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DCZ-361 DCZ-302 DCZ-365
DCZ-306 DCZ-307 DCZ-368
DCZ-309 DCZ-376 DCZ-377
DCZ-341 DCZ-342 DCZ-920
K —C— -MT


— -—---- — — I

t/XiIJnF11XL) J -I
— -imrl
DCL-341,342 EXCLUSIVE PARTS (1) 77(1 ) 18
DCZ-341,342 EXCLUSIVE PARTS ( 2 19
“C” & “K” DEVICES “C” ZY “K” 23
Illustration of this Parts Book is based on the Model DCZ-36 I A.
øJ\—’Yi’y7CDCZ-36 I A *LZi’ I-

6 5






31 24





028 032
38 26


S EILAPs’E0L (‘0 VERS(1)
Re!. I’arls
N) No. I)e SC iii)! iou .l in!.
1 33001 blue/i jut’ l’rum
2 1
33003 (loll, P/alt’ (1 (.,.J
)jj \ 1
3 32628 (;/ ii, P/ale Lot ci ‘ hi [7 — I
4 33029 ( 7o//, 1 ‘liii,’ J,u/c/, Sjn : hi Is \._
5 5095 Sloiipcr Screa’ /or .30126 ,f3jj/\ 7 .j ‘7 .j)\ 7
6 30126 C/iI I’/afe J/ools 4w)i / 7 j7 — I
7 6040 cr’w for .30126 ];jJ 7 •j 7
8 Model I ‘/aii’( 5C i/U lab/i’ on page ii.) J 7h (1 4’ 7 ‘7) 1
9 726 Run /or Mmli’! P/at
10 2
33004 (foil, Ilate (Lower) jj /
s;s \ 1
11 7606 Sc it’ w /0 r .3300:3 ii, — , 7 1
12 7605 ‘)crcu’ for ‘3,3003
33017 C/th I laie hinge Pit / 7-” 7
, —
14 1457 Screw for .33017 k’J7
1 5 33024 (7oth l’/ale 1/sage Pin Retaining l?in 77’ 77 7 3 77
16 9106 Stopper Screw for (;loil, l’lale / —7
j / \, 7 1
334 Nut for )106 t’) 1
18 697 Cloth P/ale 1/oak P/, i i’— .7
19 33209 Base Gasket <—7J\’j/
20 1
33638 Bas(
21 32421 Drain hole Sea! fr I’nn(’ Q ‘1.7I_i
22 5076 Drain I/ole Sc rca Ia r lane ‘—7 )i 7 2 (77 1
23 567 Drain 1/ole Seal /r (.)ute “<—7 A13t7 I .i 7 7
24 (‘is’) 1
9852 Drain Ho/c Screw f) r Vale 7
7 .7 (“Js’) 1
25 33284 Ch iJ) Guard (Lower)
1330 Screw for 33284 r
t)]J717 .7 .7 1
27 34628 Adapter (Short) ‘77
5 7 .7 (h) 2
28 32879 Base 1?ubber Cushio, ‘\—7
29 3
33627 Base Rubber Cus/uoi “7 177
30 1
33637 Adapter (Long) ‘7 7 ‘7 77) 2
31 33636 Macli me l’ra,ne Ifange Ps.( j / \ 7 —

32 563 Washer for 33638,336,36 7 •.7 6
33 364 Nut far 33636 y
34 2
5519 Screw for 3.3638
570 Sea! for 33638 “<—7/
,77 4
317 Seal for 33638 ‘7—71 .7 ‘1 4
37 33026 Rubber Cushion Holding P/at ‘7— 7 7 7— 1
38 6910 Wood Screw for 33026 ‘1—7 7 L.—— 77 4
10 ED 6 1



21 35



24 30

25 27

(o VERS(21 i—rj( 2) 2
1. / I 1
urls l in!.
I)isripl ion IZI

I 329/0 II? rrul 1.iui/ In? ,.(

2 4435 rr,r for :l2P7
ii I
32613 ‘/0/, ( ,‘i (I?o/ii

4445 ,s, :;i:, :;t;ii, :;;i7 5 -

32597 loi (,,i,i,i (Iirhi /\.i
6 32614 7” (,o’,’r (/,i I
7 32615 fop ( ‘ii (,,i,cI,f (fr/f) .
8 91H ii for ‘6I I ± )j 2
50/5 (1/f //i/r ,‘rr, H_5
)j/ I
525 ()/ J/,lr .r,i/ 5.)) i ‘1

11 32924 iI Sip/if lip il’iiiili’u, Sru/ ji• 15 r i 7/’’ ‘.

12 32930 U/i S/P/il ?‘oii lli,u/i :.]L4.L ‘

i 7 I
12) 4404 L,(.r(.Ir 3293(1
for ‘
711 i 3
11 32619 .‘5dl,’ 1I? Hul ( ‘ii 1’ \—
15 976 / .‘iiur/ Z V—’2
I6 32620 .‘\i’i’iIlr lhrra/ ( (0,1’?’ 1,111(11 •1’1fl,i Li
17 7006 Screw fur 3220 ) \—/ \j3 , 2
I8 32622 \‘‘d/ J’i, r’ui ( ,n’’ 1 I’ll 1± J/ ‘— 5’ 1
19 32618 •,!d’ (‘,‘‘r (,sk’I “ .J HM51i r 5’ I
20 32617 ‘)i(/(’ ( (fl( .,\ ) / 1
21 33005 C/u/li L’lule l,’i/, I — ‘“ 1
22 33016 Clot/i V/ai Il/n/pc Gosh,’! ‘/5,.’/5’i 5’ 1
23 5089 Screw for .33005 ,J\— 5) 5.)j5z , 4
24 33022 ) Guard 5
(ui uppo nc .
till 1
25 4440 Scr(’w for 3.3022, .32607 j 5., 4
26 33020 C/i/p Guard (fr’ix(’d, t3J
4 ’ 5.4 ( 1
27 1330 Screw for .3.3020 1
28 1223 for .3.3020 P7f)j5) 1
29 32607 front Cover hinge - I — ‘ 1
30 32608 J”ronl (;orer Ihiiige P/fl J’— ‘_J :5 E 5 1
31 33021 Chip Guard (Openable.; JJlri’ 5.4/ 1
32 5131 Screu’ for 3,3021 ts s’is - 2
33 32606 i’ront Cove ) _-

34 853 Threading Chart, for DCZ-361 15..’17i D C Z —361 1
34 1 -
854 for DCZ-362 0 C Z 362 —
34-2 855 for DCZ-311 3I5. DC 7—341 1
34-3 851 for DCZ-342 1.)l
5.5r! D C 7 —342 1
34-4 820 //
for DCZ-920 D C Z —520 1
35 32609 Front Cover Latch Spring . jIS 1
36 4358 Screw for 32609 53[4J\—Ijj..’5., 1
t7C J
I-I t7[
()(!kS (() VEJ?S(3) h / \ — (3) 3
i’:9f•. I’ui i/s .,l iii!.
I)’s 111)1 /111? II’
R ((f.
1 33653 Itihri (;ui/ !iiy4 i LJ1. I
2 4353 ,rirU’ far 3,365:?, .‘?:?61’’ ii i.’
5 4441 ,)(‘r(’a fuir :?:;;s3 . ,.
j 7
.1 34675 1(1(1 ,Iii/ia,ii sin ( ‘a 9 /I —

5 4437 ,(‘(‘( fir 3.fij, ju

U )
IJ J\- 2
6 34676 /1111 •ai’(’i (askrl
)lIi(h(iiIiSiiI ( I) / / f.,, 9 I . ..

7 32604 1(1/h I1
1a/r I?ahh(’r ( ‘,i’Iz,a, ±(i(.5 9. 1
8 32663 lI’ar,a (1,1 S/ur/d . il —.5 )jj. I
9 9853 far :S’663
.5 7jJ \— il.2 7. 1
10 32627 .\‘‘rdlr Bar ( (inn(’(’Ijn/’ Link ( ‘air B h/\ I —

11 1223 ,Srrru’ far :12627 .jfA 7. 2 )_ j

. ‘

12 930 0,1 •‘5a/ I . 2

13 928 (5/ •“)(‘a/ I’m?.. 79: 1
1I 977 ,\am(’ 1 ‘Iii? • i34?. I
15 726 Iii H’? f,, 5)77 . 2
16 5062 L,rr(,ir
/ /11/ I . H i . 1
17 567 .S(’al /ar 5062 [.. ‘.
18 32624 la,? Jd/I(’ r 1l,fl,L?.(’ (a1’(’ ‘\ :1 H , 1
19 550 I’i/n’r Rti(/J fur .362.!) .< ,, H / \ ‘. 2
20 4440 ,‘)rr(,r /r 3()2i1, 33562 . i 5. ... 2
21 33562 I)auhir ( haiuiui. J.,aaiii’ i Iii 11(1(1 J’.dj(’i(’I (Rrar) ‘‘U
, 1
22 33013 li’’tl lIar I)ruing Shaft Lad (M/ ‘.9 53j) 3
23 5345 SCH’,r far .3.3013 5 ‘J’IL(( j7 9
24 33265 Srai far .llach,ar l’ra uii(’
25 33012 ( ranks/la/I Ball Bearing ,‘,,,ali Gasket . 7 ‘:1 7 >.) \ .j .r9 7 1
26 33037 ranksha/t Ball 1I(’ariug (Sinai!) (5i 13(7 7 .

27 33038 Crankshafl Bail Bear/ag (Small) Cap Claiaj 3/7 ‘ S .i 9 77 1

28 4357 Screw far •3:3.3 13,7 ‘‘ ‘J 775 . : 3
29 5094 Screw fu,,’ 362)6 7.j7 /T-’ H .7 1
30 33131 I’(’ (‘(1 Bag Regulating Piishbitttaii .Sprin,., 7 .,, 7 j
7) \ 4 1
31 36216 i’e(’d Bag Reguialrng i’us/,l,uIta, 7 . 7:] 7 1
32 32429 1Iir(’ 7&5: (2. mm) 1
33 32612 Seal Hug . 1
34 3434 Screw /ur .32612 .;‘: 5 7 1
35 33155 I’ulleq (,,ailuul /11,? Sigh? IIiida, 1 1
36 33283 1ulleq Cave I) .jj) \
37 5087 Screw far 33283 7—9 )jJ\—.U .7 2
38 33618 lIe!! Care <J H i; I —





C) 01

? L
;l iii!.
1?’/ I’ur/s ‘El
Ai. I)’sc 11/)! 1(11?

1 32965 ‘i/i riul ?‘rnsmn Spring (‘iii

7 u
.i Li J .

2 33890 l(nsu,n Spring Rushint

3 30255 Arid/v 7’hrviul Tunsuin Sprint
7 ()) 4
4 37635 Ilirvul ‘l’vnsiiin Spring Rvtiiin .

7 i g 8
5 286 1(11 J)r .3H11
f 10
6 31111 1(115 Inn I)i v
i\’vdl’ ihi(’(U/ J(’ilSH),? I’(ISI (lung) I f’ 4.)
7 6544
8 32968 A’’d/v I/i rind I(’nsi(In I)isc l.IJ(’/(’l i..] S 4
I)uuh/v ( 7uining Nv(’d/(’ ‘I7 rvlu/ L’qv/v! 4f j\)
9 33169
Ni’vdlv 7’llr(’nd 7’i’,,.i,i lns/ (Shun) J’,L3 44 )
10 6543
,\nt mr 6513 ) I
11 340

12 32952 lM(1J)(’r I/i 1(111! 1(115 1(11? Sprin
3’,] f 4. 2
13 6542 (I/li’ I 1 Ii’nsiiin IL iI
Ih rim
.j,’H j’ 354 2
14 32962 1 I(’ns inn 1)1 SC hij(/(’l
r I/i run
1 7’ 2
15 32963 lAuip(’ r Ii? run! lu/n’ ‘

16 Lu np’r ‘I iii urn! E,, u/ut Sn ipo r / v 1)1 )j i


17 1326 Scr(’n’ fur .3.1.010
I ( I
18 32955 I..(i()IH’ r i/i ivud Iq’lut ( Lu/p

F).) 2
19 532 IVushur / r .32955. .3258
20 1330 Serum /)r .32955. .32.358
IL-— I 4) 1
21 32358 !Mop(’r 7’Im r(’nd Lynn (Right) I
22 32424 N(’ud/u ih rend Ly(’l( 4
23 33167 A’u(’d/(’ Inr Ii? r(’nd R(’/nln(r flrnek(’I

24 7006 Screw fur .3.3167 .

ij \]) 1
25 32425 JUn (‘din Bit r lh r(’nd Ri’ In inn r I ‘in!
‘]Ji f 5j1 \ I
26 32426 .\(‘(‘dlr liar ‘I’ll rend Ruta,n(’r .Sprin
‘j\,:] fi Jc 1
27 1092 cre,r fur .32125
jij)L- I 4j 1
28 33207 Dnub/(’ Chnii,iimg Luupi’r Tim rind Ly(’/(’t
-1 1
29 9142 .Scrun’ / r .3.3207
J..uupr r Th rind LiJ(’I(’/ I’ip(’ (Lunn) 4’j ‘( 7 )
30 33159
Lim-I .14 1
31 1459 Screw fur .33159 1
77m read’ z ‘jLJ]4 1
32 33274 T(’ns inn Disc Eyeful / r J*mub/e Chaining Luupe r
,J44A 1
33 7817 7’i’ns,un Vast
j]j / 1
34 37632 1)oubIn Chaining 1.oup(’r ?(“flSiOfl Spring zi’T

Ju,J..ift Li Li jL. I
35 37170 Tensian Spring ]3ushin
J1it 1
36 37636 Thrund Tension Spring Nut )

]]y. p 1
37 33204 ihrnud Take-Up Eyelet Bruckut
38 4440 Scrumr for 33204
i 1
39 33203 Thrund Taku-(Tp Eyelet
p 1
40 33205 Thread Retaining fring ,,%_

j , 1
41 4438 Screw for 3.3203 -

6)JL-— I \55]))] %$j t .) 1

42 33170 Doubl(’ Chnining Looper Thr(’ad Lynn (Right
iiT)L- 1
43 33206 Daub/u Chaining Lnopvr Thrund Eyulut (Left)
nit—’ ‘w 1
44 5043 Scruu’ .3.3170, 33206

/ ..I

\\ ,



R’/. I
1 HlS /1 ml.
No. I)csc i’,,! ion czi
EIE Req.

1 33053 / ““‘!/ 7 U — I
2 3591 fIuin rrrrr /ur 33053 7_ U
3 9203 rih-Scriii /ur .33053 7_ U j} 7 1
4 4402 ((ri, ,(r(Ir’ fur .1.3053 7’— U()-*. .7>
5 36188 Pulley Cruiliruiw,r Hute fur R(’r’(re l)r//erentiul 7 [ji I
6 5133 Ser(’I4’fir .I6li,S 7 UI ii i’ 3
7 32817 ( runks/ru/l Bull liluring housing Cu 1 }c 7 ., 7’ 1
8 4441 .Sereu’ fur 1/i
2 .7.) ii 4
9 32818 ( runkshu/t Bull hl(’u ring R(iuiiifl.( Ring (Outer) — )L”<? U ‘J 7[) I I
10 32777 ( runkshu/t Bull ll(’uruy .7 — ) 1’’\ i’ ‘.3 1 1
11 32775 runks/ruf I 11(111 ll(’urirg ilurisint .7.7 . 7, 1
12 32778 runkshu// flu/i ll(’uring R(’luin!ug Ring (Inner) I’ > 7 U / 7 I
13 32779 ‘runk.shuf / hull luring Re/urn rug 11’ushe P I,) _i 7 1iJ’,)* J ) ‘/ 7, 1
14 32925 Vii l’uinp Driving 1l orn
7 .7 ./ —
15 7650 .Sereu fur .32925 r —Ljj-j.7
16 33077 (‘runkshuf/ (..uunlerweighl (Right) I \ 7 .7 t -I’ 3.7 1
17 1435 S(r(’u fur .3.3077, 3.3079 3310.3 ii 5
18 33080 Crunkshu/t 7, 5 j 77. .., 7 I
19 33052 (.runkslur// Bull 1leurin — )t” U J 7 i)’ 1
20 33079 (.runks/rufl (..._orurlern’eig/rl (L(’fI) í\ 7, ‘p p .7 ..j’ [.. (N
21 33200 Double (..huurirg J.Moper ihreud Jake-Uti .7j
22 1457 Serert’ fur 33200 .“_?
.7Jj 27
23 32681 Crairkshuf I Bus/i ing (lane ri I
7 . 7. 1
24 9209 ,Serew for .32681, .3.1.518 ‘ 2
25 32782 Crankshaft Bus/ring (Left) .7,7 p 1
26 1448 Scr(’u’ fur 32’782, .32349 .7 p7, 2
27 33051 Cruks hull Bull B(’uring (Small) Housin,.., (i 7 , 1
28 3434 Screu’ for .3.3051 ‘i 7,
29 32904 Ipper Knifu Drivina S/raft Bushing (Right) I’i7 >7.-t) 1
30 32905 (.‘pp(’r Knife Driring Shufl Bushing (Left ±. 17 p 7, .L 1
31 2133 Seren’ fur 32905 7,.. (.7 ).7>
. 1
32 32906 Upper Knife Driving S/wit Oil Seal ± P 75-I )7. —) 1
33 32650 N(’(’d/e 13(11 Driving Crank Bushing Piu,r .7.7 (1 2 ) 1
34 32648 Aced/c Bar Driving Crank Bushing (Right; 7, p / 7,.q7 7. () 1
35 32647 ,w’edle Bar Driuing Crank Bushing (Left) .7 I’) 7 P> . L () 1
36 32684 Aeedle Bar Driving Crank Oil Seal 75 ‘.i )(..7 1
37 30291 Luoper Driving Shaft Or / Seal ) I \I’t( .7-1’ 3 2) 2
38 34518 Upper Looper Driving Shaft Bushing (Front) ±)—J 7 p 7, 7,3)) 1
39 32793 Upper Looper Driving Shaft Bushing (Rear) ..L)L. —I 7 p ((k) 1
40 32349 Upper Looper Bar Guide Bushin,., )(, I \5I 7 p 1
41 527 Oil Wick for 32.350 )(,_J.7l7 .7,.’j’ 1
42 32350 Upper Bar Guide Bushing Cap )J \‘‘[j7 p7 i. 7, 1
43 30227 Lower Looper Driving S/raft Bushing (Front) T.U—I \7 p 7, . (3)i) 1
44 33055 Lower Looper Drivi,g Shaft Bushing (Rear) 7)J \7 p 7, (.7.) 1
45 33061 Bauble Chaining Looper Driving S/raft Jiu.4ring (Front’ .4 7 7, .7.7
. I 1
46 33062 Double Clrui,ring Looper Driving Shaft Bushing (Rear) L. I Ø7 p7, .7k) 1
47 33101 i’eed Bar Driving S/raft hush iia (Right) .7 7 p 3) 1
48 33102 Feed Bar Driving S/raft hlus/ii,rg (Middle) .7 U ‘i.7.) p 7. .j. cU) 1
49 33103 Feed Bar Driving Shaft Bits/ring (Left) .7IJ.3)) p
7,,, () 1
50 33069 Looper Rocker S/raft Bushing (Right) )17,3)ik+ () 1
51 33070 Looper Rocker S/raft Bushing (Left) )—I \ji;.77 . 7, () 1
52 33119 Differential Fred Control Lever Shaft hiusirin., 5J’7,,..j \7 p7, 1
53 3636 Cap Sereii’ for .12652 3jØ7 p 7, ()7, ,
54 526 Seal for 32652 47p7, (±).77,I\p4/ 1
55 32652 Needle Bar Bushing (Upper) ItF47 p7,.a (i.) 1
56 304 Oil Wick fur 32652, 3265:? .7, 2
57 32653 Ar’edle liar Bus/ring Loner) t’(’ 7p 7. .7 1








1?e/ P(lrls .‘liiiI.
No. No. I)’scripl (Oil crni R(’q.

1 32670 in,,i’cl ing Rod

Need/c 1u r ( 1; I f [1 i K I
2 5071 Screw br 32(17(1 n K jE.7 .7 2
3 34405 ,nneel jog 1/0(1 Ru//er Ben ring (Slumlord) — — H } 7 I) / .7 ç454 ) 1
3 1 32819 “ “
// (for luehunge) (. JV”IT I) _i.7 55f7F4]) 1
4 32644 Needle Bar Drii’,,,g L £IH 75 7).)441
5 5520 ,Sereu’ for .32(1(1 £I .7 ‘7 i 141iI .7 .7 1
6 9517 .Serew for 3261.1 I l+ .7 .7 .7 .7 1
7 32921 ( Oiiii(Cl!fl/. luI I’,, fl i K 1
8 9604 .Seren’ /01 .32921, :126.1.6 S 3
9 32662 j\eIle lb r l)rn’,ng ( rnnk ( oanle ru’eighl i,Ik 5 i 1’ H 1
10 3635 .Serew /r .12()()2 5 -i’ H .i.Lt .7 2

II 740 I’ueking 15 1
12 32646 Aced/c Ibur l)riuing ( r(,nk Co/lu Ilk .7 5 ‘7.7 K) ) —
13 32645 Aced/i Ibor Drizing Crook 75 j 1
14 90321 Aced/c lb r ( onneel ing Link U I
15 90320 Needle lIar Lonnecling Link Vii I± U 1.7 ‘U’ 2
16 278 Ui! Wick for 90.320 [I]), 2
17 3313 Screw for 9(132(1 U .7 ‘4 1
18 4313 Screw for 9032(1 U U’7 1
19 32651 Needle lIar Connecting Bracket .7.)7 1
20 1186 Sc reu’ for 32651 41 1

21 37372 Needle Ba 1
22 38101 Needle Clami II 4 1
23 3637 SC reii’ /4 r IVeed/ i-tiE .7 2
24 Needle (System : DC >1; 1) Ut ID C X 1) 1
24- 1 // (System:DiIIXI3) It(DMX13) 1
25 33540 ‘,titc/, V/ate (Dl) i*°C D 1) 1
25-1 33541 // (D2, t1;. 2 2 ) 1
25-2 33531 (iso ± D 4 1
26 5401 Screw /01 Stitch P/Ot( j’ 1
27 33006 Stitch P/ole Sujipo ne I-1;5’ .5- 1
28 6662 Screw for .33006 2
29 32604 Clot/i P/ale Rubber Cashio, 57 ) 1
30 33089 Needle Guard (Front) (Di. 1)2) (Double Chain Stitch - ‘7 211 .‘5 (41;) D 1, D 2) 1
30-1 33536 // (P1) / -, /,) -‘Utt..5-(415iD4) 1

31 4404 Screw for .33089 (33536), 33087 1t5 (41St) 5> 2

32 33086 Needle Gun id (Rear) (Ove rlock Sti Ic/i —1 (I’ 5- (t) .
33 5098 Scren’ for 33086, .3.3088 1.1.5- ‘iSi) 5 4
34 33087 Needle Guard (Front) (Overiock Stitch) 5-—i —1± .5- (411) 1
35 33088 Needle Guard (Rear) (Double Chain Stitch) —‘7 Sill .J
r (if)
1 1
9 6
Ref. I’(IiIS 111111.
No. No. I)’srrill ion 1? (‘(f.

1 32900 lip/Hr Jnh/(’ I)riing (uniu’cling Rod I 7. ‘ K 1

2 5071 •“i’riu’ / r .3290(1
1 f7.E]KiF 2
3 34405 i n,n,’i’I i,,a 110(1 Ru//i’ r Ikuriog ( .tuiulu rd — K } L’’< P ‘3 J /
— 4’ 1
3 1 32819 // “ (/ I..x(llong(’, z— ...“..? 1j ,7 ‘., 1
4 32902 ( 9( r Knife 1)ri,’ing 1 J: ) 7 ) 1
5 5520 Screw /or 32902, :1.3110 ib3 2
6 32921 lijiju’r Joi/i’ 1)riring Cunn(’cl ing 1/od J’u i K 1
7 9604 Screw fer .32921, .32646 ii 5 I; 3
8 32646 (ipp(’r Knife Dr/ring Cronk (//u 5 5 5ij3 5—‘j
9 32920 I ipp’r Knife 1)ri,ing Cu//or (Lefi) . +i)i 5 () I
10 7311 5(1(0’ for :12920 ± 7.’JIi3 5— () iL 1
11 32903 I pp(’r 1ni(’ Driting Slio/I I- . il 1
12 33140 I.ppe r Js.Eni/e 1)ri,i,,g .1 rn
T 3: )i 7 1
13 4437 ,Scrrw /ur :131.10 ± .> .7. L’.3: S . 2
14 33142 lip/Hr Knife Drii’iig It 1111 (;uid ± . 7. 31 K I
15 3434 Screw fer .33142 3: j5 1
16 32519 lfppe r Knife Dii ring /1 rm Guid(’ J’fu,i .7. I 1’ K .:I’l’ 1
17 32912 upper Ki,i/e limier Guid 1
18 7616 .Screw fur .32912 ±. X±F-iil 5 1
19 5508 5(. fur 291.1 : 1
20 723 Gnid(’ Pin fur .32912 ± 7.[/ 1
21 32911 li/I/Wi kil i/c lioldi’ _L 7 1
22 1174 Scre,,’ /ur .32911 ± xj is i
23 32913 upper Knife Clomp -
7.’T 1
24 32914 lIjper Knife 7 1
25 5074 Screw for .32756 J7.j’7..jI-5 1
26 32756 Lower Kin/c holder Sprint., T 7.) 1
27 32916 Li) we r Kn iie Ho/dc T 7. 7 1
28 4591 Screw for .32916 T7. 7.iL S 1
29 30421 Lower Knif T7. 7 1
30 32917 Lower Knife C/on,
1 T7. 7. ‘L 1
31 4353 Screw for 32917 1
32 32899 Lower Knife Holder Locking Plate T7.7.-1’Jjj7 1
33 4440 Screw for 32899 T7.7.Si’Jj7.ji-’-S 2




C.) C.)

“3 “


a, C.) (3
C.) .


C.) C.)
U, a)

Re/. I’urls i::I
No. No. 1)escrip! jini

1 36232 l’ooi l.a/I (‘l• l(’ l’(’ 1 .‘I0J1p(’ I .)“T x H - / 1

2 9127 SrrI’n /oi 3b232 I 4I)-’r I— -i / jE 2
N’ F’3- L.- Jij’5 s 2
3 334 Nut /or :3h230 i ,

4 .44 just log Sr 1(14’ /)) I .362.30 )‘P I H)17 L—/ 2

5505 —

5 36230 loll! Lifter L(’i-(’ 1

N I )5 j

.)C1(’I1 for 36230 N1r L—J—iL- 1

6 6000
1(10! l.a/fIr HP 1 H,’T [,‘11 )‘ I
7 32713 [,(‘i’(’l L

8 690 1
J r/ Pin 1(41 32713 / 17 )H17 7 1
I’ out Lifter J.a’re r Conn(’ci ing Linh 1
N I L.1 \ — 1
9 32714
( (It/Il l’ii ‘•I’I] I
10 32715 -,‘

10)! Li/lI’ r [nt(’ rifledj(lt(’ L(’ iY(’ HP I i-il — I

11 36231
12 J’OOt Li/t(’r Iflt(’rifl(’diUI(’ L(’l’(’I Spring L* L.i —I I 1
Fool !.,i/l(’ r Co//or (Sniol/) 1
H) J 4 L..-/ — j 5— (‘H-) I
13 32719
.:./1_5_(,j\)H5 1
14 1459 S(-rell’ /01 ‘32719
15 Fool Li/ill Late/i Co//u I’)’ I ‘Nil.—’” S 1
32718 —

16 Sereu’ for .32718 HP +IIL_J\- i17—±b 1

J’0O1 Lifter Lever Shaft’ Bushinh P
1 ‘Iii 7 -) 1
17 32720
Screw for ‘32720 j ‘l’i1i7 5 .:iiE- 5 1
18 2022
,-ldjusting S(’1(’l4’ for Presser Spring f’), 5 1
19 6401 -- ii

20 Presser .Spriu
1 H)] I / .5 1

21 Press(’r J’ooi Posiioning Aria H)

1 T3-’7 )ii’) J L-’i \— 1
22 Pres er Foot Release Lever jE) 17 1
Presser l’oot lIe/ease Lete r Bush iig — 7 a 5 —‘
H 1
23 32420
24 Scr(’u’ for .32120 3-4)3-7 S ib17 1
l’ool Li/IC’ I LeVel’ Shaft ‘_rj 1
25 32722
26 l’oo / Carr Icr Hing( 41)11 1
27 l’oot Lifter Hinge 1
Pj 4I)’E 75 7 1
32723 ‘

28 Foot Lifter Hinge Pin Retaining Ring E 75 H- H i 7lJ 75 1

Screw for .3272.3 4’’i H- 75 H-5/j.:, 1
29 1186
30 Foot Carrier H)’ T J)2 1
J’ooi Cai rid’ Was/ic HIT L’fl’ 1
31 32728
Screw for .32725
‘ 1
32 5541
Alit for 1170
1 4)-3-x H , 1
33 335
Stopper Screw /or Presser 3.’. 3-3- .7 H ) I 7 1
34 1170 Foot

Washer for 33537 7 .j 5 -, 1

35 538
36 5509 Screw for .33537 I:LjjJ 1
37 33537 Presser Foot, Complete Set (Dl, D2) 3-Li 1’fl) (Dl. D 2) 1
37- 1 33533 // // // // ‘Di) I:*ll)D -1
38 33515 Presser i’oot Fabric Guard .5 1
Screw for 33515 7H-N.i.ii 17 5 1
39 1230
Presser Foot IlingI’ Sprint i).I V 75 / 1
40 33657
Screw for .33657 75/7- i 1
41 5036 .

42 731 Presser Foot Pu HP LI 5ik-. L’S 1

Presser Foot Spring (Small) II\- H-il) 1
43 33526
44 6093 Screw for 3.3526
.1 j 5 (‘jH-..f , 7 .1
Presser Foot Adjusting P/at .1:3-):
S 1
45 33529 .

Nut for 6093 3-,, H 1

46 216
47 Presser l’oot Spring Large) PiI I 3-) 1
48 Screw for 3352r 4 LJ\5 ,3-iL’- S 1
Chain Cut! _7 1/ 1
49 32706 ,

Screw for 32706 -a Sij. / 2

50 4404


a 10






34 \(
32 35

R/. lurls
A. All). l)(’scril)lian R(’q.
1 33626 1 Ippe r Loopy r I)riving Lever Connecting Rod — / E1 i I 1
2 5071 Servu’ for 3(”C j’ .7 2
3 32785 Loopy r Dri ring lAter Link —1 7 Li J I
4 32784 IMoju’ r Driving Lyre r Link LLin (Short, J / .7 Li ‘/ I
5 9506 Scren’ for .32781 )L.--•iY.J ‘/7 1
6 32787 upper Loope r l)riving Levy F I ‘.hbl

7 3635 Screw for T-’767 —i.j’ .7 2
8 32786 Looper l)ri,’ing L(’i’(’r Link I’m ( Long) IL. — I i.) ‘/5 ‘j () 1
9 3404 Servo’ /r 32786 )—i’/) 1
10 34517 lJpiu’ r Loopy r Driving S/ia/I ±11’—! 4i 1
11 32792 1!ppv r Loopy r Driving S/ui/I Co//u IL. —
/ ,‘.:.
. .7 —

12 5550 Servo’ for .32792 JL —i’d3 7—lb -‘
1 3 32848 (Jpjn’r Looper Driving Shall Tb rust Was/u’ /. S 7. F 7 L— — 3
14 32849 (Jyper Looper Driving Shaft Thrust RoBe 7. :77. F 2
15 34478 upper Looper Bar Driving A rat, Cainpiete Set / .7 5 ‘/ ‘7 4JJ) 1
16 341 04 1 Jppe r Loopy r 13(11 Driving A rn ±1 — / ‘1.7 5 / .7 1
17 520 Washer far .3.110.1 17.)
18 550D Screw for .3.1104 ±)L.—/’c55 5j7. ‘7 1
19 32799 1Jjper Laope r Bar Driving Arm Ph JL. / Li / ‘7 E i 1
20 278 Oil Wick for .32799 1
21 3313 Screw far .32799 lL-I) ‘/5E/iL’7 1
22 32800 lJppe r Looper Ba _

23 34224 Looper ihreud Pull-Off (Right) ‘‘ ‘1’7’ ç.7 1
24 4358 Screw for .34224 )L.i’1JJ’J ()ib ‘7 1
25 32347 Upper Looper Bar Guide 1’ ‘+“! 1
26 304 Oil Wick for .32347 1
27 32803 Upper Looper Holder Collar ±1 [ — / ‘1j .7 — 1
28 5507 Screw for 32803 -b)L./ij.b.7 1
29 32807 Upper Loopu ±)L.—I’1 1
30 34516 Upper Looper J3ar Guide Retainer lL—J 1 1
31 5004 Servo’ for .3.1516 —I ri’iE -‘
32 32348 Upper Looper Bar Guide Thrust P,n lL— / ‘1r*/ 1
33 7650 Screw for 32348 1
’ 7iL-7.’
7 1
34 274 Oil Wick for 34514 1
35 34226 Upper Looper Thread Eyelet ±fl-—/’*b 1
36 9142 Screw for 34226 ± —JL.)5ll 2




(0 NJ

NJ C.).)



L 0 WEll & 1)0(11111 E (llA INING L 0 OPEl? MECHA IVISM ER’-
— 10
Rc/. I’arl. :1 iii!.
No. No. I)’se ripi ion z1

1 33633 l.ouc , lonr l)rii’ing leicr ( oi,ilec/iiIg itoil iL-—i .i I I

2 5071 Screu for ::?6%:I , i U
3 33057 ha/f .Joifl/ ( ;iiii/(’ l’o ii L.’ jJ .,i 1
4 4440 J)(r(iI fiii- .3.3(157 II 1
5 30305 /a// ,l ud I
6 720 I ‘lag [a r :?0305, :407. I 2
7 4437 Si ii’ir .

8 33058 Joijer Looper J),,rin’ I 1— Il I iIjJi)

9 3635 Sere,i [>r .305S. :i.3072 I 4
10 33054 IAIIIC Lo,
o’r l)ri,’in’’ Shaft
1 I— )L- ) \ I
11 625 I/IIL for :;:I05.I 2
12 32789 Loiiir Lor,pir IIo/ilei .111, TIL-— I \J 2
13 520 11 i, s/i, r [a r 3”7S) 7 .7 2
14 5500 Sercu’ [ar .?27S$) TIL.I’1rL.lJ 2
1 5 34392 IA) ac i Loo
1 J. I I I —
16 3638 Screw [a,- .3.i.3$)2 g3Q5( - .7 2
17 32959 Looper 77, read lufl_()/f {. IL — I IJ
18 1326 Scre,,’ for 3295$) 7- -—I
1 jg , 2
19 33568 l..oojie i J)riring S/uifl J.i,’c IL..— I \.}1j I) J17 1
20 5550 Scri’,,- [ar .3.3568, .3306-i, ,33Q7/ 3 .
21 33606 /hnihle (..ha,,,i,,cr J..iioper l)riring (‘oniject jn J/, IL- — / S J .7 .7 1
22 33567 J..oopi’ r I.)rii’ing Connecting Guide Ii,, 1 I ) .7 .7 I .7 1
23 730 1 /ug /3 r .33567, .3.3068 3
24 5040 Screw for .3:567 IL-—J\9.7.7>iE7-.7 1
25 33064 1)ouI/c Chaining Looper ])ri ring Le,’e .}L- / ‘‘I3 1
26 33071 Double Chaining Looper Driring Shall Co/la —3 IL- —I 5
j i
5— 1
27 33060 ])onb/e Chaining Loope r 1)r,ring S/ia/1 L- I I’( 1
28 33059 1)oubie Chaining Loope JIL-- I 1
29 33081 Double Chaining Looper Co/la = I. JIL-— I S 5— 1
30 1228 Screir for .3.308] JL-_J jb7 .7
.7 1
31 33076 Looper Rocker Shaft Collar (Right) 11 — I j]ibIiI.7i —— .7 . 1
32 9604 Screw for :3076, .3,32.30, .3,3074 LI 1’.
33 33068 Looper Rocker Shaft .n ,i
34 33072 Looper Rocker Shaft ,4rn IL-—i ji1.s’LL 1
35 32921 Looper Connecting lli IL-—I \L.iuiL-L1 , I .7 1
36 33230 Looper Rocker Shaft Collar (Left) IL-— I \rii L-ri.7.i 5— () 1.
37 33073 Looper Slide Block IL- — I \j3)J 1
38 33074 Looper Slide Block P/i IL- — i ‘1 - 1




4 2


‘+0 42


‘]i: ) 11
1?(’/. I ‘(li/S .,l jul.
I)s i,i L:w1 R’q.

I 33104 ld Bar l)rii’ing S/ui/I Cu/lu i U 14h 5— 2

2 5550 “,rrvi,’ fur 3310!, 33120, 36219, .32792 LI 5 6
3 34521 Mu,,, l’(’rd Bar I)ru,’ing L,nr fur R i’r s(’ Di/fvrvn/iui 55 U L-.1 \ — ih)W I
4 5520 S(r(u 1(1, JI..,21. .33106, 33105 5 3
5 730 L’iu,L.’ fur .31.52!, 33095 4 2
6 720 ‘/i,i fur 3152!
7 33095 j1uin 1(’rd Bar Dii ring Connect ((U i”j U I) ‘7 7 1
8 33098 I’ied Bar I)r,,iig (uaui(’etion Bush ini. 5j; I.) IJ 77 7 ., 2
9 451 Nut fur .33099 2
10 33667 len! Bar, (;()uilp/(i(’ )(/

11 33643 .1lu,n J(n(/ j U 1

12 33642 l)i/fr rent jul Fend Ba ;i’i. U 1
13 33099 l’eed Bar l)r,iing S/wi S U U 77 7 ‘
14 687 Pin fur fund Bar Driving Stud ix u ‘.) 2
15 33094 i),/fnrnntiul 1’(’(’d Bar Driving Cunuu’ctiui 157 U U 7 5 I
16 Oil Wick for 330.)1 1
17 755 Pin fur Oil 11’,ci :W7 j} .
7 I
18 33611 Pt/fe rentiul l’eed Ruck(’r. Cutup/nh’ Set ix U J 1
19 33106 Di/fer(’ntiui fu’(’d Ruck(’ I) 1
20 567 Was/ar br .3.3106 7 , 5 1

21 33107 Di/fe rent 1(11 l’e(’d Regulating .Slide Pjj .7 5 7 I

22 33108 Differential freed Regulating Slide Pjn Cap .7 5 ..( ‘3 ‘.
23 8145 Screw fur .3.3108 -y -
24 33100 Peed Bar Driving Shaft V U 1
25 750 Plug for .33100 2
26 33105 I’m’d Bar Driving Shaft L(’v(’ 5 U jJV 1
27 33683 F(’ed Bar Conn(’cting Rod Pit U
jI. ‘7 1
28 33612 Differential frced Control Inner Lever, Complete Set J.ii5l L.-L\— (*11) 1
29 5512 Screw for 3.3121 sis is sjbs 1
30 33121 Differ(’nt jul fre(’d Cmii rot Lin? 55 U J’1ñ1 U 7 5 1

31 33120 Di/fe rent ml fre(’d Control Inn(’ r Lev(’ 5JIi, I) J —

32 5510 Screw for .3.3120 5 U “IU L-’’—iE S 1
33 32792 Differential F(’(’d Control inner L(’v(’r Shaft Co/la 5 I) ‘55 5j \J 5_ 1
34 33118 Differential freed Control Inner Lever Shaft 5 IJ j’]j J -
35 36220 Diff(’r(’ntial Feed Control Outer Lever 5 U J4. 5) \ —
36 33133 Differential Feed Control Outer Lever Sprint Ji 5) \-1 \. 1
37 5514 Screw for .3.31,3,3 ‘—)jj 1
38 3406 Screw for 3.313,3 J 5)’—)\3.5’; 1
39 33143 Differential Feed Control Outer L(’rer Stopper U .7 ) 2
40 538 Was/ar for 33143 7 .j
5 2

41 36223 Differential Feed Graduation for Reverse Differential 5 U 5(5) 1

42 1733 Screw for .36223 U jj5- 5 1
43 1156 Screw for .36223 . .

44 494 Spacer for 3622,3 .. U 2

45 210 .4djustijg Nut for 36220 57 U ifJi5I- L- — lit V 1
46 5511 Adjusting Screw for .36220 i57 U ]51. Si \—j > 1


_/ _/‘



J?e/. i’(li’IS i::i
No. No. i)e S(iI)i Ion i:u:i

Li iLi 23 I H ( 1
I 33251 I’(’e(l 1or (;uule (Il’’(i 2

2 3632 S(’reir /or .D.2:,I Li 23 1’ V (u’) jj C-’ 1

l’t’(’tI i1cc/ioi,isni 1?(’ar .S/nc/iI .1 ii’,)IlIf.
1 1
3 33252
.‘)crc’u’ /oi 1.1(152, .3.35ii il ,C. 2
4 9730
Mi (,j)
Lii 1 1
5 32867 /rctl lIar Guide lI/oi’/
6 33141 levI! .ldjilStiii,tC 1s((ntric iLi, L--LiLiI’J
Oil 11 i(’k Jor 3.11.11
SIren’ for .331.1.1 ±±LiJ.Lh-’ 1
8 3635
9 33824 l)e//t’ r in! iii! 1’ ccii 1)og (1)1. 1)2) (6 st itches/inch) ii)Li( LI (D 1, D 2) ( 8 ±Li1)
9 I 33836 // (1)1.) (for 6 s/i/c/u’s/inch) ijLi(, Li (D 4)) 8 )(J)
Screw br .3362.1. 336.361 iSLi. Li i.b 1
10 4353 ‘ ‘.

fli). ‘2 8 tLi)) I
11 33825 lulijin l’(’(’d l)og (/1,1 1S stutchi’s/inch)
/01 3.1625 Li if 1
12 7609 (‘(

.,’ (/o,’ S s/Itches/inch)

’’d Dui
.1 u.i’l/lar!/ 1 1 ‘JLiA ‘.1 ) 8 1
13 33544
‘?j)123 (232 1
14 33116 lied l.,ifl il/och
Iron! Lorper ()sci//aling Rod IL’— / \,,i(G F] ‘y H 1
15 33067
i, F] I-. ‘J j} C-,’ 2
16 9604 Screw b r Connecting Rod I 1 ‘j

Need/i’ flea ring r I”ront Loope r ()sc i/lot ing Rod Z 7 Li /

H lL’’7 (4”) I
17 33115 /i —

Dog Regu/aluig Pin i/o/dc Li Li 123 t C,’ C,-’i)21Li (C, 1

18 36182 Iced P,.ccen/ric
ij 11ijJ (.‘ 2
19 3405 Screw for 36182 .

Stoppe r .Sc yen for 3618.!, 3.36-/P (, 2

20 4358
21 36191 J’i’ed Dog Regulating Eccentric Pin’’--’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Li Li I 23 t ‘1 ‘./‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘-‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘-‘‘‘‘‘-

f Li I 4 1
22 36184 l’eed Dog Regulating Eccen! ,‘i
Sprint., [Li) ‘.1 j < : 2
23 20403 Jeed Dog Regulating Eccentric .‘‘--‘‘‘‘‘‘

Ej[Lijf 2
24 3637 Screw br 20.10.3
Feed Dog Driving Connecting Rod’’--—— H lL-”F Li C-’.’) 1
25 33114 Needle Bearing br
Li 1,1 F] 1
26 36186 I’eed Dog Driving Connecting Rod j

1 Li (2/Si i ±: ‘.‘ 1
27 36187 I”eed Dog Regulating Control Eccentric
Stopper Scren’ for .36187 Li Li 234. ‘.i [. i5 5,
28 4109

Cohn Li JJ5I -h C/ 23 1
29 20405 I’eed Dog Regulating Control Eccentric /i
/ri- ‘J,5i/iIj:r.\--hC,’2’.5,---jj. 5,Li••---- 2
30 3638 Screw for 20405

31 33649 I’eed Mechanism I’ront S/i ield (Upper), Cain p/etc Set ‘‘‘u Li ,fui23 I \ (±) 51)1)

‘‘‘‘‘‘‘--‘‘-‘‘--‘--‘---- 1
Li Li C, 23 -f H ( 1
32 33647 freed Bar Guide (Left)
5(IJ23’ j 4
33 4440 Screw for 3.3647, .3.361-! . ,

‘L Li 51123) ( Li) 51fi) 1

34 33651 l’e ed Mechanism frronl Shield (Lower), Complete Set —

35 1333 Screw for .3.3651 )‘(i2323/— (7:) 5111)j} 515, 1

Li Li 23( H 2t( 1
36 33644 freed Bar Guide (Right)
late Staj 1
37 33659 Stitch I3
51,’ 2
38 5000 Screw for ‘33659
13 fl7
12 14
17 20

0 21

U 23

9 15

27 2


12 3

S 31


Q52 34



B 51

46 C27
27 52

27 5B1


Ref. 1’urls /1 nit.
No. No. l)e se rijul ‘in, III
1 32685 \‘ri’ille Bar ()ilin lelI Left) ‘jH’ 7 i)1 I- 1 1
2 9853 .)Ci’(U’ for 32685. .33282. 3:3569 iL)’ — 9
3 33661 Oil ‘l’uln’. ( ;ompl(’I(’ Set, for l”eed Bar I)riping ( onnecl ion I’ )i —1’ 7 4[))
4 33605 Oil Tn/i —1’ 7 1
5 Oil VVick for J’eeil Bar Driving Connect in, i))h1 1’ 7 ;E1i (—t)’) 1
6 33660 (iii Nozzle li’ed Bar Driving Connectio, -1 1’ )l1 -1 ) 1
7 37697 Oil f”JOZZI(’ Cu1 >iti ,
7 2
8 Oil lI’i(k for .33660. .326.19 2
9 3433 Scru’o for 33660 4—1’ )L’I\4 )j.F 1
10 32649 Aeeulle l3ur Oiling 1’(’fl (Right) j,3s ) J 1
11 32812 Needle 13a r Oiling J’elt R(’laine ) i 11’ H ) r 1
12 9604 Screw for ‘32812, 32476 il-) 2
13 32476 Oil Rec(’iee iL.’)’ fEll 1
14 32479 Oil Sight Top Nozzl 14)1 1
15 9909 Oil Tube Iitl rug i’vut J 4 7 1
16 37675 Oil Tube Clamp :Et,1l’ 1
17 419 Nut for .30715 ) 1
18 6861 jldjustiig .Screw for 3074.5 ).‘j1i 41 )J”Thi7
1 fE 1
19 30745 Oil Pressure Regulating Valve Sprint, (‘.11+ )fEi \) 1
20 30748 Oil Pressure Regulating Valve Spring Guide 45,111 )41 \)1’91 7 1
21 80503 Oil Pressure Regulating Ball i-3E) —Jt,) 1
22 32938 Oil Pressure Regulating 1a/ l’11 47) 1
23 509 Seal for :32897 j 4. j
24 33671 Oil Pressure Regulating Fitting Tube, Complete Set ‘--
Ji-Iic 1
25 32850 Oil Tube (150mm) 7 -1 )t,1\4 7(150mm) 1
26 32944 Oil Tube Clamp (Large) L,47%.
5) 7
27 9989 Screw for 32911 17 7
28 15 Nut for 3291-1 7 H 7
29 32897 Oil Pressure Regulating Bracket j,’:1114T14f)’L 1
30 33150 Oil Sight (;aug 74 )5.7— 4’ 1
31 32806 tipper Looper 13a’r Oiling Felt )5—J7i)5 H 1
32 550 14asher for 32806 F) .,
4 , 4 1\—) 2
33 4353 Screw for 32806 J5Ji’7)5 H.), i7 2
34 33144 Oil Pump. Complete Set j 77 :*W 1
35 33711 Oil Pump Driving Worm Gea )‘ — L.4 1
36 1459 Screw for 33711 ;‘.) 44 2
37 6330 Screw for .33144 7 77’.) 1
38 926 Seal for 33144 1
39 9503 Screw for 3.3144 .‘.

40 33662 Pump Filter Screen, Complete Set 7 7 ‘7(1 ‘14iL 4.11) 1
41 33280 Pinup Filter Screen Seat 7,77) H’ ‘.7r ‘

42 33279 Pump Filter Screen Gasket 4.7 )) 4J1 .
4.7 1
43 33281 Pump Filtcr Scrt’r’n 4.7 )7)i] 1
44 33282 Pump Filter Screen Clamp 77) ‘l47[J4’:r 1
45 6261 Screw for ‘33280 )4’4’7”riLii 74 2
46 33670 Lubricating Tube, Complete Set iL) 4.11) 1
47 37669 Oil Tube Joint. Om’ Way 5’ml14 2
48 33668 Oil Tube (50mm) 71’ )L’J \4 7 Qmn) 2
49 37668 Oil Tube Joint, Two Way iL[ 2
50 33669 Oil Tube (190mm) 71’)i’1’ 7 11)0mm) 1
51 7668 Oil Tube Fitting Stud 4H477)5 H 4
52 567 Seal for :37668, 37669 *I)7 I ‘
4. 7 8
53 33569 Feed Mechaiism Filter Sync, ..L1J
54 33672 Iced Mechanism i”ilter Screen I tipper, j_’24.. — 1
c1 c’4
R’/. l’ar/s Il iii!.
No. Na. I)(’S(rIJ)tIuIl II
1? (‘(/.
33682 •‘‘lt!I l/(1l(’. (nnpl(’/r .Sc/ —7.i .i 7 L—— 6 .-fl/ 1
32620 “uejl/( Iliremi ( u,-rr Lulci) Sprint, f(3)f)I ‘) \
7006 6C1(lF’ fur .12ft30 i[f% )ji \—J \‘jj f7 2
4 33680 ,Su/I!I I’m!,’ /irin -a—’-f1—i 7L—-— 6i7
322 Au! fur 3368() 7 ‘ I— 1
6 7609 Seretu fur 6() 72—- )Jjf)
7 33834 l)i//(’rcntlu/ I’ccI l)u
o ((,‘) ((,urs(’ Alcsh)
1 ijiJ)7. F) (C ) (fLu) 1
8 33835 Main l”ci’d I)ug (C) (Cuors(’ Me,’h) (7_Li ‘I (C) (ffOi)
9 33826 I)i/je rent jul 1”’(’d l)ug (.‘l) ifiLi ‘7.. A) 1
9- 1 33830 // // Cu m ‘) (C) 1
10 33827 Main I”,’’d Dug (A) (64/ ‘.1 (A ) 1
10-I 33831 “ “ “ (C) Lii ‘1(c) 1
11 33559 ;lllXlli(lrtj l’(’(jI 1)ug (.4, ijs); ‘1 A’ 1
11— 1 33549 /‘
“ (C) ijsjij (C) 1
12 36189 I ‘u//ti (;iuIig/ jun I ‘lu/c. fur Nu r,nul J)i/fcren! 1(1/ 7— ‘7 LI if,
13 36222 Di//(’ renl iul I’(’(’d Gradual ion, for Au 1,0(11 1)iff(’ren! iol X ‘7 [4//fl.) 1
14 33096 Maui Feed Bar l)rii,jng Let-er, fur A-urinal 1)iffereniiul - Li.’Li (7 L_-i \ —

15 33538 l’r,’sser l’uol, (.,ulnpi(’!e .S(’! ( 1) 4i 4111) ( Y ) 1
16 33515 I ‘re S S (‘1 I’ou I !‘al, nc Gnu rd It, ff1 / 1
17 1230 .Scr(’u’ fur .1.3515 1
18 33657 Presser Font hinge Sprin/ -LI _1 f7J ,‘ 1
19 5036 f)en(’le fur 33657 }Lf Ig-jb-2- L 1
20 731 Presser Foul Vii 4f i Lb .7 L I
21 33526 Press(’r Foul Spring (Sinai/i z
4’ / (‘C) 1
22 6093 $creu fur 3,3526 }f’i i ‘‘i’ .E —‘ 1
23 33529 Presser IooI Adjusting Plo/c ff1iJ.’ThI’4 I
24 216 Nut for 609,3 t i 6 1
25 33525 Presser Pool Spring (Large! fJ. I 1
26 1222 Sc-rca’ for 33525 4’)’I’LI()jLg-_— 1
27 38011 Needle Clamj 1
28 33542 S/itch I’lote (1)11 ([74. (D 1 -
28-1 33543 (D2) 1[7LID2’ 1
29 33539 Presser i’ool. Complete Set (C) 4Lo 411)) C ) 1
30 33545 Slit cli Plate (D3) t11c[) 3) 1
31 33828 1)1/fe renl jul Feed Dog (for 8 Stitches/inch) (Standard . . . i)[ ‘I ( 6 [7) 1
32 33829 Main Feed Dog (/r 8 Stitches/inch) (Standard,) ((s ‘1(8 WU) 1
33 33328 Auxiliary Feed Dog (for 8 Stitches/inch) (Standard j$. ‘1(8 1
34 33247 Needle C/amp ti) .7 .
35 33250 Aeedle Guard (Pronlj (Daub/c Chain Stitch _( ‘-I f) 1
36 33235 Chip Guard (Fixed) 1)/h’). f’I (74) 1
37 32813 Spreader ± 7’L—74 1

I? r’t,’r .5,’ Dii /er,-nItal b’’/ ‘fill—Il) ,Vurm,,i Dill, ii nI/ui (h)
I’nr s.\’,,. li ni/s
lIn(h is
t,,.\n. _____j_I ur/uA.
DCI’-361A--D1 35468 007-362A-D1 35502 007—3410—04
i 35534 DOZ-361A-Nfl2 18116
0C7—361A—02 35469 007—36211—02 35503 007—3410--D4—1 35535 DCZ-361A-N02/MT 18120
0CZ—361A—04 35470 007-36211-01/K 18106 007—3410 -1)4 ‘K 18140 007—361Y-N02 18117
307 —811 A —01 K 18100 DOZ-362A-02 K 18107 007—3410-1)4—1- K 18141 /307—3617—N02, MT 18124
007-361A-02/K 16101 007-36211-02 MT 18125
007— 111A-04, K
00Z-3410-04’MT 18132 DCZ-3610-N03 18118 I
18102 0CZ-362Y-01 35504 007-3410-04-1, MT 18133 DCZ—361C-N03, MT 18122
U07-361A-D2, MT 18119 00/—362y-02 35505 DOZ—3420—04 18150 DOZ-365A-N02 18111
D02’-361Y-D1 35474 00Z-362Y-01/K 18108 007—3420—04—1 18153 007-365C—ND3 18112
00.-1—361Y—02 35475 0CZ-362Y-02K 18109 00Z—3420—04/K
I 18152 0CZ-366A-N02 18113
0CZ-361Y-11 K 18103 DCZ-3620-D3 35506 007-3420-1)4—1K 18156 1)CZ-367A-N02 18114
0o7-361Y-02 K 18104 DCZ-362C -03/K 18110 00Z-3420-04:MT 181 51 3o/—367A—002;MT 18127
DOZ-361Y-D2/MT 18123 007-3620-03/MT 18126 00Z-3420-04-1/MT 18154
00Z—3610 -03 35476 DCZ-368A-D2 35516 007-920 35075
007—3610 —03/K 18105 0CZ-368A-fl2/MT 18134 007-920/MT 18136
)307—361C—03, MT 18121 007-369A-D1 35517

L -
— C C’4
C., C)
c’1 (0
— 0
C’J C., C.
LI) c’J -
C., U,
DCZ-365AC, -366i1, -367A EXCLUSIVE PARTS ‘xW 15
Rd. I’t,uis .lmt.
A’o. l)e.crip/ lOll Rc’q.
1 33391 I/it/fling I ‘ri’s se r, ( itmp/(’l(’ Sel 2 7 ‘2 7 ‘2 !‘.V cHll I
2 33401 i/u/lung I ‘resser I”n,l 7 7 ‘2 7 ‘2 0’ 1 1
3 5036 ,Screu’ /‘2r 3.’1.10I’23.1.Ul.) .3330.1 ii - 3
1 33399 Ru/fling I ‘ri’s 5 .7 7 I,) ‘7 ‘2’2’ 1
5 33397 I/n/I/tug 1 ‘ress(’r Sltilfrp(’r ,Spr,ng I’/at( 7 51
T :i H II / ‘2 1
6 7006 Screw /w)r .3.l97 7SIT 7 Hi! i’’2jE’2 ‘2 I
7 33398 Ru//lug Presser Sprint qi/ \ .

8 33400 Iron! ( oi’’r Latch Sprint 231 i —
. \ .:1 1
9 7405 Screw /or .3.3.100, .3.3.3913.3.103) ‘2 ‘2 2
10 33307 I),/fi’renlial l”i’ed J)og IJ
11 33308 Main lied l)o j5 1
12 33558 .4 Feed 1
°t 4 ‘j 1
13 33300 I ‘rester I’oal, Complete Se! 1i) 1
14 33304 I’iesser I’oot Hinge Spring 75, ‘2 1
15 33526 / ‘ti’ssir i”ool Sprin.,r (Sinai?) }T I “‘2 ‘!‘) 1
16 6093 Screw /or .3526 1q 1-/ \ } , 1
17 731 Presser I’oiil I ii
1 2 I I ‘2iE.
1 1
18 33529 Presser I’ool Adjusting Pin! pi J’24 1
19 216 ,\ul for 609.3 ‘2 ‘ H 1
20 33525 I’resser Fool Spring (Large ‘“‘2 ‘21) 1
21 1222 Screw for 33525 1
22 33430 Tape (;uide, Compl(’te Set — ‘223 H ‘2)1) 1
23 33431 Tape Guide Ilo?de r Shaft — ‘223 -1’ H 11151’iti 1
24 33433 Tape (;UUI(’ Bracket — 7’23’2 H J!’2j- 1
25 33432 lope Gnu? ‘2— 7 ‘2 .‘ H 1
26 7616 Scr(’n’ for .3,3432, 3343] .iL- ‘2 2
27 33405 Pr(’sser I’oot, Complete Set t ‘2fl)
3 1
28 33409 I’o/de r, Complete Set ) 1
29 1330 Screw for .3,3409, 3,3417 ‘25 4
30 538 flasher /or .3,3-109. .3.3l17 17
, ‘2 2
31 4358 Screw for .33l09, ,334J7 ‘2)) (*0) .d.’2 ‘2 2
32 33417 frok/er, Complete Sc’! ‘272 () 1
33 33403 Ruffling Presser, Complete Set ‘27 J 7 () ‘2fl) 1
34 33404 Ruffling Presser, froot 1 7 1
J 7 ‘2 )J 1
35 33312 Presser Foot. Complete Se! )‘i’i. *! 1
36 33545 Stile/i Plat 1
37 33247 Needle Clamp jj , 1
38 33250 Needle Guard (Front) (Doublc’ Chain Stitch) -1’ ‘2 92[*’r (‘2j) 1
39 33235 Cli ip Guard (Fixed) 1
40 33315 Differential Feed Do,t 0’2 U 1
41 33557 Main F’ed Do,i, 1
42 35264 Auxiliary Feed Dog ijIJ


DCZ-368, -369 EXCLUSIVE PARTS 17 5 16
R(’/. Puns Jim!.
No. No. I)(’scnipiion R’q.

1 33319 l’res.ser l’i. (.o,np/ele Sd I ill) 1

2 33515 1 ‘r sse r 1’oot lo/, nc (,,w rd ‘p i 1
3 1228 Screw for 3.3515 4q1 .

4 33657 I’resser 1oot lhnge Sprint . .

I .J f.)’i 1
5 5036 Servo’ for .3.3657 I II
6 33526 Presser Ioo! Spring (Snail!) j’ j/ \ 1
7 6093 Screw for 33526 4[f] j 1
8 731 Presser Fool Pj, r.i ji .s 1
9 33529 Presser Pool Adjusting Plot jEll I 1
10 21 6 Nut for 6093 [ 1
11 33525 Presser Fool Spring (JAir, jl Ti \ 1
12 1222 Screw for 33525 jj 1
13 33321 Stitch Plate jJ 1
14 33328 Auxiliary freed Do
1 .ij IJ 1
15 33324 Chip Giwrd (Fixed) )Jj) 4J) 1
16 33325 Chij, Guard (Openable) 1 .‘*J
tJ]J çìJ\) 1
17 33326 Tape Guide (Right) -.) ii -1 V .t) 1
18 33327 Jape (;uide (Left) ) h — H () 1
19 33512 Presser Foot, Complete Set I f); 1
20 33514 Fabric Lapping Guide TI 1
21 33250 Needle Guard (Front) (Double Chain Stitch) -j’ ‘J “21 V*i (flu) 1
22 33235 Chip Guard (Fixed) ‘*i () 1
23 33511 Stitch Plate I[J’ 1
24 33837 Differential Feed Dog fluJu. I) 1
a) C’) a) Cl
Cl C’) C’)
cO C’)
Cl Cl
I? (‘I. I ‘i it S ii nil.
Ni). I)(’ S (‘111)1 iOn I? ((/

1 33995 l’o/(lr I• lruket. (.iinj,li’ic’ Set .i P!IVI j *fi) I

2 33397 l’ofd(r flruikc’t Spring SIojpe 75’i i H JL 7 /

3 7006 Serto’ [or 33397 7511 I7/±b I

4 33989 I’olthr .4djus(ing Sprint J’q/ \ I
5 33988 1’ohle r (onnt’el ing Viol I
6 5036 Srrru .33388 7.’)Lljj 2
7 33400 lronl Cot’t’r Lute/i Spring Ii JI — / ‘

8 7405 Sc ren’ [or 33995, 33100 2

9 33430 ‘l’oin’ Guide, Complete Set -1 7 1 i’ I. ll) 1
10 33431 7’uiw (.uide I/older Shall 1—7 j7 ..f’ 1

11 33433 ‘f’ujn’ Guide Ifo/de 7j H 1

12 33432 ‘I’ope Guide 7 h H 1
13 7616 Serco’ /r 3.3(33, 331.32 2
14 36248 C/th l’IUi(’ (lJppe r) .1 I —
15 36250 (loth V/Ol( (Lo we r) 4 jj —
16 33986 lu/i mic Guide holder h J 1’ K JI1 1
17 1174 Screw for .33986 -i’ HIIt11iE’ 2
18 36254 lubric Guid 1’ H 1
19 3637 Screw for 36254 i’ Hib- 2
20 36447 Presser l’oot, Complete Set 7.LT 111) 1

21 334 Presser Foot Fabric Guard ) 7 1

22 1230 Screw for 33044 1
23 33043 Presser I’oot Stitch Tongue 17 1
24 9730 Screw for 33043 fl\j7’ 1
25 33292 Presser Foot Hinge Pjn 7 7 1
26 33273 Presser Foot Spring iJ-i41Ih/ \ 1
27 6092 Screw for 33273 iIijIij/ Sj 1
28 33992 Folder, Complete Set i’}ih 1) 1
29 1330 Screw [or 33992,33998 }!(‘J1)ii7 1
30 36253 Presser Foot, Complete Set 4iI (il) 1

31 33998 Folder. Complete Set ‘L1! L 1


5 8 13

i 4

24 22 C 15


DCZ-311, -3.12 1
EA’C 1 P1RTS(1)
]SIVE (1) 1 8
I? (‘/. I

I)(.srr!/i/iun L1

1 35236 ( ‘/i/i I ‘1(11 .k ii Ic—

I,) j / \ — .

2 35282 l’(t(/ .1!(’(/iun/ cm

Mtrhuni.s,n ( ‘urcr (,‘uskit ‘J I il / 1
Ic.; 7 1
35283 I’/

‘y I’/ I
4 35232 Sid (
SuIc (urn, (;,sk’i kMl r 7
5 35233 .

7 }L. I (z) 1
6 35274 Ad/t’ Rur ()i/in/.’ 1/t (12/i)
1’ j 1
7 35222 1 rr.cscr .‘prinr
] / \ 7 1
8 1 ‘rrs.crr Spri IL.’ (,,iIc I ‘j,


9 35226 Nrn’d/c ‘hi crud ‘I’rnsiun Sprinic (Dmhl(’ Chain Stitch)
,j 1
10 35230 Much inc I”rum ,‘<

2 7 7 1
11 35239 Nrrd/r Bar I)rui’,m,
.. (Iturrr)
Nc,d/(, Bur Iti,shin
1 i.H 7 y7
12 35240
7— I_J J 1
13 35340 1 ‘U//i/ (;ruthuit ion I ‘lul
7 5 /7 7 7 ) 1
14 35256 Crunks/iu/i .,

I )L / 17 5 77
1 5 34514 1 ur Loour Bar J)ri,’,n .lrn —

X S 7 H 7 L.— 1
16 35251 u’r Lou
Up ur Drui:ing S/ui/I Tb has/ic
1 —

) 1.. I 7’[ 1
17 34673 (Jpu’ Iouprr Bar (;uid
r —

J)/ JL.— I c; 7 1
18 34587 lJpprr 1.,ooprr Bar Cu/dr Thrust 1

h /‘ 1
19 34677 Jootu r Tb rim! J’.’,jr/rt Suppu ii

it.. I \4ñ 7 1
20 34607 Louju’r lb rrul l.djrlri (Right) —

IL- I .3 (I) 1
21 34228 Looprr i/i rrud I’u/l-O/f (Lr/i) —

I 1
22 34902’ir 1.Maprr 1)ri’iig J.,ri’ —

23 35250 J1ioprr J)ri’in’ S/ia/i icr IL.— / IH. .3 iL 1

12T.LE/ 1
24 35245 iVrrd/r C/amji
Flit L.
1 I 1
25 35255 J)ouhlr Chaining Laopr —

26 35219 (;/d Cuurd (I2ixrd) 3JJu7 7 )7 ) 1

gn-z3a 1J’Z3U
6t’ 17t7 t7
•! i•c-i )(i
DCZ-341, -342 EXCLUSIVE PARTS(2) 5XW(2) 19
il in!.
Ref l’aiIs I=1
No. No. I)(’sc 11j)! ion EI

)L.— / i)!i).• I \ t 1
1 35228 Looper Oscillating Lccenlric
3 I) 1
2 35281 l’evd Ba r Guide (Right)
I 7 ( 1
3 35206 (JJip(’ r Knife Driving A rn .

I 1
4 35266 u’PPer l.nife holder 5pucer l’lUt(’

5 1457 Screw for 35266
t 1
6 322 Lock Nut for 35286 ‘

)ij iL > 1
7 9533 Servo’ for 35286 .

8 35268 (Jpjw r Kn if(’ lb ide r
P1 1
9 35286 pper Ku if
± 7 PT 1
10 35267 I Jipe r Ku tie CiamJ)
.I / 1
11 35210 llppi’r Knife Cover
f X j-ji \ 1
12 4407 Screw for 35210
± .X Ii 1
13 32554 Ifppe r Knife Driving A rin Guide
T 1
14 35289 Loire r Knife Ho ide
T. 7 1
15 35285 Loner Knif
; ..Z Tt I 1
16 35284 Loire r Knife Clamp
P1 çffl) I
17 35263 Presser Foot, Complete Set
I 1
18 33515 Presser froot Fabric Guard
}IHi j 1
19 1228 Screw for 33515
_i 1
20 33624 Presser froot Hinge Spring
Pr’/\4tE 1
21 5036 Screw for 33624
J)j 1
22 731 Presser froot
Pu \i (‘is) 1
23 33526 Presser Foot Spring (Small)
Pr/\(’N iE’ 1
24 6093 Screw for 33526
Plate 1
25 33529 Presser Foot Adjusting
.7 [ 1
26 216 Nut for 6093
(Large) ui ) 1
27 33525 Presser Foot Spring
,qJ()±E> 1
28 1222 Screw for 33525
29 35325 Presser Foot, Complete Set, for C-1(Caterpiller Manner)PI(E) C-i ( --

30 9987 Screw for 35317
ii’’ I 1
31 35317 Presser Fool Spring (Small)
.j 1
32 9986 Nut for 35317 -

}ILTiI 1
33 6094 Screw for Presser Fool
34 4312 Servo? for Presser Foot

JTJ\ Ij\)j’ 1
35 4310 Screw for 35317
]Ijj- 1
36 1202 Screw for Presser Foot
4) (D 4 ) 1
37 35334 Stile/i Plate (D4)
i Jb
1 2
38 4406 Screw for Stitch Plat
).)Li!I 1
39 35280 Stitch Plate Slay
40 4437 Screw for 35280
I[J [jJ 7 2
41 4352 Screw for 35280
- 3) 1
42 35243 Needle Guard (Front) (Double (.hain Stitch) :7
‘i)) 1
43 35237 Stitch Plate Supporter
f—J ()) 1
44 35242 Needle Guard (Rear) (Overlock)
/ \ T (i)
- 1
45 35241 i”wedle Guard (Front) (Overlock) _.

:7 3- (f 1
46 35244 iVe(’dle Guard (Rear) (Double Chain Stitchi _(

)3)) I) 1
47 35335 Differential freed Doh
Ij 1
48 35331 Main Feed Do1,
U 1
49 35264 Auxiliary Fted Do, ‘(‘jA

iL. 1 1
50 35254 Lower Looper
_I JL—I 1
51 35253 Upper Looper
±)H1 Iii 1
52 32960 Upper Looper Thread Lieiet
T}L--—/ 1
53 35288 Lower Looper
±77 L...’ 1
54 35287 Spreath’r
8L ©
DCZ-92() EXCLUSIVE PARTS(1) 7X(i) 20
.1 iii!.
Ref. I’it rls .

!Vo. I)escriplion

fi h I \
(;loth l’la/ (Lu H(’ r)

1 35084
2 730 I ‘lug /‘., r Crankshaft
—7 h-i’ 1
3 35053 ?‘ujn’ (uid
4 4438 Screw /r 15053
7 5
5 1457 Sr rew fur Machine Iranu’, .35045, .35046 ‘.

— \i1’ cHij) I
6 35060 Seal I ‘lug for (Ippe r Looper Shaft (Front) I

I \j () 1
7 35061 Seal I ‘lug or IJ,uper Loupe r Shaft (R(’ar) —

8 35062 Seal l’/ng for (JJ)uer Looper Bar Guide
I E / 7 1
9 35039 (.7th l’laie lung —

7 1
10 35035 Crankshaft Small Ball Bearing Caj 7 .,

f L () I
11 35045 l)oul,lt’ (;huining Looper II, read Take-lip (Right) ;
hL ) 1
12 35046 Double Chaining Loupe r i/i read Take-Up (Left)
13 35014 1 Ijipe r Knife Driving A in .

4]J 7J (;k) 1
14 35043 Chip Guard (Fixed)
H(7vfJ I
15 35050 Folder BrakiI
Screw for .35050, .35076(35078, .3507.3)

16 4353 .. -

Folder, for Tape 1i,dth-1 inch (Standard ( ,)
17 35076 —-

1 ),, -( -‘-) 1
17 1 35078 // ijs inch( Extra)
)Il (_ 7I’i’: - /) 1
172 35073 //
7 7 1
Washer for .35076 (.35078, .3507.3)
18 644
7 >iJ çJj\)
jJf 1
19 35042 Chip Ginird (Openable)
1— 1
20 35040 Front Cove
A 1?TS(2) LI75X (2) 21
1 ‘i ri s
i\o. /liii/.
I)’sripl ion Izin 1? (/.
1 35065 Nd/’ Ii? r((11 I.l//’I ii1 (,j’.) I
2 35066 ‘ll l(l I lb 1(101 R(’l(Iifl(’ r 131(1(k(’t f 1
3 35022 r lii rIb! Id/(’/(i I Lor . .k.
4 35025 !.oolor I/I 11(0! l(lk(-(J/) I.4J(’l(’I 13r(l(k(’l j h 1
5 35026 i lb rIb! Ink’-i [p Ll/(/1 (Rig/li) j— )j I
6 35028 r 1 ( ‘s!-Off )/f
r1i :(.4IIl 1
7 4438 )cr(u’ f()1• .35028 4[1 j jj’ [_ 1
8 35027 Loopcr 7’/,rud ?‘ukc-lJp Jq’lcl ([.(//) f )j J () 1
9 35023 1.001)11 1/ 11(1(1 1.lJ(/(1 ( S 10(11/) :iJ’.)
‘I 1
10 33159 I.oojo r lb (((II! l.lj(l(i (Long )L.— I [j5 (J) 1
11 1459 Scrcu’ [or 1315$) )1.— / 5 1
12 35068 Loopcr lb r(’(u! 1(05100 Disc Eqe/it /
13 7819 i(’flclon J’oc/ ‘_ j -f 3 1
14 340 Nut / r 781$) t .j - 1
15 31111 i(IlSiOII l),
ml 2
16 37632 Loopr r ill r((l(I l(’i,S loll Spriii)., ;/)5/ \ 1
17 37170 Tcnsion SprIng Bushin
1 ;-i ) i 1
18 37636 Tb ruI 1(1(5100 Spring Cu)) ‘Snuill’ - 7 )Jj’.)

35030 Joop(r lb ic(I(! l.lJcl(t (14/) /L. fl)j4)f ()

— I 1
20 35031 r ilirrud ]yelc1 (Right) —I fjjjfjj () 1
r) 1’%)

“ :


\ \

\ /
1 1/SI VE P41? TS(3)
DCZ 920 E VCI 7 (3) 22
/l in!.
R’/. I (iilS
1”Jo. iVo. I)s(ui/lian

i{ ii ;< 1
1 35012 A(’(l/(’ ( ,/uin
.zq17L.— I I I
2 33059 l)ouble ( ‘/ur,n,,ia loom’
i IL.— / \ :13 5— 3 1
3 35058 I)oit/,/e ( /Uh!iiiiiti J.M0p(’i (‘of/or (Jug/i!
)L.—/ };5— ) 1
4 35059 Double ( /,oi,,,,ig Looper Co//or (Left)
JL.—’5— d 2
5 1228 •Ser’n’ for 35056 505
jr’IL. i’jj 1
6 3638 .Sereo’ /or .33i’)S$)
z1’ IL. I I
/)ou/i/e C lainjig Looper i/o/i/er .1 rut

7 1
7)1’ .— ) I
8 35070 Jo U’ (1 Jo iiiu’ , l)ri ,‘ ‘“tI (1/I

9 35018 i\/l br Le/! Needle (l”ronl) 55 ()j)

11 : 1
10 35017 Aeei//e (,‘uo ro’. to r Rig/i I [‘vee,l/e (Rear) .

3 5
1 1
11 35016 /\ee,/le Guard, for I?ig/iI /1e(//e (J”ro,,/) (o’j)

1111 r)]) 1
12 35089 / resser l’oo/. (..onlple!e Se!
I / 7 1
13 35087 I res I r J’ool l’u/) ru 1(1
14 1230 .‘,ereu’ for 35069, 35087, .35036 (35037)
)j’4’PT )i ‘1’ I
15 35094 I’resse 1 l’oot (‘,no//) Guiil
JJ\jql I/’ 7 1
16 35097 l’resse r J’o,/ (S,nal/) Sprin,
j.cp i-j5.jE’ 1
17 9730 .Seri’,i f(H• 35(7
13j L ‘75 7 I
18 35088 I’resser I’m)! iJiig(’ Vii
[17 )/jIl13J 5 1
19 35096 Vresse r J’oi,t Spring
31’ I i/W)ji - 1
20 6092 Sereu’ /r 350)6 -

iH.1 1
21 35001 Stitch J/,/e
5S H (-* 7137’:, 1 ( 1
22 35036 j’a/n,c Gait/c, for Tape” Widib .1.4,
// Ii,,e/ C’i1’ H137— 7] ‘1’’J5-’ 1
22-1 35037 // /, //

23 35006 Plait, i”eed l)og (S!antlard ).4 .1 (P )
i]’.) I) 11711315 1
24 32873 Auxiliarij P(’etl J)og Jiolile
iJ.j/ I) 1
25 35011 71 IIX1 11(1 ry ]‘eed 1)0
)Tj- I) .E. ) I
D,ffere,,tial Feed Dog for Knit/ed Fabric (J4uIru)
26 35007
)h),& )4J) 1
Main Feed Dog for Knitl(’d Fabric (Extra)
I,) (Z
27 35008 .

Lubricating lube, Complete Sc! j’ (13)1
28 35081 2
29 37669 Oil Tube Joint One l1,ay
30 32944 Oil Tube C/amp (Larg
“ 4
31 9989 Screw for 32944
rT,,/ for .32911 4
32 15
-13 IL.! \ 1’ 7 I 90 .1) 1
33 33669 (hi Tutu (190mm,
34 37668 Oil Tube Joint Two Waj
7-i’ IL.! I-i’ 7 (90 J) 1
35 33668 Oil Tube (50,n,n’
36 7668 Oil Tube Fitting Stud
5(}.9 6
37 567 Seal for 37668, .37669 /j7

\ [6
8 14

12 23




“k”DE VICE - -


: 30

DCZ-361/J( DCZ-341/J(


51 1
“C” & “K” DEVICE “C”Zf”K” 23
I?e/ 1 ‘(/5 .1 in!.
Ao. Ao. I)es. 111)1 iOn IZI
i:ii:i Req.

I 33925 l?(’gUltit()r, ( ()nlp/eI(’ Set 7 zi. L—’ — 3 dfl) I

2 6905 )erew /r ,3,p12r 1— a [‘— 11)j.h- 2
3 33928 I ‘r’ssure (uuu 7L..— ‘-‘s’ I
.1 33930 ti’ii/iiii 1ii/i. (nniilete ,5et >.
5 33940 hose 151111/111(1 —7i”’’H—’’3 1
6 33931 iIo i/h-I ‘ieee. ( Mm/i/etc .Set. I’J ‘. inn 7 I- — I- —] 1 •/ J1) 4 7 ) I
7 33949 llIou//,-l’I(’ee. P1 t siiIe/ 7.. 7_ ‘7 ..14 ‘/4 1
8 33951 I’iu’ Jiolde 4 1’ [] ‘J717L’7 I
9 33950 Vu! for SI iii igli ( J,j,jf .,
10 33953 .1 ir 1 a/ie, ( (lmp/(’I 1 Set I I’! \i[ 7 .
5f]’ 1
I’I7 i/4flJ ;ij 5— 1
I I 33938 o/liir /oi 33937
12 5040 5(1(0 /o 3P)38 33’)36 3335 I! 5
13 33937 Ri’turii Spring /or Air 1nlre
v St(Ipp(’ :1: Fl’) 1.. ) 4{lji’ \ 1
I•I 33936 1101(1(1 for hr 1(1/ 17’) \)L.. .1 j7 - 1
15 33935 .1, r 1 n/ic Stopn’ r I F1 \)[ 77 /. .i I \ I
16 334 i for 33935
IV t s’ 1
17 5505 Scr(’u’ for 359:5 ?I777 . 7
18 33934 .1 ii l// 11 77) \)[..
7 1
19 33941 Nij/o,i hose 1 3 - *1- —74 2
20 33932 .Jo,nt, for Single hlniid I.’ I 4 7 717’ 1 7C)UO)4A.iIi ‘ 1
21 33939 JJOs(’ JiiiuI, “j iiii’1 —7 IS 7 I- 1’ 74- 3
22 33942 Nq/on hIos(’ 12 ) -ImJ4c— 712 1
23 33933 i/l1(’(’ I’roag(’d Joint. br Plural 11(’ud.s 7.) 4 7 [. ( 4J7’ i)f”t 1
24 33572 ,Suc!ion I’ip(’. Complete Set ‘i1 1
25 33571 ,S,mctio,i Pip Ei4 1
26 33574 Jo we r Trimming frimi if r- 1
27 33590 l/pp(’r Trimnmin Knif ±43 1
28 33575 Is, we r Tr imnimng Rn ife .Spr mb — 41 I \ 1
29 33588 iriniiniiig Kiii/e hlo/de i I’i, S7 7 1
30 1202 Screw for .33571, .33590 .jj.g 2
31 1230 Screw for 33588 3J.i4 7 7jf 1
32 4441 Screw /or 33571 54171 :iE 1
33 4353 Screw for 3.3571 5) j75,Jj. 41 ‘ 1
34 33592 Suction Pipe Co c.. j —

35 4358 Screw for 3,3592 2
36 33586 J’ooi Lifter Leiwr Shaft 5i .+ 1
37 33654 J’ubric (,n,d ./fj55
‘S41j5) I)
38 33579 Cloth I’m! 4141j)5 1
39 33658 freed !!Iechonisni Co ) 774)1 \ I
40 33593 Lo Her Trimming Knife Pushing P/at 717)) j. J\ 1
41 7618 Screw for .359.3 T;] 7145 7 1
42 33581 Guide holder Connect ion for Lower Trimming Knif ±41 471’ 1
43 33655 Guide Holder br Lowe) Trimming Knif ±47414 714171 1
44 1196 Screw for .3)655 5711,4 tz /7i .4 .17’ 1
45 3348 (;uide Pin /or Lower Trimming Knif 7 14;—’ )5 I 74141 1
46 35323 Cloth P/at 1
47 35322 freed Mechanism Cot; 13 41)j / 5— 1
48 35319 Stile/i Plate Stuij 1
49 35320 Guide holder Connection Lower Trimming Kaif TA 411’ .1)43’ 1
50 35321 Guide Holder /or Loner 7 rimming Knif I jI 4 7: 1
51 7609 Screw for Differential freed Dot., 41j 3.4 41.. 1
Li) I
0 /
/ , 0
(C F
C (‘4
C— /
“MT” 7 CE
I “M T” 2L1.
ii’(’/. i/s
l ,ni.
lVo. No. I)es(rip/ion I?’/

Al’!’’’ ( ‘ample/c Sc’! (C/ass l)CZ-.’361 920) M I” 1)’) 1

1 31929 /..)‘l’,(’e, , ‘ .‘

1 31928 “ C/ass

M T”.’ii(/iL
(Ia/h I ‘late (C/ass 1)( ‘/-361, $120)
2 33684 .

(C/ass l)CZ-.3l.I)
)c.JjiS— .
2—1 35294 “ “ .

loaf l.i/le r 1(1(1 .S/,a/t 41p I q’ih 1

3 33586
l’ressc’r I’’aol (arru’ I :1f$J 1
“I 33697
SacLi’naic/ (‘a ),, J 1’ H hi’ — 1
5 35299 ‘

Screw for 35299. 11760 ii 7 6

6 9992
Spring 11’as/u’r /r .35299, 1176(1 7 7 ‘.1 I/ 7 7 .i 7 . 6
7 644
11’asher far ‘1529$). /1760, .35.316,15293,35723 7j 10
8 538
L- I —I’ H /1. [j 1
9 35316 Anti-I ‘i/ira! ion l’/ale far Solenoid Core ‘_i

10 5490 Screw far ‘lop Corer (Right) _lz,)’, ./j)

.35.316 ‘IL-Il’ HFr.L-’j.b I$LiiL.7’ 1

11 1202 5(1(0 far

12 .“oIenaid ‘,.i [_“ 1 -1’ H

‘.1 . 1 1’ H 1
13 35293 5 a/enoid “511111)1) rl
Salejia iii Ccnuu’c/ ing Rca! I’i, 117K’ 2
14 35301
F Li 77 2
15 33024 Retaining Ring for .35.301
Sa/(’,wcid Spring ‘,,) L. I I’ Hi \ 1
16 35297
Retaining Ring far .35297 ‘I L-’I Hi’7 H 17 LI 77 ‘1’ 1
17 35300
Screw br .3529.3 ‘I L-’Ii’ H TI 1’hil ‘ 2
18 5043
So/es aid Connecting Lere ‘_) 1 1’ H L—i — 1
19 35298
...E I 7 l’711/ 1
20 35302 I/mu’ r Knifa Connecting V/ale

1/jib/ui Cash ion far .35.302

i /f / 2
21 568
Screw far .35.302
,, 2
22 6068
Cord Clamp (Mediam) H ( 2
23 35766 —

Card C/amp (Large) H i 1

24 35767 —

Tr,mini,ig Dc ice, Camp/etc Set (C/ass DCZ-361. 920) 1 7 (‘ll) 1

25 35303 ‘

“ (C/ass DCZ-341) I7-K/ .K) 1

251 35306 “

Upper Inife Priming Le,’e ±1 7 1

26 35296
Screw /or .35296 I .1 (j7’ 1
27 5098
llpper Knife Holder Stay (Rear) 1.1 7fI (1) 1
28 33696
Washer [a’ 3.3696
7 1
29 532 j

Screw for 33696,3531.3 iE- 3

30 4353

Upper Knife Holder Stay (Front) ±1 7 (61) 1

31 33695
Screw for .3.3695 H.I7i’ii’I() 4
32 4351 .,

Upper Knife Ho ide 7 1

33 3531 5
Upper Knife Sprmn, ±17J \ 1
34 33711
Upper Jni/e .Sprin,g Co//a 7) 7) — 1
35 33710 ‘

Screw for 3.3710 l,’);7--jJ 1

36 3637
Upper Knife ±1 7 1
37 33690
Fabric Gnid I 1) 1
38 35313 ..‘. ‘-

Screw for .35.31.3, 3.3656

‘ 2
39 4404
Lower Knif 7 1
40 33656

Screw for 33656 TI Xjb-i / 1

41 7405
Upper ‘Knife Rubber Cushios 7 7 7 7 1
42 35314 - ‘

Feed Mechanis.’n Cover (Class DCZ-.361, 920 i. LI ±hi ‘ 1

43 33640
(C/ass DCZ-341) ‘J±i’— 1
43-1 35295 // “

Manual Switch, Complete Set 7 -fi (Il) 1

44 11755
Switch Supporter 71’ ‘T f7)’ 1
45 35723
71’ ‘/f77H /7’ 2
46 5004 Screw for 35723
Masnual Switch l’lal 7 1’ hN./ 1
47 35721 ‘.‘

-1 1 1
48 11754 Switcl -

71’ hi 1
49 35720 Switch Coy
Screw .35720 77f 2
50 9993 for

Cord llushii,c, H 7 ‘ 7 .a 1
51 35722
Control Box, Complete Set M TflILiuJ IL 1
52 11764
Control Box Staj 17 H E—JHi /J77-i””-” 2
53 11709
Wood Screw 11709 4
54 for
I (Ii
u JiJJ!
0 El
ACCEkSSORIEkS i-t-- ‘i ri 25
l?-’/. I’url.c ..lI,i 1.
LEt I)
Ao. o. I)’sri,;/ ion I

1 99056 ‘fYi nmI ,Sio,uI, ( ‘amp/Ill 51’! : Sno/s lqp’ 4) I5 S 25 .;5

2 99057 ( (I/ama( q. C] 5 \ u 2
3 99058 ( o/uinnI ‘/iu’ (( Tpp r) ‘ L / 7 (_E) ‘ . I
u’) L’ I — / ;ij ( 3 75
4 99060 ‘lii 1110/ 11011/71 (.1 5iii/s Tq 1 7 ‘i \ .

5 99059 I/i rio? IIon/7’r (2 Spools ‘I’ipi’J [. I — I \ 7 ii ( 2 .4) ‘ 115 I

6 147 Si 1(11 for 99059, 99()6(i iE 5
148 tb/ui /o, (,U)()5-) (/(flj() 7 y 4)
8 99061 ( o/u,nn 1 ‘ip’ ( Ouuii(’(l() 7 I \[‘ rr 1
9 149 Sc,cu /((1 ()()()(‘/ i.E) —‘ 2
10 150 Vu! for 9906!. 99()66 75 , 1- 7

11 99062 ‘I’!, 1(11(1 (;ui,d’ 11(11(1 3’’’[).] IL 4). I

12 151 Scri’ir for 99062 . j4)5’ .,.
13 152 Vol for 1)1)062, ()9p() ., I.. 2
14 99063 ((/01011 ll/7’ (Lour(’r; ‘ 7’ I.’. I
5 L/ \-[‘

1 5 99074 li(’taifl!flIC l?in,_ /) 95)1163

,. ±5 , .

16 154 11(15/Hr 5)906:1

/111 . 7.. 2
17 153 Vu / for 9906% 75 5 1
18 99030 I/u 11(1(1 (;uld(’ flu . ‘75T’
19 99031 ‘I’/urcol (SIld(’ lIar Ilrockci 7.1 4) I ‘‘ .

20 99064 111110(1 (it/ ,s1’5 . 1

21 156 Scr(’o for )061 ..4. 2

22 99065 Siool (.i/i to, 7 7 ) ‘.7 7, 5, 1 7 5
23 99066 Siioo/ i’S 7 7 iL+i 5
24 157 Sirini± l1’ash(’r for 91)066 2 7 j 7 7., 5
25 99067 Spool 1al 7 7 IL. 4 5 5
26 99068 Spoil .5(0! Jh
417 5
27 99069 Spool ho/c/cr 510!) 77_u 7 it 4) J 1
158 Scr(’u’ for ‘1906’) j4)’ 5,’ 1
29 159 1.100(1 ScI(’ul /or 99069 7574) I
30 99070 Spool 1101(1(1 (3 Spools hijpc) 7 7’— 11.711.4) ( 3 5C4)(5) 1

31 99071 Spool 11(11(1(1 (2 .Sioo/s Tqpi’

1 X 7—L;5iL-’ ‘.2754)7 1
32 30421 LOlr(’r Knif 7. ) 7 1
33 (.)jf (1 Lflrr’ -1 );.]7 1
34 37932 34174)
35 37911 Pci/al, ( uInplI’lc 5(1, for !)onu’,stic So/i’ ()n/j
1 “ 4) i Si;; I ‘S ‘5:10)7)
36 37907 l’i—i/al, Coinph II’ SI!, for Jupor/ (hilt
1 “752 iS (31 D5jIE :10)0,1 1
37 37912 (...hai’, ii’; 1
38 37939 I1a(’hi1i(’ 4)o (CZ.iL.i3/— 1
I’uiiuiic’l 5) -5 1
39 37943
40 37909 1/11(0(1 To’i’czc r; IC 74) 5 1

41 A’1’’dll’ ISis6’in: DC/li 3-[(D CX 1) 10

41—i // ‘Sijs!cin: D.\J)13, .‘1DM:<13 10
42 37913 Tool 1,1)1 7 1
43 37944 Wrc,c/i (Small) (-1.76mm) ()j5inc’h) 75117 1
44 37915 Wri’,ch (Mu’dium) (7.14>5 7.14mm) (S>< ‘, inch) 75)1 ]7 I 775 1
45 37945 i) (7.14>5 7.94mm) (i4)>< /i(; 111111)
WrI’nc/i (Lai-
4) j 517175 1
46 37916 lhX(i27o’fl Wn’nch. Ic’ij (3.16mm) (5 inc/i) 75— 5.75- 1
47 37922 ih’xai1o,u I t’r’nch Al 7/ C/ 76mm.’ (‘16 ,1,1/1 1.— 75-
— 1
48 37901 Sercur Driui’r (Jar,i
57-’i \ 1
49 37902 Scrcn Drii’ir (.iJ(dmnm 5 5 .-4 / ;l 1
50 37903 Sc rcur 1)rlui’r (Small 1- 5—’ / (‘1’) 1

51 37923 I1cxaion Scrcir Dr/Ill (1.96mm.; (‘ inc/i) H 75-4) 55 .u’ /

. 1
52 37919 Hc’xa,on Scria Driuir (1.58mm) 1 ,; inch) 75— L— 75-41 [75 ..( / 1
53 99050 Tapc Stand. /5 r DCZ.7,166, :167, 166, :176, 177 5- 77 4) 7 5 1
54 Scrcur for 990)0’ .7—7757 5}75, 2


Lix! of Main Spare Parts (‘) X
a it] Ii
r]II rssr )ifft’ret)aI
(_i]I113) S 111(1) 1
LIC Mail] 1tiX iii rv
(tphii’ >ri
Pecd Dog 1 eel Dog ICC1d I
I tilt. )3 3 33 H.) YH 3
)( .7.— :•(;IA- 1)1 38101 33537 33510 3382.1 33825 335.11
-1)2) NI)2) “ //
33541 // //

-1)1 ‘/
:s: 33531 :33836 // //

-:ml Y-I)I 3$( )1 1 33538 33542 33821

- )2 ( N I )2) ‘
// 335.13 //

33217 .3351 33828 33829 33328

-%(32A-l)1 - 4-.
38101 33537 3354() 33824 33825 3351.1
-1)2 7,
// 33541 // //

38011 3353$ 33542 //

-1)2 ,/
33543 ,,
,,—t ‘7 //

-:-:(;2c- I ):-: 33247 33539 33545 :3:3828 3:3829 3332$

-:-A-NI)2 38101 33300 33541 33307 :33:308 3355$
NI ):> 33247 33312 33545 33315 3:3557 352& 1
—2((4\—Nl)2 38101 33405 3354 1 :3:3307 33308 33558

3:3300 // ,,
// ‘7

“ 3:331 33321 .3.3825 33328

—:-;($)A— 1)1 ‘ :3:3512 :33511 :3:3837 ‘7

-37(A-I)2 4—
// IC 117 :3:35.11 :33821 “ :33544
-377A-D2 ) .

// :3(325:3 //

DCZ-%I1C- Di 35215

:352(33 :35:331 :35:335 :35331 :35264

-1)1-1 // :35:325 //

-H2C-1YI “ 3526:3

-1)/i-i “ :35:325 //

I)CZ—)2O :35012 35089 :35001 (:35006) :35011

Not 1) 3 ) in I pi 1 ,ooj iirdiiit rig Jpprr Opruir I r
I: ] — J)i )
3 ,j3f 7 V
2) ( 3m Drifritial lod Dog” iririHalitig I lain II
ilY ) H)] )3)’ID 1 Dog”

u) (i

( iIII(i (
Chain iiilt) (Otik ituIi)
I’ I
I U F 1.
- -

328( )7 33( )5) 3308) 33( )$8 3:3( )$7 33( )$6
‘7 ,, // // /7 // //

4, 4, //
:33536 “ “ //

“ //
:33089 // //

‘7 ,, 7, ,, // // 7/

“ I //
3325() “ I // //

(3281:3 //
// 33089 // ‘ 4,

‘, // // // // //

7/ // // // 4’ // //

: 4,


4, -


// 7,

4, //
33250 // //

‘ // //
33Q$9 7/ 4, 7/

7/ // // // // // //

7/ /7 4, // // // //

‘ 4,
// 33250 4, //

4, //
// 33089 // // /7

/7 // 4, // 4, 4, //

35253 35254 :35255 35243 I :3521i 352I1 352-12

/, 7/ 4, // 4, 4, 7/

(352$7 3528$ // // // 4,

r 77 7/
// /7

3501.8 35017
0-I. \\ iIi I)4) (0-F. I I) I ‘Hg)’ (0). W ); 1)1
N. N. N. N)). N)). N. N. N. N. ( :)
IS I 1 ‘0 0.7 550 1 If) 1 . ((:1 12(12 :2:; :;o ((.0
15 (.7 i:; ): I 12(12 21 11 ((.0
I I_i :s 5);:•; I I 05 . 1222 H 10 (1.
I 1—3 ((.5 567 I :3; 0.07 1222 II 21; ((.5
I lf) 5(37 ‘
17 ((.1(7 1222 If 21 ((.5
I () _ff5 I 0. H S(i II 20 0. ((7 122 1(3 12 (6:-S
I I I .1 );7 i:; 52 0.1(7 1222 19 20 1.
I s; :2.—) I !.5 5(37 :3! :17 ((.07 12ff:; 2 20 0.
5:2 25 17 56H :31 21 0. 13 I : ii 0.55
151 25 II; 0. (95 1220 10 :30 ((.2
1 5( :2f) :21 625 10 11 0. 12 1220 1(3 3 ((.2
157 0.1 (31-I 20 10 ((.0 1220 19 19 ((
151-, :2f) ff3-I 611 21 7 0.0 1220 22 s (1
I f)f) OH_i 11 11 0. 1 123(( H 3) 0.2
(201 H H 1230 II 17 0.2
210 11 45 1.5 697 1 IH (3 1230 17 22 0.2
216 0 16 ((. :; 12:10 22 14 ((.2
216 11 21 (1 720 10 6 0.02 12:—;)) 23 :31 ((.2
i; is i 7’20 Il (5 ((.02 1326 4 17
:2 I); 1(3 10 (63 723 7 20 ((.7 1321; 10 10 1
2 1(3 19 :2(3 ((.3 72(3 1 9 1). ((1 I :;:;o 1 26 0. (S
I f) :; (1. 1 72(3 :i If) 0.1(1; 1330 2 27 0. (
270 (3 16 0. ( )) 730 10 2-1 0. 1(1; 1:3-10 4 20 0. (5
270 9 20 (1. 7:9) ii 0. 0(5 1:1:10 15 2!) 0. (3
201; I 5 (1. 1 730 20 2 0. 06 1330 17 29 (1. (5
7:-Il H 42 0.7 13:13 12 :3; 0. 1
304 5 56 0.14 731 11 20 0.7 1.i:;s .5 17 I - ((5
:;o-i 9 26 0. 11 731 15 17 0.7 1410 5 26 0. (55
317 1 3(3 0. (35 7:11 1(3 H 0.7 1157 1 14 2.3
322 14 5 0 .3 73 1 19 22 ((.7 1.137 5 2 2.3
322 if) (S ((.3 740 (5 11 0. 1 1457 19 5 2.3
33.1 1 17 0. 6 750 1.1 25 0. 1457 ff0 S 2.3
::u H 3 0. 6 755 11 17 ((.2 11;;!) 1 :;1 0.7
331 23 16 0. 6 140!) H 11 0.7
335 H 33 0. H 820 2 34-4 1.9 1159 1:; :;(; 0.7
310 4 11 ((.5 051 2 :;i—:-; 1.9 11.2) fl 11. 0.7
310 21 11 1)_S 033 2 :;1 1.9 17:;:; ii 1.:;
3(S4 I :-s; 0. ( 051 2 :14—1 1.1) 2022 8 18
419 13 17 055 2 :11-2 1. 9 fl:;:; 1.7
151 11 1) 1.5
494 11 14 2.55 926 13 38 0.06 3313 6 17 0. 1
920 :; 1:; 0.5 :;:; 1:; 1 fl 0. 1
509 13 23 0. 1 9:10 :; 12 0.4 .3110 2.; 1,) I
520 :; if) 0. 3 97(5 2 15 0. 9 -I 0-I ¶1 1 0.2
520 9 17 0.3 977 3 14 11).) 1:’ 1! 1
520 10 13 0.;; :1101; II :3—;
525 2 10 0. .1 1092 4 27 :11:;:; i:; 0. I:;
.326 5 01 0.04 1151; ii 1;; _) .)
i: ;.( :; :;.I (1.-I
527 5 Ii 0. 0.3 1170 0 31 0. 1 11 ri 0.1
5.,:2 4 19 0.3 1171 7 22 I 7 1.) 0.-I
2 I :2) 0.:; 1171 17 17 .91. 5 2
3-3 5 0.1 1106 (3 ff0 :1(3:12 i2 :2 1. 7
•):;0 I. I 10 (1. 1 110); H :f9 :1(3:15 1; 0 0. 9
i3-- 1) •0 0.4 1 196%; 11 0-S 7 0. 9
SH 21 1—; ((.1 1!) 0. 0 (35 0. 1
it S I ‘:iti H if. I ‘a r Is I ‘a t’ I 3 .1. • Ii I its I Hof.
No. No. No. () No. N. No. Ni. No. No. (g
0.3) 1(335 8 21 6000 8 6 14
:3o:;; s 2.5 (SOlO 1 7 1
; 23 0. 1 5000 12 38 0.5 (50(58 24 22 2.5
31 ;: I3 I 0. 1 5001 9 3I 2.3 6092 17 27 0. 7
:3(3:37 17 I 0. 1 5001 21 16 2.3 (5092 22 20 0. 7
:16:17 1 :; 0. I 503(3 8 1 1 1). (3 (5093 8 44 0.9
:;;:3 I () i 0.5 503(3 11 19 o (S. (5093 14 22 0. 9
:;:H— ii_ :o 0.5 503(3 15 :3 (1. (5 6093 15 16 0.9
:3(338 22 (3 0. 5 503(3 16 5 () (S
. 6093 16 7 0.9
503(3 17 (5 () (3
. (5093 19 21 0. 9
4109 12 28 0.4 50:36 19 2 0. (5 6094 19 33 0. 1
1310 19 :35 0.3 5010 10 21 (5261 13 15 10
1312 I!) 31 0. 1 5010 23 12 2 (33:30 13 37 3.2
1,3 1:1 (3 18 0.1 5013 1 44 1.76 6401 8 19 27
/1:351 21 32 0. 9 5(143 21 18 1.7(5 (5542 4 13 5
4:352 I!) Ii 1.3 5062 3 16 2.8 (554:3 4 10 1
/1:35:3 3 2 0. 9 5071 (5 2 2 6544 1 7 5
1:353 7 :31 (1. 3) 5071 7 2 2 (5662 6 28 3
1353 12 10 (1. 3) 5071 9 2 2 (5861 13 18 2.4
/1:35:3 13 33 (1. 3) 5071 10 2 2 6905 23 2 2
/1:35:3 20 1(3 () . 3) 5074 7 25 6 6910 1 38 5
1353 23 :33 () . 3) 5075 2 9 10 7006 2 17 0.7
4353 21 :31 0. 3) 5076 1 22 8 7006 1 21 0.7
4357 3 28 0. 9 5087 3 37 4 7006 14 3 0.7
1358 2 36 0. 9 5089 2 23 4 7006 15 (5 0.7
l:35H 9 24 0.9 5094 3 29 1.7 7006 17 3 0. 7
1358 12 20 0. 9 5095 1 5 2. 6 7311 7 10 1.9
1358 is :31 0. 9 5098 6 :33 1.5 7105 15 9 1.2
4358 23 35 0. 9 5098 24 27 1.5 7105 17 8 1.2
4402 5 4 7 5131 2 32 0. 4 7405 24 41 1.2
4404 2 13 0.2 5133 5 6 0. 1 7605 1 12 1
4404 6 31 0.2 53’15 3 23 0. 9 7(306 1 11 2
4404 8 50 0.2 5401 (5 26 1 7609 12 12 1
4404 24 :3!) (1.2 5490 24 10 5 7609 14 (3 1
4406 19 38 i. 3 5500 9 18 5 7(309 23 51 1
4407 1!) 12 5500 10 14 5 7616 7 18 0.3
4435 2 2 1.05 5505 8 4 2. 1 761(5 15 2(3 0.3
4437 3 5 1.5 5505 23 17 2.1 7(51(3 17 13 0. 3
4437 7 13 1.5 5507 9 28 0.65 7(318 23 41 0. 5
4437 10 7 1.5 5508 7 19 2 7650 5 15 0.35
4437 19 40 1.5 5509 8 36 1.8 7(350 9 33 0. 35
4438 1 41 1.4 5510 11 :12 :1.75 76(58 13 51 1
4438 20 4 1.4 5511 11 46 5 7(368 22 36 1
4/138 21 7 1.4 5512 11 29 1 7817 4 33 7
4440 2 25 1.5 5514 ii :37 10 7819 21 13 5
4440 :; 20 1.5 551!) 1 :34 I0 8145 11 23 0.5
4440 4 :18 1.5 5520 (3
4140 7 13 1.5 5520 7 5 9106 1 16 3
1440 10 4 1.5 5520 11 1 910(3 2 8 3
4440 12 :3:; 1.5 5511 8 :12 1.7 9127 8 2 1.1
411 1 :; :1 2.2 5550 8 16 9112 1 29 0. 5
1141 5 8 •) ‘)
5550 3) 12 9142 9 :3(3 (1.5
4411 21 :12 0 0 5550 10 20 9203 5 3
1115 2 4 1.7 5550 11 2 9209 5 24 0. 5
1591 7 28 2.1 9503 13 39
I . I) I. ‘.‘. I) I•ls l’.; 0..). \\ l’(I))&) l’g l<.t_ “.l)hl
N. (g) :c... . ,. () \.. -

5 9.15 11) .1 32725 6 1) 20

1)5(7 (3 7)) 2 3 15 32727 6 22 13
7 0.13 (71) I.: Ii 2.8 12728 8 31 (.5
I) 6 0.!) :12729 8 12 1. I
7 0.9 321q 7 115 0.4 327S6 7 26 1. 1
‘‘3)) 0 0. ¶ 125 I. 18 6 :12775 5 11 191
12 :12552 8 21 87 32777 5 10 132
1). H 12,. I I . (3 32778 5 12 3
I 0. 12,17 2 5 32771) 5 iS 2. 5
0.1(1 7 21 ( I 3 7 0. 32762 5 25 (8
22 17 1 6 2!) 0. H :12761 9 I 3
2 1 2 :33 60 32785 1) 3 1)
1) 2 (7 2 ) :7 9 6 4
i: .12(1)6 2 30 7 :1:767 1) (-1 50
13 15 2 :32)))! 2 .2 I 2 . .125-- 10 12 2!)
II )6( 32 1.) :12)312 3 33 0. .1 3271)2 9 Ii 16
12 30 (1.!) 12)313 2 3 205 3271)2 Il 33
1(1(1—1!) I III 2 I.,. 1
(, 5 :2)
1)281) 22 11 1 32) I 2 7 1 327!)!) 1) 1!) 2.7%
1)1)22 2) :32(117 2 2(1 77 32800 1) 22 11
191)3 21 32(316 2 1!) 1.6 32603 1) 27 0.6
:12(31!) 2 1.1 26 32806 13 31 1. (3
11709 24 53 48 32620 2 io 2 32807 1) 2!) 2
11751 21 16 5 32(520 1.1 2 2 :32812 13 11 0.2
11755 21 1.1 32622 2 18 7 32613 1.1 :17 2
117(50 21 12 690 32624 3 18 16 32817 5 7 51
117(51 21 52 6
3k 32627 3 10 13 :32816 5 1) 5
:32(528 1 3 iS 3261!) 1; 3— 1 6
20403 12 23 0.5 :12(3.1.1 (3 .1 57 32819 7 3—I (3
2(1105 12 2!) 6.2 326.15 (5 13 12% 328.18 1) 13
3012(5 1 (5 7 :3261(3 (5 12 12 3284!) 1) 14
30227 5 13 13 :12(3.1(5 7 6 12 32650 13 25 :1.5
30255 .1 3 2.7 :32(3.17 s 35 25 328(37 12 5 2.6
30291 5 37 1 32(318 5 :.i :37 32873 22 2.) 25
30305 10 5 11 :12(34!) 13 10 0.7 3287!) 1 26 11
30421 7 21) 5 :32(350 5 33 5 3281)7 13 2!) 20
30.121 25 32 5 :12(351 (3 1!) 12 :128!)!) 7 11 2.6
30715 13 19 0.4 :32(352 5 55 21 32900 7 1 .11
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