Mindvalley Wild Fit

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Mindvalley – WildFit – Eric Eadmeads

Because instead of obsessing over counting calories or drastically reducing your food
intake, Eric’s approach uses a nutrition philosophy he calls ‘Food Freedom,’ which
rewires the triggers that cause you to crave junk food…

So you automatically gravitate towards the foods that your body actually needs to be

1) First, Eric taught us a ‘habit hack’ that essentially bypasses any unhealthy
junk food cravings.

This one technique alone is worth watching this Masterclass for.

And you may be surprised at how easy it really is to decline those chips, candy and
ice cream.

2) Eric then debunked the most persistent myths responsible for the ‘yo-yo’
weight loss phenomenon.

If you’ve ever found temporary success with a mainstream dieting approach…

Only to see your weight rebound faster than ever…

Just know it’s not your fault.

Dieting as most people know it is fundamentally broken. Instead, you’ll discover a

weight loss approach that’s actually healthy and sustainable for life.

3) Your Food = Your Mood?

Ever wondered why it’s so darn easy to binge on your favorite comfort foods?

Eric will show you the shocking connection between your diet and your emotional
health. And how to eat your way to not just better health…

Habits change according to changing season and food availability

Seasonality v important
Pancreas for us only does one job but researching these bush men – season changes diet…
winter root vegetable, spring no root vegetables
Seasons can be triggered internally
When in autumn mode..body stores fat for upcoming winter
WildFit allows total mastery over your body
Need to deprogram ourselves from the myths that are propelled by food companies etc

MYTH 1 – exercise needed for weight loss

Most people malnourished bc poor food
VOX – 600+ papers weight loss and exercise
For many ppl intensive exercise =stress = rising cortisol levels
Pepsi coke+weigh watchers did study – no correlation sugar increases weight – they want
you to keep eating poorly nutritious food and think exercising will sort it out

MYTH 2 – diets for weight loss

1% of ppl on ‘diets’ lose weight
Diet is sold as ‘temporary’ things – change for short time and it will all be better
They damage your self esteem
All down to will power and when fails then guilt, sugar makes you ‘feel better’

MYTH – counting calories

Not all calories are the same – calories from sugar v different from trans fats
Many of the foods we eat communicate with us. 1 tpe of calorie will say ‘store fat’ another
calorie will say ‘shed fat’
Calories are another convenient way of food companies to lie to you

Not enough to know about nutrition but also need to know about the seasons
3rd highest benefit of WildFit is improved mental wellbeing
90% of serotonin is produced in your GUT so if gut messed up then not enough serotonin
1. Food, diet, exercise industry are ‘in cohoots’ – bad food marketing. They support a
false narrative of what ‘health is’
2. Exercise alone is not the answer – 80-90% of body shape is the food you eat
3. Food influences your mood and energy levels. Your food is your mood. Are you
eating for short term happiness or long term happiness


- Look better
- mood improvement
- Being free off food cravings
- To heal faster from illness

Incremental Lifestyle transformation

Nutritional education and behavioural changes (psychologial aspect)

8 needs of a human being

If we want our bodies to work optimally then we need to make sure we are giving it it’s
(like a care before long journey – fuel, oil, check tyres)
1. Oxygen – Practice deep breathing: we are breathing shallowly, ‘prey breathing’.
Reduces cortisol production
2. Drink more water – not anything else but water. We are mostly water, we need
water to digest, eat
3. Get enough sleep – imperative to mental health, weight loss. Your body does cellular
repair when sleeping. Sleep hygiene
4. Improve quality of food – we are getting plenty of food but need to improve the
quality of our fuel. Really good quality fats so body trained to burn fat and sugar
5. Physical movement – you need muscle density, CV health, flexibility. Our movement
is the pump for our lymphatic drainage and movement which ‘cleanses’ our body
6. Sun – we need sunlight – for immune system. COVID – vit d def. can’t be readily
taken in food
7. Non energy nutrients – food for enrgy but also nutrients. Health is determined by
getting the good stuff in a seasonal fashion eg vit C
8. Physical touch and community.


WildFit flips switch from sugar burning engine to a fat burning engine
Ultra marathons run on fat burning
Fat is your ‘long term deposit’
Fat burning gives you a smoother release of energy so no fatigue and energy slumps , better
250,000 calories of fat carried on body
Ancestral lived by seasons and ate by seasons – lots of fruit, root veg etc plentiful food –
quick energy from sugar and excess stored as fat or glycogen in muscle

Wk 1-2 Food psychology
Wk 3-12 Incremental transformations
Weekly new challenges –omit certain foods byt w/e is ‘buffer zone’
Wk 13 – living wildfit: daily videos, hacks and tools to take things into future

Willpower by itself is not a long term strategy

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