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I'm being vague on purpose so I'm sorry in advance

So recently my partner and I opened up our relationship, I told a friend about this
thinking they're either gonna be a safe first run at this new part of my life or
things would be awkward for a little bit but our friendship would be okay. We
already talked openly about our relationships and sex lives, why not shoot my shot?

Well my friend has a partner so the two of them talked about it. My friend got back
to me saying everything was good but there were some rules, that's fine I have
rules too.

The rules: I could have sex with protection my friend couldn't have sex with me at
all. I had to tell my partner everything that happened, when where and most of the
details, and my friend told their partner to the degree they were comfortable with
sharing. I could be touched with no clothes on and I was only able to touch on them
if they had a layer of clothes on but could take their clothes off around me. No
catching feeling.

We both followed the rules and turned the limits into fun teasing. We flirted back
and forth a lot, we hung out, and sent photos and videos. We did everything we were
allowed to do.

Well after almost a month I finally met my friend's partner and things were a
little awkward for the first 30 minutes but that's nothing we didn't expect and
then we got along really well. We became friends, swapped numbers and texted, and
really just focused on our friendship.

After a while my friend's partner and I were alone talking so I decided to bring up
that we're getting along really well considering the circumstance. I didn't out
right say it trying not to make things too awkward but they agreed that we got
along well and that things were fine. Nothing was definitively said though so I
pushed it a little more and again reassured that everything was good.

Things were not good. My friend's partner didn't know the extent of things and
after we had talked one on one they found all of the texts between my friend and I.
I was made aware of this and after I got over the initial shock all I could do was
apologize. They understood that I was under the impression that everyone was
consenting and I thought I had done nothing wrong.

My friend's partner wanted to talk with me and I agreed. Whenever they wanted to
talk for however long they wanted to talk for I was okay with it. I wanted to give
all the power to them to handle this however they wanted to. They're the one that
was just hurt after all.

I haven't gotten a call or text yet and that's fine by me. Maybe they changed their
mind or they're too hurt to reach out, whatever their reasoning is I understand and

I have talked to my friend, I had questions and felt I deserved to at least be

heard. It's only when my friend talked to me that I found out their partner didn't
know about ANYTHING. Not just the extent of what we were doing but nothing. My
friend kept apologizing after every answer and admitted to lying about other

I feel so bad for doing this and hurting someone. I know I didn't personally hurt
them but I was still a part of it. I want to apologize to them again and show them
support but that's not my place. My partner and best friend keep reassuring me I
didn't do anything wrong, I was lied to and used, and maybe me and my friend's
partner talking one on one sparked all of this which is a good thing.
A part of me still wants to be friends with the cheater because we were friends for
awhile and they were a good friend I confided in but I know that's wrong.

TL;DR My partner and I opened up our relationship and I tried to have a friend with
benefits but my friend cheated on their partner with me for a month and I had no
idea. Now I feel so bad I'm telling strangers on the internet.

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