900°C for
1hr. From Table 5, it is seen that the method
of analysis of crude UF 6, described in this
Semples Potentiometric Gravimetric paper, can be applied successfully to samples
(mmHgx3.8X determination of determina-
10 2cm 3 at 25°C) HF/U02F2 and tion of containing 0 to 1 mole of HF per mole of UF6.
U(Vl) U(V!) The large value of HF content seen in the

(~~~l~l) HF/ IU(V!) U(Vl) first sample in Table 5 may be taken to

UF·I HF I U02F2 (mg/ml) (mg/ml) indicate that the UF6 gas arriving from the
95 97 5.0 5.21 reservoir in the earlier runs contained more
8.8 8.7
HF than samples coming later.
97 96 5.0 5.09 9.4 9.4
The accuracy of this method was roughly
96 95 5.0 5.02 9.2 9.2
48 4.5 evaluated from Tables 4 and 5 to be ±10%
99 4.53 12.5 12.5
for the ratio HF/UFG and ±1% for the value
98 48 1 4.5 4.48 12.5 12.4
of U (VI) in the range of o to 1 mole of HF per
9J I 47 I 4.5 4.49 I
11.9 I 11.9
mole of UFG.

Vol. •I, No.9 (Sep. 1967) 487

F and U (VI) in hydrolyzed solution of crude
UFs were titrated with a potentiometric The authors wish to express their thanks
titrator having a glass electrode, using carbon- to Mr. G. Fujisawa, Mr. A. Takahashi and Mr.
ate-free NaOH solution. T. Soga for their assistance in the construction
Aliquots of samples, containing from 50 to of the experimental apparatus and the pre-
150 mg of U (VI) combined with corresponding paration of samples. Acknowledgment is also
amounts of HF, from 2.9 to 2.7 meq., were due to Mr. H. Yoshida and Miss S. Kurobane
titrated successfully. For mixtures containing for their help in the analysis of the hydrolyzed
between 0 and 1 mole of HF per mole of UF s, samples.
the HF/UFs ratio was determined by this
method with an accuracy of about ± 10%,
and the value of U (VI) within ± 1 %. (1) MAYNARD, C. W., Jr.: M-1379, (1944).
Ordinary glass electrodes were found un- (2) RODDEN, C.J.: T/D-7003, (1956).
serviceable for pH measurements of HF solu- (3) DEANE, A.M.: AERE-R-3261, (1960).
tion, whereas Metrohm's Type X or U could (4) SMITH, D.F.: Proc. 2nd. U.N. Intern. Conf.
be used for long periods of time with unim- Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva. 1958,
paired performance. 28. P/930, 130~138 (1958).
Small values were often obtained for 4x+y (5) HAMLIN, A. G., lVESON, G., PHILLIPS, T.R.:
Anal. Chem., 35, 2037~2044 (1963).
and large values for 2x in Eq.( 1 ), when the
HF/U02F2 ratio turned out smaller than the
et al.: Proc. 2nd. U.N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful
theoretical values. Pure UF 6 should be Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958, 28, P/
hydrolyzed and titrated occasionally to verify 1453, 433~435 (1958).
the validity of the results; when a small HF/ (7) MOTOJIMA, K., lZA WA, K.: Anal. Chem., 36,
U02F 2 ratio is obtained, the glass electrode 733~735 (1964).
should be washed with nitric acid solution to (8) RIORDAN,].]., HIGHFILL, J.P.: NBL-153, 58~
remove uranium peroxide and other materials 63 (1959).
adsorbed on electrode surface.


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