Project 8 Photoshop Masking Assignment Sheet Fall 2021

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Graphic Design I: Project 8

Museum Poster Series (Masking Images in Photoshop)

For this project you will be creating two posters for two museum exhibitions using
Photoshop. See below for where you will get the image(s).


Poster must be 18”x24” vertical! 300dpi, RGB color

Must include the Met logo from Canvas (this is to simulate working for a client) Use this
in the original red, white, or black.

Include a title for the show: Could be the artist’s name or the period the work was made.
See how the museum identifies the work. See also the presentations for poster
examples. The artist’s name (or identifying information) should be accurate to the
artwork, but the rest can be ‘creative’ or made-up.

Include a subtitle. Example of both title and subtitle:

Klimt/Schiele (title)
Drawings from the Albertina Museum, Vienna (subtitle)

Include these dates:

November 3, 2023 – December 4, 2024

Include at least 1 Open Access or CC0 image. Be sure to save the link where you got it
from to include in the written questions.

Use at least one mask. Preferably a Layer mask.

Images must be from here:

The website:
lists many institutions (in this case mostly museums; libraries and other cultural
institutions do this as well) that make images available under the CC0 or Open Access
license. Under this license you can commercially use and manipulate the images for
free without attribution. I chose the Metropolitan Museum site and was able to browse
for images with the Open Access license.
Turn in to Canvas:
A JPG image of your posters
Written Statement

The goal for this project is to focus on:

Photo manipulation in Photoshop

Poster Design
Image Licenses
Layer Masks
Blend Modes
Selection in Photoshop including Object Select tool, lasso tool etc.
Gradient Tool
Text in Photoshop

Grading Criteria:

1. Is everything completed in a timely fashion?

2. Is it clear that all directions have been followed?
3. Is there a clear, demonstrated level of effort and thoughtfulness in to the work?
4. Is the work personal, unique, distinctive and original?
5. Did you upload a JPG instead of an PSD file?
6. Did you complete the written questions?

Written questions:

1. Paste the URL for the Open Access art images you chose. What made you chose that
work of art/artist?

2. How did you come up with the title and subtitle for the exhibits?

3. How did you visually connect the two posters (make them a series)?

4. Describe how you included whitespace and used visual hierarchy.

5. Describe the techniques and process that you used to create your posters.

6. What is something you want to highlight about the creation process?

This is what 18”x24” looks like printed:

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