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Duties and Responsibilities of the Personnel

- Attendance and Punctuality

- To provide High-quality food to customers
- To serve customers’ desired orders
- Provide a safe workplace
- Supply personal protective equipment and make sure workers know how to use
Equipment safely.
- Handle equipment and materials properly
- Cleaning and organizing work areas, equipment, utensils, and service station.

3.7. Qualification of Personnel

- Knowledge in sales marketing

- Knowledge in food storage and safety, cleaning equipment operation
- Excellent verbal communication skills
- With strong customer service skills
- Ability to remain calm in stressful situation

3.8. Hiring Process and its Requirements

Hiring process

- Be aware of what you need. (You should first know what you will need; cashier, cook,
- Be aware of what you can offer. (You should know what you can offer as you may
Find It is difficult to complete with large food carts when it comes to benefits and
- Avoid getting employees from one of your family members. (You should consider
many candidates for this position just so you can focus on who will be the best
person for the specific position.)
- Use different methods and opinions from others. (Consider multiple methods when
It comes to assessing your applicants; interviews, trial employment.)
- Conduct a background check on your applicant. (You should do this to avoid hiring
A dishonest employee can lead to a devastating outcome for your food cart’s future

 Physical Attributions:
- Lifting, standing for long periods, working in a hot/cold temperature, ability to interact with the
public/other people, and experience when it comes to cooking.
 Behavior:
- If an employer is a dishonest right from the very beginning, you might have some problems in
the future. An employee must be honest, work ethically, and communicate with co-workers very
well. (Keep in mind that an employee can learn skills, but never the behavior.)

 Intelligence:
- If you want smart employees who can easily learn the basic skills and do not need to be
reminded of small details over and over again, you must hire smart people.

3.9. Salary Compensation

The average annual salary of a Food Cart Attendant here in the Philippines is ₱190,000/yr.
Therefore, the monthly salary of our employees can be ₱15,800-₱16,000/mos with 24 working days with a
rest day every Sunday.
The hourly salary of our employees can be ₱93/hr.
The 13th-month pay bonus can be ₱10,967.

3.10. Schedule of Salaries

- Personnel pay will be paid every Sunday before the rest day

3.11. Employer/Employee Schedule

Employee shift schedule


Employee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Personnel 1 9:00 am to 9:00 am to 9:00 am to 9:00 am to 9:00 am to 8:00 am to
5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm

3.12. Gantt chart

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