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TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Section INTRODUCTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION ae THE OPERATING MANUAL esign Explanation of Warnings/Cautions/Notes PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS AND FEATURES PATIENT VALVE ASSEMBLY Visual Indicator Pressure Limit Alarm Module Source Gas Inlets Exhalation Valve CONTROL MODULE Source Gas Inlet Patient Valve Outlets Broaths Per Minute (BPM) Tidal Volume {V) Inspiron Time Patient Valve Supply Tubing ond Oxygen line Non Rebroathing Valve and Corrugated Hose UNPACKING AND INSPECTION OF THE AUTOVENT 2000/3000 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS lnsiructions for Use of the AutoVent 2000/3000 ‘vil Oayyen Cylilers Regulator Atlochment Control Module Attachment Instevetions for Use of the AvioVent 2000/3000 ‘with o Wall Oullet Employing Guick Connection Adapter Instructions for use of the AutoVent 2000/3000 with an Air/Oxygen Blender Ventilator Check out PATIENT USE MAINTENANCE OF THE LSP AUTOVENT 2000/3000 Cleaning and Disinfecting Equipment leaning and Disinfecting the Conirol Module Cleaning and Disinfecting the Patient Valve Assembly Cleaning the NonRebreathing Valve STORAGE OF THE LSP AUTOVENT 2000/3000 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR THE LSP AUTOVENT 2000/3000 WARRANTY INFORMATION. APPENDIX \:- Support Equipment Polen! Volve Specifications Control Module Specifications ):. Oxygen Pressure Regulator Specifications AuoVent 2000/3000 Alitude Conversion Chart 12 4 16 16 18 ‘AutoVen! 2000/3000 Oxygen Cylinder Depletion Chart a AutoVent2000/3060 INTRODUCTION long an innovator in ‘emergency and trayma medicine, life Suppor! Products has been a primary manufacturer of _ oxygen delivery devices for ‘field use in the United States and worldwide since 1979. LSP is also manufacturer of @ wide range of trauma, burn and rescue devices. THE AUTOVENT 2000/3000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The LSP Automatic Ventilator (AutoVent 2000/3000} ime-cycled, constantflow, gospowered ventilators offer controlled ventilation a rates from 8 fo 15 breaths per minvle {BPM) in the AutoVent 2000 version, and 8 to 20 breaths per minute in the AutoVent 3000 version. The atlached Potioni Valve Assembly allows ¢ patient to draw supplemental gos flow {up to 36 LPM) with spontaneous effort. Designed for transport and ‘emergency medical use, the AutoVent 2000 delivers from 400 ml to 1200 ml volume. The AutoVent 3000 delivers from 200 to 1200 mi in volume. Specifications for the LSP AutoVent 2000/3000, including the Patient Valve Assembly, Control Module, ‘and Regulators intended for use with this device, are included in the Appendix ofthis manual. The Life Support Products AutoVent 2000/3000 represent a major breakthrough in pneumatic. Both AutoVents deliver Peak Prossuro up to 6045 om H,0 at flow rates from 12 to 36 liters per minute (LPM) They are small, compact units ideally suited for ‘emergency and transport situations a! femperature coxtremes from O°F fo 125°F. Operating power is obt standard 50 p: gas. They are simple to ‘assomble and operate, ‘and their funclions are easily understood. The Ventilators meet or exceed the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines for resuscitation ‘An Audible lorm sounds whenever technology. They are inlended for he ventilatory assistance of patients following cardiac arrest, near drowning, trauma, other circumstances requiring venlotory assistance. ventilatory pressures ‘approach the preset pressure limit, alerting the operator. This alarm will continue to sound until the airway pressure drops or the system cycles to the expiratory phase. WARNING: Use only as directed. Improper usage or unauthorized, modification of this product may result in user or patient injury. ‘HGURE 1, AUrovENT2000/3000 USE OF THE OPERATING MANUAL Explanation of Warnings/Cautions/ Notes ey “This operating manual forthe Life Support Products AutoVent 2000/3000 Automatic Ventlotors has been designed for ease of use in the paramedical and fold tronsport seling, lystrations are provided throughout this manual to provide the user with both a graphic and norrative description of the ventilators’ operating features. This operoting manuol contains three (3) types of statements with which the user should be aware, and are defined os followings: ‘WARNING: Potential injury to the patient or operator. These are always in boxes throughout] the text of the manual. CAUTION: Potential damage to the ventilator, breathing circuit, and/or other equipment may result. These are always in brackets throughout the text of the manual, **NOTE: An item of special interest concerning the use ‘and operation of the devico(s} or feature(s) being discussed is highlighted to note ease of use or understanding. These are always preceded and followed by asterisks throughout the tox! of the manual. ** WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS SHOULD BE READ PRIOR TO OPERATING THE LSP AUTOVENT 2000/3000. AutoVent2066/2000 3 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS The AutoVent 2000/3000 are time cycled, constant AND FEATURES flow, gas powered ventilators. This feature allows the ventilators’ automatic rale fo be set by the operator from 8 to 15 breaths per minute (BPM), in the AutoVent 2000 version, and 8 to 20 BPM in the AutoVent 3000 version. Should the patient require additional breaths, these can be obiained on demand by making on inspiratory effort on the patient valve. PATIENT VALVE The patient valve delivers compatible with masks and Figure 2 indicates the ASSEMBLY both controlled and other airway devices. individual components spontaneous breaths to the The patient valve allows which make up the Patient patient. It conss's of a spontaneous breothing Valve Assembly demand valve, 0 visual upon demand ifthe patient indicator, pressure limit makes an inspiratory effort **NOTE: Since the patient ‘lar, and exhalation of 2 cm.H,0. {the BPM valve and control module vole. Inhas. standard control may be tuned fo area matched set with 15mm. inside the "O" position iFdesired identical serial numbers, diameter/22mm. ouside for this purpose.) do not separate. If used diameter adopter, which is with other unis, seting may not bo accurate.** (tenn eee ae ——wemnmen ae ons mers source mer Og assume un AAR ror viw << omnes soseren {Earataon vaLe mse) BEV FIOURE 2, PATIENT VALVE ASSEMBLY Visval Indicator The visual indicator Is located on the top of he Patient ‘YSUAL NOIEATOR Valve Assembly. This indicator displays bright groen as 90s flows during inspiration. During expiration, the indicator dome is clear. The visual indicalor does not indicate on spontaneous breaths. FrouRE 9 AxtoVent2900/2635 Source Gas Inlots ‘An audible pressure limit alarm is located in the Patient Valve Assembly. This alarm sounds whenever the pationt alirwoy pressure approaches the designed pressure li The Pressure Limit Alarm will gphtinue lo sound during the inspiratory phase until either the cirway pressure decreases cor the ventilator cycles off to begin the expiratory phase. In addition to functioning as a high pressure alarm the ‘olarm module also provides additional air entrainment during the Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation [MV] mode should the patien’s inspiratory flow cate exceed the flow delivery from the control module. The entrainment of ‘ambient air occurs through the blue rubber diaphragm located on the side of the alarm module, WARNING: If the fnaximum pressure reached, the pre-set tidal volume may not be delivored te the patient. Inspiratory time will remain constant, however, and an inspiratory hold will be maintained with no additional volume being delivered until the ventilator cycles to the expiratory phase. This warning also appears under Tidal Volume in the Performance iractoristics, WARNING: Should the blue rubber diaphragm. blow outward from the alarm module's air entrainment ports, remove the AutoVent immediately from service, and contact your LSP distributor. Located on the side of the Patient Valve Assembly, he inlets conrect the Patient Valve wih the Control Module. The top inlet: (1) Supplies the actuator assembly and is @ nippled connector. The botiom inlet: (2} Supplies source {gos lo the patient and is a diameter index sofely system (DISS) oxygen connector. PRESSURE LIMIT ALARM, FIGURE 4, FIGURE 5. AutoVent20S9/3500 5 Exhalation Valve ‘The exhalation valve is an internal diaphragm located on amr VAtve the inside of the Patient Valve Assembly. The exhalation { valve allows the patient fo exhale through the Patient Valve Assembly once the inspiratory cycle is completed, whether ventilator-contalied, or on demand. This valve con be ‘accessed by removing the outlet adapter on the Patient Valve Assombly. CONTROL MODULE ‘The Control Modules for DAL VOU the AutoVent 2000/3000 are designed to be compaci, durable and easy to use. The units are constructed to porform in the difficult environments of paramedic or transport operations. Their features include an impactresistant cose with shock absorbing bumpers and easy to read controls for independently setting Breaths Per Minute (BPM), Tidal Volume ond Inspiratory Time (AutoVent 3000 only). The reverse side of the case also has simplified operating instructions for ease of ‘operation, patient vaive “OUniETS 7 indicates the idval components weno he lar eo FIGURE 7. CONTROL MODULE AutoVent2000/ss00 Source Gas Inlet Patient Valve Outlets Breaths Per Minute (BPM) Tidal Volume (V,) Located on the lef side of the Control Module and marked with an arrow, the source gos inlet isa standard ‘diameter index safety system (DISS) male oxygen connector. When a high pressure line is allached io a 50 psi source ga from a cylinder or bulk oxygen source, this gas is delivered to the Control Module and cycled for delivery io the Patient Valve Assembly. ‘An Alr/Oxygen Blender can also be inserted inline with this system, between the source and the ventilator, to deliver a specified oxygen concentration, **NOTE: Use of an Oxygen Analyzer is recommended prior fo palient use in order fo accurately measure the desired oxygen concentration fo be delivered. ** Located on the right side of the Control Module body and marked with orrows, the patien! valve oullels connect th Contel Mala wih he Fx Ylvo Assombly. The top oullet (1] Supplies source gas fo the Patient Valve Assembly at constant flow dnd is © diameter index safely system (DISS) oxygen connector, The bottom outlet: (2) Supplies the Patient Valve Actuator and is a unique 7/16 inch threaded female connector. This contol seis the ventilator rate from 8 to 15 BPM in the AvtoVent 2000 vorsion, and from 8 fo 20 BPM in the ‘AuioYen! 3000 versiun Adjusting the uals lockwise decreases the breathing rate and adjusting counter clockwise incroases the rate. Source gas is available on demand, even inthe "0" position up to 36 IPM depending on Tidal Volume setting, from the Patient Valve Assembly fo cllow the patient to breathe spontaneously This contro adjusts the volume avcilable fo the patient during a breath and is agjustable from 400 ml to 1200 ml in the AutoVent 2000 version, and from 200 to 1200 mil in the AAvloVen! 3000 version. Turning the knob clockwise increases fidol volume. Turning he knob counter clockwise decreases fide volume. Following a volume adjusimen! change, the tidal volume stabilizes afier one breath and remains constant. WARNING: If the maximum pressure limit is reached, the pre-set tidal volume may not be delivered to the patient. Inspiratory time will remain constant, however, and an inspiratory hold will be maintained with no additional volume being delivered until the ventilator cycles to the expiratory phase. This warning also appears under Pressure Limit Alarm SOURCE OAS INLET Module in the Performance Characteristics. FIGURE 10. ‘AurOvENT 2000 -AUTOVENT 3000 FOUR 11. AuTOVENT 2000 AUTOvENT 3000, Autovent2000/s0Se Tidal Volume (Vi) (Continued) Inspiratory Time (i) Patient Valve Supply Tubing and Oxygen Line Non-Rebreathing Valve and Corrugated Hose z “*NOTE: is recommended that you periodically check the performance characteristics of the AutoVent 2000/3000 during maintenance by placing a pressure manometer in line withthe patient circuit near the oullet fo verily inspiratory pressures ond the accuracy ofthe pressure alarm lmit.** ‘his control knob in he conor posiion ofthe AutoVen! 3000 cllows adjustment of the potient's inspiratory lime. The two selings allow selection of Adult ond Child inspiratory tine respectively, The inspivalory tie for he circled orange child selling is approximately 1 second ond when seleciod cortesponds 10 the circled orange selings onthe BPM ond Tidal Volume oni! knobs. The Insptaiory lime forthe while Adul sein i ‘opproximalely 2 seconds ond when selected cortsponds othe GURE VIA, while setings onthe BPM and Tidal Volume contol knobs. The ‘AujoVent 2000 hos 0 preset inspiroory tine of approximately 2 seconds. [ CAUTION: When you select telson or Child Setting, rotate the center control knob to the appropriate setting and position it against either of the end stops. WARNING: Should the inspiratory time contro! knob on the AutoVent 3000 be adjusted after i alter the patient's BPM ond Tidal Volume settings. The patient valve supply tubing is a specially consirucied twin polyurethane hose enclosed in a PVC jacket. It is threa feet in length and has one portion with DISS fiings a both ends while he ather section is designed for nipple connection ot cone end and for connection lo the unique 7/16 inch female connector (on the Control Module) at the other end. The oxygen line is standard oxygen tubing with DISS filings at both ends. PATIINT VALVE SUPPLY TUBING oURE 12, Part number 1496 Non-Rebreathing Valo is designed to allow a simple method for providing P.E.E.P, (positive-eid-expiratory-pressure) to a patient. Atlach one end of the corrugated flex tube to the patient valve assembly. Alfach the opposite end {o the inlet port on the P/N L496 [see diagram) NON-REBREATHING valve. Both these connections are frelon fit, so be valve sure to slide the flex tube over each connection as far as possible. A this point, you are sett install ‘coRRUGATED Host your P.E.E-P. produc in he appropriate pot. AutoYent2000/so02 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION OF THE AUTOVENT 2000/3000 PATIENT VALVE ASSEMBLY ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, After opening your new LSP AutoVent 2000/3000, ‘xamine the shipping carton and contents, Lay out contents so that each component is identifiable, os displayed below (Figure 13). Ifthe carton is crushed, previously opened, or shows other signs of damage, notify the corrier immediately to file @ claim. Do not use the unit on a patient uni it has been tested and performs as specified. The complete LSP AuioVent 2000/3000, P/N 1460, ond AutoVent 3000 Automatic Ventilator, P/N LA61, consists of the following component pars , PATIENT VALVE SUPPLY TUBING Description AV 2000 Part No,» AV 3000 Part No. One Conkol Modula L462 L463 ‘One Patient Valve Assy. — - ‘One Patient Valve Supply Tubing 535114 is35114 ‘One Oxygen Line 1535026 1535026 NonRebreathing VaWwe 496 496 NON REBREATHING VALVE & Corrugated Hose 1535124010 1535124010 CORRUGATEO HOSE Operator Manvel 1909005224 1909005224 See “NOTE: Appendix A provides a list of suggested equipment for use in conjunction with or in support of the LSP AutoVent 2000/3000. ** “*NOTE: Read all instructions carefully prior to setup and ‘operation of this unit, Particular attention should be paid to all warnings, caufions and notes in order to assure proper performance during use.” * WARNING: This device operates with medical gases under pressure, including ‘oxygen. Do not use this device while smoking or near open WARNING: Should a mechanical prob develop or the pai appears to be experiencing difficulty while connected to this unit, disconnect the unitimmediately | | flames. Do not use and ventilate by other | | oil on this device or means. If unable to | | operate near determine the cause flammable materials. of the problem, the unit should be returned to an authorized AutoVent WARNING: This device should only be operated by qualified personnel under approved medical direction. CAUTION: In order to provide optimal performance, check all source gas supplies to assure only clean, dry gas is used, fre of contaminants and/or liquids. Auiovent2300/3000 Instructions for Use of the AutoVent 2000/3000 with Oxygen Cylinders Regulator Attachment Remove plastic wrap When mounting @ pia from oxygen cylinder valve index regulotor (SP P/N} outlet. 1270020, 1270030, \. Point the cylinder valve 1735-060, or other inc safe direction before approved regulator) on a ‘opening the valve. oylinder, moke sure the Removo all dirt and debris gasket is properly from cylinder valve by positioned on the inlet cracking” the cylinder sem fo preven! oxygen or prior fo altaching the source gas leakage. pressure regulotor. Tighten the regulator [°Cracking® consists of yoke by hand using the slowly opening the cylinder *T" handle assembly. [The valve and allowing a brie! use of tools may result in flow of gas to occur prior damage to the regulator). to altaching the regulator). Control Module Attachment Connect the other end of the oxygen supply line fo the source gas inlet on the Control Modul. Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing tothe Patient Valve oullets ofthe Conlrol Module, Hand tighten the DISS connector and the unique 7/16 inch actuator connector fo the Control Module. ‘Connect tho twin hose to the source gas inlets on the Patient Valve Assembly. The fitings allow for proper connection only. Hand tighten the DISS connector fo the Patient Valve Assembly. Exar ine the cylinder pressure gauge. This can be used to indicate eylinder contents since the pressure is proportional fo the amount of remaining oxygen. A portable cylinder is essentially emply when the pressure hos fallen 10 200 psig. LSP P/N 1280-020, 160.060, or other regulators complying with Compressed Gos Association (CGA guidelines, mount on cylinders with CGA 540 corine’ctions. ‘Connect the oxygen high pressure line to the 50 psig gas oullet on the regulator. FlOuRE 14, Autoventas00/s0oo Instructions for Use of the AutoVent 2000/3000 with ‘Oxygen Cylinders (Continued) Instructions for Use of the AutoVent 2000/3000 a ‘Wall Outlet Employing @ Quick Connection Adapter **NOTE: Check all line and tubing connections for leaks. Ifa leak occurs, check that the previous fitting instructions have been followed correclly.** CAUTION: Read all CAUTION: Always instructions make sure an thoroughly before adequate supply of cylinder valve is in the opening the cylinder | | oxygen or source gas | | closed or off position valve, Connect all is available for patient | | (fully clockwise) prior coxygen/source gas use and transport. Iris | | to disconnecting the pressure lines tothe | | advisable to havea _| | tubing assembly or LSP AutoVent back-up regulator removing the 2000/3000 and available to facilitate | | regulator from the Patient Valve change-over in the oxygen cylinder. Assembly prior to use. | | event a cylinder caade Assure all high transfer needs to be pressure outlets are | | made. plugged and cylinders turned off or closed when not in use. Use standard approved quick release connectors intended for use with cylinder banks oF transport gas supplies, atiached io 50 psig high pressure lines. Connect tho other end of ihe oxygen supply high pressure line tothe source gas inlet port of the Control Module. ‘Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing to the Patient Valve oullets ofthe Control Module. Handtighten the DISS connector and the unique 7/16 inch actualor connector to the Control Module, Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing and the actuator supply tubing tothe inlet ports on the Patient Valve Assembly. The fitings allow for proper connection only Hand tighten the DISS connector fo the Palien! Valve Assombly. Insert the quickrelease adapler into the corresponding well oulet ond assure itis propery in place with an ‘ucible snap or click. Pull firmly on the adapter to check its proper insertion **NOTE: Immediately check all pressure lines and tubing for leaks. Ifo leak occurs, check that the previous fiting Instructions have boon followed correclly.. Check that ail line and tubing connections have been adequately hand lightened. ** FiouRe 15. AutoVent2002/3000 Instructions for Use of the AutoVent 2000/3000 with an Air/Oxygen Blender nW Instructions for this application are essenially identical to those for use with either eyinder or wall oult systems. The high low blender system should be connected fo the source gases as per manufacturers instructions. The blender then becomes he aliachment site for the source gas supply line to the Control Module. CAUTION: Always follow the blender manufacturer's instructions, contained in the blender product manual, for exact connection of the blender to eylinders or wall sources. Always use a high-flow blender (15 LPM to 150 LPM) for ventilatory application. **NOTE: Make sure a compressed air source and oxygen source are available prior fo using a blender.** Connect the alher end of the oxygen supply high pressure line (source gas supply line) to the source gas inlet port of the Control Module Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing to the Patient Velve outlets ofthe Control Module. Handighien the DISS connector and the unique 7/16 inch actuator connector to the Control Modul. Connect the Patient Valve supply tubing ond the actuator supply tubing to the inlet ports on the Patient Valve Assembly. The fitings allow for proper connection only. Hand tighten the DISS connector to the Patient Valve Assembly. **NOTE: Immediately check all pressure lines and tubing for leaks, Ifa leak occurs, check that the previous fiting instructions have been followed correclly.. Check that all line and tubing connections have been adequately hand tightened.** **NOTE: Assure the delivery of precise oxygen concenirations when using a blender by inserting an ‘oxygen monitor probe in the gas delivery system at the patient valve oullet prior fo patient use.** WARNING: Always check or change the source gases if « low pressure blender alarm sounds, distinguished by a continuous high-pitched hum. AutoVent230S/3600 12 Ventilator Check-Out 1. Check the ventilator system for proper funciion by performing the following tests: ‘Set the BPM control knob fo the selfing marked "12" (Adult for AutoVent 3000) ‘Set the Tidal Volume (Vi) control knob to 800 mi. © Set the Inspiratory Time control knob to the adult setting —{] on the AutoVent 3000. {Inspiratory time is preset on the AvioVen! 2000). Rotote the control knob clockwise _ omic Unlil its against the end stop on the adult set : * Count the number of complete ventilator cycles for @ Go seconos full miaute.. At the checkout setting, there should be 12 Twcpmavonv ume BPM delivered, with « 2 second inspiration and 3 2c. a second expiration per breath TXPIRATORY TIME sk, 2, Occlude the outlet of the patient Valve Assembly. An a audible pressure limit alarm should sound after the ventilator cycles, indicating the designed pressure limit has been reached. **NOTE: The pressure limit alarm should sound throughout the latter porion of the broath after reaching the pressure limi, and stop when the ventilator cycles to expiration. ** “NOTE: AutoVents & patient Valves are serialized and calibrated to work together and should remain _ together forthe life of the products 3. Tee! the unit for proper function prior to each patient use. Refer to Maintenance section for this procedure (page 14). 4, Should the unit fail o operate properly al any time, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide {page 16.) Disconnect the patient from the ventilator any time the unit does not appear 10 be operating propery. unable To determine the cause of problem, conkat life Support Producs for service. 5. Cleon the unit after each use (refer to the Maintenance section for detailed instructions ‘on page 14), 6. Always store the unit in a clean, dry ploce. PATIENT USE **NOTE; ifthe ISP Automatic Ventilotor is to be powered by a cylinder, be sure to turn on the cylinder valve slowly.** WARNING: This device should only be operated by qualified personne! under approved medical direction. Check for obstructions inthe patents throat or mouth (vomitus, foreign bodies, broken dentures, etc, and remove if presen!, in accordance wilh prevailing standards. Set the volume to equal 8 to 10 ml. for every kg. of body weight; e.g., 70 kg. patient equal 700 ml. volume. ‘WARNING: The AutoVent 3000 is not recommended for use with patients less than 20 kg. The AutoVent 2000 is not recommended for use wit patient less than 40 kg. AutoVent2e00/s0e0 PATIENT USE (Continued) Set the BPM control knob to the desired setting. Refer to the auick stp Insrvtons on he back ofthe Cont Modul or guidelines, Sel he inspiratory time control knob to the desiced adult or child position. Rotate the control knob to eilher position until it is against tho end stop. (AutoVent 3000] Set the Tidal Volume control knob to the desired volume. Gedude, he oullet port ofthe Patent Valve Assembly. Allow the ventilator to cycle to ensure proper operation of he volve and pressure limit alarm. Use with a standard resuscitation mask: fer inital Control Module setings have been made and a patient cirwoy is established, install he mask on he outlet adopler of the Patient Valve Assembly and place on the patient **NOTE: Follow estoblshed procedural guidelines fr opening ‘and maintaining a pation! airway. ** Use on patients with an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube in place: fe inlcl contol Module selings have been made, conned the Ptient Vale Assembh Jotheendochea or acheosomy ube adapter (1m, ide doi 20, cate emer diners low he connection). **NOTE: A humidlcaion device is recommended i he patient thos an andockacheal ube or kacheoslomy tube in place. Check the following parameters immediately ofter conneciing the patient fo the ventilator. (1) BPM - Using the second hand on your watch, count the number of breaths delivered to the patient for one full minute. If you need lo increase or decrease the rate, ‘adjust the BPM conirol knob accordingly, checking the rate again once the adjustment has been made, (2)Tidat Volume - Observe patient for adequate chest rise cand fall (chest excursion}. Chest excursion should be normal and equal on bot sides. If he chest does not tise, check the airway and evaluate for other injuries to the thoracic area. Recheck the fidal volume setting. {3} Inspiratory Time - With the AutoVent 3000 ensure that the Inspiratory Time control knob is se! appropriately cand all the way against the appropriate end stop. (AutoVent 3000 only.) 13 HoURE 20. "NOTE: Ifthe pressure Increase the volume limit alarm sounds during delivered to the patient, the inspiratory phase and until adequate ches? edequate chest movoment movement occurs, by” does not occur, on rotating the Tidal Volume increase in airway control knob in a clockwise resistance, a blocked direction. Disconnect the airway and/or a stiff lung patient from the ventilator is indicated, ‘and atamp! to ventilate via other means ifadjustments do not result in sotislactory ventilation ofthe patient. For addtional information, refer fo the Troubleshooting Guide.** (page 16) AutoVent2090/360S 14 PATIENT USE IF the patient is being replacement, perform WARNING: Monitor (Continued) venlilted by mask, check ‘Maneuver with minimal the patient closely the patient frequently for interruption to ventilation of | while using the signs of vomiting. Should the patient.** demand mode. vomiting occur, remove the Should patient begin Should the patient's mask to prevent aspiration _ breathing spontaneously respirations slow, which moy cause airway {on effort of -2 em.H,0 will | become shallow or obsiuction, activate the demand valve) | labored, return to Immediately cleor the it may be desirable to initial automatic mask and Patient Volve decrease or tun the Ventilator settings Assembly of any forsign __—_venilator rate (BPM) to he | immediately. moterial, reestablish the *0* position, This will patient's airway, and alow ihe pate! to bene Taste. resume ventilation, ‘spontaneously. Pensa The ventilator will deliver | TYSMNO_| HOW GPM ventilation with the Potient 100% source gas tothe | apuit | cx Valve Assembly, use a patient on demand, up to ao | 20] 2 resuscitator bag or perform 36 LPM depending onthe} sco | s00 | 18 mouthtomask tidal volume setting (See ter aoe) ie resuscitation, Table |.). Any volume 1000 | 500 0 **NOTE: Ifa compressed _fequired by the patient in 1200 | 600 6 gas cylinder is used, check 9x08 ofthe indicated ae the cylinder contents source gas flow rate (see Svs ers Bovensomepietderrt frequently; should the Table || will be supplied cylinder require ‘by ambient air. MAINTENANCE OF THE **NOTE: Gloves and prolective coverings are LSP AUTOVENT recommended when performing ett und cleuning | WARNING: Cleaning 2000/3000 of patient care equipment.** Pea **NOTE: Clean and disinfect the ventilator afer each uso. | Environment free of Re-cerify calibration of AuioVent once c year. ** oil and petroleum- “Note: AutoVents should be checked based products. for calibration annually. Cleaning and 1, Cleaning and Leave hoses connected so you do not ge! water inside. Disinfecting Disinfecting the Control Equipment haa Follow established protocol regarding frequency of leaning Do ee submerge the Contel Module _ a Toke *=NOTE: a clean cloth soaked in a dotergen! solution and wipe of SOE what wilret any reside from surfoce. Control Module. ** Wipe thoroughly. Take a clean cloth soaked in an 80% isopropyl alcohol solution or a cold chemical disinfecting solution, and wipe tenire surface of Conirol Module. Rinse Thoroughly being careful not fo get any liquid inside the control module. Take o clean cloth and dry surface of Control Module. Test Conirol Module before use. Autovent2000/3600 15 Cleaning and 2. Cleaning and WARNING: Clean and disinfect the Patient Disinfecting Equipment isinfecting the Patient | Assembly after every use. (Continued) Valve Assembly Remove the outlet adapter and exhalation volve assembly from the Patient Valve Assembly. Leave tubing assembly connected. Clean all foreign mater from the components with a mild soap solution, being careful no! fo gat any liquid inside the Patient Valve Assembly, Rinse the paris thorough water. Immerse the outlet adapter and the exhalation valve cossembly from the Palient Valve in a disinfectant or bacteriocidal solution for a minimum of 10 minutes. Remove the outlet adapter and the exhalation valve ‘ossembly from the solution and rinse thoroughly with water. Rinse repeatedly to assure that all the solution is removed. Place the Patient Valve, outlet side down, into a shallow container with not more than 1/2 inch of disinfectant or bacteriocidal solution. The Patient Valve should remain in this solution for a minimum of 10 minutes. Leave tubing assembly connected. Remove the Patient Valve from the solution ond rinse thoroughly with water. Dry assembly using approved stondord methods such as hot cir drying. Aer drying, corehully examine the parts ofthe Polient Valve Assembly. Discard any cracked or damaged parts cond replace as necessary. Prior to reassembling the entire unit, inspect all ines ond tubing fillers for contominants, replacing as necessary Reconnect the tubing cssembly to the filings. Check the exholation valve ‘assembly to assure the flapper valve is not twisted and the locating bosses are properly positioned, (Figure 25) FIGURE 24, Autovent290/2000 16 Cleaning and tocamoinexts [ CAUTION: ‘IF the flapper valve is twisted or the Disinfecting Equipment locating bosses are not properly positioned, the (Continued) Patient Valve Assembly will not function properly. Always make sure the valve is flat and properly seated. Immediately after cleaning, reassemble the Potiont Valvo Fount 25. Assembly and connect fo the Control Module. Turn on the ‘oxygen supply and allow the ventilator. to cycle severcl = times to blow out any liquid which may have gotten inside ee O55) during the cleaning process. “a a Test the uni for proper function prior fo each patient use. eB Attach on inflatable test lung, P/N L109, to the Patient = Valve Assembly outlet and complete the test at different ae ae rates and tidal volumes. 3. Cleaning the Non- Clean after each use. All components of the P/N L496 Rebreathing Valve Non Rebreathing Valve are autoclavable, To disassemble, unscrew the valve inlt from the oulle! and remove the duckbill diaphragm. The individual componenis can now be cleaned, If ovtoclaving systems are not aveilable, you may also sterilize via cidex or olher bacleriocidel solution. Be sure to rinse and dry oll parts thoroughly before re- assembling. After cleaning, inspect all parts for damage or breakoge. Replace ony damaged or broken pats. STORAGE OF THE Store the unt in a clean, dry areo within o temperature LSP AUTOVENT range of 40°F to 160°F. 2000/3000 ‘Altar long periods of storage, tho unit should be fully tested before use in accordance with the checkout procedures inthis manual TROUBLESHOOTING INDICATION PROBABLE CAUSE SOLUTION GUIDE FOR THE sai a Pee Bere LSP AUTOVENT Decreased tidal volume or Leak around mask or Check all connections for 2000/3000 decreased chest expansion Patient Valve tubing leaks Inappropriate volume Check Contra! Module setting setting and adjust as requited Inappropriate inspiratory Check Control Module Time setting {AV 3000) coiling and adjust os required Decreased lung Eyalvate patient and compliance and/or correct as required by increased airway ‘adjusting Control Module resistance setlings Airway secretions Clear airway of secretions AutoVent2000/30S9 7 TROUBLESHOOTING Increased tdol volume or Volume seling to high ‘Check Control Module GUIDE increased chest expansion setings ond adjust volume (Continued) 1s required Increased lung compliance Inappropriate inspiratory Time selling {AV 3000) Pressire ‘Airway blockage, kinked. beginning of ngpralory tubing, and/or irereased phase airway resstanco Pressure limit clarm during ‘Increased airway inspiratory phase Decreated lung compliance Coughing Increased airway secretions Failure of tho ventilator lo Gat source failure cycle Cylinder valve closed BPM control knob in "0" position Loose connections Disconnected acluotor tubing Kinked oxygen supply line and/or acolo Wing Regulator failure ‘Malfunctioning Control Module Failure of the pressure limit Alarm outlet is plugged with alarm debris or hos mallonctioned Exell pati ond coe 105 required by adjusting Control Module Setings Check Control Module siting and adjust as ‘equired Clear airway of secretions ‘or foreign matter; check endotracheal lube; check venilotor tubing Evaluate patient and adjust ventilators as required Evaluate patient and correct ‘as required by adjusting Control Module setings ‘Attempl to alleviate coughing Clear airway secretions Change oxygen cylinder if being used. or evaluate cond check gos source outlet. Open cylinder vale flly ‘Adjust BPM knob to desired role Tighten connections Reconnect tubing Straighten tubing Change regulator Remove om pote’ ard ventilate by alternate Remove and dean, or replace AuioVeni2OS0/3000 WARRANTY INFORMATION SUMMARY OF WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS Warranty Repair Service 18 Please complete and return the Warrénty Regiskation card inclosed with your AvtoVen! 2000/3000 as soon as possible. Please read the following limited warranty carefully: In the event your LSP AuioVen! 2000/3000 Automatic Ventilator needs servicing, the following steps will help to censure that the repair service is processed promplly, Conteet your aulhorized life Suppor Products distributor, or life Suppor! Products before returning product for repair/service. Mailing Address: Shipping Address: Life Support Products life Support Products 1720 Sublette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 Telephone: (314) 771-2400 (800] 444.3954 Repackage the Control Module and Patient Valve Assembly, providing adequale packaging material to protect the module during shipment. This warrony is not valid ifthe Control Module or Pation! Valve Assembly show signs of misuse, being opened, cltered or modified in any way other than its intended use. **NOTE: Some warnings and cautions appear more than once throughout the manual. They appear in tis summary to help direc! the user to the proper page and section of this manwal.** Page Number 4 Warnings Ifthe maximum pressure limit is reached, the pre-set tidal volume may not be delivered to the patient. Inspraiory time will main constant, however, and an inspicatory hold vill be maintained with no additional volume being delivered unil he Ventilator cycles tothe expiratory phase. This warning also appears under Tidal Volume in the Performance Characteristics. Should the blue rubber diaphragm blow outward from the alarm module's air enleainment ports, remove the AutoVent immediately from service. And contac! your \SP Distibutor. Ifthe maximum pressure limit is reached, the preset tidal volume may not be delivered fo the patient. Inspiratory time will eemain constant, however, and an inspiratory hold be maintained with no addional volume being dolivered uni the ventilator cycles fo Ihe expiratory phase. This warning also appears under the Pressure Limit Alarm Module in the Performance Characteristics. AutoVent2590/2069 9 SUMMARY OF Page Number WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS a (Continued) 12 4 4 15 Warnings ‘Should the inspiratory time control knob on the AvioVent 3000 be adjusted afior intial setup, it will alter the patient's BPM and Tidal Volume. The P/N L496 Non Rebreathing valve is no! for use in toxic atmospheres, Should a mechanical problem develop or the patient appears to be experiencing diliclly while connected to this unit, disconnect the unit immediately and ventilate by oiher means. If unable fo determine the cause of the problem, he unit should be returned fo an authorized AuloVent Support Center for service. This device operates with modical gases under pressure, including oxygen. Do no! use oil on this device or operate near flammable materials This device should only be operted by a qualified personnel under approved medical direction Always check or chango the source goses if a low pressure blender alarm sounds distinguished by a ‘continuous high-pitched hum. This device should only be operated by qualified personnel under approved medicol direction. The AvtoVen! 3000 is nol recommended for use with patients less than 20kg, The AuioVent 2000 fs not Fecommended for use with patients less than 40kg. Monitor the patients closely while using the demand mode. Should the patient's respirations slow, become shallow or labored, return to intial avtomatic ventilator sellings immediately. Cleaning procedures mus! be performed in an environment fee of oil and petroleum-based products. Clean and disinfect the patien! vale afer every use. ‘Cautions In order to provide oplimal performance, check all source gos supplies to assure only clean, dry gas is used, free of contominations and/or liquids,

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