Middle Power - Political Economy

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Middle powers in the Indo-Pacific:

Bilateral-Multilateral Nexus in Korea-ASEAN-Australia Partnership

Christian Erick C. Canlas
Sir Jumel G. Estranero

I. Introduction

This webinar was made possible by Theo Mendez, a graduate student at University of
Melbourne and Jay Song, a director of Korean Studies at University of Melbourne as well. It
was discussed by Dr. Hoo Chiew Ping, a Senior Lecturer in National University of Malaysia.
In the introduction of the webinar, Dr. Hoo Chiew Ping discussed the outline of the topic
such as the meaning of middle power, Australia and Korea’s international relations, ASEAN
countries as middle power, Republic of Korea-ASEAN partnership. Australia-ASEAN
partnership, the Bilateral- Multilateral Nexus in Korea-ASEAN-Australia Partnership, and
opportunities, challenges, and prospects in the Indo-Pacific era.

II. Lesson Proper

The concept of middle power according to Giovanni Botero is a country or sovereign

state that “has the sufficient strength and authority to stand on its own without the need of
help from others.” In short, these countries are economically stable and does not rely on other
countries to live. They are independent as well. “Those which by reason of their size. Their
material resources, their willingness and ability to accept responsibility, their influence and
stability are close to being great powers.” Which was seconded by R.G. Riddel (1948).

As for Dr. Hoo Chiew Ping, there are three waves of Middlepowerdom, 1st wave, 2nd
wave, and 3rd wave. The first wave was after the second world war (Australia and Canada).
The second wave was after the cold war era (South Korea, South Africa, Indonesia). And
lastly, the third wave was after the 2008 global crisis that affected the whole world.

Australia and ASEAN partnership is very strong. In fact, they started this relation in 1974
and in 2020, Australia’s trade in ASEAN countries reached up to 100.6 billion Dollars and it
is greater than USA and Japan’s trade at that time. Meanwhile, Republic of Korea’s dialogue
started in 1989 but was fully established in 1991 and it reaches 144 billion Dollars. The
ASEAN was the sixth largest partner of Republic of Korea in 2020.
The ASEAN plays the role of bridging, coalition coordination, and norm diffusing.

III. Analysis
For me, this three-way partnership is a win-win for all. Imagine this, with all the natural
resources of ASEAN, like in agriculture, minerals, and other products, together with the
technology advancement of the other two great powers with Australia and Republic of Korea,
this will create an innovation where the citizens of these three countries (one region) will
benefit from. This is huge especially for the Indo-Pacific region since these ASEAN
countries are not that rich in terms of economic and political point of view.

IV. Conclusion
So, in conclusion on all of this, this will be bigger than anywhere else in the world.
Because two great countries will have a middle power that is rich in terms of resources will
have a partnership. And for that, the whole world will benefit from it.

V. Proof of Attendance

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