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A saying “Future is not set in stone”; is rather implicative with the choices I made which led me to pursue a MSc in

geotechnical Engineering. Being an impressionable young man I spent my Masters studies on Structural Engineering
from University of East London, UK. Influenced by my brother, a great mentor and a civil engineer himself, I chose
the former and applied for a structural engineering as it seemed to be the most evergreen sector to work on.

During my graduation in Structural Engineering at University of East London, UK, I gained my initial formal exposure
to structure design through courses like Advanced structural analysis, Design of concrete and steel, Soil Structural
Engineering, and Structural dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, which opened my eyes to the modern design
technology. In the last term of my post-graduation, I did modelling and structural analysis of cable stayed bridges,
high rise buildings and Non-linear finite element analysis of Industrial ground floor slab for the major research. The
model provides a convenient and inexpensive way to skyscraper buildings and cable stayed bridges. This project
taught me about the efforts which go into creating a project from the beginning. I also became aware of the
importance of collaboration and management skills for project execution. The graduate study in UK helped to expand
my understanding of Advanced structural design. My MSc thesis was based on “Non-linear finite element analysis
of Industrial Ground floor slab ”. The travel to Uk was also an eye opening experience, having lived in Kathmandu
for the entirety of my life. I was astounded by large multi storied buildings, long span bridges, underground metro,
international airports and high tower cooling plants. After the completion of my graduate courses I opted to work in
the professional field as compared to majority of my peers that chose to fast track to PHD research. I believed that
exposure to the workforce in civil engineering would help me to infer the right subject to pursue my research degree.

I started my professional venture in the hydropower sector at company Rasuwagadhi Jalvidhyiut Company Limited.
There I worked in assisting my superiors with contract works such as evaluation of bidding documents, site
supervision of audit tunnel, buildings, cost estimation and drawing of hydropower structures. I had the opportunity to
visit various ongoing and completed hydropower projects and was fascinated with massive structures such as
underground powerhouse, weirs, tunnels etc. With the experience gained in my previous company in structural
Design works I had worked as a Senior Structure Engineer in another company Chilime Engineering and Services
Company Limited. I had designed 12 storey chilime office building using ETABS. I have done structural design of
Hydropower structure such as Powerhouse, Headworks, Box culverts, Retaining walls and bridges.

At this point of my professional career, I realize that my graduate education has provided me with what is only a
glimpse of this field and there is so much more waiting to be explored and created in this industry. Thus, armed with
the much-valued consent of my professors, guidance of my seniors and careful perusal of the web pages of your
University, I am convinced that my career will receive the much-required exposure and enhancement enabling me to
pursue extensive research and excel at it. Not only does the University’s distinguished faculty, splendid laboratory
facilities and high reputation attract me but also does the on-going researches by eminent faculty. My choice of this
specialization is motivated by its multidisciplinary nature, which will broaden my horizons and give me flexibility in
professional practice. I hope you will grant me the privilege of pursuing my PHD research Degree in your prestigious
University. Your University with its excellent facilities, highly qualified faculty and world class infrastructure is the right
place for pursuing masters in Geotechnical and if given a chance, I shall make the best out of it.

My graduate curriculum has enabled me to clear my fundamentals; and now I feel the need to pursue refinement of
the attained knowledge through a MSc course at the prestigious University. The fast-emerging global scenario in the
field of Civil Engineering, and moreover the quality of education and exposure to a plethora of research work in the
Canada supplemented by my own interest, has helped me to fortify my decision to pursue research in the Canada.

After judiciously evaluating the research works that are being executed at the University, I will become passionate to
join the institute as a research fellow.  I have taken an in-depth look into mechanics of materials and have great
hopes that I can become a part of research team. My experiences and expertise will assuredly support me in my
pursuit to become a contributing researcher in the domain of geotechnical and mining engineering. It would be an
honor to secure admission to pursue a doctorate at the Queens University. I am confident that I will rise up to the
eminent standards put forward by your university. Given the opportunity to study at your university, I will persevere to
bring out the best performance. I am hopeful that you find my background, personality, and experience fitting for your

In the future, I hope to be able to integrate my fieldwork skills with my academic knowledge in order to continue to
work in a mining industry. Through the guided projects that are based on real world scenarios, I will be able to
prepare myself for the types of projects that I will encounter in the workplace. I look forward to completing this
program, knowing that it will train me in the skills that I will need to join the professional world. I realized that it was
possible to build magnificent huge structures with artistic flair if given the right materials and the precision of
engineering. My interest in structure engineering inspired me to take applied science courses, and hope to be able to
use my knowledge from all these fields in order to pursue a career in designing and ensuring the safety and
serviceability of challenging structures, I hope that this statement of purpose for mining engineering can convey my
genuine interest in advancing my knowledge in the field through this research program.

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